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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Cryten Jones
Advantage Inc
#341 - 2013-11-13 19:28:54 UTC
1. Shield Generator - Creates a shield bubble of some size or another - Single Use

2. Point Defense Turrets - Tuned to be Dangerous to NPC and stupid players only

3. Trade Post - Would need to be used at a POS I guess or they would just be looted all the friken time. Stock stored on the inside of the POS.. Risk is that you are kind of showing if the POS is worth shooting or not for free.

4. Labs and Factories that don't need corp rights !


Promised Victorious Entropy
#342 - 2013-11-13 19:29:01 UTC
Bug-Out Box (A.K.A. Mobile ECM Burst Module A.k.a. Mobile Rage Inducer)

200km NoDeploy range to keep the area someone clean.
Deploys with 30 second spool up timer
No shield or armor, not a lot of structure.
Deploys with no owner.

At the end of 30 seconds: ECM burst on all frequencies to all targets within 100km equal to having a Griffin throw out one jam for each racial type to everyone in range. Goes into reinforcement mode for 5 minutes then self-destructs.

If structure reaches 0 before timer reaches 0, no ECM burst, 5 minute reinforcement, to keep from rapid-fire module dropping.

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

Matthew Dust
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#343 - 2013-11-13 19:29:16 UTC
Kogh Ayon wrote:
Matthew Dust wrote:
You know what I can actually get on board with? Something for those hard working miners, a sort of deployable miner, so they can sit safely in the station not risk their mackinaw.

And when they go out to collect their hard earned ore, it's gone, because I will have either taken it or destroyed it, then I can deploy my mobile tear harvester :)

What if they are cheap and come with pretty good ehps?

Then CODE.

Will be busy, in either case, moar tears. Also I don't imagine the ship they bring to pick up the ore would be cheap,

Think of a mobile syphon unit, anyone can take from it :)
Abulurd Boniface
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#344 - 2013-11-13 19:32:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Abulurd Boniface
CCP Fozzie wrote:
A decoy structure that imitates a specific ship on probe and d-scan?

I asked you about that at fanfest. Mine would have been a module with a script that mimics a different ship than what you're flying, when being scanned [probe / d-scan]. I told 3 guys who live in wormholes and they were very receptive of that idea.

Here's another one: it's a -huge- capital class ship. It looks something akin to a shoebox, because it is a huge flying container, chock full of parts that enable people to dial fleet-doctrin fits for ships, and it has a means of allowing pilots to fit head metal.

You use this puppy as a mobile staging area for massive fleet fights. Obviously it's the biggest space piñata out there. It's a space craft, so it has warp and bridge capability, but it's a tad on the slow side.

This ship does not have weapons, it has a big tank, it cannot dispense fully assembled ships. It carries missiles, lazors, ammunitions. It can dispense drones and fittings. All in massive quantities.

It's a great asset if you need to change the fit of [part of] a fleet.

The risk is losing lots of space gear if the wrong people decide to stop by.

Just a thought.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#345 - 2013-11-13 19:32:12 UTC
JP Nakamura wrote:
In response to the vast number of "Anti-Cloak" suggestions, I offer up this:

  • Mobile Telepresence Relay - Deployable in system. Creates cloaked chat relay to in space ship and target system's "local" (for user they have a chat window "local (System Name)", for people in system the toon shows up in chat). Has range of two systems. Self destructs if toon leaves range or leaves space (logs off, docks). Can not be scanned down, does not show up on D-Scan.

beat u to the idea buddy, also theres less metagaming / sandbox style usage of your version compared to mine, and the whole 'cannot be probed down / on dscan' thing is utterly terrible.
Matthew Dust
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#346 - 2013-11-13 19:32:17 UTC
Matthew Dust wrote:
The mobile structure I would like to see the most? Satellites, satellites that display a real time map of what is going on the district my DUST MERCS are fighting on so I can provide real time intel to them. +10 if I can deploy them and simply chill in station and watch it in my captains quarters on the screen like in the trailer,

Oh wow, what a great idea, to bad nobody cares about DUST, to include the people who sold the idea one universe//one war.

Arthur Aihaken
#347 - 2013-11-13 19:33:28 UTC
Mobile dampening structure. Prevents all target acquisition within a 25km radius.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Promised Victorious Entropy
#348 - 2013-11-13 19:33:57 UTC
Mobile Celebration Module (a.k.a. Fireworks Flotilla)

Has 5 celebration launchers.
Spins slowly while launching various fireworks

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

#349 - 2013-11-13 19:35:05 UTC
Portable Monument, when you need some ego boost. (You can choose its name when anchored)

Also faction version, "CCP's Monument to Rage" that cause no flag when attacked and goes into 48h reinforcement, perfect for your last minute riot.
Promised Victorious Entropy
#350 - 2013-11-13 19:42:02 UTC
The combined VO-LT-RO-N modules.

Deploying any 5 modules from this thread in proximity has a remote chance of having the modules combine to form a giant robot. Sadly no one has Giant Robot - V and it attacks everything in sight.

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

Valarian Dumonte
Tactical Grace.
#351 - 2013-11-13 19:42:03 UTC
Mobile logistics depots. One for each health type, shield , armor, and hull.
Valarian Dumonte
Tactical Grace.
#352 - 2013-11-13 19:43:03 UTC
How about Mobile Brothels! Exotic dancers for everyone!
James Gibby
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#353 - 2013-11-13 19:43:18 UTC  |  Edited by: James Gibby
Some sort of mobile device that destroys anchorable bubbles in an area. I get really sick of having to burn through 160km of bubbles that some renter has anchored around his gate for eternity. Yes i could shoot them for a few hours and kill them, but i'd like to see warp disruptors bubbles used tactically rather than a permanent safety barrier that allows people to be semi-afk. Obviously having the module activate instantly would be rediculous, should maybe take about 3 minutes to anchor therefore making it costly for someone to anchor 60 bubbles on a gate day after day.

Thats really all i want, and any other interesting new things the team comes out with :).

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#354 - 2013-11-13 19:45:34 UTC
Mobile PI Hacking Mod

Idea is that you can deploy around a planet.

Introduce a virus into the command center via mini hacking game.

Collect tears.

Mobile PI Bombardment Mod

Launch a orbital strike upon some poor souls PI Farm.

Collect more tears.

Roark BleedBlue
Amarr Empire
#355 - 2013-11-13 19:46:25 UTC
A possibly terrible idea, but genius is usually borderline madness, or so I hear.

What about a transport, automated, supply train. Load it up with stuff, Send it to any system, it'll get there eventually. Make it slower than auto piloting it there yourself.

Hard to Gank, tons of tank...but, just give a suspect flag if it is attacked. Taking the suicide out of suicide gankers.
-MAYBE some reinforcement type, with notification to whoever sent it out, giving them time to try to catch the train, and fend off the attackers (this might make it invincible for shorter trips though, which wouldn't be acceptable)
-Make it unstoppable. It will keep moving through gates, no matter what, but slowly. If a fleet of train robbers wants to take it down, they need to follow it through multiple systems, grinding it down. Can't just gate camp it.

Don't use this if you want concord protection.
Don't use this if you want it there any time soon.
Don't use this if you can't let the cargo out of your sight.

Do use this if you need to move a bunch of stuff, and don't care how long it takes.
Do use this if you want to avoid suicide ganking, maybe fly next to it as an escort, or hire a corp to escort the train.

-This would improve the ability of people to move stuff themselves, while not really moving it themselves (ie: I want to move base, but don't have the means to do it myself, or the trust/funds to get a courier contract to do so)
-This would give people an option to be train-robbers, without giving into the seedy feeling of being a suicide ganker.
-Wouldn't hurt couriers business, if they didn't let it. Advantages are still inherent in transporting in person.
-Would increase demand of escorts.
-Would give enough time for passers by of a train attack, to msg the sender of the train with "Hey, your stuff is getting attacked, I will fight off for a cut. Yes?"

Like I said, might be a terrible idea, but to me, seems like a balanced, additional way of moving things, that improves both solo gameplay, and group gameplay, doesn't cut anyone's career out of the picture, provides another possible career, and seems like a generally interesting concept. Also, it doesn't directly nerf suicide ganking at all, but some suicide gankers may prefer organized attacks that don't hurt their standings/auto-pop their ships, giving them flexibility in their profession. It also may soothe some anti-suicide gankers rage, since this gives you a trade off that protects you from the "well, I'm aggroed in high-sec...I've already lost" feeling.

Eve is basically already the wild west....lets put train heists in too.
#356 - 2013-11-13 19:48:50 UTC
mobile space fold generator-creates a single use pocket in subspace allowing one ship to hide in a system without showing up in local. time in sub space dependent on training , polarization of hull on exit renders the ship unable to enter subspace again for a mandatory 24 hours.

level 5 allows downtime to down time inside the pocket.

mobile cloak disrupter - huge module with massive sig and paper thin tank. fueled by morphite or little kittens.

training defines distance of effectiveness level 5 allows for 200k radius.

mobile warp enabler- effective distance defined my training. drop from cargo 4 seconds to activate any ship within the sphere of influence has the ability to warp-only exception is the infinite point script which is still un breakable.

mobile ecm/eccm platforms area effect

last one for my 2p worth

SPY module dropped in system adjacent to the one your in. opens comms with local giving you all the information in said system marked spy local.

my 2 isk worth

Evei Shard
Shard Industries
#357 - 2013-11-13 19:51:36 UTC
Going with the "personal use" theme...

Mobile Ship Storage unit.
- 250,000m3 storage
- drops loot when popped
- no other function
- 48hour reinforce
- 60second deploy
- 100m3 in cargo

Mobile Refinery
- 25,000m3 ore hold
- 10,000 mineral hold
- 1000 cargo hold
- 50% to 100% refine rate depending on level of a new skill called "Mobile Refinery Processing"
- Base processing speed that isn't boring, but can also be improved by a new skill called "Mobile Refinery Efficiency"
- 48hour reinforce
- 120second deploy
- 1000m3 in cargo

Mobile Shield unit (yes, I realize we have these with a POS)
- 6000m3 fuel hold
- burns fuel at a set rate every hour
- 240second deploy
- 100m3 in cargo
- disadvantage: small POS sig radius
The Mobile Shield would effectively be like a small POS shield, with a max of 48hours reinforcement. However, it constantly burns the fuel that it needs to run that reinforcement, thus an unattended shield would potentially only have enough fuel for 3 hours of reinforcement (or less if the owner is lazy). It's only purpose is to provide an extra layer of defense.

Mobile sig radius compensator
- 2000m3 fuel hold
- burns fuel at set rate per hour
- 60second deploy
- 100m3 size in cargo
- reduces sig radius of items in range by substantial amount (whatever it would take to make them very difficult but not impossible to scan down).
Used in conjunction with the mobile shield unit, it would make a small starbase very difficult to scan down. It would not reduce a mobile shield unit's sig radius by more than 50% though. Thus leaving the mobile shield unit with a disadvantage (if you want a mobile shield unit, you're going to have to deal with being easily found).

Mobile Micro Lab
- 100m3 hold
- 1 copy slot
- 1 research slot
- 1 invention slot
- 48 hour reinforce
- 60second deploy
- 25m3 in cargo
A micro lab. Copy/research/invention time modifiers would be up to the devs. It needs to be worth having for sure.

Offensive modules would be nice as well. Let the small base defend itself, just like a POS would. If I could, I'd certainly direct CCP to take the mobile/module thing to its ends and let players create their own little starbases with complete POS functions.

My primary goal with some of these ideas is to make the mobile structures more viable in low-sec. As it stands right now, the mobile depot is pretty much useless for deployment of more than an hour or so in low-sec. Campers and roamers who are bored will shoot anything, especially if it can easily be scanned down and provides a kill mail.

On a larger corporation scale, I like some of the other ideas in the thread. The mobile trade hub would be wonderful if implemented correctly. A corporation could set up their trade hub in a system with no stations and then make money by taxing transactions between players. They would need some guaranteed longevity though. The corp that runs it should be able to steal things, but not with ease.

Profit favors the prepared

The Sinister
#358 - 2013-11-13 19:53:10 UTC
Mobile Capacitor Transfer Array

Tranfer capacitor to your ship to help with active tanking in missions and PVP.

Will help Solo a lvl 5 mission or Counter heavy Neuting PvP.

Energy Transfer Amount: (1000/ 5 seconds)
Energy Transfer Range: 15km

Structure Hitpoints:
Shields: 500
Armor: 700
Hull: 1500

Its basically a Portable Generator!
Old School Spacebenders
Dreads Amongst Drifters
#359 - 2013-11-13 19:59:16 UTC
CONCORD signal scrambler

If deployed only local police force will appear for one time only, after killing them scrambler stays online while there is fuel in it or it is destroyed. All pilots that want to enter system via gate or undock or they are after login will be warned about situation in system, that it was overtaken by brutal pirate force and concord will not help you only death.... Twisted

And the best part is that warning message will appear at bounty office, a faction military has put bounty on destroying that concord signal scrambler and all pirates (capsuliers), also this will appear as message to scrambled faction militia as additional work to protect home land. So the idea is that this actions would appear as incursions for other pilots and they could arrange a fleet for liberating system from nasty pirates. This would be nice hi sec PvP activity. And more boring POS bashing.

Off course there should be some restrictions like abilities to deploy only in 0.8 systems or less so that Jita and other hubs would be safe from this activity.

p.s after deployment all local police should be destroyable and not re spawn, and gate turrets should be also destroyable, but should be fixed automatically time after time.

Trillian Stargazer
Caldari State
#360 - 2013-11-13 19:59:36 UTC
I would like a module that fixes null sec and many of the other broken features that have been thrown together and not completed.