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what are you drinking?

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Kehro Urgus
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2013-10-26 20:50:05 UTC
Coffee, black with no sugar because I am hardcore. Pirate


Ice Fire Warriors
#22 - 2013-10-26 20:51:54 UTC
Mr. Orange wrote:
Chartreuse, cause I'm one fancy ****!

*high fives*

I'm testing a new Zinfandel (the red, not the pink ****) and Pinot Noir.

Gets me drunker than beer, doesn't leave me gassy, and gives me material to seem more sophisticated than I actually am to females.
#23 - 2013-10-26 20:54:42 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
ShahFluffers wrote:
Mr. Orange wrote:
Chartreuse, cause I'm one fancy ****!

*high fives*

I'm testing a new Zinfandel (the red, not the pink ****) and Pinot Noir.

Gets me drunker than beer, doesn't leave me gassy, and gives me material to seem more sophisticated than I actually am to females.

Chartreuse is not wine Blink

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#24 - 2013-10-26 21:09:23 UTC
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2013-10-26 21:25:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Bischopt
Nothing tonight.

Had some beer last night. Some of the better lagers available locally.
After a couple it doesn't really matter what it is.

edit: gin and tonic sounds pretty good right now.
#26 - 2013-10-26 21:33:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Drailen
Smirnoff Gold
Violet Crumble
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#27 - 2013-10-26 21:33:25 UTC
My friends and I had a girls night in last night, so slippery nipple for me.

About to leave for the gym now though, so just water at the moment.

Funtime Factory - We put the fun back in funtime

Rotten Legion
#28 - 2013-10-26 22:04:08 UTC
Dry Martini.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

#29 - 2013-10-26 22:17:50 UTC  |  Edited by: RAW23
Bischopt wrote:

edit: gin and tonic sounds pretty good right now.

Strongly recommend Hendrick's if your wallet will stretch to it. Best gin I've ever tasted. Sadly, my wallet burst into tears at the idea and I'm having to survive on duty free Bombay Sapphire (30% off this month at the Heinemann shops in Europe!).

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#30 - 2013-10-26 22:26:45 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Tap water. Bear

but that's how they get the mind control drugs into your system.
Dont UseYourAlt OnTheForums
#31 - 2013-10-26 22:34:54 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Tap water. Bear

but that's how they get the mind control drugs into your system.

And fluoride..

Ila Dace
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2013-10-26 23:17:45 UTC
Sam Adams Octoberfest


If House played Eve:

But in purple, I'm stunning!

Just Lilly
#33 - 2013-10-26 23:29:55 UTC
Mulled Wine, Blossa

Kicking off the christmas spirit early this year Blink
Powered by Nvidia GTX 690
Solaris Ecladia
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2013-10-27 00:03:48 UTC
Mmm you caught me late at night after a very unsuccessful hunting trip...
So tonight's drink of choice is a fine Jade Absinthe (***** like orange instead of green, its crazy good though), and I suspect I will regret this tomorrow.
Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#35 - 2013-10-27 00:51:03 UTC
Lagavulin 16 yo single malt

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2013-10-27 00:58:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Well... where I'm from, it's nowhere near dinner time. But where I'm from, that doesn't stop us. Crown Lager, Australian beer.

If it was dinner time, it would be a Riesling or Dolcetto/Sirrah, depending on my mood. More than likely, though, it'll just be another beer.

Liquor isn't for dinner, btw. It's for dessert. But again... so is beer.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Lord Ryan
True Xero
#37 - 2013-10-27 01:01:37 UTC
Bacardi Spiced Rum 151

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

My Little Pyongyang
#38 - 2013-10-27 01:25:26 UTC
I exceeded my water ration this week.

So nothing.
Planetary Research and Investments
#39 - 2013-10-27 01:30:28 UTC

Wild Turkey Honey over ice
Krixtal Icefluxor
#40 - 2013-10-27 01:44:44 UTC
Lemonade. My name is James, and I'm an alcoholic.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882