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[CLRGY] A Return & That which Binds Us - Amarr

Silas Vitalia
#41 - 2011-11-15 19:09:55 UTC
Ascentior wrote: your soul is already forfeit, just as mine is, since we are abominations.


Sabik now, Sabik forever

Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#42 - 2011-11-15 20:02:55 UTC
Kahar Dex wrote:
Lyn Farel wrote:
Kahar Dex wrote:

Lyn Farel wrote:
Lord Dex,

I am curious now. You speak about how the Amarr loyalists have suffered hardships and most of them disappeared, and how they come back with strenght. But for what, and with what in mind ? I almost read your announcement like an omen, announcement of something to come.

You read correctly Pilot Farel.

Well, my apologies in advance for saying it so rude, but your announcement does not tell us anything. Even reading it again and again, it just sounds like a lot of talk for a lot of void to me.

Could you elaborate a little what is the concrete things that I have probably missed ?

Do you think that stating your perception of my words being empty/idle chatter would solicit a substantive response of elaboration?

An omen does not need to be anything more than just that, especially for those who consider it to be "a lot of talk for a lot of void".

Things are beginning once again to stir for the bloc. Those loyal to God, Empire, and Empress will find themselves involved each according to their faithfulness. The strong of faith seek one another that iron may sharpen iron so one brother may sharpen another.

Then it seems that I have missed nothing.

Thank you for your answers.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#43 - 2011-11-16 18:30:48 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Ascentior wrote: your soul is already forfeit, just as mine is, since we are abominations.


I think he's referring to the fact that most of us aren't wearing our original skin. An issue authors of the ancient religions didn't account for, do clones have souls?

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Silas Vitalia
#44 - 2011-11-16 19:07:57 UTC
Aiwha wrote:
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Ascentior wrote: your soul is already forfeit, just as mine is, since we are abominations.


I think he's referring to the fact that most of us aren't wearing our original skin. An issue authors of the ancient religions didn't account for, do clones have souls?

Perhaps, I'm curious as to his interpretation on the finer points of 'sacred flesh,' as it relates to capsuleers.

Incidentally, greetings Aiwha. I've been reading some interesting battle reports lately of your campaigns.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#45 - 2011-11-16 23:22:34 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Ascentior wrote: your soul is already forfeit, just as mine is, since we are abominations.


We are no longer as God has created us. We have sacrificed our being, recreated ourselves using Jove technology, and become something else.

This is of course a debate that has gone on since capsuleers entered this world.

There are those that hope that our actions as faithful capsuleers will make up for our sin, I simply hope that my actions help God's will be done. I do what I can, but I do not do so in the hopes to create a better place for me. I will walk this path, so that one day, no one will ever have to.

As for the unfortunate Astrid Stjerna, it is much simpler. She has been shown the way, albeit in an unfavourable manor, yet she has chosen to turn away from the light.

To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin
- The Scriptures, Book of Missions, 13:21


Admiral of PIE Inc., Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris (See 'PIE Public' for recruitment)

Honorary Fabricator-General of the Imperial Navy

Chosen by God to serve the Empire.

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#46 - 2011-11-17 16:36:37 UTC
Ascentior wrote:

As for the unfortunate Astrid Stjerna, it is much simpler. She has been shown the way, albeit in an unfavourable manor, yet she has chosen to turn away from the light.

To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin
- The Scriptures, Book of Missions, 13:21


I 'turned away from the light' because it was forced upon me. I had no say in the matter; my own culture, my upbringing, and everything I believed in suddenly became 'incorrect' in the eyes of my so-called 'benefactors'. If I dared to question them, I was either starved or beaten.

You seem to be one of the more reasonable Amarrians on the IGS, so I'll put a hypothetical question to you:

If someone came to your world, took your people as slaves, and declared that everything about the Amarrian way of life was 'wrong' and they had 'The Truth', how would you react? If it came down to a choice between maintaining your own traditions and way of life, or seeing your entire culture destroyed by an invading race in an attempt to 'save your soul', which choice would you make?

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#47 - 2011-11-17 21:26:36 UTC
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
Ascentior wrote:

As for the unfortunate Astrid Stjerna, it is much simpler. She has been shown the way, albeit in an unfavourable manor, yet she has chosen to turn away from the light.

To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin
- The Scriptures, Book of Missions, 13:21


I 'turned away from the light' because it was forced upon me. I had no say in the matter; my own culture, my upbringing, and everything I believed in suddenly became 'incorrect' in the eyes of my so-called 'benefactors'. If I dared to question them, I was either starved or beaten.

You seem to be one of the more reasonable Amarrians on the IGS, so I'll put a hypothetical question to you:

If someone came to your world, took your people as slaves, and declared that everything about the Amarrian way of life was 'wrong' and they had 'The Truth', how would you react? If it came down to a choice between maintaining your own traditions and way of life, or seeing your entire culture destroyed by an invading race in an attempt to 'save your soul', which choice would you make?

I really like you for you strong mind but sadly I must do this:

HYPOTHESIS CONTRARY TO FACT: This fallacy consists of offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future if circumstances or conditions were other than they actually were or are. The fallacy also involves treating hypothetical situations as if they were fact.

Here is the thing. God exists and is behind the Amarr they are right. That being said what you present not only didn't happen but can not happen.

I understand your making an appeal to sympathy but may I suggest another route?

Besides this is more about the CLRGY moving forward with our plans and less about the mistakes of the past. I'd be most grateful if Astrid Stjerna and Sir Ascentior kept that in mind and took such discussion to Ascentior's thread on the subject.

No point is derailing this thread when there already is one going for that topic.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#48 - 2011-11-17 23:12:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Astrid Stjerna
Kithrus wrote:

I really like you for you strong mind but sadly I must do this:

HYPOTHESIS CONTRARY TO FACT: This fallacy consists of offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future if circumstances or conditions were other than they actually were or are. The fallacy also involves treating hypothetical situations as if they were fact.

Here is the thing. God exists and is behind the Amarr they are right. That being said what you present not only didn't happen but can not happen.

I understand your making an appeal to sympathy but may I suggest another route?

Besides this is more about the CLRGY moving forward with our plans and less about the mistakes of the past. I'd be most grateful if Astrid Stjerna and Sir Ascentior kept that in mind and took such discussion to Ascentior's thread on the subject.

No point is derailing this thread when there already is one going for that topic.

I'm not making an appeal to sympathy, Kithrus, no am I asking if it 'can happen' or saying it 'did happen'. I'n asking 'If it happened, what would you do?'

I'm asking a simple, easy-to-answer question: If such a hypothetical situation were to occur, what would you do? Which choice would you make? Would an Amarrian citizen, strong in faith and devoted to their god, tamely accept an invader's claim that their beliefs are 'false', and allow the invader to destroy thousands of years of cultural development, or would you take up arms and protect your culture?

What would you do, Kithrus?

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2011-11-18 00:20:05 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
Here is the thing. God exists


Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#50 - 2011-11-18 03:33:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kithrus
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Kithrus wrote:
Here is the thing. God exists


No matter what I say to you in regards to this topic you say nothing other then "You can't prove I'm wrong, so I must be right"

Yes in your mind.

You don't accept proofs given whether they are logical arguments or proofs of order and design. No amount of argument sways you so fine so be it I can't change you mind and you should know that the same for myself. The difference from you and myself is I don't show up in your threads demanding you believe in God and calling you insane for not.

Astrid Stjerna wrote:
What would you do, Kithrus?

Well like I said that didn't happen and it couldn't happen. How can I argue a hypothetical that is not anchored in reality?

Now what I could say is lets assume some group of high powered people captured me personally trying to force me to renounce my faith on pain of death. Telling me they had Maria, my sister and brother as hostages and my estates in their power threatening to burn it all.

To that I say I would keep the faith. No Amarrian could pray enough for a chance to die for it.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#51 - 2011-11-18 04:39:16 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Aiwha wrote:
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Ascentior wrote: your soul is already forfeit, just as mine is, since we are abominations.


I think he's referring to the fact that most of us aren't wearing our original skin. An issue authors of the ancient religions didn't account for, do clones have souls?

Perhaps, I'm curious as to his interpretation on the finer points of 'sacred flesh,' as it relates to capsuleers.

Incidentally, greetings Aiwha. I've been reading some interesting battle reports lately of your campaigns.

Ah, yes the "delve police" as they enjoy being called, still trying to encroach on our territory. You might be happy to hear however, that Atlas. recently managed to destroy themselves. Can't say it was a complete surprise.

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#52 - 2011-11-18 06:56:25 UTC
Kithrus wrote:

Well like I said that didn't happen and it couldn't happen. How can I argue a hypothetical that is not anchored in reality?

Well, you could accept that it's only a hypothetical question, and answer it.

Kithrus wrote:

Now what I could say is lets assume some group of high powered people captured me personally trying to force me to renounce my faith on pain of death. Telling me they had Maria, my sister and brother as hostages and my estates in their power threatening to burn it all.

To that I say I would keep the faith. No Amarrian could pray enough for a chance to die for it.

Your dedication is commendable.

However, the answer you gave is not the one that my hypothetical situation requires. I will await such a response, but until that response arrives, I will close with a more direct version of the question I originally posed :

Would you sit back and allow someone to eradicate your culture, while they attempt to 'save your soul'?

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#53 - 2011-11-18 07:55:47 UTC
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
Kithrus wrote:

Well like I said that didn't happen and it couldn't happen. How can I argue a hypothetical that is not anchored in reality?

Well, you could accept that it's only a hypothetical question, and answer it.

Kithrus wrote:

Now what I could say is lets assume some group of high powered people captured me personally trying to force me to renounce my faith on pain of death. Telling me they had Maria, my sister and brother as hostages and my estates in their power threatening to burn it all.

To that I say I would keep the faith. No Amarrian could pray enough for a chance to die for it.

Your dedication is commendable.

However, the answer you gave is not the one that my hypothetical situation requires. I will await such a response, but until that response arrives, I will close with a more direct version of the question I originally posed :

Would you sit back and allow someone to eradicate your culture, while they attempt to 'save your soul'?

Providing they were saving my soul it would be a small price to pay.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2011-11-18 08:25:23 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
No matter what I say to you in regards to this topic you say nothing other then "You can't prove I'm wrong, so I must be right"

You don't accept proofs given whether they are logical arguments or proofs of order and design.

Actually, if you make a two-state claim that I disagree with, and then are unable to deliver valid empricial or logical evidence, then yes, I must be right.

Because there have been no logical arguments that even remotely supports the existence of your invisible sky-wizard. In fact, many of your equally mentally inferior comrades have attempted to tell me that logic does not enter into the equation whatsoever when God is involved, and that attempting to logically argue against the existence of God is presuppostionally invalid. There exists - and many of your brethren have conceeded this - no empirical evidence as to the existence of God (they usually use the "certainty denies faith" argument as a contingency for this lack of evidence, which is itself invalid). Given that when any assertion is made, the burden of proof lies on the claimant, a lack of empirical and logical evidence defaults the argument in favour of the detractor.

But I do concede, in a roundabout way, that I believe God exists - as a very vivid fantasy in the minds of a large number of Amarrians. Nothing more, but I guess you could call it a victory if you wanted.

Kithrus wrote:
The difference from you and myself is I don't show up in your threads demanding you believe in God and calling you insane for not.

The difference, actually, is that we don't show up in your star systems, destroy your technology and culture, place billions of your people into slavery and force them not to believe in God.

Perhaps we should.

Kithrus wrote:
Well like I said that didn't happen and it couldn't happen. How can I argue a hypothetical that is not anchored in reality?

The sheer ignorant arrogance of this statement is utterly astounding.

Kithrus wrote:
To that I say I would keep the faith. No Amarrian could pray enough for a chance to die for it.

Well, that's good. Who are we to argue with that? I vote we deliver you all to your God and divvy up your land between the remaining three Empires.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#55 - 2011-11-18 09:18:29 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
The difference, actually, is that we don't show up in your star systems, destroy your technology and culture, place billions of your people into slavery and force them not to believe in God.

Perhaps we should.
The sad thing is that that's actually not a completely impossible outcome at the current point in time (though in any case very far off), but the nature of the Amarrian culture makes them incapable of accepting that possibility, so they have to assume that there is no threat to their culture, no matter what this annoying "reality" is telling them. So they're working rather actively on the deconstruction of their culture, because their culture does not accept the possibility of an actual threat to it.

I wish those Amarrians who have grown beyond adolescent illusions of invulnerability good luck in converting their culture before it meets more Jovians.
Silas Vitalia
#56 - 2011-11-18 15:50:51 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:

I wish those Amarrians who have grown beyond adolescent illusions of invulnerability good luck in converting their culture before it meets more Jovians.

The Jovians (said with disgust) have withered away to nothing. We remain. If they ever do return, rest assured they would be crushed.

And before we get the standard 'they beat you at Vak A'tioth,' whining, we can make a very good case that we would have won the campaign had it been allowed to continue. The last thing they wanted was a long and drawn-out conflict where our sheer numbers would eventually overwhelm them. Thought they could destroy our ships ten or even a hundred for every one of theirs destroyed, every loss they suffered would be magnified as their small numbers diminished.....

If not for the extremely inconvenient timing of the rebellion, things would have turned out much differently....

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#57 - 2011-11-18 16:08:14 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
We remain.
I was merely pointing out that that observation is not as eternal as you would like it to be. I don't have any illusions of convincing you of that, but there are plenty Amarrians out there who do not share your delusions.

It is highly unlikely that our cultures will come out of this conflict unchanged. If we simply continue to fight, what will remain of both of our nations will not be much to speak of. We might win, we might lose, but whatever remains of the Empire will be far from the glory of old. The Amarr will have to realize that they lost the strength for a simple victory over a century ago. We can only try to arrange coexistence.

And there is a point of no return. Wars divide people. The longer we fight, the less likely it is that we will be able to let go, the less likely it is that we will come to a useful coexistence. Try to avoid your extremism. All you are doing is to risk the work of your ancestors out of simple arrogance.

Let us all hope that the Amarrians who realize that their culture can not simply continue the Reclaiming by the sword as it has before manage to cause change before that point of no return is reached.
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#58 - 2011-11-18 19:40:13 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:

Kithrus wrote:
Well like I said that didn't happen and it couldn't happen. How can I argue a hypothetical that is not anchored in reality?

The sheer ignorant arrogance of this statement is utterly astounding.

Kithrus wrote:
To that I say I would keep the faith. No Amarrian could pray enough for a chance to die for it.

Well, that's good. Who are we to argue with that? I vote we deliver you all to your God and divvy up your land between the remaining three Empires.

"The sheer ignorant arrogance of this statement is utterly astounding." ???!

What? Have you not taken a single year in philosophy or logic? Are you kidding me? You do more harm to your self for calling me stupid then just pointing a finger at me and saying that.

Also its so... refreshing to see you denounce genocide yet you advocate it as a solution to your 'problem'.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#59 - 2011-11-18 21:00:48 UTC
Kithrus wrote:

"The sheer ignorant arrogance of this statement is utterly astounding." ???!

What? Have you not taken a single year in philosophy or logic? Are you kidding me? You do more harm to your self for calling me stupid then just pointing a finger at me and saying that.

It is arrogance, Kithrus (and a logical fallacy) to assume yourself unassailable by virtue of faith alone. It's also incredibly foolish, because it makes you overconfident.

And, while we're on the subject of ad hominem is a poor response to provocation.

At any rate, my original point still stands: you would not allow an invading army to destroy your culture -- in fact, you have openly stated that you would die before you abrogated your faith.

I submit that the Matari are following the same course; the Empire seeks to eradicate our culture and traditions, so we fight to protect our heritage. That said, that's not the only reason we fight, but it's a pretty strong one.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2011-11-18 21:22:31 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
"The sheer ignorant arrogance of this statement is utterly astounding." ???!

What? Have you not taken a single year in philosophy or logic? Are you kidding me? You do more harm to your self for calling me stupid then just pointing a finger at me and saying that.

You are ignorant, arrogant and stupid - you possess all three of these traits to an astounding degree and this is displayed by the utterly breathtaking display of irrationality that possessed you to suggest that a hypothesis that challenged the logically bankrupt presupposition of the existence of God was not "grounded in reality".

Suggesting that a hypothesis lacks grounding in reality because it does not support the presupposition of an assertion that is logically unsound and empirically unproven is the height of both arrogance and ignorance, and if I call you stupid when you make such a suggestion, it's because you look ****ing stupid.

Kithrus wrote:
Also its so... refreshing to see you denounce genocide yet you advocate it as a solution to your 'problem'.

Since the Amarrians are so fond of using insultingly condescending metaphors in a supercilious (yet also desperate) attempt to justify their extensive repertoire of patently unjustifiable historical actions - usually comparing cultures like the Minmatar to children (a comparison so laughably ironic I would credit the Amarr as the cluster's greatest comedians if I thought they understood the concept of humour), allow me ot use one of my own:

You have, sitting on your front lawn, a rabid dog. You are fairly certain if you attempt to leave your house, this dog will attempt to kill you. You have in your hand a syringe of an antigen that might cure the dog, and a gun. Certainly from an ethical perspective it is far preferable to attempt to cure the dog, but doing so carries great personal physical risk. It is far easier and safer to shoot the dog, and regret the ugly neccessity in the life, which is substantially longer now that you don't have to worry about the rabid dog on your lawn.

In case the metaphor sailed straight over your head (given the history of our past interactions this seems fairly likely), the dog is the Amarr Empire, the rabies is your culture (particularly your religion), the antigen is the option of attempting socio-cultural engineering to slowly remove the elements of Amarrian society that pose a threat to other civilizations (including but not limited to the concept of Amarrian racial superiority, the concept of the Reclaiming and Amarrian religion in general), and the gun is the option of causing so much damage to the Amarr Empire that it is no longer capable of posing a threat.

You see, I don't advocate genocide, but I consider it a vastly preferable alternative to Amarrian supremacy in the New Eden cluster.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.