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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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[AIR] British Corporation

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Starbuck Arkaral
Carpe Noctem.
#61 - 2011-11-17 09:08:10 UTC
'Mericans are welcome too Big smile

You fail you fail you fail you fail you fail to jump because you are cloaked....

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2011-11-18 10:35:09 UTC

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2011-11-19 19:33:49 UTC
Up we go.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Starbuck Arkaral
Carpe Noctem.
#64 - 2011-11-21 07:28:32 UTC
I has bumped it Pirate

You fail you fail you fail you fail you fail to jump because you are cloaked....

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2011-11-21 21:33:48 UTC

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Starbuck Arkaral
Carpe Noctem.
#66 - 2011-11-21 21:49:26 UTC
Rouppon, when do I get some of that BBQ? Question

You fail you fail you fail you fail you fail to jump because you are cloaked....

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2011-11-22 09:14:10 UTC
Are you saying you want to eat my meat?

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Starbuck Arkaral
Carpe Noctem.
#68 - 2011-11-22 21:51:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Starbuck Arkaral
Well, um, does it taste like BBQ? How much beer are we getting again?


"bring your own beer." GAY!

You fail you fail you fail you fail you fail to jump because you are cloaked....

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2011-11-23 20:43:13 UTC

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2011-11-24 09:12:29 UTC
I hit a bump while driving.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Ashley SchmidtVonGoldberg
#71 - 2011-11-24 10:27:24 UTC
Sounds like quite a caper.

I can be in your chat channel tonight as i would not mind finding more out about you (and you about me as well)

38 million SP

Core elite skills and mainly amarrian ships flown

Almost all PVP apart from perfect tech 1 builder

Standing in for Karn Dulake who was banned for saying bad words

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2011-11-24 15:49:54 UTC
We look forward to chatting with you.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2011-11-27 12:00:23 UTC
Up we go.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2011-11-28 17:41:30 UTC

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Starbuck Arkaral
Carpe Noctem.
#75 - 2011-11-30 20:41:08 UTC
I haz bumped teh forum =)

You fail you fail you fail you fail you fail to jump because you are cloaked....

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2011-11-30 20:41:31 UTC
Annnndd.... again.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2011-12-02 09:24:33 UTC
Up we go.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2011-12-03 02:50:14 UTC
53million SP Gallente PVP orientated Char.
Looking to get back into 0.0 (been away from the game for 2 years)

Ex 0utbreak.
T3 Ready, Logistic Ready, Capitol (Dread + Carrier) Ready : can supply API on request.
Always up for a good laugh wanting to get in with a good group and after a lot of forum trolling I found you.

Im from "The North" Live in Leeds UK, heard you needed some northerners Lol

Let me know, Ingame daily.
Pious XII
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2011-12-03 12:14:56 UTC
104M SP pilot seeks home.
All my skills are focused in PvP with zero wasted and nothing in capital ships, I can basically fly any sub cap going.

I have been away from game for a long time apart from a spell at the end of last year where I tried to get back into it but the corp I joined was a bit of a gimmick and never really took off. As such I'm very rusty but more than willing to learn again. I live in UK in East of England and can normally be around for most things happening, work willing.

I'm also a bit weird in the fact that I enjoy flying logistics ships!

Check out my amazing industry skills!

[Not sure why it show's my 1 man alt corp as being in the Kugu alliance though.]

I'll drop into the recruitment channel this weekend and have a natter see if I'm what you are after and if you can offer me what I want.
#80 - 2011-12-03 15:36:29 UTC
am interested.. but u guys were too busy on your channel, hit me up when ur free