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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Drizt D0'Urden
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#681 - 2013-11-15 06:51:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Drizt D0'Urden
Deployable scan disruptors to make ur assets harder to scan down and in conjuction a module to link scanning ships together to make scanning easier.

Planetary Titan weapons
Tas Exile
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#682 - 2013-11-15 07:38:20 UTC
** denotes ideas mentioned previously

**1) Local D-scan Inhibitor – Prevents ships within 250km from appearing on d-scan. This works both ways – ships within 250km can’t see anything on d-scan either. The inhibitor itself shows on D-scan and is probable. Could be used to hide a fleet (until someone probes it out and sends a scout) or could be used offensively to blind a fleet so they can’t see ships coming unless they send someone out of range of the inhibitor.

**2) Mobile Cap Recharger Inhibitor – Reduces the capacitor recharge rate of all ships within 100km by 15%. Could be used to disrupt or break fleets that over-rely on cap stability. Multiple units do not stack. Probably needs to be prohibited from hisec or at least destructable with no suspect flag to prevent overuse in harassing mission runners.

3) Mobile Ammo Reprocessing Depot – Depot that is loaded with a BPO or BPC for a particular ammo type. Allows reprocessing of modules to create that ammunition. Fast run time and high scrap rate. Basically, it would allow highly inefficient restocking of ammo when no stations or POS’s are available. Potentially could be used for Tech 2 ammo using BPC’s. Maybe non-configurable – once it is loaded with a BPO/BPC, that is all it can make.

4) Mobile Drone Decoy – Every 30 seconds sends a pulse that causes drones to lose their targets for 10 seconds. Range 100km.

**5) Mobile Wormhole Generator – Allows creation of a random wormhole. Only works in K-space. Different generators created different bands of wormholes. Type 1 creates WH’s to C1, C2, HS. Type 2 creates WH’s to C3,C4,LS. Type 3 creates WH’s to C5,C6,NS. Needs some kind of cooldown or expense to control usage. Either expensive and has a 20 hour cooldown or disposable, but each system will only support the creation of 4 WH’s per day. Something to prevent just cycling through WH’s until you get the one you want.

**6) Mobile Ship Storage Depot- Basically a secure storage container that a ship (or ships) could be parked in. Mass limit up to 1 battleship. Shows up on d-scan and is probable, but has high HP and a reinforcement timer similar to the Mobile Depot. If destroyed, the stored ships have a 50% chance of dropping (like the SMA’s). This would allow players to swap ships without having an Orca, but at the risk of being discovered.

7) Anti-Ewar Missile Battery - Loaded with scripts (ecm, neuts, damps,etc). Detects any ships using the loaded type of Ewar and fires missiles at them. 100km range. Max of 3 targets. Alternatively, instead of missiles, it could use the same type of Ewar back at them.

Caldari 5
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
#683 - 2013-11-15 07:41:42 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
List of Currently Proposed Ideas:
*** Big List ***

Nice list dude, Although I didn't spot my idea from back on Page 25 in it
Device that converts an Anom into a Sig. and a device that converts a Sig into an Anom, probably list it under Inter Altering
Kendoori Jinwah
Soporific Ship Spinners
#684 - 2013-11-15 07:51:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Kendoori Jinwah
I like some of the deployable mine ideas but I have some twists.

Standard Mine:
- Fast Deploy speed (Meta decreases base deploy speed and increases damage)
- Large in size (250m3 - 500m3 in size)
- Requires matching Starbase password or will detonate within range
- High hull resist to same type of damage like bombs have (two mines going off near each other will do very little damage to each other)
- Visible
- Lockable
- Hackable (hacked mine can be deactivated and re-deployed by person who hacks it - aka, the new owner)
- Not usable anywhere Bombs are not useable
- One person can only anchor one at a time.

Burst Engine Mine: (Can't think of a better name)
- Same range and deployability as Standard Mine
- Completely shuts down thrusters on any ship within range for 5-10 seconds depending on meta
- Ship can not use main thrusters, afterburners or microwarpdrives
- Micro Jump Drives are not affected
- Jumping through stargates are not affected
- Visible
- Lockable
- Hackable (hacked mine can be deactivated and re-deployed by person who hacks it - aka, the new owner)

Cloaked Mine:
- Increased deploy time (Meta has faster base deploy and higher damage)
- Less damage than standard mine, same racial resist as damage
- Large than standard and Burst Engine mines (500m3 to 1000m3)
- Requires anchoring and cloaking skills to deploy
- Proximity will decloak (2,500m)
- Closer proximity will detonate ( 500m) (Possible to navigate a cloaked mine field at slow velocities)
- Visible within 2,500m
- Lockable within 2,500m
- Hackable (hacked mine can be deactivated and re-deployed by person who hacks it - aka, the new owner)
-* New Mid Slot module for Pinging for cloaked mines & ships
[ ] T1 detects cloaked mines and Prototype cloaks on ships within 5k
[ ] T2 detects cloaked mines and up to T2 cloaks on ships (Maybe not Covert Cloaking devices on ships)
[ ] High capacitor activation and fast cycle time
[ ] Chance of not detect per cycle - EW skills increase accuracy

New Hauler Bonuses
- Give storage bonus to some haulers (Separate bay...?)
- Give anchoring bonus for mines
- Increased number of mines anchoring at a time depending on hauler role level.


This ones been said before and I second it...

AOE Ship Repair Battery for anchoring inside of a POS.
- Anywhere inside of POS shields for range.
- Requires nanite paste AND small repair drones!!!
- Different size modules can hold more repair drones!!!
- Batteries have Control bandwidth and drone capacity. Large has higher bandwidth/capacity.
- Drones can be shot if they circle two close to outside POS shields or if shields are down.
-* New Hull Repair Drones
[] Available in Light/Med/Heavy
[] Usable by players and AOE Ship Repair Batteries
-* New Heat Repair Drones.
[] Available in one size - Heavy
[] Useable by players and AOE Ship Repair Batteries
- 2.5km3 to 5km3 packaged size
- Standard battery ehp depending on size.

Portable AOE Ship Repair Battery
- Anchoring anywhere a Can can be anchored.
- Shorter range than AOE Ship Repair Battery ( 5k or 10k from unit)
- Smaller bandwidth and storage than
- Smaller packaged size, 150m3 to 300m3
- Minimal defense (5k ehp)


Deployable Tracking Bubbles
- Same ranges as warp bubbles (Small/Med/Large, meta variants)
- Radiates (something/magic) that clings to ships that pass within range of the bubble
- Makes ships passing through bubble (Friends and Foe) light up like a Christmas tree with a Dscan or single combat scan probe with 100% accuracy without triangulating
- Duration 5 Minutes or less.
- Docking removes all traces
- AOE Ship Repair Batteries can remove all traces
-* New Tracking Bubble Probe that Warp Bubble Launchers used by interdictors can use
-* New High Slot Tracking Disruption Generator that Heavy Interdictors only can use. (Less requirements than Warp Disruptor Generator - Fitting one of each should be possible). This module active does not affect it's ability to be targeted by friendly ships for reps. Scriptable for targeted tracking.


Deployable Communication Jammer
- This has been mentioned before and I second it
- Large size 50k to 250k packaged
- Interval chance of blacking out local channel
- Meta versions have better chance of working per cycle
- Single siege timer (Shield only)
- Less than ihub ehp
- More than one per system can exist but decreases effectiveness of each one
- Probable
- Quick deploy, requires fuel. Max of a few hours worth of fuel.
Kendoori Jinwah
Soporific Ship Spinners
#685 - 2013-11-15 07:53:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Kendoori Jinwah
Mobile Deployable Habitat!
- This one has been mentioned before but I second it
- Only single Shield Timer, very low eHp, Shield and Hull only. 48 hour timer
- Can be scooped while reinforced
- Can be docked in close proximity to other habitats, otherwise must be farther away from other deployed structures.
- Comes in small, medium, large and X-large + meta flavors
[ ] Small :: Single Frig/Destroyer size ship can dock in habitat (Maintenance Array capable) (500m3 personal storage)
[ ] Medium :: Single Cruiser - Tier 1-3, Tech 1-3 size ship can dock in habitat (Maintenance Array capable) 1000m3 personal storage)
[ ] Large :: Two Cruisers can dock in habitat. (Maintenance Array capable) (2,500m3 personal storage)
[ ] X-Large :: Three Cruisers can dock in habitat. (Maintenance Array capable) (5,000m3 personal storage)
- Each size habitat has a max m3 that is dockable and has restrictions to hull sizes (BS's just can't fit.... sorry)
- Can have combination of Frig + Cruisers docked
- Can be anchored in a POS!! or outside of a POS (your risk)
- Has Captain's quarters built in!!! Just like station, but only single dwelling (Expand later to who ever can dock in habitat, can walk in habitat at same time, in same room only)
- Standard luxury space home prices, 25M isk to 150M isk.
- Destroying has chance of spewing out ships and personal storage cans
- Imagine.... a space colony of rag tag group of friends, in a random place in space of their choosing. Scanable, probeably
- Purchasable mini-games for friends that come over (pool table?, VR, cheesy Dust 514 sim)
- Other quarter accessories to impress your friends (AUR market...)

Cloaked Deployable Habitat!
- Same as above
- Cost way more 50M to 250M
- Requires cloaking skills and anchoring skills
- Is cloaked Unless someone is within 50k of habitat and NOT docked
- Don't loose that bookmark!! Where'd I park my house.....
Zara Tosh
State War Academy
Caldari State
#686 - 2013-11-15 08:25:34 UTC
a siege Module, specificaly deigned to automatically attack all mobile structures, maybe even pocos, on grid. Can not be scooped again, cannot be used against starbases, limited to 1 per grid, lasts long enough to kill/reinforce 4-6 mobile structures, self destructs as soon as no mobile structures are on grid or has run out of "ammo" (e.g. RF'ed 6 structures)or timer expired (enough time to RF 6 structures is required). should be reasonably cheap (20mil max I think). must be easy to kill off by a solo person ( no 100k HP bullcrapp)
Aussie Carebear OverLords
#687 - 2013-11-15 09:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: OkaskiKali
Mobile turret pew pew's that you can anchor on gate with mobile warp disrupters allowing you to castle yourself in a system. We are allowed to put up defence for POS, but defending gates is usually 100's of large mobile bubbles.
Caldari State
#688 - 2013-11-15 10:01:26 UTC
Sebastian Hoch wrote:

1. Mobile Capsular Prison: Used together with some mod that allows you the scoop or tractor a pod and trap the player until rescued or the Prison time to live runs out. Nullsec/WH only. Location of captured pilot is known to corp mates and he can join a fleet to provide a warp in, but cannot self destruct, or train. Forces players to fight over Key leaders and provides an extortion opportunity.

I like <3
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#689 - 2013-11-15 10:09:12 UTC  |  Edited by: KatanTharkay
Gravity Well Generator

It causes a gravitational anomaly that cause the collapse of warp drives.

- stops / pulls ships out of warp (like bubbles), including those interdiction nullified
- it does NOT prevent warping away (like bubbles), it only pulls/stops ships out of warp. The ships can warp away after full stop.
- can be placed anywhere in space. Can stop ships anywhere in mid warp (you can place it anywhere between points A and B and it will work - unlike bubbles that work only at the beginning or the end of the warp path).

Trying to move the combat from gates, stations & towers. Also everybody and his mother are using perch bookmarks around gates these days.
Steve Ransom
Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#690 - 2013-11-15 10:10:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Ransom
A Mobile Triage Unit. - When deployed all fleet ships within 100km radius receive either double EHP or +15 resists.

A mobile Weapons Platform. - Deployable near structures such as stations (null sec only), Pocos, ihubs, stargates etc. You will need ammo such as crystals as they can be racial. They attack random enemy targets (reds and neuts to the deploying corp/Alliance and there is a 15 second delay before it fires so that travelling neuts wont always be attacked at a gate unless they hang about or are caught in a bubble.) Think of them as Gate and station guns deployable by sov holders in null sec just like Concord does in high and low sec. Make them limited in number based on sov. i.e. you have sov 2 you can deploy 2, sov 5 you can deploy 5 around any given structure.
Steve Ransom
Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#691 - 2013-11-15 10:31:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Ransom
Steve Ransom wrote:
A Mobile Triage Unit. - When deployed all fleet ships within 100km radius receive either double EHP or +15 resists.

A mobile Weapons Platform. - Deployable near structures such as stations (null sec only), Pocos, ihubs, stargates etc. You will need ammo such as crystals as they can be racial. They attack random enemy targets (reds and neuts to the deploying corp/Alliance and there is a 15 second delay before it fires so that travelling neuts wont always be attacked at a gate unless they hang about or are caught in a bubble.) Think of them as Gate and station guns deployable by sov holders in null sec just like Concord does in high and low sec. Make them limited in number based on sov. i.e. you have sov 2 you can deploy 2, sov 5 you can deploy 5 around any given structure.
Steve Ransom
Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#692 - 2013-11-15 10:59:07 UTC
Steve Ransom wrote:
Steve Ransom wrote:
A Mobile Triage Unit. - When deployed all fleet ships within 100km radius receive either double EHP or +15 resists.

A mobile Weapons Platform. - Deployable near structures such as stations (null sec only), Pocos, ihubs, stargates etc. You will need ammo such as crystals as they can be racial. They attack random enemy targets (reds and neuts to the deploying corp/Alliance and there is a 15 second delay before it fires so that travelling neuts wont always be attacked at a gate unless they hang about or are caught in a bubble.) Think of them as Gate and station guns deployable by sov holders in null sec just like Concord does in high and low sec. Make them limited in number based on sov. i.e. you have sov 2 you can deploy 2, sov 5 you can deploy 5 around any given structure.

Just thought of this...

A Mobile Incursion Platform. - When deployed by an attacking fleet it disrupts services in a system in much the way incursion rats do in an incursion. It has to be probed down and destroyed to be taken offline. If rats can do that to a system why cant we?


A Mittani detector to let us know when he is in system, or even better a detector that splashes PROMO in local whenever Blink has a Promo! jk

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#693 - 2013-11-15 11:09:48 UTC
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but -- a mobile dispenser.

Think of a vending machine: now you fill it with whatever you want to dispense BUT it must be a charge of some kind. Like cap booster or ammo or whatever. The dispenser should have a cruiser signature, require starbase charters to anchor in highsec - and - have a very minimal amount of EHP ie 5k or so.

in highsec:

most limited vending machine: can only store legal goods and can not dispense illegal drugs, bombs, pirate faction ammo or any other commodity that empires don't like or are sourced from pirates.

Attacking a dispenser draws CONCORD response exactly the same as if a ship was attacked. Suffers a 10% tax on all sales for the priviledge of CONCORD protection

in lowsec:

Can store and sell any good normally acquired in lowsec. Tax is set by the dominant FW holder or by who has the most POCO's in system/constellation, whichever is higher.

in nullsec:

same as lowsec except for no taxes unless anchored in NPC space in which case tax is a flat 5% and cannot be anchored near an NPC station.

Why this idea?

For players who are in a hurry - sure you could drive all the way to the supermarket and get stuff for cheap but your jobs vending machine is *right there* and only %20 more expensive...

Taking a real world idea and transposing it on to the game - let the market drive their popularity.
CSR Engineering Solutions
Citizen's Star Republic
#694 - 2013-11-15 11:20:07 UTC
Arrow Deadspace Generator: Creates an area of deadspace big enough you have to have to deploy a mobile warp gate.

Arrow Player Owned Mobile Warp Gates: Does the same thing as in missions or in deadspace sites just you own it and it can be hacked to get into the deadspace pocket.

Arrow Active Decloaking Array: Maybe not so much what everyone would think, place it next to your warp bubble and it launches something like 5 to 10 small unarmed drones which fly around the edge of a bubble, so something that would take a bit of skill to get past, but if you are not paying attention, you go boom. This is the replacement of the million or so cans we all like to drop in the hope that a covert ops scout screws up .

Arrow Mobile Forcefield: There are 2 ways this could work, you place it in a hostile system as a safe spot, bit like a POS bubble just quicker to deploy and less HP. Or you could place it around something like a Stargate or WH to slow down would be attackers. As a concept I am putting this out there as one I like just not sure how useful it would be.

Arrow Mobile Cloaking Field: Place it around stuff you want hidden from sensors or hide a fleet of ships, kinda does what it says on the can this one.

Arrow Mobile Stealth Arrays: Technically around but would be cool to be able to use them as they help reduce the scan signatures of anything nearby, would be useful.

Arrow Mobile Corp Depot: Same as the original just larger hanger and anyone in a corp can use it, not a replacement for a POS, just something useful on ops or in a WH where you dont intend to be there fro a long time and more than one person need to use it.

Arrow Mobile Graviton Neutralization Array: aka Wormhole Stabilizer, repairs the mass limit of a WH to its original value but would not be as effective as the Mobile Graviton Array i suggested before.

Arrow Mobile Fighter/Drone Hanger: with Valkyrie around the corner, and hopefully when it gets merged into eve, would be cool to have somewhere to put all those new fighter pilots, but until then how about we have fighters/drones that can be used to defend an area of space.

Arrow Mobile Array Maintenance Array: With so many of these mobile arrays in spacet you probably need something to keep them all operating if you forget to open a few of them after 30days.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#695 - 2013-11-15 11:25:34 UTC
Good to see that someone up there is thinking outside the box or rather looking outside of it because there are still too many strings hanging on.
For instance: 48hr reinforcement on depot .. really? Isn't that the same as applies to full-size POS? Where is the incentive to keep track of ones stuff as you go on and on about in the descriptions.
Reduce it to a harsh 8 hours AND make the depot contents scannable!

Mobile anchorable structures are an immense boon to the recluse, make them at least do some thinking before committing.

Other than that:
- Targetable subsystems on all mobile structures; allow for cloaks, cargo expansions, tractor upgrades, EHP upgrades etc. Subsystem can only be added in station during an assembly process and thus requires complete dismantling of deployed unit to replace when destroyed.

- Mobile shield bubble. Traversable but stops dps from passing (both directions).
- Pirate distress beacon to increase belt spawn, subsystem can then designate whether quality or quantity/frequency applies.
- Mineral compression. If mining is made more than it is then you have numerous additional options to augment it .. kind of simplistic as is (comet snares for example .. how cool would that be!)
- C&C module anchorable at planets to provide buffs/visibility/etc. to Dusties.
- Dependent on link solution chosen an anchorable amplifier to links (power, range or else) could be added.
- Remote viewing unit/camera, complete with OV and camera controls. Conveniently pre-equipped with a chameleon subsystem so it can look like either a sentry gun, billboard or an asteroid (sorry null, nothing for you Smile). Approach to within decloaking range to positively identify. Can be in different system (just force a session change without moving person).
**NB** Might require your network squints to bleed/sweat a little .. muhahahahaha.

- Ammo/Cell manufacturing unit with fully open access like on the siphon, BYOM concept. For use in deep ratting systems where POS are either not wanted or possible.
In fact, you could probably get away with creating stand-alone versions of most POS mods .. would be pretty nifty to have refitting in space for example (still open access as I hope will be the norm for all these things). Think of it as the first salvo in making the modular POS/Sprawls of forum fame.
Caldari State
#696 - 2013-11-15 11:38:31 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:

Reduce it to a harsh 8 hours AND make the depot contents scannable!

Yeah, I come back from work to see that all my stuff went boom while I was at work (or while I was sleeping) .. GG! (word's can't express how ******** 8 hour reinforce would be)
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#697 - 2013-11-15 11:52:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
Everyone is suggesting deployables to automate their favorite ship activity: from shooting and repairing to EWARing to decloaking, mining, scanning, etc. With the coming of Rubicon, some people will surely enjoy deploying deployables. Why not make a deployable that can deploy deployables for us? It should come in several variants - deployable deployable depot (deploys a depot when deployed), deployable deployable cynojammer (deploys a cynojammer when deployed), deployable deployable deployable (deploys a deployable deployable when deployed), etc.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#698 - 2013-11-15 12:05:46 UTC
Mingja wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:

Reduce it to a harsh 8 hours AND make the depot contents scannable!

Yeah, I come back from work to see that all my stuff went boom while I was at work (or while I was sleeping) .. GG! (word's can't express how ******** 8 hour reinforce would be)

So make it twelve hours, I am not evil Smile. If you want more then you ought to be forced to go the POS route, if you want more safety then you go cloaked tiericided transport that can be logged out when you go to work.

Consider that it uses no fuel and prices will probably be stupidly low .. combine with the mentioned immense boon to solo players and you have an item that is so far removed from the Eve norm as to represent a very real threat to the game as a whole (see next).
Eve stands out in the MMO theatre primarily due to the teaming-up requirement and it is done not by blanket incentives as other games do but by making it a straight up necessity in most cases, creating mobile <-insert whatever-> caters directly to the recluse thus giving Eve a hearty push towards 'the norm' and mediocrity.

Here is an additional idea: Protection of the depot, with a severely shortened reinforcement timer, can be contracted out to mercs. Should they fail and the depot be destroyed then a <50% the value of the loss is automatically transferred from contract holder to issuer .. mercenary/rent-a-cop work is in dire need of mechanics to support it and everything has to start somewhere.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#699 - 2013-11-15 12:13:49 UTC
Mobile Cynosural Blockade Unit

200mil shield HP
99% resists (omni)
Effect: Prevents cynosural field activation
Range: constellation
Build cost: approx 2mil (Jita sell)
Size: 10m3 packaged
Not scannable by probes
Skills required: Anchoring I
Only anchorable in low security empire

Yes I'm serious


Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#700 - 2013-11-15 12:29:12 UTC
Roime wrote:
Mobile Cynosural Blockade Unit

200mil shield HP
99% resists (omni)
Effect: Prevents cynosural field activation
Range: constellation
Build cost: approx 2mil (Jita sell)
Size: 10m3 packaged
Not scannable by probes
Skills required: Anchoring I
Only anchorable in low security empire

Yes I'm serious

Whydont you make it keep cloaked for 22 hours each day also?

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"