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Q. What's the biggest solar system in EVE?

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Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2013-10-29 01:09:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
ISD LackOfFaith wrote:
Aaaaand done. I wrote a quick little Python script to go through every solar system and compare the distances between its gates. You can find it here.

When run, its output is:


Maximum gate-gate warp was...
in system 9-266Q
a distance of 201.97 AU
from Stargate (1-Y6KI) to Stargate (N6G-H3)

There you have it. It's still in 9-266Q as my radius search of earlier, but the warp is slightly shorter than the diameter of the system.

Let me know if you find any problems with my code or need me to look up something else. Big smile

I don't know how or where, but your script is wrong, sir.
Gorn Arming
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-10-29 01:28:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Gorn Arming
ISD LackOfFaith wrote:
Aaaaand done. I wrote a quick little Python script to go through every solar system and compare the distances between its gates. You can find it here.

When run, its output is:


Maximum gate-gate warp was...
in system 9-266Q
a distance of 201.97 AU
from Stargate (1-Y6KI) to Stargate (N6G-H3)

There you have it. It's still in 9-266Q as my radius search of earlier, but the warp is slightly shorter than the diameter of the system.

Let me know if you find any problems with my code or need me to look up something else. Big smile

Your pattern is advanced, but suggests two-dimensional thinking.

[Edit: actually, no; your formula is right. There are jumps much larger than that, though, so something must be wrong with your queries.]
ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#23 - 2013-10-29 02:06:42 UTC
Hmm, I've double-checked it, and it looks like the database dump might be the inaccurate thing. I'll keep looking into it. That's weird, though.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Sheldor Amouh
#24 - 2013-10-29 02:09:30 UTC
A couple of possible theories on gate distances being farther than expected based on the queries. First, radius may represent the orbit of the last planet in the system and there are gates outside of that orbit. Also, as someone referenced we arent dealing with a flat plane. This means a gate on one side of the system could be above the otbit plane while the gate on the other side is below, making the line connecting them longer than a flat diameter measurement.

Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

Leigh Akiga
Kuhri Innovations
#25 - 2013-10-29 02:25:57 UTC
Python queries aside, I know theres a couple 280au warps in Venal, thats gotta be the biggest..

Mercas Alderau
Wholesale Merchants
#26 - 2013-10-29 02:30:04 UTC
Leigh Akiga wrote:
Python queries aside, I know theres a couple 280au warps in Venal, thats gotta be the biggest..


Better not be flying an interceptor, though.
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2013-10-29 02:52:16 UTC
Mercas Alderau wrote:
Leigh Akiga wrote:
Python queries aside, I know theres a couple 280au warps in Venal, thats gotta be the biggest..


Better not be flying an interceptor, though.

or warping a freighter, with a hostile interceptor entered system

RIP Iron Lady

Dont UseYourAlt OnTheForums
#28 - 2013-10-29 02:53:59 UTC
Mercas Alderau wrote:
Leigh Akiga wrote:
Python queries aside, I know theres a couple 280au warps in Venal, thats gotta be the biggest..


Better not be flying an interceptor, though.

warping speed will be lower, only acceleration will be a lot faster.. so in long warps it will actually take longer.

u dumb
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2013-10-29 02:58:02 UTC
I seem to remember a nullsec system I used to roam through being over 400 AU between gates..... 0SHT-A, I believe.....

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2013-10-29 04:04:02 UTC
Mercas Alderau wrote:
Leigh Akiga wrote:
Python queries aside, I know theres a couple 280au warps in Venal, thats gotta be the biggest..


Better not be flying an interceptor, though.

Challenge accepted.
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-10-29 04:21:39 UTC
There is, indeed, at least one system in null where no ship can warp non-stop from gate to gate.
I really do want to say it's 0SHT-A, but I haven't roamed nullsec in a long time.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Multor Kaston
#32 - 2013-10-29 05:29:30 UTC
Dont UseYourAlt OnTheForums wrote:
Mercas Alderau wrote:
Leigh Akiga wrote:
Python queries aside, I know theres a couple 280au warps in Venal, thats gotta be the biggest..


Better not be flying an interceptor, though.

warping speed will be lower, only acceleration will be a lot faster.. so in long warps it will actually take longer.

u dumb
I once made a theory that people who feel the need to call people dumb on an internet forum are almost always the real idiots.

This theory seems to hold true...

Interceptor will still catch the freighter easily at warp-out therefore his point stands, and you are a fool. =)
Kaiia Gavlas Thessia
Ravens' Nest
#33 - 2013-10-29 07:40:04 UTC
The one that's going on my avoidance list as soon as I find out which one it is.

RAVENS' NEST - Bringing the Dread Bomb Back

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#34 - 2013-10-29 07:48:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Erotica 1
Solstice Project wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
ISD LackOfFaith wrote:
For the spreadsheet people, I have compiled some CSV data for every maximum gate warp for every system. It's even nice to just CTRL+F through and see what warps you should camp try to not warp across in slow ships.


Hey I need a good spreadsheet person to help me make a better one for keeping track of clients and others. Sadly the in game watchlist maximum is too low. We should get together and discuss sometime.
Open Notepad
Open/Save [filename of clients.txt]
CTRL+F clients name
Example wrote:
Solstice Project XXX
if he has three X, then he already reached his maximum.
The "X" gets added at the end of the characters line.
You will obviously add the character into the list, if it's not there.
Ordering is irrelevant, as you are using notepads own search.

THAT BEING SAID ...............................

You are *such* a lazy ass! You simply mark every contract with a specific standing.

Well ... that didn't work out forever. xD

Thanks! If you are also skilled in mysql, maybe that would be even better for a more detailed record?

Edit* would my api help?

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2013-10-29 09:24:22 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Erotica 1 wrote:
ISD LackOfFaith wrote:
For the spreadsheet people, I have compiled some CSV data for every maximum gate warp for every system. It's even nice to just CTRL+F through and see what warps you should camp try to not warp across in slow ships.


Hey I need a good spreadsheet person to help me make a better one for keeping track of clients and others. Sadly the in game watchlist maximum is too low. We should get together and discuss sometime.
Open Notepad
Open/Save [filename of clients.txt]
CTRL+F clients name
Example wrote:
Solstice Project XXX
if he has three X, then he already reached his maximum.
The "X" gets added at the end of the characters line.
You will obviously add the character into the list, if it's not there.
Ordering is irrelevant, as you are using notepads own search.

THAT BEING SAID ...............................

You are *such* a lazy ass! You simply mark every contract with a specific standing.

Well ... that didn't work out forever. xD

Thanks! If you are also skilled in mysql, maybe that would be even better for a more detailed record?

Edit* would my api help?
I have no idea about this.
I usually don't waste my time with databases and SQL is overkill for what you want.

Also, transaction log doesn't save that far into the past ... most of your transactions are lost already.
Toshiro Ozuwara
#36 - 2013-10-29 09:28:33 UTC
Multor Kaston wrote:
and you are a fool. =)

Dear friend and comrade.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#37 - 2013-10-29 09:42:48 UTC
Sheldor Amouh wrote:
Also, as someone referenced we arent dealing with a flat plane. This means a gate on one side of the system could be above the otbit plane while the gate on the other side is below, making the line connecting them longer than a flat diameter measurement.

ISD LackOfFaith's code calculates the distance between two points in three-dimensional space.

But I can understand your lack of faith.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#38 - 2013-10-29 10:38:12 UTC
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
There is, indeed, at least one system in null where no ship can warp non-stop from gate to gate.
I really do want to say it's 0SHT-A, but I haven't roamed nullsec in a long time.

Nah OSHT is way smaller than that, 105AU or something.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#39 - 2013-10-29 13:09:24 UTC  |  Edited by: seth Hendar
ISD LackOfFaith wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Leave it to the ISDs to completely derail a thread. Lol

... Fine, be that way! Evil

I ran this SQLite query on a recent DB dump:

select solarSystemName, radius from mapsolarsystems order by radius desc limit 50;

The raw results are here:

Tinkering with the numbers shows that those figures are in meters (otherwise we would get completely bogus AU figures). This means that, looking at the top 50 systems by radius:

  • The largest system in Eve is J101248 in W-space, with a radius of 142.3 AU. That means that its diameter (and longest possible warp) is right around 284.6 AU.
  • Ranking 23rd is the largest K-space system, 9-266Q, with a radius of 101.5 AU, or a diameter of 203 AU.
  • Aeter is the largest empire system (and 39th in the ranking), with a radius of 83.8 AU, or a diameter of 167.6 AU. It is in lowsec, though.
  • The largest hisec system appears to be Yria, which is ranked 48th. It is 78.8 AU in radius, or 157.6 AU across.

Someone should probably check my numbers, or actually visit these systems to confirm the veracity of the info. I have been known to screw up.

i know that there are a couple system wich have gate to gate above 160 Au, and they are highsec systems (i used to crss them often a while back, so i doubt the largest highsec being 157.6 AU.

or gates are sometimes outside of the actual system radius, this could make sense if the system radius was calculated taking the farthest "natural" celestial vs sun distance, meaning gates or beacons could be outside of this
ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#40 - 2013-10-29 14:19:14 UTC
Found the problem:
select mapdenormalize.itemid, mapdenormalize.x, mapdenormalize.y, mapdenormalize.z
from mapdenormalize
inner join invitems on
where invitems.itemid=?

Should have been:
select mapdenormalize.x, mapdenormalize.y, mapdenormalize.z
from mapdenormalize
inner join invitems on
where invitems.itemid=?

Might not make sense for the people who are not tech-oriented, but i was essentially getting 4 3D coordinates, and only using the first 3, thus ignoring the Z component and replacing it with a bogus item ID. So, those who were pointing out that there's a 3rd dimension weren't entirely wrong, but not entirely right either.

The fixed script is here, and the new results are here.

A summary of the (fixed) longest gate-gate warps:

  • Absolute longest (rank #1): in 9-266Q, from the H-PA29 gate to the BV-1JG gate. 283.34 AU.
  • Longest in lowsec (rank #7): in Rilera, from the Edani gate to the Tegheon gate. 180.38 AU.
  • Longest in hisec (rank #9): in Ronne, from the Gammel gate to the Jarkkolen gate. 179.01 AU.

The systems you guys pointed out:

  • 9-266Q is already mentioned above.
  • V89M-R only has a 24.72 AU warp, from OJOS-T to 66U-1P. Maybe it was another nearby system.
  • D4KU-5 is 15th on the list, with a 163.42 AU warp from Hophib to L-A5XP.
  • Resbroko is 26th on the list, with a 149.417 AU warp from Hadozeko to Auner.
  • H-PA29 actually only has a short warp (13.87 AU). Are you sure you weren't thinking of the adjacent 9-266Q?
  • X-7OMU now has the right distance of 231 AU, and ranks 4th.

It looks like system radius is indeed a poor indicator of maximum warp, since the radius is "horizontal" only, and does not account for celestials far above/below the system, or even farther out horizontally than the last planet. Let me know if you spot anything else needing attention.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

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