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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#401 - 2013-10-20 01:37:31 UTC
Well.... Really what's the difference between wormholes and NPC nullsec? Static gates, local, cyno alts... And that's about it.

Cyno alts the equivalent to our cloaky scouts, cept you know who they are.

The gates.. Eh.

Local sucks but least you can figure out a fight very quickly.

Odd to say, but wormholes need some variety, need the entrance bar slightly lowered and need to promote more gunfire. The sma "bug" pissed allot of people off. More than it should have. To the point where allot of people just mind of have up on finding good pvp, and where wormholes just kinda turned into micro FarmVille. Is the money good, sure but pve gets boring quite quickly.

The sma bugs, the threats of destroying t3's, the logistical nightmares of just building basic crap like pos mods, the penalty for frontier mining (25% loss in refining ore), the inability for us to even fit a t3 in the hanger it was built in.

Yes we bought into it because we did not want to deal with highsec, did not want to deal with supercaps and titans, did not want to deal with grinding sov or dealing with cartels. Like nullsecrs, the wormholers expected at least some quality of life improvements, not for the announcement that a bug is a feature, then a fix to a bug turn into a feature :-/

A bit ranty I suppose. But we all are curiouswhat is actually on the grand master list of what's important that's been compiled. Everybody here is talking in circles atm


Dmitry Wizard
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#402 - 2013-10-20 02:44:58 UTC
I read somewhere that for Wormholes to expand and have more content created we, the wormholers had to figure some sort of lore stuff out either the j sigs or something to do with the sleepers themselves. im not sure what exactly it was but the devs hinted at something hidden we needed to find to get more on the tracks

"Wormhole corps are like a bunch of homeschooled kids"

Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#403 - 2013-10-20 13:20:31 UTC
Dmitry Wizard wrote:
I read somewhere that for Wormholes to expand and have more content created we, the wormholers had to figure some sort of lore stuff out either the j sigs or something to do with the sleepers themselves. im not sure what exactly it was but the devs hinted at something hidden we needed to find to get more on the tracks

SOE ships and ship names are/were/will be a part of it:

Check out this blog post -some CCP comments and stuff from Twitter.

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

Comy 1
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#404 - 2013-10-20 16:20:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Comy 1
Unfortunately I haven't had the time to read the whole thread, so this might have been mentioned already.

But how about if statics varied with a +-1 factor in class. A C3 static e.g. would mean that you would get either a C2/3/4 hole, while a C1 static could only produce C1/2, and C6 statics C5/6.

The same could be done with k-space statics, old null could spawn null/low, high secs high/low and old low could be either of the three.

Now this would not make a huge difference, but it might open up some variance in the types of chains you get to explore, plus you might have to be able to respond to different kinds of techniques while collapsing different kinds of wormholes.

This in my opinions will make more wormholes attractive, since more wormholes will be able to spawn the type of static you are looking for. It makes life in w-space a little bit less predictable without breaking the current system too much.

The downside might be that someone who wants to farm a specific type of hole might have to do some more rolling, but is this necessarily a bad thing? The other potential deal breaker might be all the C2 statics that might become very unattractive to many players since closing C1 wormholes is a pain.
#405 - 2013-10-21 02:59:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Yoshmoto

My Input here.

    Remove the auto spawning signatures (its making it too easy for gas miners pve ers. They don't need someone with probes out anymore. Its almost like local chat in w-space

    Make c4 sleepers point. Too many tengus getting away.

    New class of wormhole where the effects can be dynamic. e.g one minute Red Giant the next Cataclysmic. Maybe the effects can be changed by PvE

    New class WH where the is very rewarding PvE however the system cannot be inhabited by players and fleets cannot log out in the system. Maybe have sleeper POS to kill which drop very blue lootz

    Make it more bearable to invade lower class wormholes
#406 - 2013-10-21 03:03:17 UTC
Yoshmoto wrote:
    Make c4 sleepers point. Too many tengus getting away.

You are bad and should feel bad.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#407 - 2013-10-21 03:56:29 UTC
Yoshmoto wrote:
Make c4 sleepers point. Too many tengus getting away.

C4 sleepers DO point. Hell, there are tacklers in C3 mag/rad sites even.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Resbroko Liberation Fleet
#408 - 2013-10-22 00:28:24 UTC
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
Dmitry Wizard wrote:
I read somewhere that for Wormholes to expand and have more content created we, the wormholers had to figure some sort of lore stuff out either the j sigs or something to do with the sleepers themselves. im not sure what exactly it was but the devs hinted at something hidden we needed to find to get more on the tracks

SOE ships and ship names are/were/will be a part of it:

Check out this blog post -some CCP comments and stuff from Twitter.

That link. It is in my mind now.
Time to "look-at" everything in wSpace again.
blackish person
The Vendunari
End of Life
#409 - 2013-10-22 06:08:00 UTC
A small amount of very desirable wormholes to live in, maybe 4? These are all c6 and are desirable because of the wh effect, maybe higher site spawn rate or something? The result would be people competing and fighting over them constantly. The fights in wh space for the most part are just killing **** for fun, would be fun to have something to fight over.
Deathly hope Cesaille
Goonswarm Federation
#410 - 2013-11-28 13:57:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Deathly hope Cesaille
1. Make changes to Black hole effects, minor or a complete overhaul.
2. C4's need some love. make them appealing to an audience other than farmers.
3. I have noticed an uncommon bug when warping Squad/Wing to a bookmark in a combat site/ore site where a ship at random will land on the beacon while the remainder of the fleet lands at the bookmark. Not sure if this is purely a Wormhole problem.
4. Any kind of new content specifically for wormholes (wandering Sleepers, Variable spawns, Additional combat site types)
5. Reduced site lifespans to counter buildups in vacant wormholes.
Momo Achasse
#411 - 2013-11-29 04:23:39 UTC
Some sort of site escalation for C1-4!
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#412 - 2013-11-29 09:14:23 UTC
WH in my humble opinion of someoen that spent only a few weeks on one, could be more interesting if some of the " I dont understand everything "feeling from the first month after apcrypa was returned.

Create new combinations of womholes effect. Create shifting phases on these (like moon phase, every week the bonus increase to its maximum then start drecrease being replaced by another one, a in a full month cycle.

Make the farming of sleeper sites a bit more random, maybe sometimes they do not escalate with a dread.... maybe sometimes they scalate more heavily..?

Just random ideas, but for me wormhole space is the place for the "weird zone" in eve .

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Stan Durden
Solar Forged
#413 - 2013-11-30 09:13:29 UTC
TL;DR so not sure if this has been mentioned...

Please fix the pos roles UI, and flexibility. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say the role management UI is the worst UI I have ever seen anywhere.

We need to be able to restrict access to specific structures by specific people. Growing a WH corp has us using a lot of workarounds that I don't think make sense to need to use. Yes risk is part of eve, and yes because it is difficult does not make it bad. But the reality of accepting new members to our WH corp means our moons are littered with individual pos, and we currently have 3 orcas in our C2 and may bring in another... AND NO ONE MINES!!! We use them just to keep our stuff separate without adding another tower...

One simple fix that would make a massive improvement is if members could individually lock ships into a SMA, so we can share the same structure without risking access to billions of isk if a new member turns out to be a thief. I don't have a problem with the concept of thieves in the game in general, but I think they should need to work a lot harder to do the kind of damage they can currently do in a WH corp.