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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2013-11-19 16:53:17 UTC
Alundil wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
endi32 adrian wrote:
and btw there is no wormhole jump sound

Confirming this, the WH jump sound is very very quiet.

Confirming in triplicate.

Poor sound guys. Always the last to get the memos on hook changes.
Ras Algethi
Rasnimisk Industries
#122 - 2013-11-19 16:59:16 UTC
CCP Antiquarian wrote:

Clearing your cache and updating the drivers for your specific GPU before a relog may correct this issue.

We are looking into solutions for anyone who reports this bug as persistent following those steps.


Following on from my earlier post, I can confirm that after clearing the cache etc, a forced graphics driver update, checking using dx9/dx11, the problem still remains. I'll post more info about system details in a bug-report
POS Builder Inc.
#123 - 2013-11-19 17:01:49 UTC
Reporting DirectX 11 bug:

While Using DirectX 11:
Full Screen Client > switch to desktop and/or switch from desktop to full screen client takes 3 to 5 seconds with black screen.

While Using DirectX 9:
Full Screen Client > switch to desktop and/or switch from desktop to full screen client is instantly.

Tested this on multiple computers.
Core I7-4770k
Asus Geforce GTX 760 cards
Latest released drivers (1 even has the latest beta driver).

ps: I have the same issue with some of my other computers running on the Core i7 build in graphics controller.

For now i set my launchers to DirectX 9.

Bug reported using the report tool
Jared Chancerider
Polaris Project
#124 - 2013-11-19 17:03:44 UTC
Is there a "command line" option for choosing DX9 instead of DX11?

DX11 craps even with uptodate drivers, and I want to start the client without launcher.

(DX11 gives me some OpenGL error...)
CCP Masterplan
C C P Alliance
#125 - 2013-11-19 17:03:53 UTC
Tushe en Daire wrote:
Confirm that scan probing is now much slower with new warp mechanic. Feel like pulling hair out. Broken exploration with multiple hoops to jump now has a new hoop.

Confirming that we know about this, and have a fix in the works for tomorrow. The scan probes are currently moving at 1/3rd of their intended speed.

"This one time, on patch day..."

@ccp_masterplan  |  Team Five-0: Rewriting the law

Grumpy Grumps
#126 - 2013-11-19 17:08:10 UTC
I have a problem going to desktop, when used to press alt+tab I can press esc to go to desktop but not anymore, also alt tabbing between eve windows is very slow and has delays
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2013-11-19 17:12:05 UTC
If you sit at a Wormhole..and someone initiate warp to it, the WH starts its jump animation and sound.

[X] < Nail here for new monitor

#128 - 2013-11-19 17:18:40 UTC

as more and more pilots have a launcher issue.


Please refer to this post as many pilots have confirmed that this is working.

CCP, please accept my apologizes but it seems like your fix or workaround does not help.

Additinal note: Guys, if you read this, please refer your mates to this post if their launcher is broken.
Lord Nyaxx
Duo d'un homme
La Division Bleue
#129 - 2013-11-19 17:20:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Nyaxx
Yeah! the freakin launcher repair f*cked again!

Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "atexit.pyc", line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
File "checksum.pyc", line 187, in _teardown
File "checksum.pyc", line 406, in close
File "shelve.pyc", line 143, in close
File "shelve.pyc", line 169, in sync
File "bsddb\__init__.pyc", line 347, in sync
File "bsddb\dbutils.pyc", line 68, in DeadlockWrap
DBRunRecoveryError: (-30974, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery -- PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery')

Edit 1:
And then again, against all works.
Go figure.
Still "success" seems a tad ludicrous of a term, does it not?

Edit 2:
Somewhere in the process, I've lost ALL and i mean all settings. Overviews template, windows size, windows placement.... inf*ckincredible...
Brady Fehrnah
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#130 - 2013-11-19 17:22:27 UTC
For those of you having trouble with your eve client updating. What worked for me was going to the "repair.exe" in the eve folder and running that. It worked for for while all of the other steps had not worked at all!
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#131 - 2013-11-19 17:32:55 UTC
the response of ccp is awesome lol.....the threads how to FIX Evil THE PROBLEM WILL LOCKED HAHA but still lots of players cant log in, great.

i got the same trace error thingy but just noticed that i am actually able to log in but the launcher is still broken...
Talpa Mole
Bittersweet Corp
#132 - 2013-11-19 17:33:29 UTC
CCP Eterne wrote:
Posting this on behalf of CCP Vertex:


Greetings capsuleers,

If you are experiencing any of the issues below, we would like to ask you to follow the instructions listed.

1. Corrupt/Incorrect ship and module icons:
a. Press Esc & go to the Reset Settings tab
b. Press the “Clear all cache files” button

Note: This issue is primarily present on machines with out of date drivers and we urge you to update to the latest version for your appropriate hardware. Links to find the latest drivers are provided below.

AMD drivers:
INTEL drivers:
NVIDIA drivers:

2. Ship textures appear to be blurred/low resolution:

a. Press Esc & go to the Display & Graphics tab
b. Go to the LOD quality and set it to High

Note: This is part of the new texture LOD feature, if you have the LOD quality set to low/medium, low resolution textures will appear much sooner than if you have the LOD quality set to high. This should resolve the blurry textures issue, but be aware that if you now experience performance issues you will need to set LOD quality back to medium or low to reduce the loaded texture memory.

CCP Vertex
Leads Graphics Analyst
Team Trilambda

sorry but this doesn´t fix the problem. Done everything but the only change: I don´t see any pictures at all now. Only black space. And once again, yes I have the actual drivers.
Trig Saorr
Tactical Narcotics Team
#133 - 2013-11-19 17:35:04 UTC
OK.... since the DT I tried all workarounds for launcher AND none of them helped me. Even the one from Theodarum failed for me. Sad So I ended up downloading the whole new installer again....

Now this leads me to a question - why the hell are we forced to use this launcher? EVE is the best game ever but the launcher itself is a useless **** no doubt... What is it good for? Even a newbie is only reading news in launcher for the first time. For the second time and more its just an annoying obstacle!!!
Quish McQuiddy
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2013-11-19 17:42:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Quish McQuiddy
Massive framerate fluctuation with two clients running - both going from 60 to 30 oscillating. Totally unplayable.

No change to my setup - quad core i5, 12 gig ram, radeon 6950

0.0 59.84
0.2 59.53
0.4 30.10
0.6 29.88
0.8 59.78
1.0 60.71
1.2 31.87
1.5 31.15
1.7 57.05
1.9 59.85
2.1 31.08
2.3 30.83
2.5 60.32
2.7 59.82
2.9 30.81
3.1 30.75
3.3 59.90
3.5 59.79
3.8 29.42
4.0 30.00
4.2 45.92
4.4 60.11
4.6 37.61
4.8 30.84
5.0 30.98
5.2 59.90
5.4 59.91
5.6 30.75
5.9 30.77
6.1 59.05
6.3 59.57
6.5 29.97
6.7 29.88
6.9 59.87
7.1 59.33
7.3 30.60
7.6 31.42
7.8 61.92
8.0 60.03
8.2 26.70
8.4 26.54
8.6 57.58
8.9 55.82
9.1 29.07
9.3 27.55
9.5 50.76
9.7 60.05
9.9 28.75
Stephanie Rosefire
Atlas Protectorate and Empire Defense Agency
#135 - 2013-11-19 17:44:31 UTC
The moment Rubicon finished launching, i couldnt open the launcher. i ran the repair.exe, the first time, it failed (i have a crap computer, could be that) second time through (took 30 seconds) it worked and now i dont have any issues. run the repair.exe. always a good place to start
Crusher Gearbox
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2013-11-19 17:51:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Crusher Gearbox
Trig Saorr wrote:
Now this leads me to a question - why the hell are we forced to use this launcher? EVE is the best game ever but the launcher itself is a useless **** no doubt... What is it good for? Even a newbie is only reading news in launcher for the first time. For the second time and more its just an annoying obstacle!!!

I've never used the launcher. I didn't care for it. From day 1 when the new launcher was introduced, I bypassed it and used the repair.exe tool to update the client for EVERY expansion/fix/etc! I've had very few problems. I am still at work so I won't be updating to Rubicon for a few hours. Hopefully all the bugs will be fixed before I get home.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#137 - 2013-11-19 17:52:52 UTC
Getting horrible tearing in DX11 mode. Like vync issues but worse than any vsync issues I've ever seen before, even slight movement causes very obvious tearing. Everything is fine in DX9 mode.

Running Fixed Window, Interval 1, on GTX570, Windows 7.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Trig Saorr
Tactical Narcotics Team
#138 - 2013-11-19 17:59:24 UTC
Crusher Gearbox wrote:
I've never used the launcher. I didn't care for it. From day 1 when the new launcher was introduced, I bypassed it and used the repair.exe tool to update the client for EVERY expansion/fix/etc! I've had very few problems. I am still at work so I won't be updating to Rubicon for a few hours. Hopefully all the bugs will be fixed before I get home.

So you launch your game directly by using exefile from bin folder? Or is there any other workaround?
JTK Fotheringham
Ducks in Outer Space
#139 - 2013-11-19 18:00:14 UTC  |  Edited by: JTK Fotheringham
Patch worked well on my machine, so thanks, smooth deployment.

Just confirming, the "world" audio level seems lower than before. Listening to Wormhole flares seems to have changed flare kicks in when someone initiates warp to, not jump. (We've tested this a bit, and notice that it only occurs on the side of the hole the person initiating warp is on - the flare effect does not appear on the other side of the hole.)

Also, on the character selection screen, maybe my settings are wrong, but I get no ship preview (which was a much vaunted feature) - only a bit of text telling me where my ship is. Is this a settings issue, or working as intended?

Crusher Gearbox
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2013-11-19 18:08:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Crusher Gearbox
Trig Saorr wrote:
Crusher Gearbox wrote:
I've never used the launcher. I didn't care for it. From day 1 when the new launcher was introduced, I bypassed it and used the repair.exe tool to update the client for EVERY expansion/fix/etc! I've had very few problems. I am still at work so I won't be updating to Rubicon for a few hours. Hopefully all the bugs will be fixed before I get home.

So you launch your game directly by using exefile from bin folder? Or is there any other workaround?

Actually I run a Mac. So I opened the Eve Online package, navigated to the contents folder and created a shortcut directly to the application file.

Not sure how it's done on a PC but I believe you are right. It is loaded directly from the bin folder.