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I for the life of me dont understand.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#261 - 2013-10-18 22:26:04 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

Compared to shooting red crosses or nomming on rocks? Hell yes. Especially since, the more well known they become, the more the mere mention of the word "permit" causes the outpouring of BUCKETS of tears.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2013-10-18 22:32:58 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

Compared to shooting red crosses or nomming on rocks? Hell yes. Especially since, the more well known they become, the more the mere mention of the word "permit" causes the outpouring of BUCKETS of tears.

I suppose thats one way to look at it, I would pay any amount of money to know what CCP thinks honestly, seriously, id go as far as $100 just to get an inkling on how they feel on the matter...

Just a week ago I used to think of Eve as a giant awesome frontier where I could do anything, but the between war decs, New Orders, etc .. I dont know, the universe feels a lot more crowded then I remember it when I first played Eve... I dont get that "Off in the wilderness by myself" feeling anymore

Solstice Project's Alt
#263 - 2013-10-18 22:35:34 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

I was writing a long post with a rather weird analysis about the situation
ending with "Anyhow, i don't actually want to write an in depth analysis",
and thus deleted the post.


Instead, i'll just insult them.

Creating content against them is tiresome and boring, as i'm sick of playing solo.
Creating content with them would just hurt my pride, as i am not such a low individual.

Buy Solstice Project for PLEX4GOOD ! (this alt-character will get deleted once the sale is done, on 6th of december)

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#264 - 2013-10-18 22:38:12 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

Compared to shooting red crosses or nomming on rocks? Hell yes. Especially since, the more well known they become, the more the mere mention of the word "permit" causes the outpouring of BUCKETS of tears.

I suppose thats one way to look at it, I would pay any amount of money to know what CCP thinks honestly, seriously, id go as far as $100 just to get an inkling on how they feel on the matter...

Just a week ago I used to think of Eve as a giant awesome frontier where I could do anything, but the between war decs, New Orders, etc .. I dont know, the universe feels a lot more crowded then I remember it when I first played Eve... I dont get that "Off in the wilderness by myself" feeling anymore

You're living in the wrong place then. I find Molden Heath to have a very wilderness feel(it has a big circle of fairly hostile lowsec), whilst not being too far from Rens if I want a shopping spree.

But depending on when you unsubbed last time, EVE has gotten more crowded. Subs have been on the rise for a while now.

Oh, I just realized the solution to your dilemma. Wormhole space. That has a frontier feel to it if anything does. Been considering moving into this corp's wormhole for a while now, it's an interesting lifestyle.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#265 - 2013-10-18 22:42:37 UTC  |  Edited by: oOReikaOo Michiko
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

Compared to shooting red crosses or nomming on rocks? Hell yes. Especially since, the more well known they become, the more the mere mention of the word "permit" causes the outpouring of BUCKETS of tears.

I suppose thats one way to look at it, I would pay any amount of money to know what CCP thinks honestly, seriously, id go as far as $100 just to get an inkling on how they feel on the matter...

Just a week ago I used to think of Eve as a giant awesome frontier where I could do anything, but the between war decs, New Orders, etc .. I dont know, the universe feels a lot more crowded then I remember it when I first played Eve... I dont get that "Off in the wilderness by myself" feeling anymore

You're living in the wrong place then. I find Molden Heath to have a very wilderness feel(it has a big circle of fairly hostile lowsec), whilst not being too far from Rens if I want a shopping spree.

But depending on when you unsubbed last time, EVE has gotten more crowded. Subs have been on the rise for a while now.

Oh, I just realized the solution to your dilemma. Wormhole space. That has a frontier feel to it if anything does. Been considering moving into this corp's wormhole for a while now, it's an interesting lifestyle.

Yea but see thats not me... I liked the isolation of Eve.. being off in a highsec sector somewhere where no one would bother me and I just did my own thing , mined all day if I wanted to, and logged off, thats what used to make Eve fun for me.

Now you have The New Order.. War Decs... No matter where I go im constantly next to someone else.. I just feel clausterphobic


In the grand scheme of things I may just drop my subs back to 1, log on once in a while to train my next skill , and hibernate till the game has changed again. This current version of eve is too trolly for me ... I guess thats what happens when u come back after 6 years

Its one thing to not be able to fly my Hyperion in low sec, its a completely different thing that I feel I cant even fly it in Highsec now.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#266 - 2013-10-18 22:47:34 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Yea but see thats not me... I liked the isolation of Eve.. being off in a highsec sector somewhere where no one would bother me and I just did my own thing , mined all day if I wanted to, and logged off, thats what used to make Eve fun for me.

Now you have The New Order.. War Decs... No matter where I go im constantly next to someone else.. I just feel clausterphobic

We mine in our wormhole. It's mildly more interesting than otherwise, as you have to watch D-scan fairly carefully so no one sneaks up on you and kills you.

Sounds like, and I do not mean an insult when I say this, that you really are looking for a single player experience. X Rebirth offers a similar sandbox gameplay, trading, mining, whatever you please, and no psychotic other players to bump into. Retail is about a month from now.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#267 - 2013-10-18 22:48:54 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Yea but see thats not me... I liked the isolation of Eve.. being off in a highsec sector somewhere where no one would bother me and I just did my own thing , mined all day if I wanted to, and logged off, thats what used to make Eve fun for me.

Now you have The New Order.. War Decs... No matter where I go im constantly next to someone else.. I just feel clausterphobic

We mine in our wormhole. It's mildly more interesting than otherwise, as you have to watch D-scan fairly carefully so no one sneaks up on you and kills you.

Sounds like, and I do not mean an insult when I say this, that you really are looking for a single player experience. X Rebirth offers a similar sandbox gameplay, trading, mining, whatever you please, and no psychotic other players to bump into. Retail is about a month from now.

Yea, I saw that , I probably will end up switching, and then waiting for SC.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#268 - 2013-10-18 22:49:00 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

Compared to shooting red crosses or nomming on rocks? Hell yes. Especially since, the more well known they become, the more the mere mention of the word "permit" causes the outpouring of BUCKETS of tears.

I suppose thats one way to look at it, I would pay any amount of money to know what CCP thinks honestly, seriously, id go as far as $100 just to get an inkling on how they feel on the matter...

Just a week ago I used to think of Eve as a giant awesome frontier where I could do anything, but the between war decs, New Orders, etc .. I dont know, the universe feels a lot more crowded then I remember it when I first played Eve... I dont get that "Off in the wilderness by myself" feeling anymore

1. Please do not offer to bribe CCP with rmt. However, perhaps if you buy the collectors set, the mystery code may one day provide the answers you seek.

2. There is only one New Order, and James 315 is your saviour.

3. We agree that you may be off the reservation far into the wilderness. Maybe someone can link you a fitting song about this. I'd love to hear you sing along.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#269 - 2013-10-18 22:50:49 UTC  |  Edited by: oOReikaOo Michiko
Erotica 1 wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
You know, this constant New Order crap is starting to get really annoying...

On one hand "content"

On the other .... "is annoying content better than no content at all?"

Compared to shooting red crosses or nomming on rocks? Hell yes. Especially since, the more well known they become, the more the mere mention of the word "permit" causes the outpouring of BUCKETS of tears.

I suppose thats one way to look at it, I would pay any amount of money to know what CCP thinks honestly, seriously, id go as far as $100 just to get an inkling on how they feel on the matter...

Just a week ago I used to think of Eve as a giant awesome frontier where I could do anything, but the between war decs, New Orders, etc .. I dont know, the universe feels a lot more crowded then I remember it when I first played Eve... I dont get that "Off in the wilderness by myself" feeling anymore

1. Please do not offer to bribe CCP with rmt. However, perhaps if you buy the collectors set, the mystery code may one day provide the answers you seek.

2. There is only one New Order, and James 315 is your saviour.

3. We agree that you may be off the reservation far into the wilderness. Maybe someone can link you a fitting song about this. I'd love to hear you sing along.

Oh bother


EVE Online Subscription Cancelled

You have cancelled your EVE Online subscription.

Your account will be suspended at the end of the current subscription period, expiring on 16 November 2013.

Your characters will be stored safely and be ready for you to enjoy again should you decide to return.

All accounts

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#270 - 2013-10-18 23:38:53 UTC
To return to the original point of the OP a lot of the miner hating/carebear hating etc is allegedly driven by the Goons. I say allegedly because a lot of things done in game are attributed to them when they've had no part in the action, plus it's also extremely difficult to prove that they are paying mercenaries on a grand scale to war dec corps in high sec.

Now stay with me when I explain further and I am fully willing to accept that I am wrong on this point, but I've read somewhere or other that it's the stated aim of the Goons to destroy Eve Online. If that's true then the really obvious way to destroy Eve Online would be to destroy HighSec, for all of the reasons outlined earlier in this thread.

Let me finish off by saying before someone rushes to accuse me of it that I am anti-goon. I am not and have no strong feelings on this issue either way for the simple fact that Eve is a brutal and harsh world and if the Goons had never existed then sooner or later someone would have to invent them. Eve online breeds anarchy and psychopathy and that's that.

Lore point:
It should also be noted that we as capsuleers are already dead, our bodies are just tools to us and the loss of ships and clones are merely a financial inconvenience and sometimes a logistical one. That's it. Carebear pilots should meditate hard on this fact that in the long or the short term they can't actually be harmed, getting blown up is just the cost of doing business and should be factored in accordingly.

The irony of the Goons position if true is that in seeking to destroy EVE online, they may actually be saving it, thanks to newsworthy events like Burn Jita or Hulkaggeddon etc.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Lady Areola Fappington
#271 - 2013-10-18 23:43:04 UTC
Wow, if one post from Erotica 1, a well-known...eccentric of the forums, is enough to drive you to quit...

It's OK. Perfectly fine to say "you know, EVE isn't the game for me". Good luck finding something new to pass the time with, if you haven't already!

And yes, EVE will benefit with your departure. The community CCP fosters is just as, if not more important than the cash you pay in sub fees. You, obviously, did not fit in with our community.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Winchester Steele
#272 - 2013-10-18 23:47:38 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
What is with the carebear hate?

Countless threads on the issue...

Annnnd your answer is to make another pointless thread about it?I'm not even going to waste the energy to tell you how wrong and bad your post is.

Maybe you should just stick to fishing for tickets to EvE Vegas, instead of blathering on about things you clearly have no clue about.



Lady Areola Fappington
#273 - 2013-10-18 23:49:18 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
To return to the original point of the OP a lot of the miner hating/carebear hating etc is allegedly driven by the Goons. I say allegedly because a lot of things done in game are attributed to them when they've had no part in the action, plus it's also extremely difficult to prove that they are paying mercenaries on a grand scale to war dec corps in high sec.

Now stay with me when I explain further and I am fully willing to accept that I am wrong on this point, but I've read somewhere or other that it's the stated aim of the Goons to destroy Eve Online. If that's true then the really obvious way to destroy Eve Online would be to destroy HighSec, for all of the reasons outlined earlier in this thread.

Let me finish off by saying before someone rushes to accuse me of it that I am anti-goon. I am not and have no strong feelings on this issue either way for the simple fact that Eve is a brutal and harsh world and if the Goons had never existed then sooner or later someone would have to invent them. Eve online breeds anarchy and psychopathy and that's that.

Lore point:
It should also be noted that we as capsuleers are already dead, our bodies are just tools to us and the loss of ships and clones are merely a financial inconvenience and sometimes a logistical one. That's it. Carebear pilots should meditate hard on this fact that in the long or the short term they can't actually be harmed, getting blown up is just the cost of doing business and should be factored in accordingly.

The irony of the Goons position if true is that in seeking to destroy EVE online, they may actually be saving it, thanks to newsworthy events like Burn Jita or Hulkaggeddon etc.

Double fistin' mah booze, double poastin' mah answers.

Early on, it was in fact Goon's "goal" to destroy EVE. The typical Goonswarm move is to roll in, act obnoxious while twisting every mechanic possible for their own amusement, until the company running the game snaps and has a meltdown. SecondLife and Linden Lab STILL haven' gotten over their "goon" infestation from over a decade ago, just for that reason.

THe big difference is, when Goons rolled up on EVE, and started pulling the usual stunts (what we call metagame now), CCP just kinda shrugged shoulders and said "Hey, that's cool, keep it up." Rather than flip out and go ballistic on banning sprees, CCP let the Goons do as they please. Was quite the shock to those early Goons!

A true bromance was born on that moment, and Goons and CCP have been stalwart pals ever since.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#274 - 2013-10-18 23:49:52 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Wow, if one post from Erotica 1, a well-known...eccentric of the forums, is enough to drive you to quit...

It's OK. Perfectly fine to say "you know, EVE isn't the game for me". Good luck finding something new to pass the time with, if you haven't already!

And yes, EVE will benefit with your departure. The community CCP fosters is just as, if not more important than the cash you pay in sub fees. You, obviously, did not fit in with our community.

Ill be able to fit my T2 reppers by the end of the day.

Ive already given away all my isk, I hope you'll give my Astarte a beautiful death.

Winchester Steele
#275 - 2013-10-18 23:56:11 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Wow, if one post from Erotica 1, a well-known...eccentric of the forums, is enough to drive you to quit...

It's OK. Perfectly fine to say "you know, EVE isn't the game for me". Good luck finding something new to pass the time with, if you haven't already!

And yes, EVE will benefit with your departure. The community CCP fosters is just as, if not more important than the cash you pay in sub fees. You, obviously, did not fit in with our community.

Ill be able to fit my T2 reppers by the end of the day.

Ive already given away all my isk, I hope you'll give my Astarte a beautiful death.




Lady Areola Fappington
#276 - 2013-10-18 23:56:47 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Ill be able to fit my T2 reppers by the end of the day.

Ive already given away all my isk, I hope you'll give my Astarte a beautiful death.

Stop being so melodramatic about it. If you're quitting, have some dignity and just walk out the door. Stop pulling this whole "I'm quitting, I'm really quitting! See I gave away my ISK. Look I'm gonna waste an expensive ship! C'mon I'm really quitting guys...won't you ask me to stay?". It's really, really unbecoming.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

oOReikaOo Michiko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#277 - 2013-10-18 23:59:24 UTC  |  Edited by: oOReikaOo Michiko
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Ill be able to fit my T2 reppers by the end of the day.

Ive already given away all my isk, I hope you'll give my Astarte a beautiful death.

Stop being so melodramatic about it. If you're quitting, have some dignity and just walk out the door. Stop pulling this whole "I'm quitting, I'm really quitting! See I gave away my ISK. Look I'm gonna waste an expensive ship! C'mon I'm really quitting guys...won't you ask me to stay?". It's really, really unbecoming.

Oh dont give me that, what your feeling is called guilt. You yelled at the top of your lungs that what you were doing was GOOD for the game, me quitting proves the exact opposite , all your group is a bunch of trolls who make the game unfun.

*edit* if thats whats EVE is , then so be it, im glad you guys have fun , but I play to afk mine by myself and stockpile ore , or fly around in my shiny hyperion doing absolutely zilch, if thats not possible anymore, theres no reason for me to play, we all agree

Winchester Steele
#278 - 2013-10-19 00:08:29 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Ill be able to fit my T2 reppers by the end of the day.

Ive already given away all my isk, I hope you'll give my Astarte a beautiful death.

Stop being so melodramatic about it. If you're quitting, have some dignity and just walk out the door. Stop pulling this whole "I'm quitting, I'm really quitting! See I gave away my ISK. Look I'm gonna waste an expensive ship! C'mon I'm really quitting guys...won't you ask me to stay?". It's really, really unbecoming.

Oh dont give me that, what your feeling is called guilt. You yelled at the top of your lungs that what you were doing was GOOD for the game, me quitting proves the exact opposite , all your group is a bunch of trolls who make the game unfun.

*edit* if thats whats EVE is , then so be it, im glad you guys have fun , but I play to afk mine by myself and stockpile ore , or fly around in my shiny hyperion doing absolutely zilch, if thats not possible anymore, theres no reason for me to play, we all agree

You're still here? I thought you unsubbed. Christ, your worse than Poetic.

Go away.


Lady Areola Fappington
#279 - 2013-10-19 00:10:54 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Oh dont give me that, what your feeling is called guilt. You yelled at the top of your lungs that what you were doing was GOOD for the game, me quitting proves the exact opposite , all your group is a bunch of trolls who make the game unfun.

*edit* if thats whats EVE is , then so be it, im glad you guys have fun , but I play to afk mine by myself and stockpile ore , or fly around in my shiny hyperion doing absolutely zilch, if thats not possible anymore, theres no reason for me to play, we all agree

It's not guilt I feel. More along the lines of that kinda squicky feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, when you see someone monumentally making an embarrassment of themselves out in public.

You've also misinterpreted. You quitting (if you really are), is *GOOD* for EVE. You are not a fit for our community. Whatever your opinions are on the matter, CCP has catered to a certain type of player for EVE, and you are not one of them. Good luck with your next game, whatever it may be. Hopefully you can find a match.

In fact, let me phrase it another way. I would not be comfortable walking into a country music club. It's just not my scene. I for sure wouldn't walk into a country music club, throw down a couple hundred dollars, then start demanding the management change everything to grunge. I may be a "paying customer", but it's still not my right to demand those changes.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#280 - 2013-10-19 00:11:17 UTC
oOReikaOo Michiko wrote:

Please describe in detail how to avoid a multi alpha suicide gank? Im pretty sure Burn Jita proved that some things are unavoidable (ignoring obviously the warning they gave in advance)

Easy peasy. Don't go to Jita when Goonswarm announces they are going to shoot all the things. Dodixie is nice. Or Amarr if you must. Didn't hear about Burn Jita? Well you might want to get involved in the meta-game that Eve is so famous for considering you're in a billion isk loot pinata. But whatever, go to Jita with friends in corp who web your freighter so it aligns fast. Or have friends scout gates ahead to see if Miniluv or Marimite are in system or hovering around gates.

Like it was even hard.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."