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Getting newbies out of their comfort zone

First post
Renegade Heart
#101 - 2013-10-20 09:24:24 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

You can't fight a war against a player that's gonna quit Eve because of your wardec. How does your solution solve this problem?
Iudicium Vastus
#102 - 2013-10-20 09:24:58 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

That would be the beginning of the end for EVE

[u]Nerf stabs/cloaks in FW?[/u] No, just.. -Fit more points -Fit faction points -Bring a friend or two with points (an alt is fine too)

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#103 - 2013-10-20 09:30:13 UTC
Renegade Heart wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

You can't fight a war against a player that's gonna quit Eve because of your wardec. How does your solution solve this problem?

Horseshit, they are just themepark carebears that don't enjoy the sandbox mmo-rpg's. Theirs a easy solution, don't like the genre, stick with themepark mmo-rpg's.

The Tears Must Flow

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2013-10-20 09:30:24 UTC
I got a newbie out of his comfort zone once.

He threatened to petition me with sexual harrasment...

BoBwins Law: As a discussion/war between two large nullsec entities grows longer, the probability of one comparing the other to BoB aproaches near certainty.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#105 - 2013-10-20 09:31:42 UTC
Iudicium Vastus wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

That would be the beginning of the end for EVE

Themepark carebears propaganda, the reality is this, the more they cry, the more EvE Online grows.

The Tears Must Flow

Renegade Heart
#106 - 2013-10-20 09:33:31 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Renegade Heart wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

You can't fight a war against a player that's gonna quit Eve because of your wardec. How does your solution solve this problem?

Horseshit, they are just themepark carebears that don't enjoy the sandbox mmo-rpg's. Theirs a easy solution, don't like the genre, stick with themepark mmo-rpg's.

Why does it bother you? You fail at finding enough fights? Annoyed you can't grief newbies who don't want to fight you? Then be a man and go to low sec or null. Plenty of fights to be had there.

I'm in an NPC corp. Does that make me a themepark carebear? And actually, I will stick with Eve bro Cool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2013-10-20 09:39:29 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

That would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hilarious.

...also annoying as ****.
Iudicium Vastus
#108 - 2013-10-20 09:45:37 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:

Horseshit, they are just themepark carebears that don't enjoy the sandbox mmo-rpg's. Theirs a easy solution, don't like the genre, stick with themepark mmo-rpg's.

Sandbox means everything, which means also getting out of wardec (hence the ability to drop corps) or doing hisec pve activities.. You seem to want a pvp-only scenario, which ya know, isn't sandbox. Your quaint suggestion is just forced victimization of freely picked targets with no way out.

Rather brash when many of these 'leet' peeveepee'ers suggest things like some sort of killright or inability to drop corp during war, but the individual target idea is just truly sick in the worse way. How many times does it need to be repeated on the forums that wardecs are against corporations (whole entities) and NOT the members (the individual players). And how would you expect a literally singled out target to war with an entire entity like a pvp alliance bearing down on them?

This is the sandbox, accept that there are those you can't freely victimize, least without suicide gank, awox, or the like. You claim to like the sandbox? then act like it and stop acting like it's strictly a boxing ring instead. HTFU

If you want to play your pvp-only-game scenario where you can pick and kill willy nilly anybody in sight without escape or other options, might I suggest Call of Duty.

[u]Nerf stabs/cloaks in FW?[/u] No, just.. -Fit more points -Fit faction points -Bring a friend or two with points (an alt is fine too)

Charles Panzram
#109 - 2013-10-20 09:46:08 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Renegade Heart wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

You can't fight a war against a player that's gonna quit Eve because of your wardec. How does your solution solve this problem?

Horseshit, they are just themepark carebears that don't enjoy the sandbox mmo-rpg's. Theirs a easy solution, don't like the genre, stick with themepark mmo-rpg's.

You do realize that sandbox style game means that everyone can play the game THEY want with the tools given to them and that includes carebearing in npc corps. Hence contradicting your own argument were you want to impose rules for a play style you want on others.

It always boils down to the same thing of people imposing some "bright" ideas on others.
How about you take your fascistic attitude and stick it where the sun never shines.

You are contradicting yourself in your argumentation. If the carebear is only looking for a theme park, than what are you? You are just doing the same looking for your own theme park of easy ganks and risk free gameplay like a 12 year old playground bully that molests the 5-6 year old, thats the truth and nothing else. Contrary to the intention of a SANDBOX.

As it stands ganking has never been easier, so what's stopping you from ganking those "carebears"?
Is it effort? Because you are too lazy,inept,not smart enough to figure out how to gank someone?

Maybe you should look for something else to find joy other than to destroy other peoples pixels.
Maybe you should also take a dictionary and look up the meaning of sandbox since you clearly seem unable to grasp its meaning.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#110 - 2013-10-20 09:54:46 UTC
Charles Panzram wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Renegade Heart wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

You can't fight a war against a player that's gonna quit Eve because of your wardec. How does your solution solve this problem?

Horseshit, they are just themepark carebears that don't enjoy the sandbox mmo-rpg's. Theirs a easy solution, don't like the genre, stick with themepark mmo-rpg's.

You do realize that sandbox style game means that everyone can play the game THEY want with the tools given to them and that includes carebearing in npc corps. Hence contradicting your own argument were you want to impose rules for a play style you want on others.

It always boils down to the same thing of people imposing some "bright" ideas on others.
How about you take your fascistic attitude and stick it where the sun never shines.

You are contradicting yourself in your argumentation. If the carebear is only looking for a theme park, than what are you? You are just doing the same looking for your own theme park of easy ganks and risk free gameplay like a 12 year old playground bully that molests the 5-6 year old, thats the truth and nothing else. Contrary to the intention of a SANDBOX.

As it stands ganking has never been easier, so what's stopping you from ganking those "carebears"?
Is it effort? Because you are too lazy,inept,not smart enough to figure out how to gank someone?

Maybe you should look for something else to find joy other than to destroy other peoples pixels.
Maybe you should also take a dictionary and look up the meaning of sandbox since you clearly seem unable to grasp its meaning.

No, that's not what sandbox mmo-rpg's are about. You can try to play the way you want, but you are not entitled to it like in kindergarten themepark mmo-rpg's.

The sandbox is about player interaction, interaction that affects how other players play and interact with both the game and other players. What you do not get to do in the sandbox is decide who you will not interact with. You can choose to interact with player A, even if player A would rather not interact with you. They have little say in the matter. They can make an effort to avoid you, but that in itself is an act of interaction.You have forced them to recognize you, take heed of you. This is what makes the butterfly effect possible in EvE Online.

To sum it up, EvE Online it's the last of it's kind, an old school sandbox mmo-rpg game, that's the secret of it's longevity and that's why EvE Online will still be played 10 years from now.

The Tears Must Flow

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#111 - 2013-10-20 09:55:35 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Renegade Heart wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
The ability to wardec a single player on a NPC corp would solve this problem.

You can't fight a war against a player that's gonna quit Eve because of your wardec. How does your solution solve this problem?

Horseshit, they are just themepark carebears that don't enjoy the sandbox mmo-rpg's. Theirs a easy solution, don't like the genre, stick with themepark mmo-rpg's.

"Dude, is that you trying to stick your pns into my vgn?" "No! And you don't know how to play sandbox!" Roll

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Iudicium Vastus
#112 - 2013-10-20 10:02:06 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:

No, that's not what sandbox mmo-rpg's are about. You can try to play the way you want, but you are not entitled to it like in kindergarten themepark mmo-rpg's.

The sandbox is about player interaction, interaction that affects how other players play and interact with both the game and other players. What you do not get to do in the sandbox is decide who you will not interact with. You can choose to interact with player A, even if player A would rather not interact with you. They have little say in the matter. They can make an effort to avoid you, but that in itself is an act of interaction.You have forced them to recognize you, take heed of you. This is what makes the butterfly effect possible in EvE Online.

To sum it up, EvE Online it's the last of it's kind, an old school sandbox mmo-rpg game, that's the secret of it's longevity and that's why EvE Online will still be played 10 years from now.

I wasn't aware we were in the presence of the grand architect of EVE Online and all knowing originator of the game's intent. Could you tell us why then you put in PVE activities at all rather than all-pvp-everywhere-all-the-time? Or why hisec even exists if this was supposed to be only a violent and bloody battleground. I do believe those sorts of games exist already, usually in the form of FPSs I hear.

[u]Nerf stabs/cloaks in FW?[/u] No, just.. -Fit more points -Fit faction points -Bring a friend or two with points (an alt is fine too)

Sar Carstic
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2013-10-20 10:04:02 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Maybe you should tell us at which point they dragged you to an airplane and dropped you from it against your will so you enjoyed learning to sky dive.

Wow, someone else that hasn't read the OP? Why am I not surprised. Maybe you should point out, after reading ALL the words, the part where I suggested the forced removal of players from NPC corps without pointing out the flaws and why I think it's a bad idea, and then point to the part where I suggested anything other than the ENCOURAGEMENT of new players to get into player run corporations. Until you understand the entirety of what I'm suggesting, and the purpose of a discussion, be it dialectic or otherwise, you are offering nothing constructive.

Actually I did read your comment asking why people pay money to skydive, which was what this question was directed to, not you OP. I notice you didn't answer that actual question though, in much the same way as you haven't answered a lot of people's questions in this thread, you have just cried "you didn't read my OP", meaning "you read my OP but I didn't really write it well enough for you to get what I was meaning, or you used a particular word in your response I didn't use, so I'm just going to say "I didn't say that" and refer you back to the OP", in order to not really answer the question.

Unfortunately I did spend some of my time and read the OP and, and all of your "answers" to other's questions, and I think you have some ****-poor ideas about trying to make other people play EVE differently from how they want to play it.

and could you answer that question, as you did use the skydiving analogy first - at what point are people who don't like skydiving forced to go skydiving so that they can learn they really like it?

Gentlemen you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#114 - 2013-10-20 10:12:10 UTC
Iudicium Vastus wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:

No, that's not what sandbox mmo-rpg's are about. You can try to play the way you want, but you are not entitled to it like in kindergarten themepark mmo-rpg's.

The sandbox is about player interaction, interaction that affects how other players play and interact with both the game and other players. What you do not get to do in the sandbox is decide who you will not interact with. You can choose to interact with player A, even if player A would rather not interact with you. They have little say in the matter. They can make an effort to avoid you, but that in itself is an act of interaction.You have forced them to recognize you, take heed of you. This is what makes the butterfly effect possible in EvE Online.

To sum it up, EvE Online it's the last of it's kind, an old school sandbox mmo-rpg game, that's the secret of it's longevity and that's why EvE Online will still be played 10 years from now.

I wasn't aware we were in the presence of the grand architect of EVE Online and all knowing originator of the game's intent. Could you tell us why then you put in PVE activities at all rather than all-pvp-everywhere-all-the-time? Or why hisec even exists if this was supposed to be only a violent and bloody battleground. I do believe those sorts of games exist already, usually in the form of FPSs I hear.

There is no such thing as "PvE" in this game, and shootings ships is not the "PvP" part of the game. EvE is not split in half like the simplistic kindergarten themepark mmo-rpg games you play.

After the login, every game system involves some form of competitive interaction. For example, despite what themeparkers believe, missions and Incursions are a sandbox feature, the players doing it affect the economy and other players can invade the "dungeon" to steal loot, ninja salvage or even gank.

The Tears Must Flow

Sar Carstic
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2013-10-20 10:18:08 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:

No, that's not what sandbox mmo-rpg's are about. You can try to play the way you want, but you are not entitled to it like in kindergarten themepark mmo-rpg's.

The sandbox is about player interaction, interaction that affects how other players play and interact with both the game and other players. What you do not get to do in the sandbox is decide who you will not interact with. You can choose to interact with player A, even if player A would rather not interact with you. They have little say in the matter. They can make an effort to avoid you, but that in itself is an act of interaction.You have forced them to recognize you, take heed of you. This is what makes the butterfly effect possible in EvE Online.

To sum it up, EvE Online it's the last of it's kind, an old school sandbox mmo-rpg game, that's the secret of it's longevity and that's why EvE Online will still be played 10 years from now.

Just no. The whole point of the sandbox, apart from if someone ganks me etc, is that I very much DO get to choose who I want to interact and not interact with. I am NOT forced to join a player corp, or move to a particular sector of space, and if someone does annoy me where I am I can choose to move and not interact with them any more. Yes they have had a small level of "interaction" with me I did not choose, but the end choice is mine sunshine.

I love the fact that I very much DO get to choose not to join a player corp at this point. To sum it up - honestly, some of you people are what make NPC corps so damn good.

Gentlemen you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#116 - 2013-10-20 10:32:22 UTC
The number of new pilots killed by marksmen has fallen short of its target

The number of Newbies and pilots with a sense of entitlement shot during a six-week cull in New Eden has fallen short of its target, Environment Secretary Owen Paterson has told MPs.

Defra said 708 Noobs had been killed, 942 fewer than the target of 1,650.

Nigel Gibbens, chief veterinary officer, advised it should be extended. This could be for eight weeks.

Pro-entitlement campaigners have called the scheme a "massive failure" and said they would continue their protest .

'Safe and humane'
Mr Gibbens said extending the cull would achieve the "earliest and greatest possible impact" on the concept of entitlement in New Eden.

Mr Paterson told The Scope the cull figures were "not bad news" but admitted that those carrying out the killings had "got off to a slower start" than had been expected.

"We must remember that these are pilots," he said.

"This has not been done before and we are learning, clearly, in each area. This isn't a sudden six-week period. These pilots are intended to go on for years.

"Up to to the end of July, a further 20,000 perfectly healthy cattle have been hauled off to slaughter at horrendous expense to the taxpayer because we've lost control of the sense of Entitlement amongst the New Pilot population."

Mr Paterson said 305,000 cattle had been "lost" over the past 10 years and it was "not acceptable" to allow the disease to go on.

Last week Mr Paterson said the government was exploring the possibility of gassing Noobs to cull carriers of entitled thinking.

Stop the Noob Cull spokesman Jay Tiernan said the cull had been a "massive failure".

"It's disgraceful," he said. "It clearly isn't safe, effective or humane.

"It is time for someone to bite the bullet and admit it's been a failure."

Mr Tiernan said protests against the culls would continue.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Iudicium Vastus
#117 - 2013-10-20 10:36:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Iudicium Vastus
Vaju Enki wrote:

There is no such thing as "PvE" in this game, and shootings ships is not the "PvP" part of the game. EvE is not split in half like the simplistic kindergarten themepark mmo-rpg games you play.

After the login, every game system involves some form of competitive interaction. For example, despite what themeparkers believe, missions and Incursions are a sandbox feature, the players doing it affect the economy and other players can invade the "dungeon" to steal loot, ninja salvage or even gank.

You presume a great deal my dear. An I'm sorry to report, all falsely. EVE is the only MMO I've played for a period of time surpassing trial. Going on a solid year now in New Eden, with more than one actively paid account at that. I love the sandbox, more than you know. I do it all. I mission in hisec, manufacture, engage in FW, roam lowsec for fights, spend time in wormholes, and even partake in null sov wars.

You're right, there is more to PvP than the explosions, scams and market manipulations can put even some pirates to shame. And interaction on any degree is a defining feature of sandbox. Say you wardec a corp, they drop, there was interaction and acknowledgement right there, they were rather inconvenienced and both parties move on. However, your suggestion of a single target wardec or anything even similar ends 'sandbox', making it a forced and repeated inescapable victimization. How do you not see that?

I'm sure you expect others to accept that they could be badtouched now and then in the sandbox. So why can't you accept the fact that sometimes they get away in the sandbox? Rather double standard there. Sandbox for you, but fighting ring for them.

[u]Nerf stabs/cloaks in FW?[/u] No, just.. -Fit more points -Fit faction points -Bring a friend or two with points (an alt is fine too)

Skeln Thargensen
#118 - 2013-10-20 10:42:11 UTC
amazing, they actually want their gank targets to unsub.

it might help these players progress though, they might even find a low/high gate to camp for 3 years.

forums.  serious business.

Amber Kurvora
#119 - 2013-10-20 10:42:37 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Hotel New Eden announcement:

"With regards to our clients who stay at the kids' pool rather than go swim at our gorgeous and world-unique sharks pool, we have decided to interrupt the ongoing operations to incentivate the use of the later over the former.

Thus, no more piranhas will be added to the kid's pool, we will forbid to throw electrical appliances into the water and our personnel will be advised to not use the kid's pool as a toilet.

Also we want to deny the rumors about adding a springboard to the kids' pool so our clients enjoy their stay better. The experiments to wire springboards with claymore mines have failed so far, but we will keep trying.

~The Management"

This has to be one the funniest analogies I've seen in a long, long time. Lol

Personally I think High Sec types should be left alone. If they want to join a corp, then it's all good. If they want to solo Eve for a while, then it's Ok too. Forcing people to do one thing or another is exactly what Eve shouldn't be about. Let people live and die by their own values and not the one's you want to foist upon them. Otherwise you might as well be doing an office job in an environment which made the school playground like relatively benign.

Oh, and if you still insist that people play the game how you want it? Nullsec is calling you... Build your own null corp up, take some sovereignty, and then you can tell people how high they have to jump.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#120 - 2013-10-20 10:46:29 UTC
Newbies out of their comfort zone ????

It's been 4 years, but in the first 6 months of newbie play, I lost more ships than I've lost total in the 3 1/2 years since.

What comfort zone are we talking about exactly ???

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882