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Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.
"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon
EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"
Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs
- since 2003, bitches
[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]
Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.
[b]Fast Character Switching "XP Stylee" Undocking - More Routes Out of Station[/b] Here's my tear jar > |_| < Fill 'er up!
Tell me again about how every playstyle you dont engage in "doesn't require any effort" and everyone who does it needs to die in a fire. Be sure to mention about how you tried it once but it was too easy/boring/ethnic-homophobic slur.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
Senior Lead
Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)
Interstellar Services Department