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[MERC] Mock Squad - Low Sec Mercenaries

Archon Thane
Tir Capital Management Group
#1 - 2013-10-05 15:00:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Archon Thane
LowSec Bruisers for Hire

Low Sec is not for everyone – It’s for us. Need a pirate camp busted up? Need your industrial capabilities in LowSec expanded? Then Mock Squad is coming.

Contracts are currently available for the following services ::

- Pirate Hunting
- Small POS bashing
- Miner Ganking
- Fleet support

Operational Area ::
LowSec Space
High Sec Ganks (No War Decs)

If you require the need of professional, experienced, and dedicated pilots to handle your PvP operations, we want your business.

For pricing and details contact Archon Thane

For recruitment questions contact 5cmmmm or Archon Thane
Pirate inc
#2 - 2013-10-20 18:43:28 UTC
hi guys just wounder how mutch u guys will take for a small pos remov it has no guns and no hardners and its in low sec the corp is a 13 man corp /nova79
Neesha Marinn
#3 - 2013-10-21 11:10:41 UTC
@ OP: where is your killboard?

What can you show us to reflect your capability to handle lowsec contracts?
Paul Tsukaya
#4 - 2013-10-22 18:04:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Paul Tsukaya
Neesha Marinn wrote:
@ OP: where is your killboard?

What can you show us to reflect your capability to handle lowsec contracts?

You can always look up their alliance in zkillboard or something.

I've encountered them because they live in the area. Never in any real numbers though. I thought they had a couple kills on me from times I've been solo plexing, but I checked and apparently they don't.

I can't really give an opinion of how they perform when they've formed a real fleet, because I've never seen a real mocksquad fleet. I've seen them derping around in 3 man or so gangs chasing people out of plexes, but that's about it. They'll bring three guys in faction frigs and chase me out of a small plex. Then I'll come back as part of a 8 man plexing gang and I don't see them anywhere except local.

Could they RF a small tower uncontested? Probably. Would they show up to contest a timer if you paid them? I guess. If you're having difficulty affording other lowsec options, then giving your money to a group that is still growing isn't a bad idea.

After all there's certain things that it's simply not worth paying off shadow cartel or suddenly spaceships for.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-10-24 10:57:57 UTC
I wouldn't pay these idiots to lick dirt off my boots.

Terrible alliance, terrible fleet doctrines, will not engage anything that looks like 2 or more pilots working together.
Catalyst Kalfend
#6 - 2013-11-02 05:41:25 UTC
Xolve wrote:
I wouldn't pay these idiots to lick dirt off my boots.

Terrible alliance, terrible fleet doctrines, will not engage anything that looks like 2 or more pilots working together.

very true PL!

they couldnt even hold Uusanen or Anka in amar. Terrible.
Archon Thane
Tir Capital Management Group
#7 - 2013-11-02 19:39:59 UTC
very true PL!

they couldnt even hold Uusanen or Anka in amar. Terrible.

Yet here we remain continuing to hold the system.

For those who have better things to do than troll on the forums, give us a shout if you require the use of our guns