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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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Utama Incorporated
Astral Alliance
#141 - 2013-11-19 18:20:08 UTC
Confirming bug regarding notes in the show info window for characters. The note is wiped clean instead of being saved. This is a critical bug for me since I may have notes on over a thousand characters, which helps me greatly in keeping track of previous communications, etc, but if I show info on any of them now, I seem to risk losing the note. My job becomes a lot more difficult without showing info on characters.

Reloaded Main: Astevon | Creator of the Anti-ganking channel, and

Eto Tekai
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#142 - 2013-11-19 18:24:58 UTC
Noticing graphical FPS slowdown in the new patch that did not exist before.

With everything set on low it feels like im flying in a forsaken hub cloud 100% of the time. the same slowness when pan'ing the camera is now all the time.

Cache cleared already, did not help.
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#143 - 2013-11-19 18:30:21 UTC
Not sure about others but my ESC menu is slow as hell to show up. Takes 1-2 seconds. This is just weird considering that the computer doesn't seem to have issues running the eve client itself (3570k 16 GB, 6950 )
Quish McQuiddy
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#144 - 2013-11-19 18:38:30 UTC
Quish McQuiddy wrote:
Massive framerate fluctuation with two clients running - both going from 60 to 30 oscillating. Totally unplayable.

No change to my setup - quad core i5, 12 gig ram, radeon 6950

0.0 59.84
0.2 59.53
0.4 30.10
0.6 29.88
0.8 59.78
1.0 60.71
1.2 31.87
1.5 31.15
1.7 57.05
1.9 59.85
2.1 31.08

Switched to dx9 mode on launcher - back to 60 fps on both.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#145 - 2013-11-19 18:39:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Axhind wrote:
Not sure about others but my ESC menu is slow as hell to show up. Takes 1-2 seconds. This is just weird considering that the computer doesn't seem to have issues running the eve client itself (3570k 16 GB, 6950 )

Exactly the same here, i posted earlier too and uploaded a video. Though i am impatient i appreciate there are people with far more serious problems.

You will also notice the same delay has been introduced between clicking 'launch' and the client visibly opening.

An acknowledgement from CCP that they will look into it when they can would be appreciated though.

A video of the bug

EDIT - I used the launcher to start EVE in DX9 mode. This fixed the pausing when hitting escape and the options inside the menu.

Unfortunately for me, i find the launcher obtrusive and slow in comparison to the old way of logging in. So i would like a way to launch eve in DX9, while using a shortcut link to the eve binary.

Whats the extension to do that?
Captain Ravenblade
#146 - 2013-11-19 18:41:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Ravenblade
Major crash on my Mac. Launches fine, client is fine up until after the character selection screen where I get a black background. It might work for literally half a second (long enough for the neocon to flash up and hide again) and then my whole computer freezes, forcing a cold restart. Every time. Tried the repair tool, that didn't work… Not sure what else would. Any other Mac users got this?

This is a early 2011 13" MBP, 2.7ghz, 4GB, iOS 10.9.
Eto Tekai
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#147 - 2013-11-19 18:44:55 UTC
Quish McQuiddy wrote:
Quish McQuiddy wrote:
Massive framerate fluctuation with two clients running - both going from 60 to 30 oscillating. Totally unplayable.

No change to my setup - quad core i5, 12 gig ram, radeon 6950

0.0 59.84
0.2 59.53
0.4 30.10
0.6 29.88
0.8 59.78
1.0 60.71
1.2 31.87
1.5 31.15
1.7 57.05
1.9 59.85
2.1 31.08

Switched to dx9 mode on launcher - back to 60 fps on both.

This fixed my problem, thank you kind sir.
Bub Shepard
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#148 - 2013-11-19 18:45:01 UTC
Captain Ravenblade wrote:
Major crash on my Mac. Launches fine, client is fine up until after the character selection screen where I get a black background. It might work for literally half a second (long enough for the neocon to flash up and hide again) and then my whole computer freezes, forcing a cold restart. Every time. Tried the repair tool, that didn't work… Not sure what else would. Any other Mac users got this?

This is a early 2011 13" MBP, 2.7ghz, 4GB, iOS 10.9.

I'm having exactly the same issue. I also ran the repair tool and it didn't make any difference.
Caldari Advanced War Technologies
#149 - 2013-11-19 18:45:30 UTC
CCP Falcon's fix didn't work for me - screwed up install - now going through the joy of downloading new client while at peak time in the UK....Slooooow

Aineko Macx
#150 - 2013-11-19 18:49:12 UTC
- Invention tab and info is missing on Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane Blueprints
- Likewise, there are no requirements for activityID = 8 on the mentioned blueprints in the Static Data Export.
Reece Davis
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#151 - 2013-11-19 18:53:23 UTC
some of the images are not popping up either when i'm in station looking at the market or clicking on the info tabs.
Amarr Empire
#152 - 2013-11-19 18:56:37 UTC
Cliens crash at docking / undocking to the stations right after it should change to the next screen.
I tried with different settings but i am geting the same result.
Shiva Darksun
Amarr Empire
#153 - 2013-11-19 19:05:36 UTC
ForceM wrote:
Reporting DirectX 11 bug:

While Using DirectX 11:
Full Screen Client > switch to desktop and/or switch from desktop to full screen client takes 3 to 5 seconds with black screen.

While Using DirectX 9:
Full Screen Client > switch to desktop and/or switch from desktop to full screen client is instantly.

Tested this on multiple computers.
Core I7-4770k
Asus Geforce GTX 760 cards
Latest released drivers (1 even has the latest beta driver).

ps: I have the same issue with some of my other computers running on the Core i7 build in graphics controller.

For now i set my launchers to DirectX 9.

Bug reported using the report tool

Use Borderless mode (windowed full screen, I think it's called), enjoy instant alt-tab.
I always used it, and I even made it 1920x1080 while my monitor is 1920x1200, that allows me to see the taskbar and switch seamlessly between the game and whatever else I am doing.
Harry Forever
#154 - 2013-11-19 19:23:53 UTC
update stuck at 100% what should i do? restarted and same issue again...
xioshin kaiire
Wrong Hole.
#155 - 2013-11-19 19:26:56 UTC
Theodarum wrote:
Tetracycline wrote:
These are the Launcher errors i get on a Win7 64 system

please follow these steps. They are working and confirmed by other players.

Did not work for me on any of the three computers I have that I run the game on. Followed these steps to the letter 3 times, once on each machine. Two of the machines I uninstalled the client completely and did a fresh instal.... no dice
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#156 - 2013-11-19 19:32:55 UTC
Astecus wrote:
Confirming bug regarding notes in the show info window for characters. The note is wiped clean instead of being saved. This is a critical bug for me since I may have notes on over a thousand characters, which helps me greatly in keeping track of previous communications, etc, but if I show info on any of them now, I seem to risk losing the note. My job becomes a lot more difficult without showing info on characters.

Confirming that this bug happens and that we are aware of it.

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Oshit Yourdead
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#157 - 2013-11-19 19:43:14 UTC
Update stuck at 100% 3/4. Tried again and same thing. Any ideasEvil
Tici Toc
Posique Corp
#158 - 2013-11-19 19:46:12 UTC
The Customs Code Expertise skill does not reduce the 17% Planetary on Planetary Customs Offices.

I have trained to level 2 and have seen no decrease in the rate stated on the PCO panel and no change in the taxes charged to import or export.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#159 - 2013-11-19 19:51:39 UTC
Not sure if it's Rubicon related, but I just got 2 minutes of traffic control while jumping from one fairly empty system into another fairly empty system. At the end of the timer, it said my clearance had expired, and I remained in the warp animation indefinitely until closing the game and reconnecting.

When I logged back in, I was still in the system from which I had tried to leave (lisudeh -> eredan gate).

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Martin Kato
Dark Rift Industrial
#160 - 2013-11-19 19:58:58 UTC
I'm not having any graphics problems but my mouse is out of sync, when i click on assets the science and industry tab lights up, so if i drag my mouse to the bottom of the screen it only goes half way same if i go to the right it wont go all the way i uninstalled the game 2x already still having same issue tried changing screen res, still no luck, i reset settings and cache no luck updated graphics drivers no luck . i have windows 7 64 bit and a Hd 5850 Graphics card