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Experiment #01: RL finance analysis applied to EvE

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Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#241 - 2013-08-28 21:10:13 UTC
Daily chart
Where Price is Going (WPG)

Chart link

The daily chart is actually the one where the swing trader attempts to see the finer details about the next price moves. Contrary to popular belief, getting an useful prediction it’s not a given, at all. A swing trader knows that price might graciously disclose its intentions at any time, but the only place where to put them in an human comprehensible context is at price levels. Only a price level affects the otherwise completely unpredictable price motion, in a way that statistical recurring price patterns analysis (called “Price Action Analysis”) may give a statistical edge about Where Price is Going (WPG) next (*). Therefore, be ready to check the daily chart every day, because we are only interested at trading a certain market when price hits one of its “chords”, a price level.

In this specific case, price at the date of the analysis was doing nothing “trade ready”.

Back at the time, I covered four useful cases, shown on the chart as white circled numbers. I only covered buy opportunities, both because we are in an overall uptrend and because we cannot short sell in EvE anyway.

I have drawn a symbolic pin bar (PB) at those four spots. The PB shows where to wait for a bullish price action pattern, acting as signal to buy. As I said, the PB “icon” is just a symbol, any bullish price action may happen there (BUOB, DBLHC…) for the same result.

Here are the scenarios:

  1. Price re-enters the small blue D RM. In that case it will try and reach BRN 1000. Risky trade, the space to first target is just 120 ISK (buy at 880, sell partial stock at 1000).

  2. Price goes down to 800 BRN and puts a price action pattern. But we come right after the above double top. The “M shaped” RM inside the blue rectangle is called double top and is a specific subset of RM that often causes violent prices trops (the next days would prove it actually happened!). It’s very risky to buy right after a double top, they are one of the “falling knife” initiators. Therefore we want to see a confirmed inversion or at least a double bottom at 800 BRN before buying. Double bottoms are “W” shaped RMs, they are the complimentary, bullish scenario mirror to the double tops.

  3. Price drops down to the 730 weekly price level or even down to the 700 monthly price level (acting as support). This is a scenario similar to the above, with the added risk of having 800 BRN in the way up. In fact, if price breaks below 800 BRN (acting as support), the same BRN will act as resistance.

  4. The safest scenario: price breaks over 1000 BRN: there are no obstacles above plus the D RM “upper bound” reinforces the BRN. The more levels happen together the stronger the effects. This phenomenon is known as confluence.

That’s it for this analysis. Price was in the middle of nowhere at the time, so no “signal to trade” could be found. I repeat, this is normal for a swing trader, they are meant to re-assess the scenario every day until price indeed goes to a level and shows a trading setup.

(*) With great experience it’s possible to trade “free form” with no levels, as candle bars themselves each are tiny range market and their bodies represent tiny price levels delimiting those range markets. It requires a completely different money management; getting able to trade free form is an “end game goal”, not the regular day by day trader life.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#242 - 2013-08-29 00:47:42 UTC
I have been contacted by people reporting missing images on the original version of the analysis.

The EvE forums version is unaffected.

Not only the pictures were missing, but only the first analysis page was showing as well.

I have fixed everything now. The malfunction was caused by a cached page file that somehow got corrupted.

Now feel free to read the full analysis, it looks way better on the website than in here.

I will post Pt 2 (updated to the last day) tomorrow or the day after.

As usual, I remind those who want to be informed in advance of new articles, that I always tweet the new content URLs ahead of time compared to when it appears on the EvE forums.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#243 - 2013-09-01 20:33:50 UTC
The second part of 2013-09-01 [NIISO] Nitrogen Isotopes market analysis – Pt 2 is out.

This also shows several past but also new concepts and even possible scenarios about price levels to buy ice at.
Eclipse Strike Unit
#244 - 2013-09-05 09:37:29 UTC

Interesting read. Coincidentally I have been trying to apply technical analysis methods to other non-financial RL fractal systems. Reading through this has boosted my curiosity to apply them in EvE.

I was trying to download your template for EvE to use in MultiCharts® Discretionary Trader, but I think the link is down?

The same for EvEMarketHistoryDump.

Any chance you could make these available again?

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#245 - 2013-09-05 12:42:30 UTC
Alphawolves wrote:

Interesting read. Coincidentally I have been trying to apply technical analysis methods to other non-financial RL fractal systems. Reading through this has boosted my curiosity to apply them in EvE.

I was trying to download your template for EvE to use in MultiCharts® Discretionary Trader, but I think the link is down?

The same for EvEMarketHistoryDump.

Any chance you could make these available again?



I am experiencing some issues with the downloads component of my website. This is also affecting my other downloads, in example EvE Income Analyzer.

I am working with the developer to find a solution, as soon as we fix it, I'll post about it in here.
Eclipse Strike Unit
#246 - 2013-09-05 14:28:18 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Alphawolves wrote:

Interesting read. Coincidentally I have been trying to apply technical analysis methods to other non-financial RL fractal systems. Reading through this has boosted my curiosity to apply them in EvE.

I was trying to download your template for EvE to use in MultiCharts® Discretionary Trader, but I think the link is down?

The same for EvEMarketHistoryDump.

Any chance you could make these available again?



I am experiencing some issues with the downloads component of my website. This is also affecting my other downloads, in example EvE Income Analyzer.

I am working with the developer to find a solution, as soon as we fix it, I'll post about it in here.

Cheers Blink
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#247 - 2013-10-08 07:06:30 UTC
Since I got various in game inquiries:

The download manager has been updated, in the next days I'll restore the EvE Market Data software and the others.

Even more important, I have upgraded the EvE Market Data software to work with the current new client data format.

In the next days I'll post a chart proving it works again.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#248 - 2013-10-08 23:13:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
October 2013 PLEX market analysis

I have just written a very educational PLEX market analysis article.

Not only it gives information about what is best to do next, but it explains how and why supports, resistances, big round numbers and trend lines exist.

It also describes a phenomenon I did not cover on this forum yet: the magnetic effect of those levels on price.

I hope you'll like the article as much as I loved to write it! P
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#249 - 2013-10-27 03:18:48 UTC
October Nitrogen Isotopes market analysis

I have just finished what is THE ONE price action analysis post.

I could retire from EvE happy now, because I have finally said some of the missing bits that made some people confused and others just don't trust what I explain.

The analysis starts with a little initiative I have taken (that is externalizing and sharing trading with third parties) but in reality it's about explaining the following:

1) How the inner market structure works: the various kinds of swings, where to find the "low" of the mythic "buy low, sell high".

2) Why using more than one time frame to work with the markets to have safer and more profitable trades.

3) How to finally detach yourself from the belief: "that guy only shows charts with past prices, it's easy to predict the past!". In fact I have posted the standard "entry selection criteria" applied every day by many RL traders I know including me.

These criteria are automatic, almost deterministic in the basic "OK / not OK" decision process.

Just use the same criteria when dealing with yet-to-begin trades.

4) As added bonus I have attached a screenshot of a third party trader (my most estimated Rhivre) confirming - actually having done my trade and the prices it went for.

Another bonus is showing how in:

- a spaceships game,

- where the huge majority of players barely know what a market is,

- where just me, Dr Ejyo's team and an handful others use advanced tools like candle stick platforms,

we can see strong, easily visible complex patterns like dynamic range markets and trend lines.

This is a massive accomplishment and if I'd been younger I'd use it as theme for a thesis.
Because nobody has ever shown time and again through the years that even removing "technical traders" from the picture, the market structures still continue to form. Even the most complex ones.

That is, it's not just a "self fulfilling prophecy" but it's the live markets that self determine and self shape regardless of us and our beliefs.

I hope some will like that newest post and I am sure I'll get even more eve-mails than usual.

And I'll be glad to reply to each of them, because I want to help you all, like I have been helped myself.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#250 - 2013-10-30 15:36:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Extremely illiquid markets

I have faced some very illiquid EvE and RL markets. These are very hard to trade as a swing trader because they basically don't show visible swings (duh!).

Then a little lamp light turned on Idea in my little brain: what if I am just looking at the market with a wrong pair of glasses?

Because markets are rarely wrong, therefore the fault is on my side.

So here you go, in my never ending experiments I found out that just by changing time frame or axis linearity (i.e. from standard to logarythmic) I get those tasty price bars and swings back!

Example taken TOTALLY from a random situation: today I was reading an Italian finance forum (surprise!) and a guy replied to a very nice trader (even in RL!) called Briga73 to go check an illiquid security: steel.

Being a curious muppet, I promptly went to check the CME Group steel security. I got shown a table. The table shows a series of months, with some stats and each row got a button to open a chart. Nom nom! P

So I click October 2013 and what do I see? The typical illiquid market!

Look at this screenshot: doesn't it really look like to those "out of the way" or "rare-ish item" EvE markets? Some hardly connected dots - lines and that's it!

Now let's change our pair of glasses: change just a few options so that they look like this second screenshot.

TA-DA! Instant sense in the chart! Even the least trained eye who read some of this thread will immediately spot the double bottom to the right.

Now comes the unavoidable question: would we have traded this setup with a profit? That is, does this method apply even to this "worst case" kind of market?

Well, the only way to know, is to actually backtest it. Let's draw a couple of lines to show the relevant market structures and thus learn WPD (What Price is Doing). They are quite obvious: past swings "peaked" at those lines. The RM (double bottom is a Range Market aka RM) resistance itself comes from a previous swing low.
The double bottom is a bullish inversion pattern (a bullish information) and then we see the often "retracement" back to it. I remind readers that RETracements are price doing always its same mechanic: it breaks a line, goes up a bit then comes back down to hit said line and then "uses" it as support to later proceed upwards. This process whose acronym is RET, gives us a second information about the new trend direction.
What do we miss is just the "smoking gun", that is the evidence also known as confirmation.

Informations = clues
Confirmation = evidence confirming the clues.

Where's confirmation or evidence that the trend now is bullish? And what about WPG (Where Price is Going)?

Simple, che confirmation is a suitable price action pattern sitting exactly at that RET and the WPG is... "Price is Going up! Price will meet and react to those levels I have drawn in the first charts".

Why do those price action patterns even appear? They appear because buyers leave a mark where they have won against sellers (bullish market). Many of these marks have been studied and given a name: pin bars, bullish outside bars, double bars low higher close and a couple others. When we spot these markes we know with good statistical confidence that price will indeed go a certain direction. Notice that those marks ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY have sense in a precise context, that is when price hits levels. When left to "run free in the middle of nowhere" those marks have no predictable meaning at all.

Back to our chart, we look for such mark / price action pattern and we indeed find one: a two days bullish pin bar, exactly sitting in the "valley" created by the RET. This is the confirmation or evidence we were looking for!

What is one nice pin bar property? That it tells us where price will go immediately past it. Price will go to the first met of these:
- the previous bar high (September)
- the price level immediately above.

In our case we have no price level sitting immediately above, so we set our first target at the high of September's bar. The next targets will be the tips of the nearest important swings. This is the resulting trading plan.
We are just following the old: "plan the trade then trade the plan".

So in our backtest (there are specific software to do those backtests) we setup the buy order right above the 2 days pin bar top, the stop loss right below the 2 days pin bar tail(s) and wait. And the next bar activates the order and goes to our targets.

This is that simple and works in RL like in EvE.

And as you can see, it works even in those nasty illiquid markes!

This completes my study on some T2 and PI markets I have started when I announced my 100B investment funds thread: the T2BSK and PIBSK baskets.
Recidivists Incorporated
#251 - 2013-10-30 16:38:56 UTC
I have no farking idea what you are talking about, but I love you for saying it. Keep up the awesome analysis!
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#252 - 2013-10-30 16:58:33 UTC
OllieNorth wrote:
I have no farking idea what you are talking about, but I love you for saying it. Keep up the awesome analysis!

Thank you for the appreciation!

If you wish to get these things explained in a different way that would give you "the idea" please tell me and I'll try to reply any questions.
Stars Research systems Incorporation
#253 - 2013-11-04 14:02:46 UTC
I am really in a hurry to see a technical analysis financial for the market planetary Items basing on reliable statistical tools
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#254 - 2013-11-04 15:28:04 UTC
Jdestars wrote:
I am really in a hurry to see a technical analysis financial for the market planetary Items basing on reliable statistical tools

Which ones? I don't really track all the markets, I focus on those I do my trading into.
Recidivists Incorporated
#255 - 2013-11-04 19:05:09 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
OllieNorth wrote:
I have no farking idea what you are talking about, but I love you for saying it. Keep up the awesome analysis!

Thank you for the appreciation!

If you wish to get these things explained in a different way that would give you "the idea" please tell me and I'll try to reply any questions.

Nothing personal VV, but as you know, I am eternally broke ingame, so I mainly like to read through your stuff for the education. I appreciate the offer, however.
Stars Research systems Incorporation
#256 - 2013-11-05 08:08:00 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Jdestars wrote:
I am really in a hurry to see a technical analysis financial for the market planetary Items basing on reliable statistical tools

Which ones? I don't really track all the markets, I focus on those I do my trading into.

before id tracked all material involve in production mechanical for my own price evaluation price item but with irl activity i kept this
now I track only all market in high sec and all Planeteray Item product for same reason and some 'trade activity'
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#257 - 2013-11-16 19:03:38 UTC
Since posting an analysis about Nitrogen Isotopes was not enough for a day, I have decided to also post an update to PLEX.


Montly chart

Chart link


Price is still running above a massively strong trend line started back in 2011.
The day it'll get broken downwards, we'll see fireworks. And tears, many, many tears.

But as of now price is rising and heading towards the all time high of October / November 2012. If / when it'll get to the high of that bar, that is up to 663M, then we'll see fireworks as well. Price tends to strongly react at those critical places. I am not saying it'll go up or down but that it'll do it with great momentum, so keep on your toes!

P.S. like for Nitrogen Isotopes, I'd invite Mynna to tell what he thinks about this trend line. Is it possible that it's always "random" stuff that creates those price features?

Weekly chart

Chart link


This is a very interesting scenario. It's easy to see that price broke the large RM (yellow rectangle) upwards and now is currently reaching a second top close to that short red horizontal line.

If price will go above that line, it'll invalidate the first top and will setup to go to the next target, which is the all time high of mid Oct 2012. Passing that level would be like Rubicon motto: alea iacta est (the die has been cast). Also, while we are in latin mottos mood, we'll get into uncharted territory, where ancient Romans would write: "his sunt leones" (here be lions, general "unknown territory" description for interior Africa lands).

Needless to say, holding stock at those levels will be for the strong of heart!

Daily chart


Daily chart

We are in a yellow RM whose support is provided by the purple monthly level @592M ISK.
Resistance, of course, is provided by the high swing of late October.
Price will therefore do its stuff inside the RM and will have to break it before we know what's its next target.
In particular, we'd not be surprised at all seeing price return to re-test 600M BRN, because the more trained among you will certainly have spotted that double bottom-alike structure. And price loves to retest those structures.
Actually, if it does that, price will get the needed liquidity fuel needed to try break the rectangle. If it does not, it will have more difficulty doing that, as buyers will get "tired" when they'll meet the resistance.
Quinn Cooke
Usque Ad Mortem
#258 - 2013-11-16 19:31:57 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Jdestars wrote:
I am really in a hurry to see a technical analysis financial for the market planetary Items basing on reliable statistical tools

Which ones? I don't really track all the markets, I focus on those I do my trading into.

I would love to see an analysis on Robotics. Part of the Planetary Material / Specialized Commodities group.

doesnt play well with others

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#259 - 2013-11-16 20:03:28 UTC
Quinn Cooke wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Jdestars wrote:
I am really in a hurry to see a technical analysis financial for the market planetary Items basing on reliable statistical tools

Which ones? I don't really track all the markets, I focus on those I do my trading into.

I would love to see an analysis on Robotics. Part of the Planetary Material / Specialized Commodities group.

I am quite sure I have some large holes in my data for that commodity Cry

Sadly the data gets only cached for max 1 year so even if I check those items every now and them, it's easy to lose the history for vast amounts of time. I'll check what I have but I can't assure anything. Oops
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#260 - 2013-11-17 11:25:19 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Quinn Cooke wrote:

I would love to see an analysis on Robotics. Part of the Planetary Material / Specialized Commodities group.

I am quite sure I have some large holes in my data for that commodity Cry

Sadly the data gets only cached for max 1 year so even if I check those items every now and them, it's easy to lose the history for vast amounts of time. I'll check what I have but I can't assure anything. Oops

I have great news for you!

It took me two hours of research but in the end I managed to dig up some ancient data I had in a backup.

Then I found a number of Robotics market data CSV files and slapped all together, the resulting dataset is not only accurate but also it did not lose a single day!

The full analysis is posted on my website.

Enjoy it and please rate it!