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Caldari COSMOS Guide?

Nolen Cadmar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-11-06 17:54:21 UTC
Does anyone have a good link to a Caldari COSMOS guide? The ones that I'm able to find are rather aged.

I'm mostly looking for one that lists what assets you must acquire and where to get them from.

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Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-11-06 17:57:50 UTC
COSMOS missions haven't changed in years afaik, so the aged ones are likely still perfectly valid.
Nolen Cadmar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-11-06 18:15:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Nolen Cadmar
They don't have the items listed like a shopping list though, so I can't easily farm a site until I have everything I need. If this does not exist, I plan to create one myself.

EDIT: I did find some errors in two that I've looked at before. They were minor and not a big deal. The quantity of a few items were wrong, probably just a typo.

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Federal Navy Academy
#4 - 2013-11-06 19:38:09 UTC
look up DMC's standings repair plan. It includes shopping lists for all the cosmos missions.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-11-06 21:50:32 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Batelle wrote:
look up DMC's standings repair plan. It includes shopping lists for all the cosmos missions.


Actually 'The Plan' just has links to various guides which sorta have a 'Shopping List'.

Personally, I don't like the idea of including a 'Shopping List'. There's been way too much 'Instant Gratification' and 'Easy Mode' incorporated into this game already. It's not that tough for a player to view the missions in various guides and make their own list of needed items before actually starting.

Now I do give some tips on how to work the Cosmos Agents, IE, do not accept the mission right at first, just let the offer sit in the journal which allows you time to actually search and obtain the specific item or items requested by the agent. You have 7 days before the mission offer expires, then when accepted you have another 7 days to complete it. That gives the player 2 weeks total to complete it if needed.

Now there's usually a BPC, Storyline module or implant bonus reward if the mission is completed within a few hours so that's definitely something to always strive towards. That can be easily obtained just by working the Cosmos Agent missions as described above.

Mr Chili Palmer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-11-06 21:57:12 UTC

"If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried"

"If your boss is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail"

Arlee Emery
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-11-07 05:37:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Arlee Emery
The following list will get you through all the L1, L2, and halfway through the L3 missions as listed here:

Off Market:
Omber x500
Oxygen x137
Isogen x2674

Via Contracts or Drops:
Drifter Spur x60
Parts of Printing Machine x5
Nugoeihuvi Dogtag x5
Encoded Lai Dai Reports x6
Bag of Counterfeit Money x500
Kusan Niemenin's Missile Launcher x1
Propel Dynamics Dogtag x5
Scanner Data II x1
Scanner Data III x1
Quao Kale x1
Wiyrkomi Rifles x3
Ancient Weapon x3
Broken Bug Device x1
Zarkona Mirei x1
Cheri Mirei's DNA x1
Jakon's Head x1
Nugoeihuvi Transaction Logs x1
Guristas Outlaw Tag x10
Miner x3

If you acquire all that off markets/contract beforehand, you'll only have a handful of missions other than transports to actually do. Haven't pursued past the 5th Lv3 mission on the list yet to make an exhaustive list. Note that a few of those items might actually be from Acc-Gate "instances" and cannot be acquired via contract (Scanner Data I, for example). Most of it is dropped in the Airmia and Sakkikainen complexes though.
Nolen Cadmar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-11-07 13:27:18 UTC
I've gone through that guide on Scribd before, I just wasn't sure how accurate it was. But here's the list I came up with.

Google Drive Link

Full List

Ancient Weapon 3
Bag of Counterfeit Credits 500
Bai's Corpse 1
Bandit Spur 85
Broken Bug Device 1
Caldari Shuttle 1
Cheri's DNA 1
Construction Tools 60
Drifter Spur 33
Drill Parts 4
Encoded Lai Dai Reports 6
Frozen Food 500
Gatti's DNA 1
Goru's Shuttle 1
Gunslinger Spur 25
Guristas Outlaw Dogtag 10
Isogen 2674
Jedon Hekkiren's Belongings 1
Kepheur's Keycard 1
Kusan Niemen's Missile Launcher 1
Loki's DNA 1
Makele's Tag 1
Manchura's Logs 1
Marauder Spur 5
Miner (person) 3
Miner II 5
Nugoeihuvi Dogtag 5
Nugoeihuvi Transaction Logs 1
Omber 500
Oxygen 137
Parts of Printing Machine 5
Pata Wakiro's DNA 1
Potent Viral Agent 400
Propel Dynamics Dogtag 5
Prototype Cloaking Device I 1
Quao Kale 1
Ratei's Insignia 1
Raytio Family Supplies 1
Ryoke Laika 1
Scanner Data I 1
Scanner Data II 1
Scanner Data III 1
Sheriff Togany 1
Wiyrkomi Rifles 3
Zvarin Karsha 1

By Location

Caldari Shuttle 1
Frozen Food 500
Isogen 2674
Miner II 5
Omber 500
Oxygen 137
Prototype Cloaking Device I 1

Scanner Data I 1
Scanner Data II 1
Scanner Data III 1

Ancient Weapon 3
Bandit Spur 85
Drifter Spur 33
Encoded Lai Dai Reports 6
Guristas Outlaw Dogtag 10
Kusan Niemen's Missile Launcher 1
Miner (person) 3
Nugoeihuvi Dogtag 5
Parts of Printing Machine 5
Propel Dynamics Dogtag 5
Wiyrkomi Rifles 3

Nugoeihuvi Transaction Logs 1

Broken Bug Device 1
Kepheur's Keycard 1
Quao Kale 1

Raytio Family Supplies 1
Bag of Counterfeit Credits 500

Bai's Corpse 1

Zvarin Karsha 1

Makele's Tag 1

Cheri's DNA 1

Sheriff Togany 1

Goru's Shuttle 1

Construction Tools 60

Drill Parts 4
Gunslinger Spur 25
Jedon Hekkiren's Belongings 1
Loki's DNA 1
Manchura's Logs 1
Marauder Spur 5
Potent Viral Agent 400
Pata Wakiro's DNA 1
Ratei's Insignia 1
Ryoke Laika 1

Gatti's DNA 1

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