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Two EASY fixes to Black Ops CCP can do in 5 minutes to make this class useful

Mathias Orsen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2013-10-10 01:44:31 UTC
Froggy Storm wrote:
This is somewhat my point. If the balance to the covop mobility is the reduced 'gank' AND people want a role for the blops beyond 'just' the jump portal it needs to be something other than a DPS bonus. So, given the widow already has ewar bonus then the precedent exists.

Otherwise the only thing missing from a 'fleet comp' around black ops is a logistics hull. Also I might point out that there is already a logistics gap between cruiser and carrier, but that is secondary.

However, the fact remains that if the people who start these posts were more honest they want a solo pwn mobile that can move with impunity. Stalk and catch any target and then put up 1200+ DPS. But saying it that way makes it too clearly op.

This is a good example of someone diving deep into a conversation about a subject they have no clue about. You talk of "Gank" and 1200+ DPS. Sure, Black ops have damage bonuses. What they do not have is a large amount of guns. The only way to get 1200 DPS out of a Black Ops is to fit it with Top End Officer guns and hardwires.
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#42 - 2013-10-10 02:45:06 UTC
A good example of someone who can't be bothered to read the whole thread.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2013-10-10 03:51:14 UTC
Froggy Storm wrote:

However, it is my thinking that most of these threads don't really want a useful blops. They want that cloak bs that no one can catch or stop that can move with complete impunity to any system, then run down a battleship while they stay cloaked, uncloak and instant scram said target, and finally destroy them before anyone can react. To which, I and presumably others are opposed. The new SoE cruiser is going to completely change the blops gang meta as is. Add this solo cloaky easy mode killer and I worry at the ramifications.

For killing battleships we can already do this better in a T3. You can do it in a 30 mill bomber if you're careful.

For me its more about survivability than gank. I like solo hunting. I hate cruisers and love battleships but solo battleships in null are problematic to say the least - 1 500k frig at a gate and you're toasted.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Alex Logan
OK Researches And Inventions
#44 - 2013-10-16 23:35:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Alex Logan
I don't think BO should output more DPS than they're already capable of. In fact I'd even change bonuses in such a way that the pilot can choose only one of low-to-average tank OR low-to-mediocre DPS.

Seriously this ship shouldn't deal more than 400 dps nor tank more than about 40000 EHP because if you get in a situation where you're against anything that can kill that, you're doing something wrong, you're not fulfilling your role.

This is not a ship you fly primarily as a damage dealer or bait or squad tanker. It doesn't belong in a plex or mission either, see marauders or T1 if that's what you need. BO's role is so much different, it doesn't even belong in a gang with anything else than covops/recons.

It shouldn't be compared in any way with other tier 1/2/3 battleships.
Hatsumi Kobayashi
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-10-17 00:03:02 UTC
Only fixes needed:

*Sort out the weird and/or useless bonuses (agility on Sin and velocity on Panther may have their uses, but they're kind of awkward in general, redeemer cap use and RoF are sort of counterproductive, etc)
*Lower mass while also lowering base velocity and increasing inertia, so that they consume less fuel when jumping but maintain a similar ongrid mobility
*Make the Jump Portal Generation skill apply its bonuses to the Covert Jump Portal Generation
*Slightly increase scan resolution to compensate for the cloak penalty


No sig.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2013-10-17 00:29:15 UTC
Alex Logan wrote:
I don't think BO should output more DPS than they're already capable of. In fact I'd even change bonuses in such a way that the pilot can choose only one of low-to-average tank OR low-to-mediocre DPS.

Seriously this ship shouldn't deal more than 400 dps nor tank more than about 40000 EHP because if you get in a situation where you're against anything that can kill that, you're doing something wrong, you're not fulfilling your role.

This is not a ship you fly primarily as a damage dealer or bait or squad tanker. It doesn't belong in a plex or mission either, see marauders or T1 if that's what you need. BO's role is so much different, it doesn't even belong in a gang with anything else than covops/recons.

It shouldn't be compared in any way with other tier 1/2/3 battleships.

This is the worst post in this entire thread. They wouldn't be good for anything but portaling....

....oh wait.
Alex Logan
OK Researches And Inventions
#47 - 2013-10-18 23:13:47 UTC
Onictus wrote:

This is the worst post in this entire thread. They wouldn't be good for anything but portaling....

....oh wait.

Wasn't that this ship class' main role? Stealth and JB? EW 2nd, dps/tank 3rd...

So the stealth part sucks due to the lack of covops cloak capability and the JB part due to the (still) limited fuel bay.

One thing I've learned is there's no jack of all trades ship in this game. Even if some people try all sorts of loadouts or throw billions @ officer mods... still each ship class has its role and several other ship classes it can engage and several it shouldn't. There's no ship you can kill "anything" with. There are accidents that cause, for instance, BS km by 2 frigs (ok sure, stupidity) but that don't mean frigs (or any other ship) are/could be/should be universal pwnmobiles with lazors and big perky ****.

Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2013-10-19 03:03:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Naween
I love my redeemer, like LOVE!!! But sadly considering its cost, train time, and it being **** for anything other then jump in with a pack of its brothers and gank a target, MJD away, cloak and then repeat..

And before anyone goes, cost shouldnt be a balancing factor. I agree. however we are talking 1.2 billion isk worth of ship with a VERY VERY limited use. If it was cheaper I wouldn't feel bad about throwing it away in fights that I might lose, but it is in my opinion just on the expensive side for that.

680 so DPS with 90k EHP isn't exactly stellar either.

Now is the whole jumping and bridging thing good? HELL YES! It is, but not THAT good. And if you want to bring recons for anti tackle, etc then the fuel cost quickly skyrockets and with that the problem of hauling cap boosters AND fuel.

It is a novelty toy tbh, I love it dearly but.. for that kind of isk a vindicator or bhaal is just so much more effective for just a little bit more in general. Looking at my kill log with the redeemer it isn't all that impressive, sure I missed more then one target as I was the bridger and the portal got killed before my 10 seconds was up so I could jump. and in before: you dont have any kills in a redeemer.. no not on this char, try my alt. linda shadowborn.

Black ops don't need a big tweak, they are nearly there I think. Just a little love (if nothing else better fitting please, the redeemer is a ***** to fit. while I agree ships shouldnt have super generous fittings.. a little love wouldnt go amiss. I shouldnt have to go with all faction/deadspace just to fit what I need. but.. meh :) No matter I will always love it, it is my second favourite ship after my damnation.

edit: seriously with the word filter? wow
#49 - 2013-10-19 09:58:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Bibosikus
Black Ops boats have been around since Trinity (2007). They've been tweaked here & there, but until about three years ago remained largely the property of 'cool dudes' who logged on every now and then and did weird stuff.

Now, with so many more capsuleers edging the 100m sp mark or more and wanting Things To Train, BlOps is a lot more common as a skill under the belt. As such, the pressure to make BlOps actually, properly useful has increased manyfold.

I think the main issue is that they were introduced as Battleships. They didn't need to be, and probably shouldn't have ever been, battleships. That word itself raises expectations among most Eve capsuleers, because "battleships" *kill stuff* and can *tank whole gangs*.

When CCP brought BlOps into play they were doing exactly that. Playing. It was a fabulous idea - something that could bust through the wall of cyno jammers in null and get things interesting - but it was very poorly implemented.

I for one would suggest keeping them as BS but greatly reducing their abilities while expanding their specialties. Extending their range so that *all* nullsec systems are accessible from lowsec has got to be considered, in line with the long-term theme of "creation and destruction" touted in the Rubicon copy. I've no idea how that translates into Ly, but it's certainly a good deal more than the current anaemic range limit.

They should also be capable of deploying and bridging back a decent-sized gang without needing to bring fuel tankers along. Reducing the logistical needs will certainly make BlOps more attractive, and we *need* to see more BlOps being performed.

But I suggest forgetting using these boats for dps. They should never have had it in the first place. Remove it - and thereby remove the main objection to giving them 'OP' CovOps perhaps?

All that said, I actually reckon CCP will split BlOps as they are/have been doing in Tiericide. Assault version (tankier, gankier, very short range) & maybe Scout version or somesuch. Certainly, BlOps seems to be on everyone's lips these days and I look forward to what CCP comes out with.

/tuppence worth complete

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2013-10-19 11:04:19 UTC
Alex Logan wrote:
Onictus wrote:

This is the worst post in this entire thread. They wouldn't be good for anything but portaling....

....oh wait.

Wasn't that this ship class' main role? Stealth and JB? EW 2nd, dps/tank 3rd...

So the stealth part sucks due to the lack of covops cloak capability and the JB part due to the (still) limited fuel bay.

One thing I've learned is there's no jack of all trades ship in this game. Even if some people try all sorts of loadouts or throw billions @ officer mods... still each ship class has its role and several other ship classes it can engage and several it shouldn't. There's no ship you can kill "anything" with. There are accidents that cause, for instance, BS km by 2 frigs (ok sure, stupidity) but that don't mean frigs (or any other ship) are/could be/should be universal pwnmobiles with lazors and big perky ****.

You do understand that it takes a 3bil isk fit to get a deemer to 100k eHP with like guns right? and even then it barely does the damage of a pulse-poc
Alex Logan
OK Researches And Inventions
#51 - 2013-10-29 00:50:19 UTC
Onictus wrote:

You do understand that it takes a 3bil isk fit to get a deemer to 100k eHP with like guns right? and even then it barely does the damage of a pulse-poc

Nah, those rich carebears will prefer paladins or faction battleships instead.

My point above was, there's no way for a larger fuel bay and covops cloak to make black ops overpowered, like some of the guys above were saying it would become.

Just because it COULD get to 100K EHP doesn't mean anyone will fly it.

It won't become a pwnmobile. It will simply become better at what it's meant to be doing - right now it sucks at it.
Dorian Wylde
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2013-10-30 01:25:20 UTC
Remove the cloaked speed bonus, give them cov ops so they can move with every other ship in the BO gang, and give them a useful 4th bonus. Either fuel consumption or dps, something useful. Warping cloaked will not make black ops overpowered, it will just make them easier to use.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2013-10-30 10:20:05 UTC
Xequecal wrote:
Alex Logan wrote:
- they suck at dps, and if you try putting on a real pvp fit they become something like a noobfit T1 BS except the wtf price tag

Here's an idea, how about you compare their DPS to the DPS of other ships that fit covops cloaks. It doesn't look so bad now does it?

You countign the new OP SOE cruiser on that? Because it outdps some of the blackops :P

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#54 - 2013-10-31 02:49:38 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Xequecal wrote:
Alex Logan wrote:
- they suck at dps, and if you try putting on a real pvp fit they become something like a noobfit T1 BS except the wtf price tag

Here's an idea, how about you compare their DPS to the DPS of other ships that fit covops cloaks. It doesn't look so bad now does it?

You countign the new OP SOE cruiser on that? Because it outdps some of the blackops :P

Having seen the new cruiser it is going to need some careful tweeks before it comes into line. And if anything it makes the blops' role even more important for real power projection. Then again it will be nice when recons go back to being support ships.

While I've been (more or less) sold on a covop cloak being essential to a "roaming with gang" option, giving it bs+ DPS on top of all the rest is out of the question.

Though above, it was mentioned splitting them by roles might produce some interesting results if done right.

For example only; Make gang ewar based hulls with big fuel bays and covop cloak for drop in and move around blops teams. And then an attack variant with the limited mobility of the current cloak bonus but improved DPS.

You can then apply the one in drops and roams where the other then specialized for siege fleet like a cov-cyno mini dred. Heck, maybe give it the option to trade its jump drive for the bastion of the maurader for sustained tank vs pos guns/mods.
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