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Getting newbies out of their comfort zone

First post
Solstice Project's Alt
#261 - 2013-10-20 17:21:40 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Solstice Project's Alt wrote:
How about i just impregnate you and we use that as excuse ?

Im afraid Ma is a bit of a quickdraw with the ole coat-hangar if you know what I mean

We could elope though...
That sounds like a good idea ...

Buy Solstice Project for PLEX4GOOD ! (this alt-character will get deleted once the sale is done, on 6th of december)

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#262 - 2013-10-20 17:25:59 UTC
Solstice Project's Alt wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Do you know how collectible card games work?

Picture players as deck holders, replace cards with NPC agents, their "attacks/defenses" with PvE missions and deliver those missions anonymously to players who can either succeed or fail the mission. Such misison allow the "deck holdr" to access new cards (i.e. new agents), "trigger" the agents so they can use single-shot special powers (which affect other players), et cetera.

Additionaly allow the "deck holder" to create the missions herself, using a limited supply of "mission points" and a price for every item/function added to the mission. Obviously check and balance it to hell and back to prevent abuse with too easy/too hard missions (albeit the average "deck holder" will need the mission to succeed so it won't make it impossible to the mission runner).

By the way, do you guess which company used to have one of such collectible cards games? CCP Hf in collaboration with White Wolf Inc.

It wouldn't even be new to them...
I'm sorry, but i'm unable to comprehend.

Then learn how collectible card games work.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#263 - 2013-10-20 17:30:44 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Do you know how collectible card games work?

Picture players as deck holders, replace cards with NPC agents, their "attacks/defenses" with PvE missions and deliver those missions anonymously to players who can either succeed or fail the mission. Such misison allow the "deck holdr" to access new cards (i.e. new agents), "trigger" the agents so they can use single-shot special powers (which affect other players), et cetera.

Additionaly allow the "deck holder" to create the missions herself, using a limited supply of "mission points" and a price for every item/function added to the mission. Obviously check and balance it to hell and back to prevent abuse with too easy/too hard missions (albeit the average "deck holder" will need the mission to succeed so it won't make it impossible to the mission runner).

By the way, do you guess which company used to have one of such collectible cards games? CCP Hf in collaboration with White Wolf Inc.

It wouldn't even be new to them...

What would be the purpose of this?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Solstice Project's Alt
#264 - 2013-10-20 17:39:44 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Then learn how collectible card games work.

... but not for reasons you might believe right now.

The small brother of an ex-girlfriend of mine invited me to YuGiOh (if you know). I liked it and after a few rounds
started beating him, which he actually enjoyed. The hardest part of playing these games was to remember
the ******* cards and that was all there is to it. At least from my limited experience.

The reason why i won't look into this is because i am sitting here,
not doing the stuff i actually should,
which involves creating a stupid algorithm for a stupid procedurally generated isometric city,
or - as i rather avoid this - algorithms for procedurally generated tiles.

That said ... i'll go grab a beer. I've had enough of this ****.
(not yours ... mine. If i run this program one more time i'll cry)

I will take my mobile with me and post as my true self, (I am Jacks sociopathic tendencies)
if there's something to post that doesn't afford reading a lot.

Buy Solstice Project for PLEX4GOOD ! (this alt-character will get deleted once the sale is done, on 6th of december)

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#265 - 2013-10-20 17:50:48 UTC  |  Edited by: BenDover
Na Und wrote:
Log on.
Choose Character.
"Oh, look! A wardec!"
Log off.

OP clearly pointed out the flaw in this particular fix. By posting this kind of garbage, you only perpetuate the already pretty established idea that people in EVE-O have the IQ of an angsty Youtube poster and are after the same thing: Likes.

If you're going to bother posting, contribute in some meaningful way, don't misrepresent the OP's intentions to fruitlessly boost your own sense of self worth.

It's certainly an interesting idea. EVE becomes a whole new world once you become properly involved with player owned corporations. I don't support the idea of violently PUSHING new players into that direction (either by forcing them or making the game intolerable) but a little incentive here and there goes a long way. However, as it has already been pointed out, some highsec game dynamics would have to be given a slight makeover in other to make this a idea a feasible one.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#266 - 2013-10-20 18:14:39 UTC
BenDover wrote:
Na Und wrote:
Log on.
Choose Character.
"Oh, look! A wardec!"
Log off.

OP clearly pointed out the flaw in this particular fix. By posting this kind of garbage, you only perpetuate the already pretty established idea that people in EVE-O have the IQ of an angsty Youtube poster and are after the same thing: Likes.

If you're going to bother posting, contribute in some meaningful way, don't misrepresent the OP's intentions to fruitlessly boost your own sense of self worth.

It's certainly an interesting idea. EVE becomes a whole new world once you become properly involved with player owned corporations. I don't support the idea of violently PUSHING new players into that direction (either by forcing them or making the game intolerable) but a little incentive here and there goes a long way. However, as it has already been pointed out, some highsec game dynamics would have to be given a slight makeover in other to make this a idea a feasible one.

But you have no issue with noobs being pushed into mining or running missions as their first experience?

I think you overlooked that part.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#267 - 2013-10-20 19:18:50 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Do you know how collectible card games work?

Picture players as deck holders, replace cards with NPC agents, their "attacks/defenses" with PvE missions and deliver those missions anonymously to players who can either succeed or fail the mission. Such misison allow the "deck holdr" to access new cards (i.e. new agents), "trigger" the agents so they can use single-shot special powers (which affect other players), et cetera.

Additionaly allow the "deck holder" to create the missions herself, using a limited supply of "mission points" and a price for every item/function added to the mission. Obviously check and balance it to hell and back to prevent abuse with too easy/too hard missions (albeit the average "deck holder" will need the mission to succeed so it won't make it impossible to the mission runner).

By the way, do you guess which company used to have one of such collectible cards games? CCP Hf in collaboration with White Wolf Inc.

It wouldn't even be new to them...

What would be the purpose of this?

Making hisec a more interesting place, with the kind of player generated content CCP boasts so much, so players could stay there if that was their choice, without being punished with the worst content in EVE.

They would be able to, well, even stay in NPC corporations and yet access EVE-grade content...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#268 - 2013-10-20 19:31:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Making hisec a more interesting place, with the kind of player generated content CCP boasts so much, so players could stay there if that was their choice, without being punished with the worst content in EVE.

They would be able to, well, even stay in NPC corporations and yet access EVE-grade content...
Player generated content.


You put player created content onto the same page with players creating NPC content.
I'd suggest not doing this, because you will create confusion with this.
It's doublespeak.

A proper term needs to be found, to avoid said confusion.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#269 - 2013-10-20 19:33:33 UTC
Amber Kurvora wrote:
Nice to see the debate fall into the realms of "Your mumma...", or the classic "No, you are!" playground realms. For all the computing power of the human mind, online threads can sometime get depressingly predictable. I'm looking forward to the day when an argument ends with "...and I appreciate your view points, and though they differ from my own, they still raise valid points.". I mean we could use these arguments to potentially highlight ideas, but this is Eve we're talking about, and thus the e-***** (attached to the e-ego) is mightier than the ability to rationalise and be civil to one another.

This is the reason I've been ignoring most of it, but considering how much this thread has grown since work yesterday and sleep last night took priority, I've got a fair bit to read through again. That being said, I've been doing some skimming, and I want to thank everyone that's contributed constructively to the discussion.

I've been trying for a while now to encourage new players to learn how to PVP, specifically, not just for the sake of :gudfites: but for the bad ones too, where they need to defend themselves. It's for the sake of preparing their mentality so they can expect to lose ships instead of rage quitting the game or hate-mailing their killer(s). And I'll tell you something else.

I recruit based on attitude. Lately, I've been spending half my time running missions for standing and something to do in high sec while I scout for new players, and the other half inviting everything I see to duel. I've had zero duels accepted by anyone from 2012 or older, but plenty from new players. It kinda says something about the attitude of the 'veterans' that I've encountered thus far, and it also says something about the new players - that the new players are already willing to try new things. It's the veterans that are encouraging them to "go mining". I know, I've seen it in NPC chat myself.

"What's there to do in this game?"

"Go mining, you'll make a tonne of isk."

But what, then, does one do with this tonne of isk? I remember, and I think it was Solstice Project who said this, but telling people to go mining should be a bannable offence, and I agree wholeheartedly. Because they start mining, and never stop. All they want to do is mine. Then they get ganked, and don't know anything about combat because they've never tried it.

I mine. From time to time, I mine. It's usually in a bait-barge, but I definitely mine. But I've also tried virtually everything there is in this game. I've been to nul, where I helped defend the sov space of the guys in Sound Mind in Providence. (No, they lost providence AFTER we left, not during). I've been to low, and tangled with X15. They beat me, but I went there anyway. I've done small gang, large gang and solo pvp. I've done ganking , and been ganked. I'm not saying that all that is for everyone. Hell, all that ain't even for me. The point is, I tried it, and as a chef, I know for one that you'll never know your favourite cuisine until you've tried them all.

On that note, I look forward to visiting Iceland next May, or if my finances aren't quite where I need them, the year after, and trying some genuine traditional Icelandic cuisine as well.

I don't mind miners. I do have a problem with players that tell other players to mine at the exclusion of all else in the game, because believe it or not, this is not a space mining game. As is pointed out be miners so often, this is a sandbox, where you can play how you like. This also applies to the gankers that are going to blow up the miners, and I've yet to see a miner who has competently defended themselves, except for one corporation, which was an industrial corporation formed out of necessity by a PVP group.

This mining corporation was recently baited by an FW player in a Badger. I was there for this one, it was fun. The Badger stole some of his ore, I tackled it and got him to half armour before he warped off - obviously, he was warp stabbed. KNOWING the game he was playing beforehand, I also warped off. The miners had not aggressed, so they were safe. He re-appeared in the belt in a Vagabond, which we were already well and truly prepared for. (Killmail posted for reference purposes, not for flaming).

Just think, miners, if all the situations you class as 'griefing' could have gone down more like this, if you'd learned before hand how to deal with it. You wouldn't be whining on the forums about bumping, or ganking, or baiting, because you would know how to handle it yourself.

For those of you that tell me to mind my own business, I would call less clutter and whining on the forums my business. It helps me find quality threads more efficiently. But, that's just the reason I would use to troll you. I've already explained why it's my business, and this post is long enough.

So once again, thanks for the constructive posting. I will continue to encourage new players as I encounter them to try new things, and to join a corp, any decent newb-friendly corp if not my own. If that's the best we can do for now with the mechanics at hand, then that's what I'll do.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#270 - 2013-10-20 19:42:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
I can't adress your whole post on my phone,
but if you have a corp that teaches new players,
i would like to join in.

We share a proper EvE attitude, but i can't invest the time to run my own corp.

Edit: Also, you might have noticed that posts are relative.
Especially mine. ^_^
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#271 - 2013-10-20 19:55:55 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
I can't adress your whole post on my phone,
but if you have a corp that teaches new players,
i would like to join in.

We share a proper EvE attitude, but i can't invest the time to run my own corp.

Stirling Iron Society. I'm only a year and a half into the game myself, and still learning a lot, but I have a solid alliance of veterans behind me in RIGID alliance who are keen to help as well. That being said, I could use someone on-side in SIS who can help me recruit, I only have one guy at the moment, and I wouldn't try to train more than two at a time and to be honest, I'm going to be learning as much about training as my trainees are going to be learning about EVE; and hold the corp for me if I am needed for ops in RIGID, which I was going to use my alt for but it will limit my ability to spend time with new players.

There's no money in the corp, it's a skeleton corp for the express purpose of screening, holding and training new players and testing their potential and eventually, advancing them to RIGID, but keeping them out of harms way of our sometimes quite volatile wardecs. SIS is not in the alliance, so awoxing is not a problem, because it's part of the training - what happens when you get awoxed? How do you handle it? Will you be prepared to defend yourself, or at the very least, escape? Killboards, also, aren't a concern because we don't need a reputation.

So you're welcome to help. As are any other more advanced PVP'ers than myself who are interested. You wouldn't even have to join, just show up where my trainees are and pick a fight with them occasionally so if they lose, they can learn something, and if they win, then they win.

That being said, I'm not just training them to PVP, either. My current sole rookie is also interested in exploration, and I've been helping him learn about that as well. I'm sure he'll ask me about mining some day, and I intend to finance his first barge myself if he wants to try it.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#272 - 2013-10-20 20:15:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
I've read through a few more pages of this thread, and here's what I'm seeing.

1) I'm being told to let players who want to play solo and not force them to get involved with anyone if they don't want to.

Firstly, I'm not making anyone do anything. Read the OP again, all the words this time, and see if you can find the part where I suggest making new players do anything without criticising that suggestion myself. Then, see if you can't find where I use the word 'encourage' repeatedly. Without educating yourself on the content of the thread, you opinion will be invalid and therefore most like ignored, although there are plenty around who will troll you as well.

Secondly, this is that affliction I was talking about, where you think you can play an MMO without interaction with other players. This is a common mistake made by many players who have spent way too much time in NPC corps. Nobody can actively choose not to interact with other players, not because someone else is making you interact, but because of the environment and mechanics of the game itself. Your interaction with other players in an MMO is not a must by decree of me or any other player, but part and parcel of playing an MMO. Because like it or not, someone is going to try to interact with you, in one way or another, it is going to happen. And you should be wholly aware of that the moment you sign on to play an MMO. It doesn't take half a brain cell to figure out there is interaction taking place in an MMO - it is the inherent component of the idea of an MMO, pitting yourself against intelligent human beings instead of pseudo-intelligent computer AI.

Every aspect of this game is PVP, and I've seen enough miners complain about other miners drilling the same rock they are to know that.

2) "OP, you obviously don't know what a sandbox is"

This is a disingenuous attempt to discredit my position without 1) offering an opposing argument of any kind, and 2) addressing/visiting my knowledge without examining your own. It is, essentially, a red herring of sorts because this thread isn't about what a sandbox is or is not, but it is in a way because new players who only learn how to do one thing are not experiencing the sandbox in its entirety, and therefore are not playing in a sandbox at all, as they have no idea what about the sandbox they really enjoy. They're sitting in one corner of it with a spade moving sand from one pile to another and back again. Meanwhile, all the other kids are working together to build a huge sandcastle in the middle. The school photographer catches wind of this castle and a picture of it goes home in a newsletter. The little divet and accompanying pile of sand over in the corner are nowhere to be seen, and never remembered.

But this is a pretty bad analogy, to be honest, because nobody really has to be famous or popular to experience the sandbox. It's all about the journey, not the destination, and those that have chosen their destination without knowing what the rest of the journey is like are only ruining the game for themselves. I know exactly what a sandbox is, because I'm still on my journey. Tell me, when did you decide to end yours?

Last one I'll address, unless this thread can return to a constructive and mature discussion.


I've experienced all 'secs' of space (INB4 lol, you said secs) and I'll tell you now, high sec has nothing to do with the problem of stagnating in an NPC corp and learning nothing. This thread was never about high sec. I've seen NPC corp players in all regions of space. And here, we have to visit the other end of the spectrum, those who abuse the NPC corp 'safety'. For example, can you wardec the corporation of that guy who just ganked your corp's barges and take the fight to them? Oh, no you can't, they're in an NPC corp. Well, I guess that means we only get to kill him once with the killrights then... which isn't a terrible loss, but if your attacker is clever enough, he probably lives in lowsec where you won't be brave enough to go after him anyway because you've never experienced it or never had anyone to motivate you and come along for the ride, and killrights become a moot point anyway.

This thread is not a nerf highsec thread. It is not a buff highsec thread. It is a 'let's encourage new players to experience more of EVE and leave the false sense of safety they get being in an NPC corp' thread.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

XS Tech
#273 - 2013-10-20 21:45:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Solstice Project's Alt wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project's Alt wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
etc, etcCry
Just realised that your story was from seven months ago.

And there's me ... sitting around ... thinking about joining a corp.
Not knowing what corp to join, but prefferably highsec.
Not willing to obey the bullshit "GIMME YOUR API OR BUST".
There must be people out there knowing me and willing to take me.


sure, what could possibly go wrong.

Just so you know, I don't fly blingy things ... or have anything in the corp hangars/wallet Blink ... I'm in the "looking for a new crew" thing myself.
I don't AWOX and i don't scam.
I don't even seek tears.
I can't do it, because it makes me feel bad.
Whenever somebody whines or rages at me, i block him.

You would have to do a ton of crap to me to make me do something like this.

What are you in to ?

Right now, learning PVP for the most part. I've done "fleet PvP" out in nullsec as logibro and hero tackle ... but seriously, when you're there with 45 others beside you, you can be terrible and still come out successful at times.

I don't have the time to really play out in null ... low might be fun, and I'm not going to discount hisec if I can fall in with a good crew. But as for "where to go and what to do" right now, I might as well be a 2 day old rookie in the noobcorp.

Edit -- after reading Remial's posts ... Can I come too?

Also, unfortunately, a lot of the 2012 and older players you'll find in hisec are the ones who have decided that eve is "mining in space" and won't necessarily want to fight you. I'll be up for a frig duel ... worst case, it's a learning experience for me.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

UK Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#274 - 2013-10-20 22:39:47 UTC
Generally if you get a new player out of hi-sec immediately they turn out ok. Null, low or WH it doesn't matter... as long as it's away from concord. I know several guys who have gone to null when only a few month old. After another few months they are rolling around in isk buying alts and flying around blowing people up every chance they get. Trick seems to be to give them the means to make their own way with their own isk and pull their own weight.

I think in null mining works best as you don't need much SP to have a good isk/h after which you can focus on other things. In low it's probably FW. Can't say about WH as I never stayed in one long enough as they are a pain in the ass. Making noobs shoot rats is probably detrimental because you need quite a bit of SP for good isk/h and I think this is where the "I don't have enough SP yet" actually stems from. There's only 3 things I can think of that you can't do with low SP: bring dps, hault big loads and build/rnd fancy things. Literally everything else you can do.
Burl en Daire
M.O.M.S. Corp
#275 - 2013-10-20 22:43:39 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
I'm about to go to bed, so I won't be around for a few hours to see or respond to immediate replies to this thread, but I would like to see some discussion about encouraging players to leave NPC corps. I know this discussion has occurred before, but it seems to have fallen off the radar, and a conversation with some associates of mine has sparked a few ideas that I think we can hash out and debug.

For one, we talked about a more in-your-face approach by CCP by way of perhaps a set of NPC corporations that new players will 'graduate' to when they hit a certain number of SP, or by some other grading measure. When they hit this 'level' they are bumped out of whatever starter corporation they were in into the new one, which is subject to the same war declaration mechanics as a player run corporation. We understand that there are a few flaws with this idea, such as the wide range of corporations that would automatically wardec such corporations if they were to be introduced.

So, another idea we talked about was perhaps an incremental increase in tax rates for players that remain in NPC corporations for extended periods of time. For example, tack on an extra 5% a week or something with a notification to the player stating that joining a player-run corporation with lower tax rates would improve their income.

But we don't really like either of these ideas, even thought they have their pros, mostly because they don't really address the problem of the difficulty a new player may have in joining a corp without being made immediately aware of new-player-friendly corps like Brave Newbies, EVE Uni or RvB and they don't really encourage inclusiveness. Nor do they address the paranoia that a new applicant might be faced with if trying to join a corporation that is perhaps a little elitist, and they don't directly address the "I'm going to play an MMO solo" attitude that many such players that remain in NPC corps are often afflicted by.

We've had other ideas, but none worth mentioning for the time being. We do feel, however, that more can be done with a little thought and discussion, and we also feel that more needs to be done. In any case, I'd like to reopen this discussion again and gather the thoughts of respected GD regulars on the matter. I know being a very socially awkward person myself that one of the hardest things in this game for me was getting involved with the right group of people, which after much hassle and discomfort, I finally managed to do. I've never felt more like part of the game, and part of the community, than I have with the guys and girls I fly with now.

I am starting a small corp right now and soon I am going to try to shanghai some pilots and forces them into low sec mining or something dangerous like that. I wonder how long it will take to get some pilots to join.

Yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why. Hunter S. Thompson

Sar Carstic
Gallente Federation
#276 - 2013-10-20 22:48:59 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
[quote=Krixtal Icefluxor][quote=Kaarous Aldurald]

Adults are slightly more stubborn, so sometimes you have to teach that lesson more than once. And sometimes they retreat to childishness, and refuse to poke their heads out of their shells. We call those people carebears.

Oh, and by the way. Idk what kind of limp wristed excuse for an adult thinks it's child abuse to teach a necessary survival skill to a child whether they like it or not. She can swim now. She might thank me later. It's not like you would let a teenager refuse to ever learn how to drive.

I disagree on that first point - adults can make the choice for themselves, and can choose to play however they want. It's not another persons job to force an adult into anything, unless you feel somehow that you have the right to inflict your method of playing a game onto other people, who have every right to enjoy the game however they want to play it. It's EVE, so you can always get ganked or have someone else intrude onto your day for sure, but if someone truly just wants to mine all day then why can't they? Or station trade all day and not even undock, so they can play and just fight in the markets, and not have to worry about someone with a big group of friends who get their kicks blowing up single ships? All are euqally valid ways to play, and CCP seems to think so too, as they haven't taxed people out of NPC corps, or done any of the other measures people in this thread have suggested to try to get people out of their comfort zones.

To be honest, sometimes real life throws us outside those enough that people want to come to a game to have a comfort zone, and as a sandbox EVE allows that. Your comfort zone might be to relax by getting into fights and blowing up other ships, more power to you, EVE allows that too. Thankfully if I choose to go do that I will be able to, or if exploration is more my thing, or whatever. Sandbox. Still means I'll have to check d-scan all the time as others are playing in the sandbox too. I am not going to whinge about that.

As to your second point, living in a country where there are a number of child drowning deaths each year myself, it's totally the right thing to do to teach a child to swim when they are very young if they live near water or have access to swimming pools. It's child abuse NOT TO, to the idiot poster who told you it was child abuse to teach your child to swim. Jaysus, the job of a parent is to sometimes do things your kids don't like in order to make them safer or better them.

That is a vastly different thing from playing an online computer game with other "adults" though. Then it's not your job to make people do anything.

Gentlemen you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!

Sar Carstic
Gallente Federation
#277 - 2013-10-20 23:04:09 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Amber Kurvora wrote:
Nice to see the debate fall into the realms of "Your mumma...", or the classic "No, you are!" playground realms. For all the computing power of the human mind, online threads can sometime get depressingly predictable. I'm looking forward to the day when an argument ends with "...and I appreciate your view points, and though they differ from my own, they still raise valid points.". I mean we could use these arguments to potentially highlight ideas, but this is Eve we're talking about, and thus the e-***** (attached to the e-ego) is mightier than the ability to rationalise and be civil to one another.

I've been trying for a while now to encourage new players to learn how to PVP, specifically, not just for the sake of :gudfites: but for the bad ones too, where they need to defend themselves. It's for the sake of preparing their mentality so they can expect to lose ships instead of rage quitting the game or hate-mailing their killer(s). And I'll tell you something else.

I recruit based on attitude. Lately, I've been spending half my time running missions for standing and something to do in high sec while I scout for new players, and the other half inviting everything I see to duel. I've had zero duels accepted by anyone from 2012 or older, but plenty from new players. It kinda says something about the attitude of the 'veterans' that I've encountered thus far, and it also says something about the new players - that the new players are already willing to try new things. It's the veterans that are encouraging them to "go mining". I know, I've seen it in NPC chat myself.

"Go mining, you'll make a tonne of isk."

But what, then, does one do with this tonne of isk? I remember, and I think it was Solstice Project who said this, but telling people to go mining should be a bannable offence, and I agree wholeheartedly. Because they start mining, and never stop. All they want to do is mine. Then they get ganked, and don't know anything about combat because they've never tried it.

Just think, miners, if all the situations you class as 'griefing' could have gone down more like this, if you'd learned before hand how to deal with it. You wouldn't be whining on the forums about bumping, or ganking, or baiting, because you would know how to handle it yourself.

Something we agree upon. There are no in-game tutorials on how to defend yourself when doing anything, there is no real instruction on the fact that you are going to lose ships, apart from one lame beginner mission where you are given the sacrificial ship to go blow up an enemy station.

To be fair, there are hundreds of good online tutorials on how to mine defensively, how to equip a mining ship for tank etc, but I am guessing a lot of players don't read these, or think it won't happen to them, equip for yield and then are surprised when they do get blown up.

I don't understand why people do come and play a sandbox game where anything can happen, there are a lot of other players online and it is a game noted for viciousness, and then whinge and rage when they do get ganked. THAT is annoying.

Upon re-reading your posts, while I don't agree that anything should be changed to make people leave npc corps, or force people out of where they may be comfortable, there could be more done to make people aware of options, and give incentive to try new paths. That is different from punishing people for not doing so though.

Hell, I haven't really tried PVP, maybe I will give it a go to see what I am missing. What little I have tried has involved a group pouncing on my solo ship, so not really fun. And unfortunately what I have seen of PVP corps has been either recruiting that is so draconian or high sp, or corps so far away from where I choose to base that I have no interest in moving all my stuff there. The attitude of many PVP corps puts me off, from their in-game chatter to some of what I see in the forums. So a lot more needs to be done by the champions of having people move out of high-sec/comfort zones before people are gooing to respond.

But if I find a corp that looks good, I will give it a go, I'll take you up on that challenge to move out of my comfort zone, and see if it works.

Gentlemen you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#278 - 2013-10-20 23:23:36 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

When my kid didn't want to get in the pool to learn how to swim, I threw her little ass in there.

Today, she loves the water and swimming, and she even takes more baths as a result.

I file that under child abuse.

She would have eventually learned to like it anyway. And if not, what is your obsession with children submerged in water ? Sounds weird tbh.

edit: Also, we are mostly adults here. Try throwing me in a pool or making me do something else I don't wanna do. Just try.

You took advantage of a child's powerlessness and just admitted it in print.

Yeah, that's how it was done when men were men and pansies like you got thrown in right behind them.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#279 - 2013-10-20 23:26:55 UTC
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

When my kid didn't want to get in the pool to learn how to swim, I threw her little ass in there.

Today, she loves the water and swimming, and she even takes more baths as a result.

I file that under child abuse.

She would have eventually learned to like it anyway. And if not, what is your obsession with children submerged in water ? Sounds weird tbh.

edit: Also, we are mostly adults here. Try throwing me in a pool or making me do something else I don't wanna do. Just try.

You took advantage of a child's powerlessness and just admitted it in print.

Yeah, that's how it was done when men were men and pansies like you got thrown in right behind them.

This post brought a tear to my eye.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Irsam Samri
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#280 - 2013-10-20 23:34:49 UTC
I only read the first page so sorry if this idea ws stated, but players should be given the option of joining secondary corps which ave their own unique missions and storylines, there would be dozens of these that cater to whatever playstyle people want ranging from staying in highsec mining/missioning to low sec and pirate null sec corps.

Its my opinion that if players were ever allowed to join pirate or low sec corps they should be able to engage in FW as a rogue entity and capture systems.
Another revolutionary idea to this is to add a weekly lp payout for corp sov ownership over a fw territory