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EVE Online: Rubicon Discussion

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Epic Ganking Time
#421 - 2013-10-16 01:59:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Interceptors: Frickin'. Awesome.

Rubicon: Going to reset my 'last decent expansion was apocrypha' counter because it's also awesome.

Interdictors: Not awesome. Pathetic. Garbage. Whisky Delta = CCP Fozzie. Go to the discussion thread and complain, capsuleers. 'Dictors are flying s***cans of death. Flying coffins every one. The Flycatcher is just a fly still. They did this awesome interceptor rebalance, but what they are calling a rebalance on dictors is no rebalance at all. I made a suggestion and CCP Fozzie said it was "wtfbqqop". Nice. Maybe he'll listen to one of you because I'm on /ignore. ...but the 'dictor rebalance is pretty stupid imho.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Nocturnal Phantom
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#422 - 2013-10-16 17:06:30 UTC
I for one am looking foward to these changes. Now, if only CCP would buff the Laser, even the HAM, Legion a bit. Give it some love CCP!
Captain Africa
#423 - 2013-10-17 07:09:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Africa
Juniper Weatherwax wrote:
Captain Africa wrote:
Juniper Weatherwax wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

EVE Online: Rubicon, the 20th Free Expansion for EVE Online, --- snipped ---


You guys kill me ......!!!! Here is a scenario for you , you are this powerful industrialist in high sec where you do PI and manufacture ships and stuff . You sell your product on the market and make a profit......and so your cycle goes on day by don't you agree that's just fucken boring.

The way I see it is CCP is making your world a tad more interesting , now you can take some of that profit and hire a small army of mercenaries to protect your assets on land and in space. Remember it doesn't matter if your a big ass alliance or not you can only take 16 guns into a mach if your operating with Dust the size doesn't matter its all about the skill of your team on your pay roll.

As an industrialist having mercs protecting or advancing POCOS will in return make you more powerful or broke lol Regardless your play will be a lot more interactive and you could build yourself an empire without shooting one shot ....SOOOOOOOOOO take a blue pill and get with the program.

Btw Im training 2 more maxed out PI alts ....

My 'World' is interesting enough for me, I didn't make billions with PI, I didn't earn enough to afford to lose a few ships each day, I didn't want to, and feel I have no need to. That, is not my play style. My Sandbox does not require me to Work to earn Isks to convert to ships and equipment to lose them to another player for no reason. I am anything but a powerful Industrialist.

I do not find the cycle boring, I enjoy my play style, that is why I pay for two accounts each month. Used to be three, but now I have no reason to maintain a third account.

CCP is making it more interesting for who? Is your subscription a greater worth than my subscription? I do not think so.
Having been sorely disappointed by Low Sec and Null Sec activity bleeding over into High Sec, makes me wonder if CCP is listening to players, or employees, who resolve not the value of the subscriptions keeping the game afloat, but the perceived strength of some 'so called' long term players.

If Null Sec and Low sec was so good, why would you ever want to break out into High Sec?

I go on record stating that if CCP were to enable a PvP flag so that players could accept, or deny, PvP, subscriptions would be more than double they are now. I cannot imagine, if there are long term investors in CCP, they would not want to see subscriptions increasing, or at the very least, staying stable, not, as will happen, decrease.

Train your alts to PI, enjoy your game, spend your Skill Points how you see fit for your characters, but do not ever have the audacity to tell me or anyone else how they should spend their skill points. We pay subscription and the skill point is the ONLY long term result. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth when the rules change, and the Skill Points WE PAID FOR are negated by CCP's ever changing rule set...

I get you ! Not all of us have the time , feel the need or for what ever the reason ... built enterprises or pvp ect. You have your play style and you pay your subscription.

You know what I respect that 100% and you should have your little sunny spot in the Eve universe . My subscription or any other Eve player subscription is not worth more than yours.

I just think that a lot of people are taking CCP's intent the wrong way. What makes it even more worse is they cant say too much in advance leaving us all with conspirethy treads lol and this un fortunetly snowballs. CCP is not after YOUR play style ! They need to integrate two games and POCOS are just a very powerfull mechanism to do it. Im sure they will try their best not to influence your play style too much...

but i agree with you ...srry for being audacious.
Kali Kaline
#424 - 2013-10-17 14:33:48 UTC
I don't complain nor flow tears. Is not what an investor do. Seems like I misunderstand the whole concept of exploring stated at the fanfest. prior Odisey.

What I was hopping for:
Player built gates & opening of Jove space = new technologies, new space, huge space conquest war. No God intervention - sandbox.

What is all about:
CCP playing dirty.. kinda similar to Incarna and the AUR store. Thinking that the null power blocks are fueling the game and ignoring the rest, those whom never speak on GD like me.. If hi sec was the problem in this game, then I am the wrong person in the wrong place. I did my best to provide a high quality of life to all in my constellation, also to the whole community. See u in SC, same business, same quality.

Thank you
Goonswarm Federation
#425 - 2013-10-17 16:32:05 UTC
Siphon devblog, yay!

But that blog doesn't include one of the most important questions; will the owner of the POS receive a notice that stuff is being stolen? And if so, when do they receive it? The moment the siphon is deployed? The moment it takes something?

Personally I would like these siphons to encourage actually being present in the space you own. And if you have a POS in some remote system that you never check up on, you'll never know stuff is being stolen until you come to collect your goods.

If the owner of the POS gets a message the second the siphon is deployed it kills the entire purpose right then and there. Especially since it only requires a few ships to blow the thing up. I hope CCP manages to find a decent balance for this.

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Aischa Montagne
#426 - 2013-10-17 21:22:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Aischa Montagne
I-RON zeus wrote:
Currently I feel that mission running in EVE is under looked, with many of the great expansion CCP has done over the past few years I feel very little focuses on us mission runners. So I’ve dicuse a plane within a local channel that prodmenatley are mission runners and feel that this plan would be a great addition to the eve world; making mission running effect the security state of system. I’m a solo level 4 runner and run through mission with my very heavy tank caldaria navy raven and I’ve done allot of mission where agent would ask me to defeat the “bad guys” so to speak but yet this bring absolutely no change to the eve universe, as the following expansion are going focusing on given eve player more control of eve I feel the is no better time to say this. Mission should be a little like faction warfare where instead of facing real players you face NPC and this would get you to move around system bringing up security status that has follow below capsulers satisfaction with the help of agents, doing missions should feel like you’re a garden of the EVE universe.

I hear there are Fleet action missions rated level 5 by Concord.
And there are Incursions you can fly.
Pleanty of work for Mission runners your style. Have you tried those?

I like to fly 4th level Missions in BC or if I find some fleetmates in cruisers. You can pick your own challange.
What is the worsed ship you can still handle the mission?
Okay that is not giving you any Progress within authorities, but it is fun. So much fun.
I would like to try to do it in a frigate some time, however I miss the time at the moment.
3 R Corporation
#427 - 2013-10-18 04:38:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ptraci
Kali Kaline wrote:
Thinking that the null power blocks are fueling the game

Er, the null power blocs ARE fueling the game. One way or another. Yeah sure there are plenty of little care-bears and pirate corps, independents, etc. Good for them! I used to be one. But to believe that my actions had any impact whatsoever on the EVE online community or the game in general is simply foolish. I had to work very hard to influence the price of a single item in a tiny region, whereas a large and powerful group of players often did it merely through a policy change, or because they decided to stage one of their fleets out of a different region.

There's nothing wrong with being a little guy. If you've having fun, then fine, it seems you're not too picky. So if you don't see many changes thrown your way by CCP - well, you were having fun anyway, right? Nullsec has a massive problem if you're not a goon or in one of the larger alliances. You simply can't play the game anymore - the mechanics don't allow it. You don't have enough resources to hold even a little corner of space, you will be beaten in every timezone by overwhelming force. That results in stagnation - for everyone. For the big guys, who get fed up because there's no one to kill, and for the little guy who dreams of being big because it's just not possible without explicit consent. The high sec "game" is pretty balanced. Nullsec is unbalanced with one or two huge coalitions with their thumb on the scale.

THIS is what CCP is trying to fix - finding another way to bring them down and keep them on their toes. A way to hurt them without going force on force. You want to profit from those vast regions of space you have? Well you'd better patrol them. You'd better do more than visit those POSes every week or so to drop fuel. You'd better actually PLAY the game instead of shoot rats until a CTA is called, take an hour forming a 1,000 man fleet, only to stand down again cos the "enemy" chickened out, over and over.

I applaud some of these changes. Certainly the ability to passively siphon from POSes is a step in the right direction. Better get ready to play whack a mole - I can already smell the tears! :)
3 R Corporation
#428 - 2013-10-18 04:50:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Ptraci
TigerXtrm wrote:
will the owner of the POS receive a notice that stuff is being stolen?

Seconded. I think the whole purpose of this module is to... encourage ...people to check on their POSes once in a while instead of assuming "it's deep in our space, it's 100% safe". I think the ONLY reason a POS owner should realize that this module was there is when his materials totals don't add up to what he expected, and/or he sees it on the overview... Also apparently it seems like 4 modules around one POS can effectively starve it completely of its materials. Yum. Best 40 million ever spent. Btw did I mention I was selling POS fuel? lol

Also I hope this thing isn't going to be visible across the entire system, like a cyno. Someone should actually need to visit the moon to see it...
Goonswarm Federation
#429 - 2013-10-18 08:01:56 UTC
Exactly. Being able to covertly deal financial damage to the enemy would bring on the change in Null that CCP and many players have been wanting to see for a long time now. Small corps and alliances actually having a chance among all the power blocks.

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Mera Kristallpanter
#430 - 2013-10-18 10:06:18 UTC
*looks around*

eeeeeeeh .....
What du we speak of here?

Breaking into POSes ... that cant defend without a housekeeper.
Hunting Miners so that they flee into Zero ?
destroy the Custom offices as a new kind of stressing highsec pilots and corps?

*looks around again*
why the hell does someone want this?.... oh i forgot... it is nice to atack someone who isn t allowed to strike back.

let me give you another point of View to discuss.

Breaking into a POS to steal production .... okay , but hte POS should be abble to dfend itself. How about a robotic Housekeeper that circles the POS. Once destroid ... he can t do this anymore. But in Highsec you would need War for This.
That would give POS fights a new point of tacticsPirate

Breaking in and stealing Ships, or placing Infantery in a fight.....
How about a placed modul that needs 24 hours to do the job. Then the owner would habe a chnce for defence and ONLY when they are inactive it would work. (openeing 1 hour .... do it at 3 aclock in the nigth of that target corp and no one even has the chance to defend)
But stealing ships ... BPO needs another Hack
Hangar Hacks 30 to 60 minutes Lab hacks 60 zo 120 minutes .....
that will be very stressing minutes to the hacker who is sitting in a stationized ship (like Cyno)
hmm are our combatant pilots tough enough for that? or would THEY cry that crocodile tears? Roll

There are Tactics and defend tactics with miners and gankers.
there are Wars .... Sec status and concord ... hidden belts and open belts .... asteroids in misisons and so on.
whe i lived in Zero i missed the missions ... there were only booring Rat hunts ...... endlessly
i missed the chance to miner while reading a book (ore even do the writing of one)
i hated the endlees chat talks who overthrow me with hundres of useless infos und make me doing the job of a secretary
before i would go back to Zero i would land my ship on a nice planet and rise children.
Asteroids in highsec are fewer, smaller , and much cheaper per cicle than those in Low and Zero.
but why don t everyone run those others?
having double income and tripple losses is a loss, at hte end of the bill.
if you want more Mining barges in zero ... make it more save for them ....Cool

Destroind custom offices to build new one and have lower taxes and better income is great .... hmm?
Okay i ll agree with it.......
But shooting down the office wait some days shooting it again .. wait some days shooting it again ....
it can t defend and the knowledge of pissing some working for theyr money pilots at their leg like a bastard dog. whats it for?
yea you can put defense to it... but "small fleets will do guerillia tactics and win against larger defenses." how about defenses of custom offices?

how about you can place a Custom office to
...your own service and it can be atacked through war. the republic and wil lbe defendet from republic fleet. but everyone can atack it for the cost of standing loss 0,1.
.... to concord. you pay 30 milions of isk for the watch over it and atacking it is a criminal act that calls concord. if the payment ends it will go over to republic offices.

how about this ?
no helpless targets .... but challanges.

*looks around* i m shure that there are warriors around .... that fight.... but i m shure too, that there are boars around that only seek for easy targets and won t be named
Goonswarm Federation
#431 - 2013-10-18 12:06:13 UTC
Breaking into POSes ... that cant defend without a housekeeper.

If a POS owner wants to prevent his POS being robbed he should stay present in the system and check up on it from time to time. Not be at home 30 systems away and only responding when he receives a mail.

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3 R Corporation
#432 - 2013-10-18 15:42:06 UTC
Mera Kristallpanter wrote:

Breaking into a POS to steal production .... okay , but hte POS should be abble to dfend itself.

POSes can defend themselves. You need to hang around POSes more in nullsec/lowsec/wormholes. OK, a POS with no guns can't defend itself. Now, does someone who builds a POS and doesn't assign a single gun to it deserve "special treatment", you think? How about a guy who sets up his POS wrong so it doesn't shoot you while trying to install the siphon thingie? He deserves special hand holding from CCP?

As I see it, it's drop the siphon and get out of dodge ASAP before the POS kills you. What's the problem with that, pray?

Go back to your siphon thingie to take your loot, and get out of dodge ASAP before the POS kills you. Again, I see no problems.

And by the way, if you read the notes, ANYONE can take the contents that were siphoned, including the POS owner. So what's wrong with you noticing a siphon outside your POS and say, anchoring a nice little bubble next to it so you can use it as bait to lure people in for killing by your POS? Nice emergent game-play there.

Oh wait, no, I get it, you're the kind of dude that wants to set up a POS with no guns, fill it up with fuel, and only ever go back to it to empty the silos and restock the fuel. Well guess what, this is exactly the kind of play-style that CCP wants to kick in the teeth.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#433 - 2013-10-19 09:12:05 UTC
Crasniya wrote:
Walking in Stations and DUST 514, both ignored. Again. Thanks for nothing.

Both have nothing to do with EvE Online, are you also upset about World of Darkness?

The Tears Must Flow

Dex Thunakar
Evil Genius Organisation
#434 - 2013-10-21 16:42:24 UTC
Mhax Arthie wrote:
Balancing forever, that should be a much more proper expansion name than Rubicon. Even Odisey 1.1 had more features than this so called expansion. No new content, no new features, is all about rebalancing .. again and again. I was seriously hoping for player built gates, opening of Jove space or at least the damn door in the CQ,.. this is hilarious. I feel that CCP somehow abandoned EVE and now is focusing only on Dust or that valkirye stuff

And giving away the pocos in hi sec.. really?! So any null sec alliance can take them over for **** and giggles and halt any PI production in hi sec for noobs and eventualy crash the PI market. Came excited, left extremely disapointed :/ 0/10

Dex Thunakar
Evil Genius Organisation
#435 - 2013-10-21 16:43:14 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Crasniya wrote:
Walking in Stations and DUST 514, both ignored. Again. Thanks for nothing.

Both have nothing to do with EvE Online, are you also upset about World of Darkness?

Walking in Stations has nothing to do with EvE Online? Please enlighten me as to what game it does have something to do with then?
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#436 - 2013-10-22 01:37:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Johan Civire
Well to complete honest ccp i`m disappointed, but not about the change. i`m talking about WiS and the CQ. I was hoping atleast open that door. Stop splitting eve in 4 games. Just stop it. You people are wasting to many time on those other platform. Please keep focuses on eve not on other games. Eve is not a dying game. Its growing. KEEP THAT GROW.,,,,, What?

Lets see how this expand will hold. This is a small expand is a small PATCH. There is also no graphics update just some add new stuff and bug fixs and some balance a common patch. CCP please for the love of god release the damn real expands and stop forcing eve in 4 games......

I know you are afraid about what happen, like back then when you release incarnia the first time the anger the disappointment but now its different we have taste the new game just release it already god damn it. Have some balls for ones. And do not release only WiS or CQ like you do with incarnia that was a mistake. Just add also those new toys to, to play with......... If you do that we are all happy and trust me your wallet to.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#437 - 2013-10-22 09:55:24 UTC
Dex Thunakar wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Crasniya wrote:
Walking in Stations and DUST 514, both ignored. Again. Thanks for nothing.

Both have nothing to do with EvE Online, are you also upset about World of Darkness?

Walking in Stations has nothing to do with EvE Online? Please enlighten me as to what game it does have something to do with then?

Second life.

The Tears Must Flow

Khira Kitamatsu
#438 - 2013-10-23 23:27:01 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Crasniya wrote:
Walking in Stations and DUST 514, both ignored. Again. Thanks for nothing.

Neither one of those things have anything to do with Eve.

You're an idiot...Dust 514 is integrated with EVE - which is what CCP has been pushing since its announcement. They just haven't got it fully implemented yet...we're all still waiting for this to happen. We have ammo to do bombardments but nothing to bombard.

Also, WIS is just as much a part of EVE as ships, it was their original vision that we walk in stations and interact. They keep dangling the carrot but have not really done much with it. In the end this lack of going forth with WIS will end up biting them in the ass when games like Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous have full blown avatar game play.

Ponies!  We need more ponies!

Caldari State
#439 - 2013-10-24 08:07:34 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:
Exactly. Being able to covertly deal financial damage to the enemy would bring on the change in Null that CCP and many players have been wanting to see for a long time now. Small corps and alliances actually having a chance among all the power blocks.

Although it represents a tool for the smaller guy to disrupt the money flow for big alliances it will be nothing more than a drop in the ocean mate.

What needs a change is the sov mechanics, everything else is small change.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#440 - 2013-10-25 22:58:13 UTC
What is going to happen with regard to POCO's in the PvP controlled newbie systems? Allowed or not allowed?