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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#721 - 2013-11-15 16:32:46 UTC  |  Edited by: NextDarkKnight
Player Ghost Structures - Labs / Manufacturing / Research

They are scannable while deployed but not active,

Once active they are not scannable by probes.

When they are done the lab / Manufacturing/ Research cycle they become scannable again , and anyone can loot from them with some minor hacking.

(Remember.. all activity with a deployed ghost structure adds a suspect flag.. )

Player Defense Structures - Drone Defense System , Gunnery Systems.

Structures that can be deployed and when active can attack other players within it's attack range. If deployer is on grid while one starts attacking the owner get a suspect flag. These cannot be scanned, but have a high lock time. They cannot be deployed around gates or stations.

All these can be deployed in HS.
Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#722 - 2013-11-15 16:38:21 UTC
Also CCP.. please confirm that guy from the trailer is not my dad.. Just cause I have a similar shirt does not make mr grumpy my father.
Beta Maoye
#723 - 2013-11-15 17:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Beta Maoye
Mobile ECM Burst Unit
One-time use item. Immediate deployable and detonate. Cannot relock target in 10 seconds if jammed. 120 seconds delay to reuse.

Volume: 25m3
Shield capacity: 100Hp
Armor capacity: 100Hp
Structure capacity: 100Hp
Anchoring delay: 120s
ECM Burst Radius: 11.5km
Radar Strength: 9
Ladar Strength: 9
Magnetometric Strength: 9
Gravimetric Strength: 9
Accuracy falloff: 11.5km
Shield recharge time: 300s
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#724 - 2013-11-15 17:24:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Ju0ZaS
Mobile siege turrets that can fit one capital gun on them to make pos killing easyer, since marauders are not getting dps increase from bastion. I guess essentially being able to deploy a sentry turret with out your own POS to shoot a POS.

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#725 - 2013-11-15 17:25:07 UTC
NextDarkKnight wrote:
Also CCP.. please confirm that guy from the trailer is not my dad.. Just cause I have a similar shirt does not make mr grumpy my father.

lol Da fuq...

Are you going to fight me or do you expect to bore me to death with your forum pvp?

The Initiative.
#726 - 2013-11-15 17:36:50 UTC
How about a new one called *size 'Racial' Control tower that allows all sorts of mods to be placed in close proximity maybe even moon miners or turrets give it a force field that would be cool we could call them starbase's or something and forget about the old ones! Get rid of the old pos code do it do it NOOOOOOOWWWWWW.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#727 - 2013-11-15 18:08:59 UTC
Deployable mobile cloaking field generator.

The unit itself would not cloak and could be scannable, but would cloak all ships within 15km radius.

Deployable Stasis field generator.

Smaller diameter bubble than interdiction bubble, less webifying than a targeted module.

Mobile ship hangar array.

Like POS ship hangar...but can be anchored anywhere.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Collin Max
#728 - 2013-11-15 18:09:49 UTC
Movile D-Scan Delta-Altering Unit
Alerts you of d-scan changes. Scan's every few seconds and reports delta's to it's owner. Would be great if range is configurable. So you can set it up next to a gate or wormhole. Partly replacing human scouts, but probably can't reach the quality of a human scout.

Mobile Local-Chat jammer
Temporarly jammes local chat or something. Units should have reasonable anchoring time and should be more easely detected. Allowing pilots to use it to disrupt intel, trap people, or whatever.
Dark Drifter
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#729 - 2013-11-15 18:16:29 UTC
Lucrezzia wrote:
Mobile Exploration Module

Can fit probe launcher to scan the system. Can be run remotely from different location (some range in light years). Placing more of these modules in different systems allows scanning more systems at the same time. Lower probe strength than the standard exploration with ship. Can't detect other ships (or just can't be fitted with combat scanner probes), only signatures.

should act like the old 64au probes.

can tell the owner what sigs are in a system remotly. listed as:

xxx-xxx combat
xxx-xxx data
xxx-xxx relic
xxx-xxx unk
xxx-xxx anom

beter versions bave better control ranges up to the same region. max limit of 5 per player at any one time.
fueled with some PI product
can be destroyed (has HP of BC)
1-4 hour reinforcement timer (owner is notified when it is reinforced)
on destruction can drop whats left of fuel.

anyhoo my top 10

1- mobile moon harvesting arrey. not one that steels from a pos but is anchored at warp in to a moon and pulls X random units from the moon, is fueled
2-mobile tower hacking module. used on anchored towers structures has chance to scoop to an internal bay, tower may be destroyed in process
3-mobile dalvage platform
4-mobile compression arrey
5-mobile system scanner (see above)
6-covert field projecter, has range of 250km. reduces sig radious of any hull inside it to 1 10th its normal sig (for scanninf purposes only)
7-turrets (small only)
8-Ewar batteries (samll only, multispec ECM, sensor dampening, target painting, tracking disruption)
9-planitery ground fire platform (when deployed gid is perminently beaconed as if a player was there)
10-drone control bays

Kieron Krodmandouin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#730 - 2013-11-15 18:23:43 UTC
Structure wise... Would like a ship reconfiguration thingy. Would allow you to swap out drones or swap out slots on a ship with something from your hold. Have it on a substantial cooldown, like 10 minutes a swap, so it is not abused too much.

The whole point... You are in a combat ship doing sites, you don't have to find a station to salvage the wrecks. Exploration ships can swap out hacking modules if they bring the wrong one... More playing the game and less staring at space warps.

Also means PVP ships can more easily swap out a point for something more profitable... Solo roams would be less of a waste if nothing shiny is around.
Tzar Sinak
Mythic Heights
#731 - 2013-11-15 19:07:57 UTC
The two suggestions I have (which may have already been posted) extrapolate from what I understand is to come over the next few years. These two ideas support the idea of exploring unknown star systems that can be seen in the star field from New Eden but unreachable.

The first is a telescope.

This is a means to do some planet hunting around stars. No point in attempting to travel to a system that has no planets! The telescope will determine system characteristics at a marco level. If you see what you like you can get a detailed system report from the next deployable.

Micro information wormhole generator.

A unit that generates a micro wormhole that exits in the target system. Now you can develop a detailed picture of planet types, asteroid belt types, anomalies counts/types, possible npc types and numbers, any existing player structures that may have got there before you.

These units would allow you to determine whether a system is worth the effort to build a jump gate to allow travel to for a more personal exploration.


Two jump gate types:

A recon jump gate for only one or two ships. One time use only. Easy to make but time consuming. Hard to scan down.

If the system explored is worthwhile to bring more resources to then the second gate would be built. The second gate would be larger, persisting, require many resources and time, destroyable and allow only corp/alliance pilots through. Easy to scan down.

Hydrostatic Podcast First class listening of all things EVE

Check out the Eve-Prosper show for your market updates!

Jake Shifter
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#732 - 2013-11-15 19:15:15 UTC
Martin Vanzyl wrote:

- Corp deployable only, from at least an Orca or Freighter
- As on the tin, allows all toons to walk around in and interact, customizable features, (meeting rooms, bars, briefing halls, entertainment areas, officer quarters, normal quarters etc)
- Allows ships to dock completely.
- Dust 514 integration, allowing mercs in the corp alliance to walk around in if the HQ is in a Dust system.
- Has integrated defenses akin to current POS guns.
- Reinforcement timer
- Extremely powerful shields.
- Standings will determine whether a character can dock and walk around; blues, corpmates, alliancemates allowed by default. Reds vs corp and those with suspect timers, are attacked by HQ guns regardless of wardec or where the HQ is placed (hi, low or null) with no CONCORD intervention. Neutrals need permission from a corp member to dock, but are not engageble by HQ guns unless structure is in null.
- HQ guns are controllable by corp characters with their associated gunnery skills or can run by default.

Thats all I can think of for the moment,,, be sure to update when more stuff hits me.

I second this idea, hard to implement though it may be. Make it only orbitable around planets, to prevent hidey-holing it somewhere ********.

I had an idea that may be interesting.
A special ship called a "Mobile Custom Starbase". It functions like a normal T1 ship untill you click "construct base" and:
IT ejects you into space, along with another ship you can store in the Base so you can hop into it right away. Maybe make it big enough for a cruiser, so i can have me some Stratios love. IT then, after say a 5-minute timer, transforms into a small base maybe 500 M axis, but what sets it apart is that any modules you have equipped to the base-ship get transferred and are now part of the base's abilities. Allow it to fit command modules, and have 6 weapon slots of up to Battleship variety for fending off intruders. Any active or passive tanks will be used by the AI as dictated by the combat flag and number/ship grade of enemies, and the DPS average. IT's like a ship in space that becomes a ship that nobody can fly but still can fight and salvage and passively scan for hostiles, the whole nine yards. Make this only anchorable around planets, though, to keep POS's in action and prevent spamming them around every moon. Oh, and make them expensive.
Atomic Heroes
#733 - 2013-11-15 20:15:15 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Let us know what you'd like to see out of the future of our new space structures!

I'd like the activation delay on the mobile cyno jammer to be reduced to 20s. As it stands on release, at 2 mins I can see it mainly being used to prevent drops on larger operations that plan to be in 1 place for a long time (gate camping, shooting pos, etc). This is a small twist making it SAFER for these ops. I'd hoped that this module would bring more surprises and DANGER to flying around looking for a fight. I want to be able to see what I think is bait with a cyno, get close to him and poop this module to spoil his day. I want people who fly cyno bait to have to think more. I want NEW gameplay, not less risky OLD gameplay, and a long activation timer doesn't give this Cry
Randy Wray
#734 - 2013-11-15 20:50:03 UTC
Nikuno wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Let us know what you'd like to see out of the future of our new space structures!

I'd like the activation delay on the mobile cyno jammer to be reduced to 20s. As it stands on release, at 2 mins I can see it mainly being used to prevent drops on larger operations that plan to be in 1 place for a long time (gate camping, shooting pos, etc). This is a small twist making it SAFER for these ops. I'd hoped that this module would bring more surprises and DANGER to flying around looking for a fight. I want to be able to see what I think is bait with a cyno, get close to him and poop this module to spoil his day. I want people who fly cyno bait to have to think more. I want NEW gameplay, not less risky OLD gameplay, and a long activation timer doesn't give this Cry

2 minutes is not so long when calling in backup, unless backup is already formed up it's pretty much impossible to aid tackled caps and what not within 2 minutes. Small gang hot drops should be risking something too, 20 seconds would make it pretty much risk free for everyone to hotdrop aslong as you're aware of cloaky enemy tackle and stuff.

Solo Pvper in all areas of space including wormhole space. Check out my youtube channel @ for mostly small scale pvp in lowsec/nullsec

Disco Pappotte
#735 - 2013-11-15 21:08:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Disco Pappotte
Chigurh Friendo wrote:
Disco Pappotte wrote:
Graviton Detector Units

A Proximity Detector has already been proposed but here's my more specific idea for one:

This unit would detects changes in gravitational fields within a certain sphere of space. Changes in gravitational field can be visualized via a graph (gravitational field vs time). Graph can be accessed from anywhere in space. Could be deployed near stargates when roaming to detect possible fleets in pursuit. Could be deployed near POS to detect ships dropping siphons or the siphons themselves. Possibilities are numerous.

I recommend having different sized units that self destruct (or run out of fuel) after a certain amount of time. The shortest lived ones could detect much smaller things or perhaps have larger spheres of detection. Longer lived ones would be unable to detect small objects. Therefore, you can't deploy a Graviton detector that lasts a week near your POS and expect to detect any new siphons, but... you may be able to detect a spike from the actual ship landing to deploy (if the ship is large enough and/or within the sphere of detection). These could come in a cloaked variety to place all over systems in order to detect the presence of cloaked individuals near particular celestials.

I like the idea of improved detection and/or visualization of threats through the use of deployable mobile structures. Following this pursuit could be the holy grail that eventually leads to improved visualization and immersion within the Eve space-faring environment... and perhaps even one day obviates the need for local channel intel.

I can envision a space-time grid-based sensor overlay that provides a better macroscopic perspective of ships and signatures that would ultimately provide a much-improved at-a-glance sensation of situational awareness than what is currently afforded by the present dscan and solar system view dscan interfaces.

I get the sarcasm and understand there is a local channel, dscan and that large entities often have scouts in many systems. A "graviton detector" would be useful for reasons that Local and D-Scan aren't useful. You can't find a cloaked ship with D-scan. You could with a well placed detector. Small gangs can't afford to leave scouts behind in every system, but they could strategically drop detectors. WH corps can't see things in local, but if they took the time to put them next to the WH entrances they could get an idea of traffic coming into and out of their system, even while not logged on. Granted there is always a 1 sec window to d scan someone coming into your WH but I get little enjoyment from spamming the scan button on d-scan for hours on end. I'd rather place 3 detectors near my WH entrances and wait for a spike. I could then put them up at celestials in the the system to see where they warp to and cloak up.
The Special Snowflakes
#736 - 2013-11-15 23:13:11 UTC  |  Edited by: novellus
A mobile structure that, when anchored, decreases the amount of time it takes for POSes/SOV structures (on grid) to come out of reinforcement mode.

You could call it a "Strontium-Lattice Destabilizer"

Good for faster grinding of undefended systems. If you (the defender) wont even show up to kill some easily-destroyable mobile structures... You deserve to have your timers reduced. Undefended grinds are a bore, and this could provoke some interesting fights. Fo-shizzle.
Draekas Darkwater
Frank Exchange of Views
#737 - 2013-11-16 02:26:33 UTC
You can start with any station service and make a mobile structure of them all that make sense, like refining, research, ect. Then move to stuff you can do at POSes if possible, except any form of resource extraction.

Refine stations may obsolete Rorqual compression, but that's ok, just rebalance them during the ship pass. May hit nullsec station taxes a bit, could add a sov holder option to tax these automatically where the taxed minerals appear in station or in a new corp based mobile module or a POS module.

Repair stations slowly repair your ship and drones if out, but only if you have no combat timers.

Mobile salvager. Salvages but leaves the jet cans of loot behind. Opposite of the new mobile looting device.

System wide cloak destabilizer, that only lets you then scan down cloaked ships with ship scan probes or new cloaked ship probes. Getting a warp point would warp you to a random place around the actual target, say 0-50km or 5-50km. You would then have to manually search the area with the usual decloaking tactics.

I don't like any of the ideas that would provide passive income, and its one reason why I think the siphon unit is silly. So please no mining units, ect. Mining assist units such as those that tractor jetcans and have large ore holds would be ok though for those newer players without orcas and the like.

Mimic units, of various styles that would appear as something else entirely on a D-scan or probe scan, including the ability to name them. From ships, to Pos mods, to other mobile structure types, to cosmic sigs, wormhole sites, ghost sites, ect ect. And yes, It's a Trap!

Local cloak generators. One shot use. Removes ships and itself from D-scan and regular scan probes within 15 km. Pairs well with mimic units.

Jump bridge units. Basically a single use, one way titan bridge to a cyno. Available in squad, wing and fleet sized versions. I don't like bridging at all, but if its going to stay, then don't leave it as a niche activity for the rich and powerful.

Wormhole bridge. Bridges the group into a random wormhole system. If its random would any one use it? If its not then its surely OP or destroys WH as we know them. Dunno about this one.

Mobile vending machines. Lets you put stuff up for sale with them. Either to everyone or based on standings, corp, alliance, ect. Similar reinforce mechanic to the mobile depot. Be awesome if they showed up on the market as well, but dunno how feasible that is.

Corporate mobile depots and other corporation based units.

Mobile billboards. I'd probably hate it, but folks do it with jet cans and the like anyway, so may as well formalize it.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#738 - 2013-11-16 05:06:31 UTC
mobile repair pod. makes repairs to ships/ modules for a price or fuel etc. out of combat only
Scuzzy Logic
Space Spuds
#739 - 2013-11-16 05:28:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Scuzzy Logic
I would kill for a small hangar-like structure that would allow swapping between two ships without leaving them unprotected in space or a POS bubble, as I find myself unable to solo mine in 0.2 or lower without having a combat ship nearby to deter any undesirables.
No need to make them dockable (preventing reinforcement safety abuse) just make them spit out your pod upon depositing a ship the first time or have them deploy containing a noob ship. Also make them unusable when under any kind of agression timer.

Off the top of my head that drug lab and some sort of mobile gas/reactant/booster dedicated storage tank come to mind too.

A bigger deployable secure storage container would be nice. Make it be like warehouse when compared to the garage that are yurts.
Maybe make a T2 variant with ore compression to enable the inexistant mining frig roams and/or ninja short term wormhole mining.
Scuzzy Logic
Space Spuds
#740 - 2013-11-16 05:30:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Scuzzy Logic
NextDarkKnight wrote:
Player Ghost Structures - Labs / Manufacturing / Research

They are scannable while deployed but not active,

Once active they are not scannable by probes.

When they are done the lab / Manufacturing/ Research cycle they become scannable again , and anyone can loot from them with some minor hacking.

(Remember.. all activity with a deployed ghost structure adds a suspect flag.. )

All these can be deployed in HS.

Maybe not highsec, but I could see this breathe life back into lowsec big time.