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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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The Cursed Company
#701 - 2013-11-15 12:37:32 UTC
Mobile Exploration Module

Can fit probe launcher to scan the system. Can be run remotely from different location (some range in light years). Placing more of these modules in different systems allows scanning more systems at the same time. Lower probe strength than the standard exploration with ship. Can't detect other ships (or just can't be fitted with combat scanner probes), only signatures.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#702 - 2013-11-15 12:38:19 UTC
Let me make a little home away from home... use the mobile depo (or another structure) as its base, then let me add on ore refineries, drug labs, drone bays (defence?) whatever.... might need power units etc

Modular ;)

Let me stick it in a out of the way pirate den or something... let me keep npc structures as a nice backdrop :)

That can be how you find them... look in a pirate site and oh... oh ... clone base

No Worries

Martin Vanzyl
EVE University
Ivy League
#703 - 2013-11-15 12:45:47 UTC
Kendoori Jinwah wrote:
Mobile Deployable Habitat!
- This one has been mentioned before but I second it


Cloaked Deployable Habitat!
- Same as above
- Cost way more 50M to 250M
- Requires cloaking skills and anchoring skills
- Is cloaked Unless someone is within 50k of habitat and NOT docked
- Don't loose that bookmark!! Where'd I park my house.....

+1 Definitely want this... CCP make this happen, please. Also...

Mobile Deployable Headquarters/Base (Small, Med, Large, XLarge)

- Corp deployable only, from at least an Orca or Freighter
- As on the tin, allows all toons to walk around in and interact, customizable features, (meeting rooms, bars, briefing halls, entertainment areas, officer quarters, normal quarters etc)
- Allows ships to dock completely.
- Dust 514 integration, allowing mercs in the corp alliance to walk around in if the HQ is in a Dust system.
- Has integrated defenses akin to current POS guns.
- Reinforcement timer
- Extremely powerful shields.
- Standings will determine whether a character can dock and walk around; blues, corpmates, alliancemates allowed by default. Reds vs corp and those with suspect timers, are attacked by HQ guns regardless of wardec or where the HQ is placed (hi, low or null) with no CONCORD intervention. Neutrals need permission from a corp member to dock, but are not engageble by HQ guns unless structure is in null.
- HQ guns are controllable by corp characters with their associated gunnery skills or can run by default.

Thats all I can think of for the moment,,, be sure to update when more stuff hits me.
#704 - 2013-11-15 12:56:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Random27
Mobile Concord office...

Anchored near a gate. After 24 hours, the security status of the system increases by 0.01, the neighboring system on the other side of the gate decreases by 0.01. Office then expires. Can't be used to increase a systems security beyond 10 or decrease it below 0, so not much use in core empire systems, or in null.

This could be used to gradually affect the security status of systems on the high/low-sec or low/null sec borders. FW systems going above 0.5 sec would be locked to that faction and stay out of FW until the security is pegged back down.

The overall 'amount' of high-sec space would remain pretty much the same. There'd be little chance of anywhere like Jita ever changing from 1.0 sec, unless a long-term coordinated effort was made. This might lead eventually to Concord being spread more thinly (i.e. more low and mid-sec systems and fewer 1.0 sec and nullsec systems), akin to the 'civilisation' of outlying systems.
Oleg Lemmont
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#705 - 2013-11-15 12:58:09 UTC
Not sure if its been mentioned so far but..

Mobile Salvaging Structure.
Tampopo Field
#706 - 2013-11-15 13:09:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tampopo Field
After reading through several pages of suggestions (too lazy to read all of them), I decided to make three different lists for suggested structures. The "Good" list for suggestions I think would work, the "Maybe, but there are some possible issues" list for stuff that might work, and the "Oh god no!" list for suggestions that seemed common, but are just plain bad. In the spirit of optimism, I'll start with the "Good" list.

"Good" list (in no particular order)

1. Mobile Refinery:
A structure that refines ore placed in it over time at a reasonable efficency, whith that efficency based on refining skills of the deployer. Acces to the structure could be set to: personal, corporation, fleet, alliance, or based on standings. Reinforcement mechanic similar to the Mobile Depot, but possibly with a shorter 24h reinforcement timer. Different sizes intended for differet scale of mining operations, but mainly aimed for smaller scale operations as larger groups can use other methods to make the ore more transportable, such as the Rorqual.
Example: Fleet of miners mine for 2 hours and place the ore in a Mobile Refinery. The refinery refines the ore into minerals over the next n>4 hours and the group can scoop up the refined minerals and the Refinery itself on the next day.

2. Mobile Wormhole Collapser:
Basically a method to allow players to close wormholes without jumping back and forth and risk getting sranded. Insted of collapsing the wormhole instantly it would greaty speed up the decay rate. By a factor of 10 or 20 or possibly even more. Or it would counstantly reduce the ammount of mass the wormhole can support. The latter would ofcourse be more effective on smaller wormholes if the reduction would be linear, so reducing the limit based on the precentage of maximum mass allowed through when it was full might work best.
The structure should propably be multiuse as the logistics of importing stuff into w-space can be a pain. Limited to one per wormhole.

3. Mobile Repair Depot:
Essentially a device that, when activated, repairs all hull damage, armor damage and heat damage to modules as well as recharges shields and capacitor. After activating it, it could not be activated again for a spesific ammount of time. Reinforcement similar to the Mobile Depot. For fuel, when activated, it could require cap boosters and/or nanite paster. Also to limit the usability when actually in combat it could require no weapons flag or no pvp flag to activate.

"Maybe" list (in no particular order)

1. Mobile Ore Compression Array:
This might stomp on the toes of the Rorqual, making it obselate. Also the Mobile Refinery fills a somewhat similar role. Might work, if it would work in a way that makes the Rorqual a safer or faster option. Or both.

2. Deployable Guns:
To prevent these things from becoming the new, totally independant and even more OP version of Sentry Drones there would have to be some limitations. First being the inability to deployed them near gates or stations. Or maybe deployable at gates, but when deployed there, they would only attack rats.
Another possibly a good idea would be to limit their deployment in conjunction to other mobile structures, similar to POSes.

3. Mobile Wormhole Stabilizer:
W-space is supposed to be difficult to access and making it possible to stabilise them would make them more like normal space. A module thet would prolong the lifespawn of the wormhole might be acceptable, especially if it did this at the expense of the max weight limit.
However growing the weight limit to allow more ships throug or worse, the max weight limit for the heavist ship allowed throug would make moving huge fleets into w-space possible. And that doesn't seem like a good idea.

Continues at:

Notification: Because I'm lazy, I have a tendency to post without proof reading. This may result in various errors including but not limited to typos, weird typos, grammatical errors, bizarre sentence structure, words written repeatedly, mislocated paragraphs, pointlessly complicated explanations, general incoherency, and abrupt endings.

Tampopo Field
#707 - 2013-11-15 13:10:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Tampopo Field
Continues from:

4. Mines:
Some deployable single use destruction would be fun. but to prevent them form becoing OP they might be best limited to jump capable ships, but would not affect ships with covert jump capabilities. In essence Anti-Capital Mines.
Limiting them to capitals would prevent them from being used as passive camping tools against normal fleets and it would add another capital deterrant to the game. To move capitals into an are with a mine field a subcap fleet would be needed to clean the place up. And since a cyno ship is needed for a jump, there would always be a scout to warn about a mine field. Unless we count cyno beacons, but who jumps to an unscouted beacon anyway?
This could ofcourse have unintended consequnces so should be explored carefully.

5. Mobile Moon Harvesting Array:
This would basically be a module that would allow the harvesting of moon materials without setting up a pos tower. It could have a reduced harvesting rate compared to the module in addition to being more vulnerable to attack then a pos. For defenses a Mobile Depot type reinforcement timer of 24h perhaps. Ofcourse it would further reduce the cost of moon materials, si there could be some unintended consequences.
When I first heard about the Siphons this is what a thought they would be. And if implemented it should be possible to siphon materials from these as well.

6. Mobile Drone Cleaner/Collector:
A device similar to the Auto-tractor thingy, except it would tracktor beam all abandoned drones withing a 100km close to it and place them in a drone hold. This hold could be accessable ot all or oly the person who deployed it. Would be a great help with the cleaning.

"Horrible" list (in no particular order)

1. Mobile Decloaking Whatever:
I can imagine every single gatecamp deploying these things. It would be a major nerf to cloaks, both the regular and the cov ops variety. Just no. Abslolutely no.

2. Mobile Local Whatever:
Local is not just an information tool, but also a social tool allowing people to know who's nearby and to chat with them. If any of these were implemented it would limit the social utility of the local. And at the moment ther is no viable replacement for Loal as in either information or social role.

Notification: Because I'm lazy, I have a tendency to post without proof reading. This may result in various errors including but not limited to typos, weird typos, grammatical errors, bizarre sentence structure, words written repeatedly, mislocated paragraphs, pointlessly complicated explanations, general incoherency, and abrupt endings.

Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#708 - 2013-11-15 13:36:23 UTC

Suggestion 1:

Mobile Remote Shield Extender

Range: 2500m

Tech 1: 65% Shield HP Boost
Meta 2: 70% Shield HP Boost
Meta 3: 75% Shield HP Boost
Meta 4: 80% Shield HP Boost
Tech 2: 90% Shield HP Boost

Runs on Cap charges, with a fuel bay. Each charge runs a 10minute cycle. When destroyed, owner ship looses boost on current shield (not the % of total shield).

Effect applies to the owner who launches item only.

Cut's the high sec miners a break on high sec ganking (and no I don't mine). Can be used in PvP but is not really overpowered as owner will have to maintain orbit within 2500m of a fixed point.

Cannot be deployed inside a site, plex or other instance (making the mining sites less well protected than belts but, it prevents heavy use in FW site and on PvE missions which are too easy already). Cannot be used near jump gates or stations.

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Goonswarm Federation
#709 - 2013-11-15 13:38:54 UTC
yes mines

do it for the player created content videos of domino messages--like gsc messages but they go boom

EVE rube goldberg machines
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#710 - 2013-11-15 13:48:00 UTC
A cyno structure to cyno structures.

Just place it close enough to your other deployed mobile structures, light a cyno somewhere else, remotely activate the cyno structure to gate whatever other small mobile structure is in range and itself to your cyno beacon.

Or have a buddy light the beacon, and activate the cyno structure from close by to gate yourself and the structure and nearby mobile structures (that you own) to the beacon.

Also, steal other peoples leech structures. Profit.

I bet that sounds way better in my head. Shocked

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Naomi Tichim
Sovereign Hospitaller Order of Saint Katherine
#711 - 2013-11-15 14:03:17 UTC
A couple of ideas:

Mobile Defense Platform
Basically mobile turrets. There would probably be numerous variations, but you'd drop these to provide some extra firepower. I can think of many uses:
- Mining ops
- Gatecamps
- Defending a collection of mobile structures
- Keeping watch on wormholes
- Planetary control

It would be important that they have a significant setup time, to prevent players from spamming them in engagements.

Mobile Sensor Array
A powerful sensor array. Can pick up and pinpoint objects far beyond the range of normal sensors. Useful for finding ships or exploration sites.

Bad idea:
Any sort of mobile cloak detector
Alyssa Utama
Chuang's House of Ill Repute
#712 - 2013-11-15 14:19:04 UTC
I have a few very simple ideas, which could affect a large part of the Eve Community:

1) Spy beacon.

Strictly limited (e.g. 1 per player), but can (choose 1, or have multiple types):
a) give you a view on what is happening in Local Chat within a system (as well as who is in local)
b) give you the same functionality as a d-scan from that point (not directional)
c) attach to a gate and give you a report of who/what jumps through
d) deploy in space and notify you whenever a ship comes on grid (uncloaked) with pilot name and ship type

Option to be cloaky and/or hard to scan down. Probably has a lifetime (similar to the cyno jammer). Incredibly useful in PvP for intel gathering.

2) Cyno beacon

It's just a cyno in a can. Still requires Liquid Oxygen, is disposable and fully shootable. Lasts for 10 mins (if not shot), very low EHP. Will still cost around the same as a cyno frig + cyno generator, just saves you having to warp off or be stuck in place for 10 mins. Assists both PvE and PvP as helps out JF pilots just as much as anyone else. Requires same skills to launch and activate (and can't be activated instantly to stop it being used for hot drops).

3) User video boards / marketing beacons / advertising platforms

Saves all the anchored "join our corp 'cos we are l33t" anchored cans in hi-sec. Instead you can link them to a corp advert/market order/contract. Or ideally a video, but that might be asking a little too much!

Might be better to limit the number per system/station/stargate/whatever and sell the advertising space onwards instead of having everyone cluttering up Jita with their scam contracts.

Not necessarily and 'in game advertising' service.
Gabriel Locke
Gallente Federation
#713 - 2013-11-15 14:21:46 UTC
Mobile whine-o-jammer; a module that can be deployed on the forums that blocks carebear tears. Very useful for nullsec alliances after nullsec pve events.
Lord Drakandu
LowSechnaya Shpana
#714 - 2013-11-15 14:45:57 UTC
One structures that he prevents that the jump bridge works and that it should be destroyed. It can be like siphon, that the pos does not attack him but if the weapon if it is controlled by a player
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#715 - 2013-11-15 14:58:10 UTC
You know what I'd like? I'd like a deployable that prevents signatures from showing up if you don't deploy probes. Ideally I'd expand that to include anoms. Scanning has gotten too lazy; give me a reason to launch probes in a seemingly empty system if I suspect someone has cloaked everything up. And, of course, give me the ability to cloak everything up if I don't want it to be so easy for anyone else who wanders by.
Zansha Expansion
#716 - 2013-11-15 15:10:47 UTC
A mobile 'screw u' emitter that tampers with corporation standings in alliances in nullsec.

The rage... Lol

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Mundi Kundoni
Brittas Empire
Pandemic Horde
#717 - 2013-11-15 16:00:35 UTC
Sorry if someone already suggested this but here's my plan for a deployable structure.

I call it "The Rum Keg" (reason will become apparent)

So, your other half is out for the evening? Sweet! EVE TIME! go upstairs, grab a beer or some quafe, whatever floats your boat and log into your favourite space-based MMO.

But what's this? No pvp going on today because all the enemy FCs have had to go see their therapist from the last time that you gave them a solid spanking :( not to worry, time to get the probes out and find me a site!

No sites in the whole of Black Rise? Dammit! Time to log off and watch my little pony.

BUT what's this? This strange new module brought to you by CCP Rise himself!

The Rum Keg!

Deploy this baby at a random location (safe spot) and watch the fun take hold, the keg attracts scores of those waskally pirate npcs who are just desperate for a drop of Captian Jack's finest reserve only to find a grinning capsuleer, giggling merrily to himself as s/he nonchalantly balls them in the face.

Spawns will be random of course with a very small chance for faction spawns (depending also on security level of space) this module will have to cost a pretty penny to offset the potential gains involved in deploying one, and the resulting spawns should not always outweigh the expenditure on the module to give the module an edge of risk involved. That being said if you don't like risk you really are playing the wrong game, may I suggest Hello Kitty's Island Adventure (I don't know if that exists, I just saw it on South Park, honest)

The other snag is there's no telling how quickly waves will spawn and whether or not there will be tackling frigates involved so there could be a real chance that you will be left either a) floating in your pod or b) screaming like a girly girl on comms for backup - who doesn't like hearing their corpies screaming out in panic as they'd watch their faction fitted armour melt?

Submitted for your approval (and obvious attention needed from ccp to ensure it is balanced and doesn't cause massive hyper-inflation)

Mundi Kundoni
Mundi Kundoni
Brittas Empire
Pandemic Horde
#718 - 2013-11-15 16:03:48 UTC
Mundi Kundoni wrote:

The Rum Keg!

Deploy this baby at a random location (safe spot) and watch the fun take hold, the keg attracts scores of those waskally pirate npcs who are just desperate for a drop of Captian Jack's finest reserve only to find a grinning capsuleer, giggling merrily to himself as s/he nonchalantly -balls- them in the face.

Thaddeus Eggeras
Urkrathos Corp
#719 - 2013-11-15 16:14:00 UTC
I liek the idea of webbing structures, neuting structures, gun/missiles structures. Also be nice to have station gun structures like NPCs have. Ambush structures, structures that while you are within the sphere the structure puts up all ships in it are cloaked.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#720 - 2013-11-15 16:18:09 UTC
Mobile Discoball, heh.

Seriously though, anchorable weapons and EWAR. Put them on gates, in faction warfare sites, on player owned stations, etc. 30 day decay timer.

Personal labs and such would be awesome as well, because screw corp roles. Your CEOs and other officers will love you.

And as long as were at it, how about fixing refining arrays? So much waste...