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EVE General Discussion

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Discussion of Emergent Gameplay for Carebears and the interdependence of PvPers and their Prey.

Josef Djugashvilis
#81 - 2013-10-09 21:22:44 UTC
Felicity Love wrote:
EVE is dying...

TEST is dying.

This is not a signature.

Charles Panzram
#82 - 2013-10-09 21:23:05 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Aemonchichi wrote:
easy **** ^^ carebears close their accounts and the die hard pvpers are ****** 8) cause 90% of those die hard pvper are just gankers in fact, that pvp vs mining barges n stuff, so i would dream to see eve minus carebears -> gankers gettin butt hurt by real pvpers and soon they follow the carebears

and whoopee no second decade cause eve wont work without carebears, but that is a lesson ccp has to learn themselves, listening isnt their strength, never was never will be

What is this absurd notion of a "real pvper" you have? Shooting some scrub in a mining barge is as real and valid as engaging a supercap fleet. PVP is PVP. Carebears like to imply, through the use of the term "real pvp", that PVP done against them specifically is somehow less valid, less ~honourable~, etc but ... I think it's just bs they use to make themselves feel better about the poor (for the situation they found themselves in) decisions they made themselves.

It's very dishonest to claim PVP you don't like isn't "real".

Lol thats like saying punching a toddler is as real and valid a fist fight as fighting someone of your own weight class.

How old are you? 12? A gank is a gank don´t call it PvP just to find some self-justification to feel better about it.
Anomaly One
#83 - 2013-10-09 21:32:31 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
There are also likely carebears who play the game in their limited free time, enjoy some of its less adrenaline motivated aspects and who truly like playing a game without any risks.

Those people are wrong. They should in fact, quit this game and go crowdfund Star Citizen or X Rebirth or some other single player game.

The rest of us can continue to play our MMO where we aren't allowed to bury our heads in the sand and pretend other people don't exist.

other people don't exist, they are just cannon fodder npc who generate tears occasionally.

A bot with tear generation implemented one might say
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#84 - 2013-10-09 22:41:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
Anomaly One wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
There are also likely carebears who play the game in their limited free time, enjoy some of its less adrenaline motivated aspects and who truly like playing a game without any risks.

Those people are wrong. They should in fact, quit this game and go crowdfund Star Citizen or X Rebirth or some other single player game.

The rest of us can continue to play our MMO where we aren't allowed to bury our heads in the sand and pretend other people don't exist.

other people don't exist, they are just cannon fodder npc who generate tears occasionally.

A bot with tear generation implemented one might say

Given how I have found that carebear insults tend to repeat themselves after enough time, this idea might have merit.

Charles Panzram wrote:
Lol thats like saying punching a toddler is as real and valid a fist fight as fighting someone of your own weight class.

How old are you? 12? A gank is a gank don´t call it PvP just to find some self-justification to feel better about it.

Well, I very much doubt that many toddlers play EVE, for starters.

Second, by definition it is PvP. It is action that a player took against (versus, if you will) another player.

The only way it's not PvP is if they admit that they were botting (and thus, the controller of the ship destroyed was not actually a player). In which case, the New Order guys are completely right about everything.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#85 - 2013-10-09 22:57:37 UTC
Oh great. Another one of these threads.

If I could go back in time, I would put on a Hilmar disguise and change two things about this game.

First, there would never have been such a thing as a miner. There would have been mining though. But all mining operations would be NPC-controlled ships that the players would commission and deploy. And these ships would be like the NPC haulers we see going to and from stations: anybody could pop them. Except you could be flagged red to the owner of the mining ship you popped. There would be none of this miners versus people trained specifically to kill unarmed ships thing. Presently it's like putting Cessnas up against helicopter gunships. So people interested in mining would not actually have had to mine, only be PVPers ready to defend their mining ops.

The other thing that would have changed is that all missions would have a PVP element to them such that anything goes in deadspace, but with the same limitations that the initial mission runner had for mission. Therefore if someone warps into the mission with the intent of killing the mission runner - which could happen anywhere - the NPCs would reinforce their numbers to match the addition and with aggro towards the newcomer. So when Mr Gank goes in for his killmail with his PVP ship, he has just as much trouble with the NPCs as the mission runner would have with the PVP ship.

Those two things would have put a permanent PVP element across the board so nobody gets a chance to be averse to it, but nobody gets to shoot fish in a barrel either.

And in the end, every thread like this boils down to people wanting easy ganks. Ganks have to be asked for. Carebears who want easy ISK already got it - even those who go into nullsec can get that thanks to local. But PVPers, having emptied lowsec of everybody except those who can fight back, have to come in here and guilt trip CCP into making it somehow easier to kill people and make demands of the usual "force people into my camp" routine.

And for one "side" needing the other. Whatever.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#86 - 2013-10-09 23:01:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
CCP are brahma, the creator.
Carebears are narayan, the preserver.
PVPers are shiva, the destroyer.
All exist as one in the cause and foundation of the universe.
Transcend the paradigm to achieve enlightenment.

Everyone must fulfill their karma.

Renault T'Bonin
#87 - 2013-10-10 03:25:03 UTC
Grrrrrr..... Sometimes I think those who post in these threads know nothing about either PVP, PVE, or industry.

I'm not going to address the PVP side. And I still support the curtailing of ganking committed against new players.


As far as industry is concerned: We have the tools we need to get the job done. Whining industrialists are simply whining, just like the whining PVP faction.

If you cannot fit a mining barge, build a fleet, and setup duties to protect yourself in high sec as a miner- Quit EVE. Please. You do not have the intellectual capacity for the game.

Every EVE player loses ships. That includes PVE and industrial people. Get used to it.

Flying a hulk outside of null sec is painfully stupid. Flying an untanked industrial is painfully stupid. Autopilot is stupid. 9 billion isk in a freighter is beyond stupid.

Look, if you are a PVE guy.... fit for PVP not PVE and do lower level missions until you can get better ships, or a decent overkill gang together to support you. If you are in industry... it's hard... you have to train for everything the PVP guys do, plus the industrial skills.

The hardest job in EVE is that of an industrialist. That's because the rewards are IMMENSE.

Learn how to play the game.

To be a successful "carebear" you must have the mind of a pirate.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#88 - 2013-10-10 04:19:02 UTC

We commonly use the term "carebear" not to describe the type of player, but to identify people who have been inflicted with a terrible psychological disease of bot aspirancy. Symptoms include slurred speech and delusions of having powerful friends. These poor souls are not capable of engaging in emergent gameplay when they have this disease. They can only emerge from this state into a higher plane of existence that we like to refer to as the "normal person."

The primary treatment for this disease is to have caring individuals administer what is known as the "gank" procedure. Sometimes multiple treatments are necessary to expunge the disease from the mind. Other times, the disease has taken such a firm hold that there is no hope. But eventually these long gone souls will quit the game and blame the treatment instead of the disease.

The "gank" procedure is not a cheap cure. Many large organizations and philanthropists with deep pockets have poured isk and time into the research and development of more advanced forms of treatment.

The best way to help, if you are not qualified to administer the treatment yourself, is to invest in the future research and wide scale adminstation. You can find instructions on the website for the leading organization in this fight against bot aspirancy at

With your help, we can wipe out this plague from the universe. It takes as little as 10 million isk per treatment, so any amounts are helpful. At the 100m level, you will be able to help in the removal of the "orca" tumors as well, which are a particularly nasty variant. If everyone could invest 1 billion isk in this fight for the cure, we could rid the universe of this disease forever.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

John Tomplin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2013-10-10 04:35:07 UTC  |  Edited by: John Tomplin
Erotica 1 wrote:

We commonly use the term "carebear" not to describe the type of player, but to identify people who have been inflicted with a terrible psychological disease of bot aspirancy.

I would also add the note about Its counterpart, termed PVPism by fans, or in its extreme form just swear words Is the normal growth of aggressive thoughts and tendencies towards others that can only be acted out through electronics and an internet connection. Periods of intense PVPing without sleep following by a prolonged sequelae of carebearism are associated with bi-carebearism, a debilitating illness.

Josef Djugashvilis
#90 - 2013-10-10 04:46:31 UTC
The term 'pvper' could be used to identify people who think that they are a part of an elite subsection of a niche game.

This is not a signature.

Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#91 - 2013-10-10 05:15:38 UTC
Combat Jacque wrote:
Maybe you should find a game you like.
I thought thread looked old. Where'd you find it, page 64?

Who put the goat in there?

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#92 - 2013-10-10 06:59:23 UTC
Shederov Blood wrote:
Combat Jacque wrote:
Maybe you should find a game you like.
I thought thread looked old. Where'd you find it, page 64?

Necroposting protip: Start at the very oldest threads. Keep moving foward until you find one that is not locked.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Oneida Inc.
#93 - 2013-10-10 07:10:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tuggboat
I hope to say something intelligent here and hereby close this thread.

Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
CCP are brahma, the creator.
Carebears are narayan, the preserver.
PVPers are shiva, the destroyer.
All exist as one in the cause and foundation of the universe.
Transcend the paradigm to achieve enlightenment.

Everyone must fulfill their karma.


Here is a nugget but only a nugget. There are in fact many paradigms on which emergent gameplay could be developed. Since our own creativity is limited to at best the combination of two known disciplines into a new third, to create requires mastery of at least two of the many disciplines available in Eve.

In this example the discipline of preserving is given a name and then combined with a second name destroyer as a cause to create a foundation. That's a valid religious combinatorial paradigm.

Our more familiar risk versus reward theory is very similar to Clausewitz's Rationale Calculus of War. In this paradigm the destroyers are given the term military and the preservers would be called citizens. The destructive PVPers are insurgents trying to occupy preserving citizens. The hope of maintaining any new creation is the creation of terms both can live with. Anything less results in an unstable created foundation.

But to only consider the two disciplines of destruction and preservation is to sell eve very short. I can think of at LEAST to other paradigms each with many disciplines that can be combined into an emergent creation, stable or unstable.

The two paradigms I would consider are the business model and the storyline. There business model idea can be as varied as many novel income streams and complex models of idealistic and mathematics can be shaped within the confines of the game tools and 3rd party tools external to the game.

The storyline we are of course familiar with. We have backstory for structure. Some of it was created by CCP even more has emerged in game. Conflicts between characters, factions and stakeholders can combine with a steady stream of game updates to create new stories and powers. In game tools for this are very limited but people familiar with creative writing or screenplay production can sketch these rather quickly into new channels for others efforts.

I'd love to here of more paradigms like this or even detailed listings of disciplines. Mastery of a discipline are often undervalued resources we often possess. Other disciplines often provide motives to act. Combinations of these two can create a new game of our own making.

Before I close, capital and social circles are always present if creation is to bare real fruit. We need a lot of money and more than a few friends.
Susurrus Synaesthesia
Goonswarm Federation
#94 - 2013-10-10 07:49:39 UTC
Jeez, who regenerated this mess.

I regretted making this thread the second I posted it.

Let's let this return to the grave where it belongs.
Decian Cor
Stronghelm Corporation
Solyaris Chtonium
#95 - 2013-10-10 08:40:10 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

Fun fact.

You are also more likely to be involved in a road accident than ganked unless you do something stupid.

You are also much less likely to be involved in a road accident than getting ganked if you're busy playing EvE.


[u]Unfiltered for the masses.[/u]

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#96 - 2013-10-10 09:23:19 UTC
Each time I hear the "Ganking unarmed ship unfair bawww" thing I laugh.

Many players risk their ships for income. The rat in null security space. They explore into hostile lands. They provide content to those who hunt them and many times die doing so.

Hisec carebears sit in riskless environment and either operate the ISK faucet valves (L4/Incursions) or gouge us on ship/fuel prices (Mining).

It is only, only valid we stick it to the man sometimes. Remind him Somalia is a place and evil people in boats with Kalashnikovs and Stingers will come for you if you've got too much cash or look too gankable to resist.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2013-10-10 09:53:00 UTC
Susurrus Synaesthesia wrote:
So here is my challenge to the EVE community: How could carebears fight the PvPers in a way that did not involve actually blowing them up?

- gathering more ISK thus making inflation and making PvP more expensive and less affordable?
- docking and playing other games thus making CCP think what to do?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2013-10-10 10:07:44 UTC
Andski wrote:
Mara Rinn wrote:
The only risk in suicide ganking the 30B ISK officer-fit marauder in a hisec mission hub is that the loot fairy will look upon you unkindly.

So you mean that it's just like market trading where you risk losing your investment and not getting any return?

There are so many holes in the "suicide ganking is risk-free" whine. I thought you'd be smarter than that.

1) you ALWAYS get something at the end. be it killmail, hatemail, loot or tears
2) your logic can lead to "shooting monument at Jita is risky: each shot your gun produces makes damage which depends of RNG".

Yes, "so many holes"....

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Mra Rednu
Oyonata Gate Defence Force.
#99 - 2013-10-10 10:18:18 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Anomaly One wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
There are also likely carebears who play the game in their limited free time, enjoy some of its less adrenaline motivated aspects and who truly like playing a game without any risks.

Those people are wrong. They should in fact, quit this game and go crowdfund Star Citizen or X Rebirth or some other single player game.

The rest of us can continue to play our MMO where we aren't allowed to bury our heads in the sand and pretend other people don't exist.

other people don't exist, they are just cannon fodder npc who generate tears occasionally.

A bot with tear generation implemented one might say

Given how I have found that carebear insults tend to repeat themselves after enough time, this idea might have merit.

Charles Panzram wrote:
Lol thats like saying punching a toddler is as real and valid a fist fight as fighting someone of your own weight class.

How old are you? 12? A gank is a gank don´t call it PvP just to find some self-justification to feel better about it.

Well, I very much doubt that many toddlers play EVE, for starters.

Second, by definition it is PvP. It is action that a player took against (versus, if you will) another player.

The only way it's not PvP is if they admit that they were botting (and thus, the controller of the ship destroyed was not actually a player). In which case, the New Order guys are completely right about everything.

Actually by the definition you provide it is PaP ( player against player ) PvP would require both players to fight each other.

So ganking is PaP unless the gankee fired back at which point it is PvP even if the gankee was doing PvE at the time.
XS Tech
#100 - 2013-10-10 10:55:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Mra Rednu wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
(lots of quoting).

Actually by the definition you provide it is PaP ( player against player ) PvP would require both players to fight each other.

So ganking is PaP unless the gankee fired back at which point it is PvP even if the gankee was doing PvE at the time.

Really, it's more a question of "the right word" to be used, since "versus" and "against" are synonymous.

Furthermore, "versus" directly references "against" as its main definition -- that is, "versus" is a specific usage of the word "against" to denote some form of a contest/struggle where one party in the action is considered "human" (e.g. "United States vs. Some Bad Guy" or "Army vs. Navy" or "Chilean Miner vs. Collapsed Mine Shaft*" or "Player vs. Player"). "Against" is generally used in situations where the thing being modified is a general noun or verb ("Rain beating against a window", "Surviving against all odds", "Leaning against a wall", "10 votes against 5", "Protection against gankers")

*OK, maaaaybe not this one ... it's early still.

And here I am using 7th grade English. Maybe it wasn't as much a waste as I thought ... Roll

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia