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Sovereignty Cost Revision

Angst IronShard
#1 - 2011-11-17 11:59:59 UTC
I think the costs for 0.0 alliance/corpo Sovereignty should be exponential. Do not calculate the stuff by adding 1 system + 1 system +1 system... etc.
An exponential cost is the solution methink, with more taxes when a constellation is gained and again a taxe for a controlled region !

It will balance the territory influences, because a big alliance should pay really much more than they pay actually.

Sakurako Kimino
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-11-17 18:29:54 UTC
Agreed, holding more than one system would give an exponential growth
1 system = 1 fee
2 system = 5 x 1’s fee
3 system = 5 x 2’s fee
4 system = 5 x 3’s fee

Holding a station should have the same type exponential growth
If 1 station cost you 500m a month 4 stations would cost 12b a month

1 station = 1 fee (500m)
2 stations = 2 x 1’s fee (1b)
3 stations = 3 x 2’s fee (3b)
4 station = 4 x 3’s fee (12b)

why should stations be free
this should open areas up for smaller alliance to get a foothold or i hope it would more alliance = more targets

these are my view and not that of my alliance or corp

eve is about sin

Shovel Bros
#3 - 2011-11-17 19:28:50 UTC
I would love to see some kind of exponential growth in maintenance fees for systems (though I think something more like a log base-2 system would work better). The trick is finding a way to make it expensive enough to discourage holding systems "just 'cause" without causing the big alliances to just splinter into one alliance per x systems to keep bills down.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-11-17 19:46:04 UTC
mxzf wrote:
I would love to see some kind of exponential growth in maintenance fees for systems (though I think something more like a log base-2 system would work better). The trick is finding a way to make it expensive enough to discourage holding systems "just 'cause" without causing the big alliances to just splinter into one alliance per x systems to keep bills down.

It doesn't matter what base multiplier you use, this is what would happen regardless.

If you're so hell bent on stopping the "big alliances", how bout you fight them? BoB sure seemed invincible back in the day.....