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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Solutio Letum
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#801 - 2013-11-18 17:02:41 UTC
A modular Mobile Depot

Different Version Exist.
Small (3 Slots)
Medium (6 Slots)
Large (8 Slots)

They are a Basic Struture that you can refit or put stuff into like mobile structure's
But each slots lets you put stuff on it to upgrade it like a ship.

Also Slots lets you put Hangar's on it to store a ship, for say, Large Modular Hangar (takes 4 Slots) Then you see it strapped onto it.

You could also put trading hubs where people can go and buy stuff in, with a beacon that display it in system. For Wormholes really. But you can still destroy it like mobile depots.

You could also to things that POS's can do in general, compressing minerals for ninja mining and so on. Like a little mobile home.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#802 - 2013-11-18 17:25:17 UTC
Ju0ZaS wrote:
Mobile siege turrets that can fit one capital gun on them to make pos killing easyer, since marauders are not getting dps increase from bastion. I guess essentially being able to deploy a sentry turret with out your own POS to shoot a POS.

You know how in the middle ages armies would use catapults and **** to attack a wall of a castle, well this would be a similar deal with a POS. I just thought about this equivalent, it makes so much sense. Must have in next expansion, CCP. :)

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

Safari Hunt Club
#803 - 2013-11-18 17:36:43 UTC  |  Edited by: HazeInADaze
Faction war structures. Bought with LP. Different sizes, from small and cheap to large and expensive. Deploys immediately but has HP amount and unachoring times proportional to size. Unachoring structure redeems LP based on value of enemy ships destroyed, up to a maximum determined by structure size. Destroying the structure is worth LP to the opposing side based on the LP cost of the structure. Ultimately this is a bet by the player that he can hold the field and redeem extra LP.

The risk is on the side of the structure owner, so the most profit should be there too. And after the fight is over the victor must unachor or destroy the structure: giving opportunity for the losing side to reship or call for backup. Or maybe even give a pirate the opportunity to ransom. Pirate
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#804 - 2013-11-18 18:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronny Hugo
A dyson sphere, though I know someone must have mentioned it. Dark solar systems would be epic (perhaps its not allowed where there are inhabited class M planets). Then player fusion units that look like miniature stars, I'm sure someone can figure out uses for them (perhaps they decrease scan strength around them because of nuclear fusion interference). And I think the stars are a bit too small, they're HUGE and the ships seem a bit too big in comparison. Huge gas giants also.

Other than that, I can only say that I want to see something grand. Like huge spinning rings, massive citys of POS's (like the Borg HQ), not only made my players, but made by NPCs by the help of players (fex missions done in a system contribute to the size and complexity of the local floating übercity). With no gravity there's no limit to the size of structures, so I'd like to see stuff the size of moons that are built over time by the effort of hundreds of players. Things that can and is destroyed from time to time, but also some things that remain forever.
Also, I would really like to see more things that look a bit more dark and sinister but also more bright and modern, more real than cartoonish, the new ships display that I think. White is also a darn good color in space, so huge white structures and ships would be epic. Perhaps domed city's with waterfalls and everything, manmade planets with artificial gravity and no atmosphere, everything in good sci-fi books. Everything epic. Its a digital world, you can do everything, 1 000 000 meters huge and 1 000 meters is just as easy.
Robby Altair
#805 - 2013-11-18 20:40:02 UTC
Mobile Starcake Easy-Bake oven. Entertain your friends with cake.

Mobile T3 Depots, with new & improved subsystems . Collect the whole set.


P.S. Just make it fun.

Room 3420 Boelter Hall UCLA

Lemming Alpha1dash1
Lemmings Online
#806 - 2013-11-18 21:49:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Lemming Alpha1dash1
Biomass processing plant; meat goes in one side, medical grade materials comes out the other.
Selling the processed DNA material to station clone services will lower your (corp/alliance) medical clone contract costs

PS: for DJ LMP it of course raises the clone contracts, he is a Biohazard Cool

Information is Ammunition,

War does not tolerate Ambiguities.

May you live in an interesting Empyrean age !

State War Academy
Caldari State
#807 - 2013-11-18 23:38:26 UTC
Minefields, managed like bubbles to avoid loading server with thousands of objects
Would be awesome 0.0 warfare tool

Minesfield from Galaxy Quest
Goat's Milk Galaxy INC.
#808 - 2013-11-19 01:39:24 UTC
Covert OPS Reveal UNIT.

Mobile Unit with 10% chance of uncloaking cloaked ship.

Cloak is Invulnerable and you can't take that away from active cloaky Pilots.

Cloaked for 17 hours AFK should be punished just like The Mobile Siphon Unit now punishes AFK Moon Mining POSES.
Yeshuar Antarea
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#809 - 2013-11-19 10:25:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Yeshuar Antarea
Quinn Oron wrote:
Let us deploy a deployable that prevents other deployers from deploying deployables.

Then, Sir, we would eventually have to deploy a deployable that prevents deployers from deploying deployables that prevent deployers from deploying deployables.

An anti-antideployable deployable, perhaps.
Amarr Empire
#810 - 2013-11-19 11:34:07 UTC
I would like to see a personal station building that you can store items and ore and have the ability to sell them while in high or low sec space that has the ability to defend itself but with an upkeep fee for the defense purpose.
Yeshuar Antarea
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#811 - 2013-11-19 11:35:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Yeshuar Antarea
-Mobile Wormhole stabilisation array

A structure that can be built on a wormhole to keep it open. Would need to be built both sides to activate. Possibly restrict it with fuel requirements / stront or nanite (such as a hauler or two's worth every few days), after wormhole collapses structure is destroyed but provides a wreck that can be salvaged


Structure stabilises wormhole but requires cap transfer to the array to activate wormhole portal - good way for a corp to claim WH territory.

-Deployable Capacitor batteries

Transfer capacitor to owner, very short range, different sizes. Last for 2 minutes, transfer charge size amount of battery every 5 seconds (so a Cap booster charge 100 battery would transfer 100Gj every 5 seconds as long as you were in range). For ships that cant quite fit cap charge boosters. Explode like a micro smartbomb for Thermal damage equivalent to charge size when destroyed. Large mass (takes up cargo) so pilots aren't dropping hundreds of the things

-Mobile Repair Depot

Pretty much your Mobile Depot with Repair facilities. Feed it with Scrap metal or Tritanium to fix your stuff.

On another topic, I think it would be awesome to have a "deployable ore hold" for mining barges that they could haul behind them. So when ore hold is full, pop out an ore container and hook it up behind you, repeat until all are full. Max 3 per barge, can't travel through gates but can be towed behind the barge in warp to station for processing. The catch is that your ore is sitting outside your ship, people can see that you have x amount of full containers, and you would move / warp slower by 20% per container.
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#812 - 2013-11-19 13:29:34 UTC
A small structure (such as the cyno jammer) that can be launched only in deadspace areas such as FW plexes.

10 second activation timer

It basicaly emits a pulse that shuts down all cloaks, and has the efect of reducing the warp core str to 0, on a 100 km radious.

I think this will be a benefic, awesome idea for fw :D (lets put the farmers to the test)

Now if you dont like the shut down cloack thing then just keep the "warp streght to 0" should be enough if you just decloack them


"Oh, you think nullsec is your ally. But you merely adopted nullsec; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!"

my eve youtube channel

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#813 - 2013-11-19 16:03:34 UTC
1. Stealth triangulation structure . Requires a minimum 3 structures, paints targets in say an area of 5AU between the structures. Smaller the cloaked ship, the more structures required to paint it.

2. Temporary deployable gate and station sentries (sov warefare)

3. Structure repair units.

4. Personal POCO
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#814 - 2013-11-19 16:16:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronny Hugo
Yeshuar Antarea wrote:
-Deployable Capacitor batteries

Transfer capacitor to owner, very short range, different sizes. Last for 2 minutes, transfer charge size amount of battery every 5 seconds (so a Cap booster charge 100 battery would transfer 100Gj every 5 seconds as long as you were in range). For ships that cant quite fit cap charge boosters. Explode like a micro smartbomb for Thermal damage equivalent to charge size when destroyed. Large mass (takes up cargo) so pilots aren't dropping hundreds of the things

So you nerf it? Why add it at all if it does not mix things up?

procedural stations, personal stations, corp stations, alliance stations, would be epic. The really rich players would have something like a huge artificial planet or moon with its own sims/simcity minigame. Really rich alliances would have hundreds of them in a grid. The stations have their own populations which give income in terms of taxes, like a huge simcity economy. Can interconnect economies to other such stations. Perhaps you must start with a personal station and then grow it up to alliance size (deathstar size) by upgrading more and more and building more and more. People go there to get jobs both in private sector and your "government" sector (decide yourself if you offer medical services etc, it decides if people want to live there and work there). And you can decide what cut you take in each portion of the economy (tolls, income tax, profit tax, service fees (food, water, sewage, power, artificial gravity, medical services, education services, law enforcement services, defense services, etc)).

Gates! Drop gates and supply them with fuel and pair them however you want (more fuel the longer the travel is). Different features for payment of those who use them (with option to for example not allow anyone but your own corp/alliance use them, or not allow enemies to use them but everyone else can use them, and lots of other variations). Fees would decide where players go (autopilot would need a "cheaper route" also), so anyone who try to charge an arm for passage would get left with an unused gate system.
48 hour reinforced timer on gates, can be remotely controlled from the other gate in the pair, also jumped to the other pair (so you can for example put a gate right into the enemy territory, and when it is found, you can jump it back without risking limbs).

Covert ops gates. Gates that can be placed so far away from the center of a solar system so that it is less likely to be probed, and don't easily get found.

Supercap stations. The size of moons (or deathstars), can fit hundreds of supercarriers, dozens of titans. No reinforced timer, but a lot of hp and a fairly decent turret system (both dps and logistics) that can be manually controlled by in-station players. But the turret system is just meant to buy time (you can repair the turrets and/or the station itself with the logistics turrets). Huge drone bay (so it can kick back lets say equivalent to 100 bombers in space at one time, testing would decide final numbers though). Perhaps alliance size procedural stations would be able to then upgrade to get the ability to dock supercaps. Then upgrade the number of each type of ship that can be docked, how much ore storage etc.

I could write a book honestly, but then I sort of need more than just a few likes Blink

EDIT: On the economy bit on the huge stations, I'm gushing over with ideas about that which add gameplay without wrecking things, and is within the plan of "more player control over the universe". Would love to take a few months off to flesh it out really well.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#815 - 2013-11-19 18:21:09 UTC
Jace Bowen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#816 - 2013-11-19 19:13:11 UTC
Mobile Camera Platforms. Once anchored, you can switch your "camera drones" to see what the mobile camera sees/hears. It would be great for watching gates/wormholes.
Liu Bin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#817 - 2013-11-19 20:36:55 UTC
Jace Bowen wrote:
Mobile Camera Platforms. Once anchored, you can switch your "camera drones" to see what the mobile camera sees/hears. It would be great for watching gates/wormholes.

I was wondering if the camera structure could feed a stream. That would allow a gang to all access it.

Tricky to balance though. Hard to avoid killing fun with it.
Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#818 - 2013-11-19 21:04:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronny Hugo
Liu Bin wrote:
Jace Bowen wrote:
Mobile Camera Platforms. Once anchored, you can switch your "camera drones" to see what the mobile camera sees/hears. It would be great for watching gates/wormholes.

I was wondering if the camera structure could feed a stream. That would allow a gang to all access it.

Tricky to balance though. Hard to avoid killing fun with it.

I find it hard to NOT have fun with this. I envision huge swarms of spy drones that fly around controlled remotely, streaming over twitch to those responsible for viewing them (FC's would only watch those that have something interesting on them, interesting being decided by those who's job is to watch all of them). Perhaps this would allow us to remove Local and replace local by a radio-system (send out a message, others then see you are in system, you only see those that have sent out a message while you have been there, or while you have had a spy drone there).
perhaps the spy drones can be scripted, and scripts can be bought and sold on the market, so lets say they begin streaming and message people etc when certain things happen (fex if they see gate activity or are shot at). And maybe they can fly around in-system automatically, patrolling. Maybe they can form square grids with drones 4 km from each other and trawl around gates for cloaked ships. Maybe they can surround gates so cloaked ships are decloaked when warping away from the gate.

I'd really like to see asteroid-gathering equipment. Meaning you drop a small station that tractors in asteroids from far away with drones, making asteroids show up around the station (they would not gather asteroids from around the station, but make asteroids spawn as if warping to the station, then the drones take off from the asteroids and warp out to get more). This would make asteroids be able to be finite, but yet infinite, if you just have enough gathering stations. If someone destroys all these stations and destroy all the stuff so that the universe all of a sudden can not make even 1 more, the universe would be empty of asteroids and the world would end Lol They would of course be able to gather only the resource you tell it to gather (perhaps you can change it once a month or it costs a starbase-charter-ish fuel to change it). The upgradedness of the station would determine how much asteroids it can gather before it stops to await someone that mines it, and how fast it gathers the asteroids, and how big asteroids it can gather, and how rare asteroids it can gather. Lots of skills can be thought up. Maybe you can drop this anywhere, like depot, so you can have a mining place right on your doorstep.
Perhaps it can find wrecks that are not picked up after a while from across the entire system and then placed around itself like asteroids and ice (I think rigs are a bit too expensive, more salvaging is needed).

EDIOT: (wrote everything and then had to write it again, and made the typo "ediot" and left it)
Maybe there's a "set home" unit you can place over 1000 AU from mother star so that people must use your stargate/acceleration gate to get there. Maybe you can fly there by scanning it down with a special probe. Maybe you can (in high sec) pay concorde to attack people that attack your stuff there (so you can make a huge epic base). Maybe you can pay pirates (in low and null) to attack anyone who goes there/attacks your stuff (so you can buy time to gather a fleet).
Maybe you can have things safe in safe zone (100 AU radius from star), but pay high fee, or less safe at 200 that costs less, out to over 1000 AU, where its free, but you get no protection. Perhaps you get more epic things out there (epic asteroids, wrecks, buffs, really difficult to scan down etc). If 1.0 sec has 100% safe up to 100 AU and 10% safe up to 1000 AU, then 0.1 sec has 10% safe up to 100 AU, and all the epic stuff starting from over 100 AU (with even more epic stuff at 200, 300, etc). Perhaps you can attract epic aliens that lay in dark space between solar systems out there, perhaps they have epic loot, perhaps you need titan fleets to rat them, perhaps you need pantheon tanks out the whazoo, perhaps they bottom your shields and steal stuff, perhaps their name is Bob, perhaps they make the sleepers look like childrens toys, perhaps they eat people, perhaps they have spaceships the size of dyson spheres and take several alliances to take down. Perhaps they can be taken over and controlled as epic HQ's, perhaps they can be where you get your supercap stations without having to build them, perhaps that's where you get the technology to make supercap stations, perhaps their überstations can cyno around and every time you jump one a dozen others swarm your titan fleet so you must catch one and get out before you all get destroyed. Perhaps you must sacrifice ten titans to steal that supercap station. Perhaps Dust players must infiltrate it.
Perhaps you can make your own solar system out there. Perhaps you can only spend X amount of time Y far from the nearest star because its too cold out there. Perhaps there's dark planets there, perhaps there's rogue planets, perhaps there's black holes, perhaps there's remnants of burnt out stars, perhaps there's monsters there LolShocked (out that far your ships would be in almost perfect darkness, only light would be the flashlights you bring, and artificial suns, station lights etc. You could always blow something up for its light, or shoot lasors at each other for warmth and light :P )

EDIT2: In case you have not noticed, I really want to go exploring thousands of AU from the stars. To solar systems without stars, without gates, without solar systems (random rogue things). Smash planets together to make them easier to mine (lots of small objects have less gravity, so cheaper to launch resources into orbit). Cut ice planets in half with lasers, etc. You know, the things we will be able to do 25 000 years from now Blink
Angus McRothimay
Fenrir Vangard
#819 - 2013-11-19 21:25:23 UTC
I would like to see a Small Mobile Siphon Unit -

A non-disposable version that you can SCOOP into your cargo hold when you want to.

Savnire Jacitu
Undead Retirement Crypt
#820 - 2013-11-19 21:47:08 UTC
That's no moon......