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[Rubicon] Rapid Missile Launchers - v2

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Arthur Aihaken
#1721 - 2013-11-18 00:41:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Thaddeus Eggeras wrote:
You are right, so that makes them not OP and depending on ship speed with depnd on damage per volley, which makes them what? Not OP. Right now RMLs do the same amount of damage per volley no matter the target ships speed. (Check my test) The range reduction isn't anything crazy, it would be at the least 10km, and with Cerb, Caracel 20km to 30km, I think that is MORE then enough, so disruptors hit 24km. Really BS don't get explonsion velcoity, maybe look at the Golem, explosion radiu CNR. This does nothing BUT fix the issues rapids have now, and makes them work for the role they are made for. And if we are lucky takes this crazy 40sec idea away. So this is not a horrible idea, it's an idea that would work IF you read all my input on it, and went hrough my testing. This could work, will it ned to be adjusted, I'm sure it will but that's why SiSi is there. To test and to fix issues before hitting the real server. But as you rather argue with everyone on this post instead of trying to find away to fix the rapids have at it I guess.

If I had a nickel for ever Raven HAM setup… Oh wait, no ones uses HAMs on battleships because they're totally useless. So there's "not OP" and then there's "pointless"; your suggestion for RHMLs falls under the latter. The proposal for RHMLs is fine (including 40-second reload time), so stop trying to cloud the issues with RLMLs by lumping them in with RHMLs. RHML = new weapon system, so it's not breaking anything. RLML = different story.

Again, you don't have a clue how RHMLs operate. Even with the first iteration they didn't receive any explosion radius, explosion velocity or missile velocity bonuses. This hasn't changed with the second version. And RHMLs aren't "Op". They have a range of around 60km (less with Precision or Fury) On a Raven Navy Issue cruise missiles receive a 25% explosion radius bonus, which puts them fairly close to heavy missiles in terms of damage application. Aside from the huge range difference, there's also the issue of speed - and again, they're at a huge disadvantage compared to cruise missiles. So yes, for approximately 45-50 seconds they'll do some fairly decent DPS and then be offline for reloading. Which is why you probably won't see very many native RHML battleship setups and they'll probably be more of a mix of cruise-RHML or torpedo-RHML.

I'm not going to get into your numbers with RLMLs because I think given the choice of the changes in Rubicon or switching the old system back to rockets, most would probably take the new design. And if I wanted a short-ranged missile system with high rate of fire, decent damage application and large ammunition capacity - HAMs already fit the bill.

So yes, it's a horrible idea for RHMLs. Perhaps less so for RLMLs, but only marginally.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Thaddeus Eggeras
Urkrathos Corp
#1722 - 2013-11-18 00:57:52 UTC
Again you just like to argue. IF rapids changed to rockets and HAMs then you would see rapid rocket launcher cruisers used to kill destroyer and frigate gangs, and rapid heavy assault launcher battleships to handle battlecruiser and cruiser gangs. And as BS have more slots it won't surprise me to see them with TPs maybe also to help against smaller targets. You really seem to not know a lot about missiles, and that's fine, but I'll try and help.
I didn't say they did receive those bonuses, what I said is IF they changed to rockets and HAMs to not use them either. Thanks for putting words into my mouth. And remember no BSs have explosion bonuses.
If the 40sec reload comes into play, rapids are lost in PvP. All it will take is making rapids use up their small missile amount and a frigate will rock that cruiser, and a cruiser will rock a BS. 40secs for realod on a weapon is nuts. My idea makes pretty good since, and would work. But you are again full of it and rather argue then fix it, so if you get your way, enjoy the end of rapids. If CCP looks at my idea or others we might get them to hold rapid changes a till the next patch and might get something that really works instead of a quick fix. Or might get them to fix them right in the next patch.
I did my tests with rapids on the real server and SiSi, did the numbers, went through all the issues with rapids and them being OP. And for what I can tell this would work the best. The only issue I see is getting the RofF right, add too much and they are too weak take away too much and they are too strong, but that is something that can be tested on SiSi.
This will be the last time I reply to your nonsense, as you are either trolling or honestly don't know what you are talking about. And rather argue then try to find a way to fix this crazy and terrible idea. Enjoy
Arthur Aihaken
#1723 - 2013-11-18 01:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
The loss of SP training should be interesting to reconcile with your idea. Because everyone trains to Light Missile-V and Light Missile Specialization-V so that they can use light missile launchers... Also, does this mean that in order to use RLMLs you have to train both Light Missile and Rocket skills? (Light Missile to get the rate of fire bonuses and Rockets for everything else) Crazy indeed!

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#1724 - 2013-11-18 01:41:05 UTC
CCP Rise:

The Main reason Ancillary boosters work is that they can be used even after they run out of charges but consume a large amount of Cap, or Rep significantly less. You pulse the respective boosters to mitigate the incomming damage.

Currently on a weapon system, Large reload times are accompanied by HUGE amounts of Alpha Damage (Arties) yet these Reload times are still consistant.

You don't pulse weapons to kill something. The missiles Light and Heavy don't have enough alpha to warrent such a treatment, and before the Rapid Heavy Missile launcher, was there really a reason to change the Rapid Light missile launcher?

Main reason that most people use Rapid Light Missile launchers is because the Damage application of those launchers is higher then that of Heavy Missiles on the same ship. Thats not a Flaw of the Rapid Light Missile, but rather an indication that the Heavy missile isn't balanced in damage application.

A fact that has been brought up by hundreds of people in an over 200 page topic when the Missile changes were brought in respect to the Heavy Missile.

To make matters worse, the already crippled Heavy Missile system didn't get revised or looked at when the Long range medium Guns got there damage / damage application boosts.

On a Battleship, wich is already much slower, has a significantly longer lock time, are you really expecting anyone to place missile launchers wich have 1/5 th of the range, and a lot less alpha damage, and a lot less DPS?

About now i usually post what i do like about the idea, often takeing in respect how it will balance ships, and not only to what i can benefit from it. In this remake, the only thing i can think of, after about 5 mins trying to find to say something positive about is, is the fact that your at least trying to make them unique.

I've been playing since 2007 and this is the second time since then that i question the decision made towards anything in EvE online, Odly enough they Both involve Heavy Missiles.
Arthur Aihaken
#1725 - 2013-11-18 01:51:00 UTC
Kesthely wrote:
On a Battleship, wich is already much slower, has a significantly longer lock time, are you really expecting anyone to place missile launchers wich have 1/5 th of the range, and a lot less alpha damage, and a lot less DPS?

H*ll yes.

Not sure where you get 1/5th the range, but what's the actual effective range of cruise missiles without sensor boosters or amplifiers? For all intents and purposes around 100k, which is what RHMLs will hit to with a few hydraulic rigs. 1200 DPS isn't anything to sneeze at, either.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Thaddeus Eggeras
Urkrathos Corp
#1726 - 2013-11-18 02:11:44 UTC
Again you don't seem to understand how PvP works. As BS use MJDs which only can be stopped by scrams any ship trying to stop them will have to get with 10km or less. So Missiles that fire 20km to 30km would work just find, even if a disruptor is being used, the right rigs, and bonuses would allow faction or T1 hams to reach out and hit to 30km and Advanced Long Range T2 ammo would be able to hit disruptor ships. Again learn PvP. Same with the rockets on cruisers, as Cerbs get amazing range you can hit 30km easy with them, and 20km to 25km with Caracal, other ships again Advanced Long Range T2s would come into play.

And yes before RHMLs came out RMLs were OP, again this has all been covered in detail, and needs addressed. I was one who didn't want to believe they were OP, but after doing tests, there is no doubt RMLs are OP, and do the job HAMs, HMLs, and all med guns do in one against cruisers, and also do amazing against destroyers and frigates. That is OP. If that doesn't prove to you, they are also the ONLY weapon in EVE that speed doesn't affect their damage per volley, again been prove and shown. That is VERY OP. You can't have a weapon about to hit 50km or 500 meters and do the same amount of damage, no matter what the speed of your target is, that is just crazy to even think it's ok.

Seems what most of you want is the best of everything, what RMLs were giving before Well guess what, that isn't going to happen anymore, so deal with it. And 40secs reload will make rapids useless in any fleet, and not a good choice for one on ones as one on ones rarely stay one on one.

Training is your issue? Haha many have trained other skills to L5 also that aren't useful like they were before, that's EVE deal with it.

Please before posting think through what you are posting, and try not to show you want an OP module to stay so you can have it all, it isn't going to happen, sorry.

What I came up with deals with EVERY issue that makes rapids OP and makes them do what they were made to do. Sorry you won't get your ungodly range, and unreal explosion radius and explosion veloctiy anymore, oh wait that is what made them OP. Don't like it oh well, the other option is rapids turing into a useless weapon. You pick.

Arthur Aihaken
#1727 - 2013-11-18 02:53:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
You fly a Harpy and you're lecturing me on missile use for PvP? Oh man, that's priceless. Do you even have any PvP kills with missiles? (bombs don't count) Sorry, didn't mean to get sidetracked with PvP. You were saying...?

Right - your idea for rebalancing. Truly great ideas need not worry with trivial concerns like invaliding entire skills or requiring new ones (never mind logistics, etc.). There's untold genius in having thousands of players instantly unable to use RLMLs until they start learning a new set of skills on November 19.

I can certainly understand your misgivings with the new RLMLs and RHMLs. That Harpy of yours is going to be pretty vulnerable preying on battleships starting on Tuesday. Especially those new Golems. The way to PvP (as you see it) is to simply nerf any effective counter to small gangs into the ground. Yeah, don't think that's gonna happen. I may have misjudged Rise and not given him entirely enough credit for these changes. They've now gone from "interesting" to "intriguing".

The only thing I know for certain is that I'm glad an anti-missile proponent such as yourself isn't at the helm with respect to missile changes. Troll indeed...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Ginger Barbarella
#1728 - 2013-11-18 02:57:40 UTC
Hoodie Mafia wrote:
CCP Rise went with the correct decision of ingnoring 95% of this thread and make the game a bit more challanging

/me hands Hoodie Mafia a handy-wipe to wipe off his nose...

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#1729 - 2013-11-18 03:40:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Thaddeus Eggeras wrote:
Again you don't seem to understand how PvP works. As BS use MJDs which only can be stopped by scrams any ship trying to stop them will have to get with 10km or less.

Please make sure you understand everything you're talking about before you mock someone else for it.

Don't just consider heated scrams. Consider linked heated scrams. An Incursus (I picked a random frigate) can scram out to 10.8k (13.4k with links). Unbonused rockets go to a max of 10.1k and Javelins reach out to 15k at the cost of less damage.

If we start talking about purpose-built ships, a Rubicon Keres will heated-scram out to 18.9k (23.4k with links), where your rapid rockets can't hope to touch them. An Arazu reaches 21k (26k with links) which puts them safely out of HAM range.

For reference, this is with all relevant skills to 5 and the linking assistance of a Loki using a T2 Interdiction link.

You also don't seem to be understanding the "invalidation of skills" business that's being discussed. RLMLs require the skill Light Missiles to be trained. Rockets (the ammo) require the skill Rockets to be trained. You're suggesting we start making RLMLs use an ammo with inferior range (and in the case of HAMs, even worse application than HMs) that people may not have even trained simply to prevent a 40-second reload time.

Your response to these concerns is "This is EVE, if you don't like then too ******* bad, **** off."

What a truly spectacular reply. If any CCP dev were to respond like that, I'm sure he'd be promoted to Chief of Operations on the spot. /sarcasm

I don't know what kind of drugs you're on that make you think any of this is a good idea, but I bet you'd be filthy rich if you'd stop using them and start selling them.

By the way, now you can feel free to cut off your hands and stop posting.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#1730 - 2013-11-18 03:47:28 UTC
This isn't really a tactical choice other than this:

Solo? Don't fit RLML because you can't kill any cruisers or even some AFs.
Blob? Fit RLML because you now kill everything faster.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#1731 - 2013-11-18 03:49:08 UTC
Iyacia Cyric'ai wrote:
This isn't really a tactical choice other than this:

Solo? Don't fit RLML because you can't kill any cruisers or even some AFs.
Blob? Fit RLML because you now kill everything faster.

Basically this.
Kenshi Hanshin
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1732 - 2013-11-18 05:45:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenshi Hanshin
Let's face it gents, CCP Rise will do exactly what he wants. As he did when 95% of the forums disagreed with his HML changes.

The guy has no idea how to balance. I am tempted to say that he doesn't know what the word means. That said, the process of balancing is to use small incremental changes. Not taking to a perceived/actual problem with all the grace and subtlety of a nuclear device.

CCP, I strongly recommend that you remove CCP-Rise from the balancing team. Furthermore, I would highly recommend that any weapon balancing happens at a later date. Since, your employee obviously is too stupid, incompetent, or just plain oblivious to do his job correctly.

I swear I could do a better job balancing this **** then Rise. Hell! I at least understand that you respond and listen and act on feedback. If you don't want feedback, don't ******* ask for any...novel concept!

Moving on, the reload time is ********. I finished a bunch of tests on SIngularity. To summarize, I wouldn't touch those RLMLs or RHMLs with a 100km pole. I would rather use turrets or drones. I see no benefit to our continued use of the proposed weapon systems due to: (1) Clip size (2) reload time. The former reason is magnified greatly by the latter.

I am beginning to think that CCP-Rise has megalomania, schizo disorder or some other neurological conditions that might be catalyzing his seeming delusions of being omniscient... If so, it would be nice if he is seeking professional help. I say this with the utmost respect and good-intent.
Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#1733 - 2013-11-18 05:49:27 UTC
Who on here has actually tried using these on the test server? Frankly, i'm sold on the RHML, haven't tried the RLML but figure will work the same way on certain hulls.

The RHML are beast.. every HAC i've come across i've melted. I've killed vigilants, other BS.. lots of things that might be considered "tanky", a majority of them before the first reload cycle.

If you're semi-competent at fitting, try them out.. I fly them like using hams, Scram/web and i have 1 rigor rig. I burned down a plated deimos with 7 shots leftover, using meta 4 RHML. Plus my missiles skills are not that good, t2 launchers/skills, i could be close to 1k dps.

The issues i have with them, is that RoF ships don't fully take advantage of the new module. Since its just shooting the module faster, instead of for more damage. Hulls that have a %dmg bonus are best. Perhaps on next update pass they could get RoF bonus for standard missiles and reload reduction bonus on the rapids? That way they don't get screwed completely. So it would read:

5% reduction in launcher rate of fire for standard launchers


5% reduction in reload of Rapid launchers

That would bring reload down to 30s.. maybe not drastic, but perhaps a bit more workable for the smaller, kitier ships. 40s is a bit long, but i've been able to manage it for the most part. Having an active tank helps a lot.

I honestly think these will get nerfed in the future. I can shred any HAC or cruiser (not sure about t3's) almost effortlessly. The damage selection issue is a bit aggravating when i came across some HACs, but normally i'll engage during the reload, and work on setting up my EWAR/cap warfare, that way once i do attack, they have poor cap and can't rep through it as easily.

I like the idea others have mentioned for ammo swaps. It changes the charge type, but doesn't reload the amount of charges.

In terms of lore, or how to explain that effect, maybe create a missile dedicated to the launcher, call it the "Chameleon" or something. Basically, just a missile type that has all 4 damage types in it, but the computer selects the damage type before launching. So when you need to change the damage type, you can "load" it with the standard 10s reload, but changes damage type, not charge amount.

So if you have 15 missiles left, and you have mjolnirs loaded, and a vaga comes on grid, you can change to scourge/nova in 10s, but still have 15 missiles left but the correct dmg type.

This would also help keep storage space better used for things like cap boosters for leaning towards a more active tank style, instead of having a mix up of different ammo. Might be a minor tweak that could be done to at least give some minor benefits to the launcher/play style.
Arthur Aihaken
#1734 - 2013-11-18 06:33:55 UTC
Battleships in PvP just got a whole lot more interesting… Twisted

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Mind Reaper
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1735 - 2013-11-18 07:16:17 UTC
To fix all the problems just add shield strength and armor thickness. Larger ships have thicker armor and shields reducing damage from smaller weapon platforms making it a disadvantage to use rlml vs a cruiser or bigger. The dps of a ship could be even between rlml and hml then. This would make ship Y deal X dps with either rlml or hml but applied damage from rlml to cruisers and up would be reduced. Problem solved.
Arthur Aihaken
#1736 - 2013-11-18 07:54:33 UTC
Mind Reaper wrote:
To fix all the problems just add shield strength and armor thickness.

Hahaha. When are visiting hours? Roll

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#1737 - 2013-11-18 07:57:51 UTC
Mind Reaper wrote:
To fix all the problems just add shield strength and armor thickness. Larger ships have thicker armor and shields reducing damage from smaller weapon platforms making it a disadvantage to use rlml vs a cruiser or bigger. The dps of a ship could be even between rlml and hml then. This would make ship Y deal X dps with either rlml or hml but applied damage from rlml to cruisers and up would be reduced. Problem solved.

That would also be completely counter to CCP's belief that larger ships should be vulnerable to smaller ones, as it would penalize using cruiser-sized weapons on a cruiser to fight a battleship or battleship-sized weapons to fight a dread.
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#1738 - 2013-11-18 08:20:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
As a totally separate line of thought deserving a post of its own, I have a question. I freely admit I didn't pay a lot of attention to the forums and such when we were leading up to Incarna. Was the negative feedback well-articulated and "helpful" or was it largely "unhelpful", generally disorganized and mostly just full of rage?

I'm just curious because Rise mentioned how the negative feedback practically pouring out of this thread was "disorganized and not very helpful" so he "decided to go with the positive feedback instead". Something about that kind of approach seems... I don't know... a little bit off.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#1739 - 2013-11-18 08:31:38 UTC
Thaddeus Eggeras wrote:
Right now RMLs do the same amount of damage per volley no matter the target ships speed.

Eh? Shoot a MWDing inty and get back to me.

Furthermore a cerb with todays RLML is only doing ~400-420 DPS (ish, dont remember if I had implants loaded).

That's just not a big number in today's game.
Vladimir Norkoff
Income Redistribution Service
#1740 - 2013-11-18 08:52:37 UTC
Kenshi Hanshin wrote:
[CCP Rise] has no idea how to balance. I am tempted to say that he doesn't know what the word means. That said, the process of balancing is to use small incremental changes. Not taking to a perceived/actual problem with all the grace and subtlety of a nuclear device.
You're off-base there mate. He's done a knock-down bang-up job with ships. And HMLs were balanced just fine for long-range medium weapons.... right up until the other long-range medium weapons were buffed. So yeah, that was a screw-up. And I'm not overly impressed with these RLML changes either. Nor the fact that he is doing it in the face of the majority of posters arguing against it.

But overall he's done good. Granted, if he keeps making crap decisions, I'll be standing there right next to you, screaming obscenities at the computer screen in a frothy nerdrage. But for the moment he's still got goodwill.