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[MERC] Forsaken Asylum - Mercenary Alliance for Hire!

Leon De Grande
Evian Industries
#121 - 2013-11-06 05:31:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Leon De Grande
You know, and this is coming from a current victim of this alliance's wardecs, these guys aren't so bad.

Most people who wardec in highsec that I have experience don't pay the same way Forsaken Alliance does. I''m used to people hugging stations 90% of the time, and spending the other 10% looking for fights where only one person shares any ammo. I'm used to people who dock up the first time they get shot at and then never log in again until the wardec runs out. The kind of people who want to grief and avoid PvP.

These guys actually PvP. Griefing is going to happen with HighSec mercenaries, but for Forsaken Alliance it's not the sole purpose for their existence. Now despite the fact that this war is totally lopsided in their favour(pretty much would be the case for almost any war with us) my corp has had fun, and our pilots have learned things.

If you want to bash someone for being a mercenary, then go ahead and bash the profession, but to accuse these people of being anything else is disingenuous.

PS: Maybe we'll be seeing you guys again before the war runs out. (But given the pointlessness of actually trying to win this fight, you'll probably only find us in cheap tech1 frigates just mucking about for fun.)

PSPS: I can't figure out who could have hired you to wardec us, I am not aware of anyone with a motive. :P