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How to lure more players to lowsec (a thinking-outside-of-the-box approach)

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#21 - 2013-10-21 23:30:59 UTC
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#22 - 2013-10-21 23:31:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
What do you want as PvPrs? Easy kills? Or good fights?

If you want the former, well, tough luck, nobody is going to oblige. They will stay in hisec until they leave the game.

Nope. That's the best part of this game. If they want to hide, I can chase them. I can bring the game to them, and show them highsec isn't safe. I have made a reasonably good living with a character who does that.

[Edit: Oh, and they do oblige, more than you might think. They oblige by being a bunch of blind, thoughtless, unskilled sheep who couldn't defend themselves even if they tried, thanks to their over reliance on CONCORD to defend them.

If you want the later.... why don't just let them grow?

Why would I? If I want "gudfites" there are plenty to be had.

What I want is player loot, killmails, and tears. Through some baffling series of game mechanics, those can be found in better quantity and quality in highsec than anywhere else. That's why they're harder to get over there, more risk, more reward.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Radelix Cisko
#23 - 2013-10-21 23:32:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Radelix Cisko
Na Und wrote:
Iudicium Vastus wrote:

We constantly hear the eveisdying meme and pvp'ers whine about how hisec and any carebearing catering would really kill eve, yet act like any of the polar opposites like some daft and extreme suggestion catering to all pvp & harassing wouldn't also kill eve. Roll

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I have played your way and continue to do so at some times. It requires a change of tactic. you can max your hulk for mining just don't be surprised when a catalyst enforces their will on you. At least keep combat drones out so you get on the inevitable kill for the catalyst. My non combat alt is on a few of her own with that. Alternatively tank your boat some, such as putting field extenders or trimarks on it.

Despite my posting prowess I really am terrible at this game

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#24 - 2013-10-21 23:32:51 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Q: How to lure more players into lowsec?
A: Don't shoot them unless they're war targets.

This is just a variation of "places outside of high sec would be less empty is you arsehats didn't shoot everything". It's probably true, then again, real life would need cops if you arsehats stopped robbing and killing people. Hell, GTA would be way more Hoe friendly if people didn't shoot a *****.

In other words, it's utterly and stupidly unrealistic to expect a game with both space ships and guns to not have a lot of space ship shooting. What's even more insane is that they are people playing a game with space ships and guns and being surprised that people not use those guns....ITS A VIDEO GAME. Do people play street fighter and get surprised when they hear "Hadouken"?

Related to the above. Who in the hell wants anyone to leave high sec who doesn't want to? Anyone who can't accept even tottaly fake absolutley non-existant video game risk is not someone you'll find me caring about. Let people like that stay in high sec mining, let the people who want to engage with others do so (everywhere, including high sec).
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-10-21 23:37:16 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

You can't really grief highsec unless there are targets there to grief. It also furthers the illusion of safety which leads many into becoming juicer targets. Any support to highsec playstyles supports highsec griefing.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#26 - 2013-10-21 23:40:53 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

You can't really grief highsec unless there are targets there to grief. It also furthers the illusion of safety which leads many into becoming juicer targets. Any support to highsec playstyles supports highsec griefing.

This logic doesn't work, by the way. It predicates on "If you leave it as it is, they'll all quit".

No, they won't. Or they would have by now. This invalidates your following statement.

Furthermore, there is already plenty of support to "highsec playstyles". Highsec is the only place that it's remotely worth any kind of major industry or science. That's a bigger buff than might be imagined.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Na Und
#27 - 2013-10-21 23:41:35 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

Whoa, cowboy . . . I'm not the one telling you what you must do, or how you should play. You want to grief highsec? Be my guest.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#28 - 2013-10-21 23:46:31 UTC
Na Und wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

Whoa, cowboy . . . I'm not the one telling you what you must do, or how you should play. You want to grief highsec? Be my guest.

I was also not a fan of your accusations that I stuff my boxers.

Its all me baby...all me.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2013-10-21 23:47:48 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

You can't really grief highsec unless there are targets there to grief. It also furthers the illusion of safety which leads many into becoming juicer targets. Any support to highsec playstyles supports highsec griefing.

This logic doesn't work, by the way. It predicates on "If you leave it as it is, they'll all quit".

No, they won't. Or they would have by now. This invalidates your following statement.

Furthermore, there is already plenty of support to "highsec playstyles". Highsec is the only place that it's remotely worth any kind of major industry or science. That's a bigger buff than might be imagined.

I'm not sure where the "If you leave it as it is, they'll all quit" logic comes from. If that were the case they wouldn't be here to begin with. Granted there are limits to the reasoning, IE complete safety of highsec eliminates that gameplay, but so long as extremes are avoided you have the largest pool of targets. Too low and forced adaptation or departure are your only options which will, one way or another, decrease your pool of targets.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#30 - 2013-10-21 23:51:05 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Na Und wrote:

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I pay for my sub with RL money, and I choose to grief highsec. Why must I continue to support your playstyle, when highsec refuses to support mine?

You can't really grief highsec unless there are targets there to grief. It also furthers the illusion of safety which leads many into becoming juicer targets. Any support to highsec playstyles supports highsec griefing.

This logic doesn't work, by the way. It predicates on "If you leave it as it is, they'll all quit".

No, they won't. Or they would have by now. This invalidates your following statement.

Furthermore, there is already plenty of support to "highsec playstyles". Highsec is the only place that it's remotely worth any kind of major industry or science. That's a bigger buff than might be imagined.

I'm not sure where the "If you leave it as it is, they'll all quit" logic comes from. If that were the case they wouldn't be here to begin with. Granted there are limits to the reasoning, IE complete safety of highsec eliminates that gameplay, but so long as extremes are avoided you have the largest pool of targets. Too low and forced adaptation or departure are your only options which will, one way or another, decrease your pool of targets.

It comes from the statement "You can't really grief highsec unless they are targets to grief." That can't really be inferred to mean anything else.

So, then, if extremes are to be avoided, why the very consistent buffs to highsec safety over the years? It's been pushing toward the higher end, as you put it, for some time. About time it got taken down a notch.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-10-22 00:14:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

It comes from the statement "You can't really grief highsec unless they are targets to grief." That can't really be inferred to mean anything else.

So, then, if extremes are to be avoided, why the very consistent buffs to highsec safety over the years? It's been pushing toward the higher end, as you put it, for some time. About time it got taken down a notch.

You are taking something from that statement that is neither intended or inferred and furthermore unfairly limiting it to your interpretation. It's simply a factual statement.

To the point you present, while buffs to security have accumulated over time, we still have a long way to go from total safety or anything too closely resembling it. While there are a few points which may be in need of stepping back, considering where the game started it sounds like time has moved it closer to that ideal mid point overall than away from it.

Edit: Actually, saying a long way was overstating it. Any further pushes would likely break things more than fix any aspect.
Na Und
#32 - 2013-10-22 00:23:39 UTC
Radelix Cisko wrote:
Na Und wrote:
Iudicium Vastus wrote:

We constantly hear the eveisdying meme and pvp'ers whine about how hisec and any carebearing catering would really kill eve, yet act like any of the polar opposites like some daft and extreme suggestion catering to all pvp & harassing wouldn't also kill eve. Roll

And that's the point. I'm a carebear who pays for my sub with rl money because my rl does not allow me to make my home in low or nullsec. I don't understand why some people cannot accept my playstyle. (And I've never played WoW, by the way . . . and I don't care to . . . .)

And I have ONE account, so stuff it, boxers.

I have played your way and continue to do so at some times. It requires a change of tactic. you can max your hulk for mining just don't be surprised when a catalyst enforces their will on you. At least keep combat drones out so you get on the inevitable kill for the catalyst. My non combat alt is on a few of her own with that. Alternatively tank your boat some, such as putting field extenders or trimarks on it.

I'm not a miner, but thanks.
Karle Tabot
State War Academy
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-10-22 00:27:53 UTC
I am an avid gamer, still fairly new to this game. I have more than one account, and spend most of my free time (I do work about 60 hours a week on average) playing it. My thoughts at this early stage are that there is so much to learn, such a steep learning curve, and such risk for venturing too much too fast, that for now the risk seems clearly far greater than the reward for spending time in null sec. That is, unless I were to join one of the large established corps there.

I really have nothing against such corps as the "goons", but I also do not really want to go that route. So it seems like null sec has its lure, but until I have more experience, skill points, knowledge, skill, etc., I really see no point in being the victim in a mismatched fight. To a lesser degree, the same would be true of low sec. I am sure there are some who do successfully venture much those places, pretty quickly in their Eve career, and do so with success. But I feel they are a small minority. I could be wrong, because I certainly do not have the data CCP must have. I am just assuming that with all the talk of how little players like myself venture into low and null sec, that it is in fact the case.

It is not for me to change the steep advantage veteran players have over newer players. It is not for me to change the fact this is a game where winning an unfair fight is great and applauded fun. It might be for me to point out that therein seems to be much of the reason why more players do not come to this game, and stay. It is the stay, that is the thing. Many come and give it a try I suspect. They just do not stay.

But I will stay. I am patient and learning. I am in for the long haul. I have accumulated much in the way of assets in my relatively short time here, and I am working at learning. I am sure many have done much better, done much more, and much faster. But I am patient, and I am persistent. And in time, once I have more experience, skill points, knowledge, skill, etc., I plan on, and aspire, to be a solo pvper, roaming low and null sec, and doing it successfully.

I am venturing there on my main character some now, and occasionally getting a kill. Just a few. Against more losses at this point. But the tide is just beginning to turn. And going slow and cautiously, it has not cost me much in the way of isk, compared to the amount of isk I have accumulated. That seems to me, and I am probably wrong, to just be the intended design of the game.

Players who were here early on, well they have great encouragement to stay. All the advantages are theirs'. And all the disadvantages are the newcomers'. It is a very daunting game to a newcomer. I guess if there is anything that really puzzles me about this game, it is how and why so many pretend this is not the case. I suppose it might not be advantageous to admit this is a game that penalizes and punishes newcomers beyond most any other game, while rewarding the veterans. But it sure seems to me that is the objective truth of the matter.

But like I said, I accept that, it is fine, I intend to stay, and in time, I will have been here long enough to also find great rewards in the advantages inherent in this game of having stayed long enough to have large advantages over newcomers, and to have evened the playing field in relative proportion to those still here much longer. The advantage for example of a veteran player here 3 years over a newcomer of less than a few months seems pretty large. But that advantage seems to shrink quite a bit I believe, when the newcomer has been here say a year, and the veteran here 4 years.

TL;DR This game is imho outright punitive in respect to a player here only up to a few months, but if those new players could simply persevere and learn, that changes quite a bit in no more than a year. So perhaps CCP needs to find a way to keep newcomers here longer, at least long enough for that early on totally disparate disadvantage new players have versus veteran players, to even out.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#34 - 2013-10-22 00:28:12 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

It comes from the statement "You can't really grief highsec unless they are targets to grief." That can't really be inferred to mean anything else.

So, then, if extremes are to be avoided, why the very consistent buffs to highsec safety over the years? It's been pushing toward the higher end, as you put it, for some time. About time it got taken down a notch.

You are taking something from that statement that is neither intended or inferred and furthermore unfairly limiting it to your interpretation. It's simply a factual statement.

To the point you present, while buffs to security have accumulated over time, we still have a long way to go from total safety or anything too closely resembling it. While there are a few points which may be in need of stepping back, considering where the game started it sounds like time has moved it closer to that ideal mid point overall than away from it.

Edit: Actually, saying a long way was overstating it. Any further pushes would likely break things more than fix any aspect.

Agreed, mostly.

However. You imply, I infer. Don't make me hit you with the grammar hammer.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Decaying Rocky Odious Non Evil Stupid Inane Nobody
Rogue Drone Recovery Syndicate
#35 - 2013-10-22 00:55:16 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
How to get more players to leave highsec.
Volume 1.

By Unsuccessful at Everything.

Shrink true highsec to only a few core systems with at least 1 lowsec system in between.

After 30 days, NPCs attack you for loitering in their space. Wanna stay longer, buy an empire visa.

NPC corps should have 30% taxes on everything (welcome to empire citizenship) includes visa holders.

Make NPC corps wardeccable via FW, this would include anyone who is staying in empire space with a visa.

Remove CONCORD in .7 and below systems, leave only slightly buffed NPC police and gate/station guns.

Reduce highsec asteroid belts to absolute bare minimum (its highsec empire space with a high population density, resources should be severely dimished due to NPC mining for 24000 years).

Remove 50% of highsec manufacturing slots (NPC competition).

Have tutorials actually get you ready for life on your own.

This list could go on for quite awhile....

that wont ever happen stay under your bridge where you belong troll.
#36 - 2013-10-22 01:35:17 UTC
While I don't believe this would every work the OP does have a point. These low-sec piracy corps whine and ***** about how they need to spend 1 hour to find any targets.

Well stop making it impossible for anyone but you and your buddies to live in your system and you might find targets :P.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#37 - 2013-10-22 02:25:59 UTC
Maliandra wrote:
While I don't believe this would every work the OP does have a point. These low-sec piracy corps whine and ***** about how they need to spend 1 hour to find any targets.

Well stop making it impossible for anyone but you and your buddies to live in your system and you might find targets :P.

Conversely, people could grow some spines and just do it.

Lowsec is impossible for stupid people to live in. For bad players to live in.

It's not impossible, period. FAR from it. I roam lowsec daily, on multiple characters, and I almost never die. It's easy to live in lowsec.

But it's not pants-on-head easy like highsec is. And because that's what players start in, that's what they view as the standard, it's what they get used to, it's their comfort zone. So they never get to be any good. That's the problem, not the learning curve itself. The problem is that highsec sets people up for failure.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Felicity Love
#38 - 2013-10-22 02:38:04 UTC
Only when enough people figure that the reward of Low Sec is actually worth their risk, their time and their effort, will you see more pilots in Low Sec.

Given the relative lack of people in Low Sec, I think it's pretty obvious what most people feel about "Risk Versus Reward" in Low.

Now... if faction pirate rats in Low Sec should for some reason start having a small chance of DROPPING PLEX AS LOOT --- well then... Blink

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Sheldor Amouh
#39 - 2013-10-22 02:43:06 UTC
I wish someone would make a thread about how everyone in the "sandbox" isnt doing exactly the same thing and should be forced to play only how some people want them to. They can orient the whole idea on how the only reason anyone plays at all is the mindless pursuit of fake space money. They can point out people not conforming to the way some people want them to play are doing it "wrong". Then everyone in the sandbox can all face the same directio, they can all have exactly the same orange shovel, the exact same little green pail, all shovel in exactly the same manner at exactly the same time. Now that would be a wonderful sandbox indeed.

Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

Black Canary Jnr
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2013-10-22 03:02:41 UTC
Karle Tabot wrote:
I am an avid gamer, still fairly new to this game. I have more than one account, and spend most of my free time (I do work about 60 hours a week on average) playing it. My thoughts at this early stage are that there is so much to learn, such a steep learning curve, and such risk for venturing too much too fast, that for now the risk seems clearly far greater than the reward for spending time in null sec. That is, unless I were to join one of the large established corps there.

I really have nothing against such corps as the "goons", but I also do not really want to go that route. So it seems like null sec has its lure, but until I have more experience, skill points, knowledge, skill, etc., I really see no point in being the victim in a mismatched fight. To a lesser degree, the same would be true of low sec. I am sure there are some who do successfully venture much those places, pretty quickly in their Eve career, and do so with success. But I feel they are a small minority. I could be wrong, because I certainly do not have the data CCP must have. I am just assuming that with all the talk of how little players like myself venture into low and null sec, that it is in fact the case.

It is not for me to change the steep advantage veteran players have over newer players. It is not for me to change the fact this is a game where winning an unfair fight is great and applauded fun. It might be for me to point out that therein seems to be much of the reason why more players do not come to this game, and stay. It is the stay, that is the thing. Many come and give it a try I suspect. They just do not stay.

But I will stay. I am patient and learning. I am in for the long haul. I have accumulated much in the way of assets in my relatively short time here, and I am working at learning. I am sure many have done much better, done much more, and much faster. But I am patient, and I am persistent. And in time, once I have more experience, skill points, knowledge, skill, etc., I plan on, and aspire, to be a solo pvper, roaming low and null sec, and doing it successfully.

I am venturing there on my main character some now, and occasionally getting a kill. Just a few. Against more losses at this point. But the tide is just beginning to turn. And going slow and cautiously, it has not cost me much in the way of isk, compared to the amount of isk I have accumulated. That seems to me, and I am probably wrong, to just be the intended design of the game.

Players who were here early on, well they have great encouragement to stay. All the advantages are theirs'. And all the disadvantages are the newcomers'. It is a very daunting game to a newcomer. I guess if there is anything that really puzzles me about this game, it is how and why so many pretend this is not the case. I suppose it might not be advantageous to admit this is a game that penalizes and punishes newcomers beyond most any other game, while rewarding the veterans. But it sure seems to me that is the objective truth of the matter.

But like I said, I accept that, it is fine, I intend to stay, and in time, I will have been here long enough to also find great rewards in the advantages inherent in this game of having stayed long enough to have large advantages over newcomers, and to have evened the playing field in relative proportion to those still here much longer. The advantage for example of a veteran player here 3 years over a newcomer of less than a few months seems pretty large. But that advantage seems to shrink quite a bit I believe, when the newcomer has been here say a year, and the veteran here 4 years.

TL;DR This game is imho outright punitive in respect to a player here only up to a few months, but if those new players could simply persevere and learn, that changes quite a bit in no more than a year. So perhaps CCP needs to find a way to keep newcomers here longer, at least long enough for that early on totally disparate disadvantage new players have versus veteran players, to even out.