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EFT v2.35 - Citadel

Ember Inc.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#1681 - 2013-10-13 13:58:16 UTC
I can not see the Cargohold on Fitting Sreen
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1682 - 2013-10-15 10:29:09 UTC
I think I have issue with price check function of EFT.
An app works fine with checking prices for ships and modules used in currently opened fit. However, if I use "show info" window for that, I encounter a problem.
Basically, if you use "doubleclick to set" function in said window and then confirm the dialogue using "query from the web" checkbox for an item that hadn't its price checked at least once ("sincelastrequiest" = NEVER or you've only set the price manually by the time), then the function doesn't work: no price is returned and "sincelastrequest" shows some value close to 41000 days ago.
Razor Bill Lamont
FEARing squad
#1683 - 2013-10-16 07:48:34 UTC
I don't see a "_race_name_ cruiser" in "affecting skills" for any heavy interdiction cruisers.
P.S. Sorry, if my question was already asked.
Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#1684 - 2013-10-16 09:04:27 UTC
Razor Bill Lamont wrote:
I don't see a "_race_name_ cruiser" in "affecting skills" for any heavy interdiction cruisers.
P.S. Sorry, if my question was already asked.

As you have to have that to level 5 anyways, the bonuses are baked into the hull in EFT.
Razor Bill Lamont
FEARing squad
#1685 - 2013-10-16 10:44:42 UTC
Rhianna Ghost wrote:
Razor Bill Lamont wrote:
I don't see a "_race_name_ cruiser" in "affecting skills" for any heavy interdiction cruisers.
P.S. Sorry, if my question was already asked.

As you have to have that to level 5 anyways, the bonuses are baked into the hull in EFT.

I get it. Thanks!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1686 - 2013-10-16 22:10:19 UTC
Is there a known issue about max power output on Strategic cruisers?
On my Tengu in game I get 836.7 pg but eft is only showing 812.31
I've checked implants and skills and fit are correct a million times.

Any suggestions?

Ram Sertan
Swedish Fail Army
#1687 - 2013-10-17 09:21:48 UTC
Hi, I would like to have a "end table" in EFT, that would been great to put items in a window, that u may gonna fit? So u just can drag and drop to!!!
#1688 - 2013-10-17 18:20:55 UTC
New update with minor changes and updated Rubicon preview data is available.

To John Eisenauge Re: "Projected Effekts: would be nice to use scripts (for damps, etc.) and the calculation of more than one effect (3 damps etc.) is right"
Scripts should be applied and multiple effects should not cause any issues either. Can you be more specific?

To IDGAD Re: "I've seen newer versions of EFT floating around for test server stuff (rubicon). Could you please post such builds here with a massive disclaimer that they are test builds and possible to change? I'd much rather download from the official EVE source than some site I'm not familiar with."
If it's floating elsewhere then it wasn't done by me.

bongpacks wrote:
I was wondering if there's a way you could make EFT any more accurate at calculating capacitor usage. I find myself getting all excited for a new build, going out and buying everything and fitting it up only to find EFT overestimated my capacitor by 2%-4%.

If you are talking about capacitor capacity then please provide details. If you are talking about time it takes to deplete the capacitor then it's impossible to be more accurate as in such edge cases where noticeable difference is observed this time heavily depends on the order of module activations and delays between them.

Dublone wrote:
I can not see the Cargohold on Fitting Sreen

Cargohold readout was removed from previous place as there is already two places where you can see it: Show Info window for ship and setup cargohold items list added recently to panel which used to list drones only.

Barrogh Habalu wrote:
I think I have issue with price check function of EFT. ...

That is by the design: prices are only updated for used items and Update button in Edit price dialog is there to reset timestamp and make price to be queried again if\when it is used in opened setup.

CourtinDisastus wrote:
Is there a known issue about max power output on Strategic cruisers?
On my Tengu in game I get 836.7 pg but eft is only showing 812.31
I've checked implants and skills and fit are correct a million times.

Any suggestions?

Difference is exactly 3% so it seems you are missing hardwiring implant in EFT. Pay attention to fact that in EFT you can specify implants both in Character Editor and as a part of setup and latter would override former. So for example if you have +3% powergrid implant plugged on the character and +3% CPU implant (which goes into same slot) added to setup only +3% CPU implant will work.

Ram Sertan wrote:
Hi, I would like to have a "end table" in EFT, that would been great to put items in a window, that u may gonna fit? So u just can drag and drop to!!!

Not sure if I got you right but if you are asking about functionality for quick access to often used modules then there is Favorites group on the Fitting Panel for this purpose where you can drag modules for quick use.
Hogfar AtiId
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1689 - 2013-10-17 18:50:39 UTC
Man. thanks for your work for us, but please, make an UPDATER, i have more then 10 folders whith EFT random versions...Sad
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1690 - 2013-10-18 02:44:12 UTC
CourtinDisastus wrote:
Is there a known issue about max power output on Strategic cruisers?
On my Tengu in game I get 836.7 pg but eft is only showing 812.31
I've checked implants and skills and fit are correct a million times.

Any suggestions?

Difference is exactly 3% so it seems you are missing hardwiring implant in EFT. Pay attention to fact that in EFT you can specify implants both in Character Editor and as a part of setup and latter would override former. So for example if you have +3% powergrid implant plugged on the character and +3% CPU implant (which goes into same slot) added to setup only +3% CPU implant will work.

brilliant thanks - back in my box now
Hoplite Brigade
#1691 - 2013-10-18 10:29:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Barzhad
EDIT: nevermind.

can't seem to be able to delete this post - please ignore.
Yummy Chocolate
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1692 - 2013-10-18 11:51:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Yummy Chocolate
Rubicon marauders have 8 high slots, not 7. fix please?

also update other marauder stats to comply with the thread in F&I.

Frostys Virpio > CCP: Continously Crying Playerbase

Felicity Love >... was thinking "moar popcorn"... but now, seeing the truly awesome contribution this thread is going to make to the Greater Glory Of EVE.... imagonnamakkadapizza....

Katabrok First
Apukaray Security
#1693 - 2013-10-18 20:18:26 UTC
Yummy Chocolate wrote:
Rubicon marauders have 8 high slots, not 7. fix please?

also update other marauder stats to comply with the thread in F&I.

Maybe if you look at the rubicon marauders in the rubicon ships at the end of the ships list, you will find your marauders with 8 high slots.
Amarr Empire
#1694 - 2013-10-19 14:00:47 UTC
OK, I am sure this has been asked.

What is the easiest way to UPDATE my EFT to the newest version?
Kery Nysell
#1695 - 2013-10-19 14:09:51 UTC
FnStrabo wrote:
OK, I am sure this has been asked.

What is the easiest way to UPDATE my EFT to the newest version?

Download the .ZIP, extract it's contents to your current EFT folder, done.


Amarr Empire
#1696 - 2013-10-19 14:26:24 UTC
Kery Nysell wrote:
FnStrabo wrote:
OK, I am sure this has been asked.

What is the easiest way to UPDATE my EFT to the newest version?

Download the .ZIP, extract it's contents to your current EFT folder, done.

Thank you.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1697 - 2013-10-19 20:18:27 UTC
I am having an issue importing/exporting my fittings to/from the game. I think it may be a matter of where I have put the folder but I'm not very tech savvy so this is just a guess.

Right now it is stored as: filesC:\EVE\fittings\EFT_Odyssey\EFT2.19.1

Other than that I am really just pissing in the dark and would really appreciate a kick in the right direction.

M Kernel
Cayman Applied Kinetics
#1698 - 2013-10-20 01:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: M Kernel
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
I am having an issue importing/exporting my fittings to/from the game. I think it may be a matter of where I have put the folder but I'm not very tech savvy so this is just a guess.

Right now it is stored as: filesC:\EVE\fittings\EFT_Odyssey\EFT2.19.1

Other than that I am really just pissing in the dark and would really appreciate a kick in the right direction.


The exported XML Files need to go in C:\Users\< USERNAME >\Documents\EVE\fittings\
From this folder you can import your fittings in eve (also, if you export a fit ingame it will be saved in this folder)

Fly safe!

edit: Just out of curiosity: I thought EFT suggests this folder automatically when exporting fits?
Anri Ashisthere
Eternity of the Universe
Fanatic Legion.
#1699 - 2013-10-21 13:41:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Anri Ashisthere
I established Win 8.1, I downloaded and I unpacked EFT.
I try to save XML files, EFT keeps them in SkyDrive Big smile. In attempt to open the made installations through the manager, the empty window opens.
As where I can correct?
In Win 7 and XP everything was Ok

.....After reset and start on behalf of the administrator, everything earned normally.........
John Eisenauge
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1700 - 2013-10-21 15:20:22 UTC  |  Edited by: John Eisenauge
To John Eisenauge Re: "Projected Effekts: would be nice to use scripts (for damps, etc.) and the calculation of more than one effect (3 damps etc.) is right"
Scripts should be applied and multiple effects should not cause any issues either. Can you be more specific?

for example: If I have a sensor dampener II loaded to the projected effekts:

the damper has: -17% scan res and -17% targeting range (only the numbers without a skript loaded) but a dampener with targeting range skript loaded has -42,5% or with scan res. script has -42,5%.

I would like to have the possibiltiy to choose a skript for the damp. in the projected effekts and all other e-war stuff which can load skripts...