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Open Letter to James 315 and the New Order of Highsec and those tired of thier actions

First post
Stimfisk Lennelluc
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2013-10-18 05:00:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Stimfisk Lennelluc
Great thread, 10/10 would read again.

Embrace the ganking, buy the permit, or figure out how to stick it to 'em.

But in reality, don't afk mine, its really the worst Lol
Alavaria Fera
#22 - 2013-10-18 05:58:25 UTC
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Marlona Sky wrote:
Why do I get the feeling OP is just yet another one of James' alts crying for attention?

No she is a glorious carebear in all her splendor. Wardec's one man corp, then comes to forums to complain when its not working out like she planned.

A gankbear

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2013-10-18 06:04:11 UTC
This is silly. You don't understand the game nor it's rules.

That said... who exactly are your WarTargets?
I'm curious..........
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-10-18 06:59:49 UTC
I just laugh at people trying to sell permits, they dont own highsec, concord does lol. Shocked
#25 - 2013-10-18 07:00:51 UTC
I enjoy your story , +1

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Skeln Thargensen
#26 - 2013-10-18 07:16:52 UTC
not actions, aliases, posts.

less can be more m7. just go easy on the apple drink.

forums.  serious business.

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#27 - 2013-10-18 07:46:10 UTC
White Glaze is actually frozen miner tears. Without ganking the ice anomalies will not respawn. It's the EVE food chain and stuff...

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#28 - 2013-10-18 08:15:49 UTC

I can confirm that this is a true carebear. The thread title has a typo. You do realize that a permit is much cheaper than your likely losses right?

I look forward to reading the stories of this war on

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Primus Societas
Crimson Interstellar Alliance
#29 - 2013-10-18 08:16:12 UTC
Honestly dude, I don't understand afk miners at all. You pay for a game, and then you start hording in ores to increase profitsナ You don't actually play the game you pay for. You just grow fat with isk, maybe buy some shiney stuff and feel a false sense of accomplishment. While the only thing you generally did is undock, warp to, target and press F1, F2 and F3. Worst case, you use a bot, in which case I have no sympathy for you at all and should be banned for life imo.

Then at some point you cap out with skills relative to mining, you wouldn't dare go outside of highsec to mine for more profitable ores and the market fluctuations just won't cut it, so the only thing to increase your profits is to afk mine for longer periods of time. This in turn increases the chance someone resorts to bots.

Then there's the CEO's of such corps, why would you want to have afk miners in your corp at all?! They just drag things down to an inactive boring ass corp that only serves the purpose of confronting legitimate players with an example of what corp not to be in. Ruining their experience. It's a suffocating experience to have them in corp.

I mine from time to time because sometimes I'm not in the mood to chase people around, camp stations/gates and what not, I want to use a BPC that got dropped to build something I want, etc. etc. During Hulkageddons, local gank events, or in general, I've never been victimized by gankers ever. Mainly thanks to being active, use D, know all the tricks of their trade and who run em. Honestly, what they do aint that difficult and imo is only slightly less mind numbing than afk mining

Miners need to step up their game and adapt to their enemies to overcome whatever obstacle they throw at you. Being active and live at your screen is the best first step. Refusing to adapt just opens you up to more innovative ways for your enemies to get satisfaction out of it.

But a wardec on their asses is at least something, tho it won't solve the core of the problem.

The biggest obstacle you'll encounter doing anything is yourself.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#30 - 2013-10-18 08:24:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Ramona McCandless
Open letter to the OP

The end times are near for you.

You ruin the game play experience for others by supporting the destruction of the New Eden free market and then refusing to do anything to avoid getting ganked or bumped off grid while afk mining.

I think true afk mining is pretty stupid even in high sec and it is NOT how the game is played. AFK Mining and Botting for Isk is a violation of the EULA and maybe one day the GM's will actually enforce that , unlikely but one can hope.

You war deced a 1 man corp that was harassing miners and lol an behold a entire 130+ person alliance joined the fight.

What did you expect would happen, and how has becoming a list of kills helped your cause? In what way has sacrificing your time and effort improved anyone's lives in Hi-Sec?

You say "I for one find it disgusting that a few vocal players get their jollies harassing others even in areas that are supposed to be safe from that." Hi-Sec is not supposed to be safe. No where is supposed to be safe. You are as safe as you work at being. Nothing in EvE is free. There is no safety, no "press A to win button".

The fact the Devs have continuously caved to the vocal minority out of fear of people quitting has always been an annoyance but it is what it is. People like YOU.

" I will hit you where it hurts, I will teach the simple ways to ruin your day. While bumping and ganking can not be entirely avoided they can be easily made not worth your effort." THATS THE POINT. If you cannot see that this is one of the reasons that the New Order exists, then you are too lacking in intellect to do anythign but AFK mine anyway.

If your not AFK mining why do you care?.

Your letter's "threats" are what the mining community should be doing, but they wont.

Enjoy herding your cats.

And when or if you ever manage to mount a resistance, I hope you remember to have enough security in place not to get AWOXed.

But I doubt you will.

Your AFK Mining laziness will make sure that you won't succeed without upping your game signifgantly.

Yours in blood,

Dr. R McCandless

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#31 - 2013-10-18 08:29:03 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Open letter to the OP

The end times are near for you.

You ruin the game play experience for others by supporting the destruction of the New Eden free market and then refusing to do anything to avoid getting ganked or bumped off grid while afk mining.

I think true afk mining is pretty stupid even in high sec and it is NOT how the game is played. AFK Mining and Botting for Isk is a violation of the EULA and maybe one day the GM's will actually enforce that , unlikely but one can hope.

You war deced a 1 man corp that was harassing miners and lol an behold a entire 130+ person alliance joined the fight.

What did you expect would happen, and how has becoming a list of kills helped your cause? In what way has sacrificing your time and effort improved anyone's lives in Hi-Sec?

You say "I for one find it disgusting that a few vocal players get their jollies harassing others even in areas that are supposed to be safe from that." Hi-Sec is not supposed to be safe. No where is supposed to be safe. You are as safe as you work at being. Nothing in EvE is free. There is no safety, no "press A to win button".

The fact the Devs have continuously caved to the vocal minority out of fear of people quitting has always been an annoyance but it is what it is. People like YOU.

" I will hit you where it hurts, I will teach the simple ways to ruin your day. While bumping and ganking can not be entirely avoided they can be easily made not worth your effort." THATS THE POINT. If you cannot see that this is one of the reasons that the New Order exists, then you are too lacking in intellect to do anythign but AFK mine anyway.

If your not AFK mining why do you care?.

Your letter's "threats" are what the mining community should be doing, but they wont.

Enjoy herding your cats.

And when or if you ever manage to mount a resistance, I hope you remember to have enough security in place not to get AWOXed.

But I doubt you will.

Your AFK Mining laziness will make sure that you won't succeed without upping your game signifgantly.

Yours in blood,

Dr. R McCandless

+1 This letter was far easier to read and the opinions were more correct.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#32 - 2013-10-18 09:08:17 UTC
You and your corporation have not lost ships to them. Please post with the characters effected by New Order or we will assume you're just another of their alts with their weekly forum topic attempting to stay relevant.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2013-10-18 09:29:42 UTC
The New Order is nothing more than a big bunch of windbags. A while back they tried posting that permit crap in Missions and Complexes. They got laughed at and told to bring it on.


Naydra Adni
#34 - 2013-10-18 09:40:34 UTC
"You and your corporation have not lost ships to them. Please post with the characters effected by New Order or we will assume you're just another of their alts with their weekly forum topic attempting to stay relevant.
Lieutenant Turelus

Caldari Independent Navy Reserve

The Fourth District"

you and your post are lame.. please post some content or at least something amusing or we'll just have to assume you're just another of James taint lickers crying for attention
Solace Corp
#35 - 2013-10-18 10:02:54 UTC

Posting in a truly original thread. Never have I seen such winning and/or convincing argument presented in such an eloquent manner.

Surely, James315, saviour of high sec, is quaking in his space boots right now.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -  D. Adams.

#36 - 2013-10-18 10:07:52 UTC
Since I'm in a good mood, I'll point OP to these posts:

- On the topic of "Miner bumpers and suicide gankers", CCP Eterne says "It's not a petitionable action." (15 Nov 2012)
- After discussing with Game Design and other GMs, GM Karridor states "CCP considers the act of bumping a normal game mechanic, and does not class the bumping of another player’s ship as an exploit." (29 Jan 2013)

In short: Deal with it.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2013-10-18 10:12:21 UTC
posting in 100001th thread about NO

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#38 - 2013-10-18 10:13:20 UTC
Naydra Adni wrote:
"You and your corporation have not lost ships to them. Please post with the characters effected by New Order or we will assume you're just another of their alts with their weekly forum topic attempting to stay relevant.
Lieutenant Turelus

Caldari Independent Navy Reserve

The Fourth District"

you and your post are lame.. please post some content or at least something amusing or we'll just have to assume you're just another of James taint lickers crying for attention

But I really like the attention... Cry

I will share my thoughts on the subject of New Order for everyone then.

New Order are a group of griefers and trolls who enjoy creating tears and drama and then fueling the flames with forums posts.
They made a large stink of the forums a while back but since then have started to dispensary into irrelevancy, miners who don't understand the concept of tanking or simply moving twenty jumps continue to suffer to them and fuel their tears.

More recently at least one member has taken to posting on EN24 about how he's a fantastic PVP because of his large ISK damage done, yet he rarely fights anything which has a chance of fighting back, this while technically PVP is not skilled or what many would consider fun.

All that being said they are enjoying their gameplay and playing within the rules of the sandbox and that's what matters.

Also there is a quote button.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

#39 - 2013-10-18 10:13:40 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
posting in 100001th thread about NO

Look at all the content James 315 has generated, both directly and indirectly. They should give him an unique ship or something!

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Iudicium Vastus
#40 - 2013-10-18 10:16:37 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
posting in 100001th thread about NO

I've been around and still frequent a great number of forums in my time, but never before have I seen james/new order level of attention whoring.

[u]Nerf stabs/cloaks in FW?[/u] No, just.. -Fit more points -Fit faction points -Bring a friend or two with points (an alt is fine too)