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Loot drops nerfed across the board?

Karma Codolle
Chimera Research and Development
#21 - 2013-11-07 06:01:04 UTC
Evangelina Nolen wrote:
Seriously, pay close attention to the site b4 you get to loot container. There are in fact differences between the high value sites & low value sites.

when i get a high value site i'll get back to you on this :p
#22 - 2013-11-07 06:23:51 UTC
Evangelina Nolen wrote:
Seriously, pay close attention to the site b4 you get to loot container. There are in fact differences between the high value sites & low value sites.

It takes hours to find a reinvig and ~25 minutes to do it. ie deciding halfway through it that its a "low value site", isn't going to give you any useful decision capability because at that point there is an OPE waiting for you, which is almost certainly more value than anything else you can do on average in the next 10 minutes from where you are right then.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2013-11-07 10:57:25 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Tauranon wrote:
I have run hundreds of serpentis dens. The best streak I got, was 2 escalations in a row followed by 1 fail followed by another escalation (ie 3 in 4). The worst streaks I got was over 100 dens between escalations.

Does that help you understand random numbers better ?

IMO the escalation rate of a gurista rally point, may well be set at 1 in 60 (based on my total escalation rate currently hovering around 1 in 58 for the 400 or so null anomolies I've done). I got escalations at 22, 56 and am now up to 210 with no further escalations. ie the same player has sampled one escalation every 23 runs, and no escalations in 154 runs.

Those are all completely normal samples, that don't require CCP to change things to make happen. That is how random numbers work.

This is the difference bettween folks like you and folks like Crimson, you rely on observable and measureable facts. Nice work.


The 2 of you are quite a pair, incorrect as usual and always trying to ride the RNG bus and lay claim that everyone else is wrong except for you.

You want numbers? Hell, anyone can make up numbers to prove their case if they wanted. I've been keeping track of my exploration stats for a very long time. Here you go.

Cosmic Signatures scanned within 105 weeks

2197 W-hole,
557 Ore,
705 Relic,
476 Data,
106 Gas,
306 DED Deadspace Complex,
10 Hidden Cosmos Sites
829 Combat,
113 Expedition,
465 Commander NPC's killed

Total amount of DED and Combat sites = 1135
Total amount of Expeditions = 113

The chance of getting an Expedition is under 10%

I've already mentioned stats for wrecks holding loot as well as the type of loot contained in those wrecks. That's definitely been nerfed compared to how it was a few years ago. Hell I use to have Expanded Cargohold mods on my Noctis due to the amount of loot available, now I can do the same mission and barely fill up 1/4 of the Noctis cargohold. And that's without any Expanded Cargohold mods fitted.

Since you people insist on saying everything is the same as before, I will continue saying it's not.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2013-11-07 11:16:23 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
I've had weeks of bad luck to, then a good hit, then weeks more of bad luck. That's EVE exploration, nothing has changed guys, random is random and we have to say this every single week in this forum.....

Um, that right there should have opened your eyes. Having weeks of bad runs, then 1 good hit followed by more weeks of bad runs is not RNG and it's definitely not the exploration I remember.

I've said it before and I'll say it again : Due to Soundwave & Co. doing their 'War On Gun Mining', CCP has nerfed loot drops all the way back to the time of Castor. Only 1/5th of the wrecks contain loot. 2/3rds of those loot wrecks contain only 1x Metal Scrap. Hell, even a blind person can see loot drops have been drastically reduced from how it use to be.

Commander NPC's rarely ever drop anything other than the usual Faction Ammo and Pirate Tags now. Getting an escalation is a rare occurrence and having an expedition actually go to last stage is virtually a miracle. If by chance the miracle does happen, the Overseer usually just drops an OPE and nothing else.

I'm sorry but that's how it's been for quite a while now. It's nothing more than an insulting slap in the face and to pass it off as RNG is both foolish and incorrect.


No, what's wrong is you perceptions, you can see this in other areas when you talk about how there was no ganking or such back when you started (which is totally untrue). It's you memory that's faulty, not the game.

It's has alway been this way. i've gotten better loot on average in this last year (according to my spread sheet) for the same hours of exploration than I got from2008 to 2012. And this without having steady access to angel space. This is also with having a higher level of 8/10s under my belt than in those previous years (mainly because of spending time in blood raider space, I tend to sell Blood Raider Naval Shipyard rather than run it becuase it takes more than 1 or 2 ships).

Among other things, you seem to suffer from "gamblers fallacy". Believe what you want, but as a professional null sec explorer, I'm telling you, nothing it noticbly broken other than (again) your perceptions.

Bad Perception? Faulty Memory? Gamblers Fallacy? lol, what a blowhard. The only one suffering from those symptoms here is you, proven by the fact you say Exploration has been better this past year compared to the time from 2008 to 2012. That's a major load of malarkey.

You can continue saying your BS and I'll continue to rebut it.
#25 - 2013-11-07 12:01:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Tauranon
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

The 2 of you are quite a pair, incorrect as usual and always trying to ride the RNG bus and lay claim that everyone else is wrong except for you.

You want numbers? Hell, anyone can make up numbers to prove their case if they wanted. I've been keeping track of my exploration stats for a very long time. Here you go.

Cosmic Signatures scanned within 105 weeks

2197 W-hole,
557 Ore,
705 Relic,
476 Data,
106 Gas,
306 DED Deadspace Complex,
10 Hidden Cosmos Sites
829 Combat,
113 Expedition,
465 Commander NPC's killed

Total amount of DED and Combat sites = 1135
Total amount of Expeditions = 113

The chance of getting an Expedition is under 10%

I've already mentioned stats for wrecks holding loot as well as the type of loot contained in those wrecks. That's definitely been nerfed compared to how it was a few years ago. Hell I use to have Expanded Cargohold mods on my Noctis due to the amount of loot available, now I can do the same mission and barely fill up 1/4 of the Noctis cargohold. And that's without any Expanded Cargohold mods fitted.

Since you people insist on saying everything is the same as before, I will continue saying it's not.


We know they changed the loot tables for NPCs. They removed meta0 loot and got rid of drone poop, and bearing in mind I hardly ever loot non faction NPCs, I don't remember seeing a cap booster for a long time either, and they changed the _size_ of scrap metal. Those changes completely account for loot m3 reduction.

Since I'm home and have spreadsheets, here are the last 2 months of null ded sigs for me.

gurista reinvig 6/10 Runs : 7 OPE :357m Loot : 2481m (a-type pithum, gila)
military operations complex 7/10 Runs : 4 OPE : 244m Loot : 472m (c-type pith, lots of faction rolls, gila)
piths penal 8/10 Runs : 6 OPE : 480m Loot : 580m (b-type pith, RS)
the maze 10/10 Runs : 2 OPE : 248 Loot : 436m (x-type pith) - believe it drops RS but hasn't yet.

ie there is an overall trend there, on average they all pay more in loot than the OPE. They also pay -well-

If you really, really, really, really must know what the drops were, I can go get them from the sales history of the market character, but IMO the isk value suffices.
Mnemosyne Gloob
#26 - 2013-11-07 12:11:59 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Total amount of DED and Combat sites = 1135
Total amount of Expeditions = 113

The chance of getting an Expedition is under 10%

So you are putting DEDs and Unrateds together to get a low Expedition percentage. Good job. Why not go all the way and claim an even lower number by taking all sigs scanned into account!? Twisted

the 10 % also doesn't really tell us anything, as there is no prior data to compare it to.

DeMichael Crimson wrote:
I've already mentioned stats for wrecks holding loot as well as the type of loot contained in those wrecks. That's definitely been nerfed compared to how it was a few years ago. Hell I use to have Expanded Cargohold mods on my Noctis due to the amount of loot available, now I can do the same mission and barely fill up 1/4 of the Noctis cargohold. And that's without any Expanded Cargohold mods fitted.

Personally i don't salvage and loot normal wrecks in my sites (do you want bookmarks of my finished sites, btw? I am willing to sell them for a modest price. j/k), so this issue is irrelevant to me. I am sure the OP was also not talking about normal wrecks.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#27 - 2013-11-07 12:55:03 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:


The 2 of you are quite a pair, incorrect as usual and always trying to ride the RNG bus and lay claim that everyone else is wrong except for you.

Not everyone else, just you.


You want numbers? Hell, anyone can make up numbers to prove their case if they wanted. I've been keeping track of my exploration stats for a very long time. Here you go.

Cosmic Signatures scanned within 105 weeks

2197 W-hole,
557 Ore,
705 Relic,
476 Data,
106 Gas,
306 DED Deadspace Complex,
10 Hidden Cosmos Sites
829 Combat,
113 Expedition,
465 Commander NPC's killed

Total amount of DED and Combat sites = 1135
Total amount of Expeditions = 113

The chance of getting an Expedition is under 10%

I've already mentioned stats for wrecks holding loot as well as the type of loot contained in those wrecks. That's definitely been nerfed compared to how it was a few years ago. Hell I use to have Expanded Cargohold mods on my Noctis due to the amount of loot available, now I can do the same mission and barely fill up 1/4 of the Noctis cargohold. And that's without any Expanded Cargohold mods fitted.

And there's your (multiple) problem(s). in the same way you non-sensically posted in a similar thread about how "loot" has been nerfed when we were talking about actual valuable drops, not the crap you hoover up with a noctis. Same thing here, we're talking about valuable drops and me personally, i've made more this year than in any previous year since 2008 when I started exploring.

If something were "nerfed" or "broken" I'd be telling CCP about it. It's not, no matter how much you wish it was so that you'd have something to complain about (which it seems you need).


Since you people insist on saying everything is the same as before, I will continue saying it's not.


You are entitled to be wrong. Again, if there was a problem, as an explorer I'd be hollering at CCP to fix it because this is what I do to enjoy this game.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#28 - 2013-11-07 13:00:54 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Total amount of DED and Combat sites = 1135
Total amount of Expeditions = 113

The chance of getting an Expedition is under 10%

So you are putting DEDs and Unrateds together to get a low Expedition percentage. Good job. Why not go all the way and claim an even lower number by taking all sigs scanned into account!? Twisted

the 10 % also doesn't really tell us anything, as there is no prior data to compare it to.

He has to game those numbers like that to justify his opinion in his own mind.

Point blank, the OP is just having a run of seriously bad luck. Yesderday I and a corp mate made the rounds trhourgh Querious and Catch (Blood and Sansha space collectilvey) and in just a few sites made some good strikes. BLOPS exploring for the win.

But I guess according to DeMichael Crimson I'm imagining the Bhaalgorn and Nightmare BPCs and Centus/Corpus loot in my Panther's cargo hold......

DeMichael Crimson wrote:
I've already mentioned stats for wrecks holding loot as well as the type of loot contained in those wrecks. That's definitely been nerfed compared to how it was a few years ago. Hell I use to have Expanded Cargohold mods on my Noctis due to the amount of loot available, now I can do the same mission and barely fill up 1/4 of the Noctis cargohold. And that's without any Expanded Cargohold mods fitted.

Personally i don't salvage and loot normal wrecks in my sites (do you want bookmarks of my finished sites, btw? I am willing to sell them for a modest price. j/k), so this issue is irrelevant to me. I am sure the OP was also not talking about normal wrecks.

You and I are both sure, yet in multiple threads this Crimson guy has demonstrated an inability to understand this. We're always talking about valuable loot (deadspace mods, Blueprints, etc) not stuff that would make you put "cargo expanders on a noctis" lol.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#29 - 2013-11-07 13:14:09 UTC
Tauranon wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

The 2 of you are quite a pair, incorrect as usual and always trying to ride the RNG bus and lay claim that everyone else is wrong except for you.

You want numbers? Hell, anyone can make up numbers to prove their case if they wanted. I've been keeping track of my exploration stats for a very long time. Here you go.

Cosmic Signatures scanned within 105 weeks

2197 W-hole,
557 Ore,
705 Relic,
476 Data,
106 Gas,
306 DED Deadspace Complex,
10 Hidden Cosmos Sites
829 Combat,
113 Expedition,
465 Commander NPC's killed

Total amount of DED and Combat sites = 1135
Total amount of Expeditions = 113

The chance of getting an Expedition is under 10%

I've already mentioned stats for wrecks holding loot as well as the type of loot contained in those wrecks. That's definitely been nerfed compared to how it was a few years ago. Hell I use to have Expanded Cargohold mods on my Noctis due to the amount of loot available, now I can do the same mission and barely fill up 1/4 of the Noctis cargohold. And that's without any Expanded Cargohold mods fitted.

Since you people insist on saying everything is the same as before, I will continue saying it's not.


We know they changed the loot tables for NPCs. They removed meta0 loot and got rid of drone poop, and bearing in mind I hardly ever loot non faction NPCs, I don't remember seeing a cap booster for a long time either, and they changed the _size_ of scrap metal. Those changes completely account for loot m3 reduction.

Since I'm home and have spreadsheets, here are the last 2 months of null ded sigs for me.

gurista reinvig 6/10 Runs : 7 OPE :357m Loot : 2481m (a-type pithum, gila)
military operations complex 7/10 Runs : 4 OPE : 244m Loot : 472m (c-type pith, lots of faction rolls, gila)
piths penal 8/10 Runs : 6 OPE : 480m Loot : 580m (b-type pith, RS)
the maze 10/10 Runs : 2 OPE : 248 Loot : 436m (x-type pith) - believe it drops RS but hasn't yet.

ie there is an overall trend there, on average they all pay more in loot than the OPE. They also pay -well-

If you really, really, really, really must know what the drops were, I can go get them from the sales history of the market character, but IMO the isk value suffices.

The bolded/underlined part is how you stay on topic. Note to DeMichael lol.

Well said as usual Tauranon. Our vast conspiracy to get people to believe that exploration is fine is going as planned. DAMN, did i say that out loud? Big smile

My own recent experiences is similar, but I Ninja/Blops explore in different parts when i feel like it otherwise I just live in Blood Raider space nowadays. I keep an alt in Venal however to have access to Guristas and the loot is steady.

Exploration has always been hit or miss, with a sprinkling of "I HIT THE LOTTERY!" from time to time (it's been 3 months, but I got a pithum a-type med shield booster AND a pithum a type invul from a single Guristas 6/10, spent it all on PLEX and space hookers lol). This week i've gotten multiple pirate BS battleship BPCs and so on.

I kinda feel sorry for the folks not getting any loot....ok, not really....
Graviton Tetraquark
#30 - 2013-11-07 16:03:11 UTC
Has anyone noticed a slight change to relic containers (in null)?

Parts seem to suddenly contain an inordinately high percentage of Electronic Parts, lately. And some of the 'good stuff' seems to be occurring in Materials containers more frequently. This is just in the last few days I've noticed this.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-11-07 17:34:05 UTC

No, what's wrong is you perceptions, you can see this in other areas when you talk about how there was no ganking or such back when you started (which is totally untrue). It's you memory that's faulty, not the game.

It's has alway been this way. i've gotten better loot on average in this last year (according to my spread sheet) for the same hours of exploration than I got from2008 to 2012. And this without having steady access to angel space. This is also with having a higher level of 8/10s under my belt than in those previous years (mainly because of spending time in blood raider space, I tend to sell Blood Raider Naval Shipyard rather than run it becuase it takes more than 1 or 2 ships).

Among other things, you seem to suffer from "gamblers fallacy". Believe what you want, but as a professional null sec explorer, I'm telling you, nothing it noticbly broken other than (again) your perceptions.

No one of sound mind believes that you have been keeping a 'spreadsheet' detailing your loot drops since 08... Ironically, this is the most ridiculous claim in this thread.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#32 - 2013-11-07 17:56:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Blasto wrote:

No, what's wrong is you perceptions, you can see this in other areas when you talk about how there was no ganking or such back when you started (which is totally untrue). It's you memory that's faulty, not the game.

It's has alway been this way. i've gotten better loot on average in this last year (according to my spread sheet) for the same hours of exploration than I got from2008 to 2012. And this without having steady access to angel space. This is also with having a higher level of 8/10s under my belt than in those previous years (mainly because of spending time in blood raider space, I tend to sell Blood Raider Naval Shipyard rather than run it becuase it takes more than 1 or 2 ships).

Among other things, you seem to suffer from "gamblers fallacy". Believe what you want, but as a professional null sec explorer, I'm telling you, nothing it noticbly broken other than (again) your perceptions.

No one of sound mind believes that you have been keeping a 'spreadsheet' detailing your loot drops since 08... Ironically, this is the most ridiculous claim in this thread.

So you're saying that doing things is hard and If I don't do them no one does. There's even tools in the making like "Eve-loot-calculator", you can copy and paste into simple Google Spreadsheet.

You can't be serious with this post can you?

Edit: Ok, who's trolling me with this one day old Alt "Blasto"?
Good Posting
#33 - 2013-11-07 20:48:57 UTC
We can't loot the guristas good stuff because this sweet lady is grabbing all. I moved to Blood Raider space and now i'm a happy man. The loot is less valuable but at least i'm looting something. If i start to get less drops, i will move to another place and that is all. Guristas are way over farmed.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2013-11-07 22:51:12 UTC
Blasto wrote:

No, what's wrong is you perceptions, you can see this in other areas when you talk about how there was no ganking or such back when you started (which is totally untrue). It's you memory that's faulty, not the game.

It's has alway been this way. i've gotten better loot on average in this last year (according to my spread sheet) for the same hours of exploration than I got from2008 to 2012. And this without having steady access to angel space. This is also with having a higher level of 8/10s under my belt than in those previous years (mainly because of spending time in blood raider space, I tend to sell Blood Raider Naval Shipyard rather than run it becuase it takes more than 1 or 2 ships).

Among other things, you seem to suffer from "gamblers fallacy". Believe what you want, but as a professional null sec explorer, I'm telling you, nothing it noticbly broken other than (again) your perceptions.

No one of sound mind believes that you have been keeping a 'spreadsheet' detailing your loot drops since 08... Ironically, this is the most ridiculous claim in this thread.

Couldn't have said it any better myself. They are what you'd call 'Lap Dogs', constantly rushing to jump on CCP's lap to defend against any negative statements posted about this game. The fact that they keep saying Exploration, escalations and loot drops are better this year than in all the previous years is proof they keep spouting BS as actual fact.

Mnemosyne Gloob
#35 - 2013-11-07 23:15:42 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
The fact that they keep saying Exploration, escalations and loot drops are better this year than in all the previous years is proof they keep spouting BS as actual fact.

As has been pointed out you are generalizing from the observation of one/some person(s). Just because someone has a streak of luck or a streak of misfortune does not let you draw conclusions about the general state.

I would also like to remind you about the one time after an expansion, where sigs stopped respawning. It was pretty quickly noted and reported by the playerbase, because everyone had made the same observations.

Personally, i am not saying that there is no adjusting of drop rates on CCPs part, but if there was it would only be slightly and to prove it would be quite hard given the random nature of it (you would need a collaborative gathering of data over time to see any trends).
#36 - 2013-11-08 00:11:11 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
The fact that they keep saying Exploration, escalations and loot drops are better this year than in all the previous years is proof they keep spouting BS as actual fact.

As has been pointed out you are generalizing from the observation of one/some person(s). Just because someone has a streak of luck or a streak of misfortune does not let you draw conclusions about the general state.

I would also like to remind you about the one time after an expansion, where sigs stopped respawning. It was pretty quickly noted and reported by the playerbase, because everyone had made the same observations.

Personally, i am not saying that there is no adjusting of drop rates on CCPs part, but if there was it would only be slightly and to prove it would be quite hard given the random nature of it (you would need a collaborative gathering of data over time to see any trends). has the long term trends of module availability, if you make the reasonable presumption that trade volume is proportional to module availability.

For example pithum a-type invuln field shows IMO consistent enough volume that I'd attribute differences to seasonal population variations and politcal state of the producing regions more so than CCP meddling with drop rates.

The copasetic I find even more interesting, because its a meta4 largely supplied off the same overseers - but its got far deeper history because unlike deadspace modules its always been on the market.

The medium 'accommodation' vestment reconstructor is a good example of what happens to loot values when supply is increased. set eve-markets to 1000 days history and enjoy the graph carnage.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#37 - 2013-11-08 03:48:40 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Blasto wrote:

No, what's wrong is you perceptions, you can see this in other areas when you talk about how there was no ganking or such back when you started (which is totally untrue). It's you memory that's faulty, not the game.

It's has alway been this way. i've gotten better loot on average in this last year (according to my spread sheet) for the same hours of exploration than I got from2008 to 2012. And this without having steady access to angel space. This is also with having a higher level of 8/10s under my belt than in those previous years (mainly because of spending time in blood raider space, I tend to sell Blood Raider Naval Shipyard rather than run it becuase it takes more than 1 or 2 ships).

Among other things, you seem to suffer from "gamblers fallacy". Believe what you want, but as a professional null sec explorer, I'm telling you, nothing it noticbly broken other than (again) your perceptions.

No one of sound mind believes that you have been keeping a 'spreadsheet' detailing your loot drops since 08... Ironically, this is the most ridiculous claim in this thread.

Couldn't have said it any better myself. They are what you'd call 'Lap Dogs', constantly rushing to jump on CCP's lap to defend against any negative statements posted about this game. The fact that they keep saying Exploration, escalations and loot drops are better this year than in all the previous years is proof they keep spouting BS as actual fact.


Who said anything about CCP. We're telling you that you are wrong about the activity we are enjoying. Sorry if you don't like it, you could always play a game other than EVE. If loot drops from exploration were broken, I'd be scremaing at CCP about it. It's not, so I'm not.

Last time I looked, I was paying CCP, not the other way around, so why anyone would need to believe that simply telling the truth against Crimsons lies is being a "lap dog" is beyond me. How could any adult be so serioulsy immature and wrong?
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#38 - 2013-11-08 05:09:35 UTC
These threads have been around since I started.

The loot tables have changed for many low grade items.

Exploration is no longer a rare profession.

Prices on high end exploration loot and salvage have fallen.

Random makes for some odd streaks both good and bad.

People who keep records have better data compared to those who don't over same time period.

The more time you have in the more raw data you have seen.

Everyone else has their own personal experiences with random number generators.

Everyone who defends the game is swinging from CCP's nuts and those who cry about it make the rest of us laugh. Big smile
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2013-11-08 08:03:30 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Who said anything about CCP. We're telling you that you are wrong about the activity we are enjoying. Sorry if you don't like it, you could always play a game other than EVE. If loot drops from exploration were broken, I'd be scremaing at CCP about it. It's not, so I'm not.

Last time I looked, I was paying CCP, not the other way around, so why anyone would need to believe that simply telling the truth against Crimsons lies is being a "lap dog" is beyond me. How could any adult be so serioulsy immature and wrong?

Heh, I keep asking myself the same question about you. Since you have no verified facts to back up your statements either that would make you a liar as well. Conducting Exploration in an upgraded null sec area is definitely not the same as it is elsewhere.

Also stop trying to portray me as the only one who is complaining about Exploration being nerfed. Other players who notice it post these threads asking about it and when people agree with them, you and a couple of your buddies jump in and start insulting those who don't agree with you, all the while claiming everything is better than before and it's just RNG - working as intended..

That's nothing more than a feeble attempt to look like you know what you're talking about when actually you don't know what the numbers should be..

As a paying customer I have every right to post my opinion about the game just like you do. If you and a couple of your friends don't like what I say, too bad. That doesn't give you the right to do personal attacks on me or to tell me to go play 'another game'. Leave the troll remarks in GD or better yet, just go back to that sub-forum if you can't refrain from posting insults.

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2013-11-08 08:36:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Infinity Ziona
6 sites over 24 hours, playing 3 1.5 hour peroids

That was two days ago so no sites are still dropping insane loot.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)