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Ishukone Ships and Surrounding issues... Coming SOON (TM)

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Edward Olmops
Gunboat Commando
#101 - 2013-10-09 09:15:47 UTC
Instead of throwing around Guardian-Vexors, you should maybe create a SOMER faction ship and give them that.
No one will question why exactly SOMER gets that fancy shiny ship with the SOMER logo on it and not someone else, right?

And you should call that a community gameplay award for outstanding emergent sandboxing.
So that everyone knows why SOMER has been selected for giving these away.

And while you are at it, you could give Chribba a unique T2-Dreadnought BPC for turning a Revelation into something with no turrets and a mining bonus. :-D
Josef Djugashvilis
#102 - 2013-10-09 09:23:38 UTC
In a wider context, is it a good move by CCP to be so closely linked to a gambling site?

This is not a signature.

Goonswarm Federation
#103 - 2013-10-09 09:33:23 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...
What would happen if SOMER decided to not only sponsor AT teams or Ganked roams, but full out wars?

I've made that point before. I love playing on SOMER and I don't believe there is any cheating or scamming going on with the lottery itself. But it wouldn't surprise me if the entire thing is a huge 'legitimate' front for one of the larger alliances. Any alliance with the income of SOMER would become very very powerful. The first name that pops up is in fact Goonswarm, but it wouldn't make much sense for them to throw all this negativity at their own cover front.

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Sugar Von MurdererTits
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#104 - 2013-10-09 09:52:53 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:

I've made that point before. I love playing on SOMER and I don't believe there is any cheating or scamming going on with the lottery itself. But it wouldn't surprise me if the entire thing is a huge 'legitimate' front for one of the larger alliances. Any alliance with the income of SOMER would become very very powerful. The first name that pops up is in fact Goonswarm, but it wouldn't make much sense for them to throw all this negativity at their own cover front.

That's what they WANT you to think!
Saeri Averes-Vith
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2013-10-09 09:59:50 UTC
Unforgiven Storm wrote:
Question, since I am a very very very loyal costumer of Somer, can I get one Ishukone ship also?

What kinda costumes do you like wearing?
All Web Investigations
#106 - 2013-10-09 10:05:57 UTC
Best case scenario is that CCP say "welp we wont do it again (but somer can keep the trillions we gave them cuz they help push GTCs)"

most likely scenario is that they try and find a way to justify it and say they'll continue doing it in the future.

I can't argue though, as CCP are paying me a monthly sum as a result. A sum that is roughly exactly the same as a subscription. I'm happy with that.
Bronco Platz
#107 - 2013-10-09 10:09:54 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Best case scenario is that CCP say "welp we wont do it again (but somer can keep the trillions we gave them cuz they help push GTCs)"

I think this will be the outcome. Someone remembers the guy, who cried "Wolves!" all the time?

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#108 - 2013-10-09 10:10:10 UTC
Good to see there's a reply coming from you guys at CCP.

I've said this already in another thread but I'll just shortly say it again: next time you want to recognise players (which SOMER deserves), may I suggest you use items with no in-game (monetary) value.

This way you can recognise people's effort without feeling like you need to hide it and even more importantly you can do so without upsetting the sandbox or the people in it.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2013-10-09 10:15:26 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:
Sephira Galamore wrote:
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...
What would happen if SOMER decided to not only sponsor AT teams or Ganked roams, but full out wars?

I've made that point before. I love playing on SOMER and I don't believe there is any cheating or scamming going on with the lottery itself. But it wouldn't surprise me if the entire thing is a huge 'legitimate' front for one of the larger alliances. Any alliance with the income of SOMER would become very very powerful. The first name that pops up is in fact Goonswarm, but it wouldn't make much sense for them to throw all this negativity at their own cover front.

Exactly! This is not a charity =)
Rob Crowley
State War Academy
#110 - 2013-10-09 10:18:28 UTC
Thanks for the (slightly delayed Smile) heads up, Manifest. I'll wait for the dev blog.

Deka Ekato wrote:
A big ask, but please do read as many / all of our posts as you can, please.
I would like to second this. I could post a wall of text yet again, but if possible at all you should really just read the several threadnaughts about this issue, cause everything has already been said many times over in many different words.
Moira Ayindi
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#111 - 2013-10-09 10:20:59 UTC
Upsetting the Sandbox? Like when we got the Gnosis?

When will EveO players develop the necessary intelligence to understand that CCP didn't gave ISK to Somer but just some ships?

It is the stupidity of the collectors who gave this huge and totally unnecessary value to the Ishukone Scorpions. Which is currently falling and I am laughing about the generated tears Pirate

Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#112 - 2013-10-09 10:58:44 UTC
Moira Ayindi wrote:
Upsetting the Sandbox? Like when we got the Gnosis?

When will EveO players develop the necessary intelligence to understand that CCP didn't gave ISK to Somer but just some ships?

It is the stupidity of the collectors who gave this huge and totally unnecessary value to the Ishukone Scorpions. Which is currently falling and I am laughing about the generated tears Pirate

You really don't want to get it, do you?
It's about what those ships are worth at this moment, not tomorrow or next year but now.

It doesn't matter to who they are worth what, it matters that they can and probably will be sold for a lot of isk now and CCP secretly gifted them to a few people based upon shady qualifications.

It does matter too that those ships are now worth a lot and by the time you will get one they're worth maybe exactly what they're really worth, 1 trit.
Just guess how that feels when you're the last in line who receives this "gift". What?

If these gifts where made nontransferable we wouldn't had seen any reaction like CCP got now over this.

Looking forward to the dev blog.
Baali Tekitsu
Verge of Collapse
#113 - 2013-10-09 11:00:11 UTC
Edward Olmops wrote:
Instead of throwing around Guardian-Vexors, you should maybe create a SOMER faction ship and give them that.
No one will question why exactly SOMER gets that fancy shiny ship with the SOMER logo on it and not someone else, right?

Because giving them something even more valuable from a collectors point of view will solve the issue right?


Everything Went Black
#114 - 2013-10-09 11:02:51 UTC
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
Edward Olmops wrote:
Instead of throwing around Guardian-Vexors, you should maybe create a SOMER faction ship and give them that.
No one will question why exactly SOMER gets that fancy shiny ship with the SOMER logo on it and not someone else, right?

Because giving them something even more valuable from a collectors point of view will solve the issue right?

It would solve at least one facet of the issue.
#115 - 2013-10-09 11:07:15 UTC
"Watch what they do, not what they say."

Nathan Stirling
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2013-10-09 11:27:15 UTC
Varius Xeral wrote:
Innominate wrote:
Much like the ToS debacle, unless there is something substantially erroneous in statements already made by CCP this is not an issue which requires further clarification, it's a problem which requires action and change. If CCP isn't going to do something to actually fix this problem, please just let the matter drop instead of further insulting your player base trying to justify it.

What she said.

Just stop giving people transferable in-game rewards. Full stop. Just don't do it. What possible reason justifies purposefully choosing a more problematic option when so many unproblematic ones exist?

Don't clarify, just stop using a policy that cannot be implemented unproblematically and which has unproblematic alternatives that can achieve the same or better results. Heck, don't even bother going though a big review and apology, just stop doing it tomorrow morning when you get to work. One quick post, and problem solved.

Exactly -
Captain StringfellowHawk
Forsaken Reavers
#117 - 2013-10-09 11:27:40 UTC
Proclus Diadochu wrote:
IDGAD wrote:
CCP Manifest wrote:
Gilbaron wrote:
next time you take half the company on vacation, please communicate that

There are security reasons why that's a bad idea that I can't really argue with.

Wait wait wait...... so you take a LARGE portion of the company out on vacation and leave the game understaffed and vulnerable to such issues? Is the very nature of taking so many employees critical to the game out of the picture AT THE SAME TIME not the big issue here? It's like having 10 people staffed 24/7 at a nuclear plant to maintain functionality, and 8 out of the 10 decide to leave for lunch AT THE SAME TIME and you end up with a good 'ol russian time with the reactor going critical. That DOES NOT WORK and was irresponsible.

You clowns are some bold, ignorant, and mouthy people. This crap Faction Scorpion "ordeal" is a non-issue. The only issue I see here is that a bunch of whiny "entitled" children seem to think that Eve Online, a game popular for being unfair, should be fair. You kids need to step away from your computer for a minute and remember that CCP is not your company. You pay to play the game, and they aren't required to coddle you. The fact that they listen to you on some things is a perk of a decent company. If you don't like their game, leave.

You won't, ofcourse, because most of you scrubs are just full of hot air and mad about your "poor, pitiful pixel world". Get over it.

^^^ This.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#118 - 2013-10-09 11:28:28 UTC
Gilbaron wrote:
next time you take half the company on vacation, please communicate that

Shocked Are you seriously for real ?

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Jaun Pacht-Feng
#119 - 2013-10-09 11:32:18 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...
What would happen if SOMER decided to not only sponsor AT teams or Ganked roams, but full out wars?

This is exactly what happened! As it was mentioned a few times by several Devs.

"Go Goon or Go Home"

Perfect description of the biggest problem with Eve. 

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2013-10-09 11:36:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Bischopt
Captain StringfellowHawk wrote:
Proclus Diadochu wrote:
IDGAD wrote:
CCP Manifest wrote:
Gilbaron wrote:
next time you take half the company on vacation, please communicate that

There are security reasons why that's a bad idea that I can't really argue with.

Wait wait wait...... so you take a LARGE portion of the company out on vacation and leave the game understaffed and vulnerable to such issues? Is the very nature of taking so many employees critical to the game out of the picture AT THE SAME TIME not the big issue here? It's like having 10 people staffed 24/7 at a nuclear plant to maintain functionality, and 8 out of the 10 decide to leave for lunch AT THE SAME TIME and you end up with a good 'ol russian time with the reactor going critical. That DOES NOT WORK and was irresponsible.

You clowns are some bold, ignorant, and mouthy people. This crap Faction Scorpion "ordeal" is a non-issue. The only issue I see here is that a bunch of whiny "entitled" children seem to think that Eve Online, a game popular for being unfair, should be fair. You kids need to step away from your computer for a minute and remember that CCP is not your company. You pay to play the game, and they aren't required to coddle you. The fact that they listen to you on some things is a perk of a decent company. If you don't like their game, leave.

You won't, ofcourse, because most of you scrubs are just full of hot air and mad about your "poor, pitiful pixel world". Get over it.

^^^ This.

No, not "this"

There's EVE players and then there's EVE devs.
The players can be unfair and that's where the "cold harsh universe" comes from. That's why EVE is known for being unfair.

The devs on the other hand are responsible for the entire game and they should NOT make the game unfair for the players.

It's absolutely silly to say it's ok for CCP to be unfair towards the players because EVE is known for being unfair and harsh. There's a massive difference between the players being unfair and the devs being unfair.

edit: I'm not taking part in the "CCP company vacation" discussion. CCP can take a vacation whenever they want.