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Exploring for the Hamfisted

Recidivists Incorporated
#21 - 2011-11-16 17:10:11 UTC
The sites can be rough, but rewards and general mental stimualtion compared to belt-vacuuming can significantly outweigh it. If you can, like to the other posters said, get into a BC for it, or even something like an Ishtar, everything gets much easier.
Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#22 - 2011-11-17 19:16:11 UTC
Ah, wait. Hang on.

Perhaps not going into a Site whilst there's an Incursion going on may be beneficial.

  • Ore and minerals obtained: about 200 ISK for the positive side of the balance sheet.
  • Bits of ship melted away and drones lost/fused to asteroids: about 200,000,000 ISK on the other side of the balance sheet.

Oh Jove, can anyone learn as slow as I?

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

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