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Import/export of settings! - How do you want it to work?

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Atomic Option
NO Tax FAT Stacks
#121 - 2013-10-15 06:42:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Atomic Option
I accidentally my post.

1. Hotkeys I'd consider trying the 1,2,3,4 instead of F1,F2,F3,F4 thing that some people rock for modules if I could switch back without an hour's work.

2. Copy fittings to/from clipboard (formatted nicely) so they don't have to go through a file export/import or have carriage returns added manually.

3. Name in the Save Fitting window should default to the link text rather than the ship type so I can use the same name my friends do without trying, and so that I don't duplicate my own fittings on accident when I click Save. (Still not sure why there isn't an EFT or pyfa-like hypothetical fitting utility inside EVE with graphs and such)

4. Overview settings organization. There are a ton of tangential overview tweaks that I could tangent on (different sorts on different tabs, sets that only appear while in certain ships or sec, bracket change for overview objects when brackets are using different settings than the overview), ....but organization is the settings one. I don't really share these much since I'm always tweaking them manually. Using someone else's would throw me way off and unless it's a complete newbie I assume others feel the same.
Erica Sukarala
Rising Storm.
#122 - 2013-10-16 15:12:32 UTC
On a Mac, you should display the full path to the import/export directory. Currently, it's kind of hidden.


Adhocracy Incorporated
#123 - 2013-10-18 01:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Nar'Osa
It would be very nice to have overview settings saved just like fittings. The ability to have corp settings available to everyone at the click of a button would be extremely useful. Saved personal settings which could be given out would also be very nice.

The absolute best gift an experienced player can give to a new player is a copy of there overview settings.

If the whole process could be done in game that would be amazingly great.
Helicity Boson
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#124 - 2013-10-18 10:09:57 UTC
I think that I'd really like it if overview settings and fittings were entirely mirrored by CCP. And then when you log in from a different PC you get the option to import your regular settings from the server. Maybe they could be available for export from EVEGate as well to help with sharing them with others.
Nantwig Mutbrecht
Caldari State
#125 - 2013-10-24 17:46:35 UTC
is this still being worked on? or did it not make it into rubicon? i havent heard anything about it yet, and afaik all teams are already accounted for, or are we missing one still?
Sky Falcorr
Caldari State
#126 - 2013-10-26 17:02:13 UTC
apart from exporting overview settings (which i obviously want easy as in click-1-or-2-buttons easy) id also like to be able to save my resolution+window positioning the same way.

id also would like to be able to drag-n-drop both these ingame for easy sharing.
Mordus Angels
#127 - 2013-10-30 11:15:36 UTC
Sky Falcorr wrote:
apart from exporting overview settings (which i obviously want easy as in click-1-or-2-buttons easy) id also like to be able to save my resolution+window positioning the same way.

id also would like to be able to drag-n-drop both these ingame for easy sharing.

On the same line of thought - I would really like a button in ESC meny that synchronizes everything. And I mean everything - chat channels, their locations, fleet windows, overviews, fittings, shortcuts.

How I think it should work is that you go into "ESC" menu on one character navigate to the special tab and hit "synchronize all open accounts" - then you get a pop up message warning you that if you do so all the current settings in all other accounts than the one you have open will be overwritten. Hit yes and tadaaa.

Alternatively you could have tickboxses for different things. Put a tick in there and this category will be overwritten, don't put a tick and it will be left as it is (might be relevant for bookmarks, for example). If, for example, "everything" would also include personal bookmarks and contacts.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Shiori Asukai
Asukai Ordnance Works
#128 - 2013-11-01 15:03:05 UTC
CCP Fear wrote:
I apologize for my late return to this thread, cought some bug and been stuck in bed. Thankfully I got TNG on blu-ray to keep me company!

Anyways. I love the feedback. It confirms some of the things I had been thinking but also has provided me with great insight into how to use such a feature from your perspective and for that I'm thankful!

So to sum up, I think it's important to store the following (plus more).

  • All relevant settings in the ESC menu (excluding Graphical settings as they are reliant on the computer (might bit way around it though, want to investigate that)).
  • Overview settings
  • Ship module grouping and layout
  • Inventory filters
  • Fittings
  • Neocom
  • Drone groups
  • Chat Channels and their settings
  • Market Quickbar and settings

I would really like to have the sharing/import interaction very simple. Not sure I can get development time to make a big website feature where it's a public voting up and down, or something very complex and implementation intensive. Key is to have it simple to use.

I think the key elements that I think are important here are;

  • Multiple saved profiles which are easily switched between.
  • Everything stored server side. Synching is automatic to the profile being used. (this obviously has to be smart enough so it doesn't just always change. But the assumption is that it should be the same if you log in to a character on a different machine.)
  • Sharing between players is easy, link that can be posted through eve-mail, chat etc.
  • accepting sharing is easy, simple dialog stating what the shared profile is, you can select which "sections" you want.
  • CCP's changes to default settings do not override, but you get some notification on if they have been changed, and you have some way to import it. If you use CCP's default settings, then this change is automatic (perhaps?)
  • Can save/load from file locally if you wish to have hard copies (sharing through that is obviously possible as well.
  • Corporation shared profiles is great! I like any feature that allows for players to be masters of the complexity that is our UI settings and help others!

There also needs to be some simple management view on this, probably in the ESC menu. Complexity of that needs to be considered though. But if it's simple to use, then a novice should be able to accept and apply without problems or need to have a degree in EVE settings. Others that have mastered that can then share with others.

I'm quite excited to get this in! :)

How's it going with this? I'd absolutely love an easy way to import/export/syncronize Market Quickbar between accounts!
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#129 - 2013-11-01 19:59:55 UTC
Absolutely would love to see some easy export feature as i use a few machines.

I would love to see some kinda automatic backup feature for the client settings so say if we have a client failure on a machine you can easily restore.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Evei Shard
Shard Industries
#130 - 2013-11-02 15:20:05 UTC
There are a lot of things I'd like to save settings for, but the primary one is window locations, and sizes.

I'd also like to have a sort of "tab override" when importing overview settings so I don't have to deal with setting up new tabs each time I import something different. Just save the tab names/numbers with the overview setting, and have it overwrite any existing ones when imported.

A sort of "1 click save, 1 click setup" method would be great because an FC could simply tell someone new "click this button and it saves your current overview to the file of your choice", then quickly turn around and "load this file to get our fleet overview". Boom, done, newbie is ready to go die gloriously.

Profit favors the prepared

Ione Kavanagh
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#131 - 2013-11-08 18:50:36 UTC
I don't know if this is the correct thread.

But I would love to be able to import/export ship fits between ingame/outgame the same way it works between EFT <-> Pyfa <-> Evemon <-> forums.

Basically, when you copy this text :

[Velator, MySuperShip]
Civilian Damage Control
[empty low slot]

[empty med slot]
[empty med slot]

Civilian Gatling Railgun, Civilian Railgun Charge
Civilian Miner

If you paste it anywhere in game it should be interpreted as a ship fit.

And if you copy an ingame fit, your clipboard would contain this formated text, allowing easy export outgame.

The current import/export system is great if you want to import/export a lot of ship fits once in a while (so it should be kept).

But if you want to make quick import/export to work on one precise fit with other people, to be able to edit it rapidly, then it would be great if you could simply copy/paste it in EFT and vice versa.
Id Est
#132 - 2013-11-10 00:39:20 UTC
CCP Fear wrote:
Hello all!

Something that comes up again and again is making how you import/export and share settings better. In some cases it's non-existant. In others it's a overly complex to do. (I'm looking at you Overview.. Especially on a Mac!)

So I've been pondering over it, look around and trying to get a better picture on how it should function within EVE. So here I am and I want your input on it!

Here are a couple of thing I would like your input on, but don't let that discourage you to give general input and feedback on the topic.

1) What settings would you like to have stored?

2) How would you expect the synchronization (import/export) to function? What would the interaction be?

3) How would you go about sharing settings with other players? (directly or in-directly)

These are just some basic questions to get the discussion going. Feel free to add any more within the realm of sharing/import/export of settings.

CCP Fear

overview settings with all details and window settings too.. an XML file is useful to save and to share.. an option for save/load from game(login) server.. thanks, o7

anti-antagonist "not a friend of enemy of antagonist"

Order of Celestial Knights
#133 - 2013-11-23 17:43:32 UTC
Hosedna wrote:
1) Every single bit of setting :) I hate having to spend time to redo some configuration stuff when I reinstall or play on another computer. Excepted of course graphics settings since they change per machine, not per user.

2) The ideal would be automated synchronization with storage on CCP server. You login, configuration is loaded, you are happy. You log off, configuration is saved. Done.
A cheaper solution would be a button in the launcher to generate an archive with a manifest of some sort, and another button to import said archive. And don't save it in an obscure folder, give user the choice via a dialog window (overview export, I'm looking at you !) !

3) Sharing settings is very useful , particularly overviews, since they are a PITA to do ... So both online backuping and archive export could be complementary.

This has my vote. Also it would be helpfull to have something that allows easy sharing of overviews between accounts. Having to clear cache on a computer that runs 3 accounts makes me want to hit something out of frustration since the save settings doesnt actually save half the stuff like sizes of windows, placements, columns in your overview etc.
Order of Celestial Knights
#134 - 2013-11-23 17:48:44 UTC
CCP Fear wrote:
ICCP's changes to default settings do not override, but you get some notification on if they have been changed, and you have some way to import it. If you use CCP's default settings, then this change is automatic (perhaps?)

Could you extend this to warnings if new group pops in, id like to avoid getting shot to bits again because some ship got a new designator that isnt ticked off on overview. Mostly thinking about the attack BC here.
Universal Moose Federation
Moose Alliance
#135 - 2013-11-28 14:11:22 UTC
I'd like to see some sharing of cargo/item filters.

Also, add the option to filter contraband.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#136 - 2013-12-03 09:36:19 UTC
Just reinstalled eve client and experienced a lot of pain. So i would like to see something like this.
Arrow You can export everything (from graphics settings to audio, window placement, overview presets, overview tabs with saved presets, their names, sorting type, overview column background type etc...)
Arrow When you export file you are asked what options you would like to export and save to file (and vice versa)

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#137 - 2014-01-12 05:21:12 UTC
CCP Fear wrote:
1) What settings would you like to have stored?

All of them.

2) How would you expect the synchronization (import/export) to function? What would the interaction be?

Settings menu > import settings from character.

3) How would you go about sharing settings with other players?

idc about other players

Jong Fera
Albireo Solem
Pandemic Horde
#138 - 2014-01-17 11:20:58 UTC

If I can export/import the PI factory's production schema I will be in harmony with the whole Eve universe :)
I didn't counter the clicks I put on pi fatorys until now but I believe they are over 500k .

Thank you .
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#139 - 2014-01-20 13:12:08 UTC
Please change the format of the settings file to be plaintext INI format so that I can edit it easily by hand. Please also publish a syntax guide for it so that settings can be crafted in a text file easily, rather than playing with a client's UI.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Arsine Mayhem
#140 - 2014-01-20 18:20:39 UTC
mynnna wrote:
It'd be nice to have market quickbar settings be something that you can import/export without the whole "go to local/eve folder, copy/paste and rename" thing that's necessary to do that now.

This one would help a lot. I use normally use my notebook for doing market stuff.