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Ishukone Ships and Surrounding issues... Coming SOON (TM)

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2013-10-09 06:18:10 UTC
Proclus Diadochu wrote:
IDGAD wrote:
CCP Manifest wrote:
Gilbaron wrote:
next time you take half the company on vacation, please communicate that

There are security reasons why that's a bad idea that I can't really argue with.

Wait wait wait...... so you take a LARGE portion of the company out on vacation and leave the game understaffed and vulnerable to such issues? Is the very nature of taking so many employees critical to the game out of the picture AT THE SAME TIME not the big issue here? It's like having 10 people staffed 24/7 at a nuclear plant to maintain functionality, and 8 out of the 10 decide to leave for lunch AT THE SAME TIME and you end up with a good 'ol russian time with the reactor going critical. That DOES NOT WORK and was irresponsible.

You clowns are some bold, ignorant, and mouthy people. This crap Faction Scorpion "ordeal" is a non-issue. The only issue I see here is that a bunch of whiny "entitled" children seem to think that Eve Online, a game popular for being unfair, should be fair. You kids need to step away from your computer for a minute and remember that CCP is not your company. You pay to play the game, and they aren't required to coddle you. The fact that they listen to you on some things is a perk of a decent company. If you don't like their game, leave.

You won't, ofcourse, because most of you scrubs are just full of hot air and mad about your "poor, pitiful pixel world". Get over it.

Either you are trolling, or seriously don't understand the basic difference between a harsh game and a fair one. EVE is designed to be fair, actually it's one of the most fair games there is, and that's at it's very core. But what I mean by fair is by knowing the mechanics, you can ALWAYS be assured that things will operate the same way, and that the mechanics don't change per side. EVE is fair in that your 1600 plates won't magically increase to 20 K EHP if you are a goon, and your 425mm autocannons won't become peashooters if you are in some random Russian alliance.

This does NOT mean that EVE is not harsh; At it's core EVE is designed to be very unforgiving, very harsh. But harsh and difficult does not mean unfair. If a game is truly unfair, people will quit playing it. An unfair game for example would be one where mechanics are in place to produce ships, but then devs come in and give a particular easier method to a specific group and not the whole game. Another good example is giving out previously limited edition and no longer existing ships to specific group claiming it to be a community gift while many other groups were not given anything at all. For this kind of gifting / recognition system to be fair, it would need to be concrete and achievable by any group if they met the goals. For example, to reach a certain status and receive a gift, a community site must be active for X number of years, and have X popularity, and other attributes that can give a guideline instead of abstract "I like you" reasoning for gifting.
Brothers At Arms
#62 - 2013-10-09 06:20:55 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
IDGAD wrote:

Wait wait wait...... so you take a LARGE portion of the company out on vacation and leave the game understaffed and vulnerable to such issues? Is the very nature of taking so many employees critical to the game out of the picture AT THE SAME TIME not the big issue here? It's like having 10 people staffed 24/7 at a nuclear plant to maintain functionality, and 8 out of the 10 decide to leave for lunch AT THE SAME TIME and you end up with a good 'ol russian time with the reactor going critical. That DOES NOT WORK and was irresponsible.

I'll try and explain it for you as best I can. First of all, you're using a fairly ridiculous metaphor.

CCP is a video game development company. They are not the operational staff of an extremely expensive and dangerous nuclear power plant.

This is a controversy about allegedly unfair gifting of virtual world items to members of a community gambling site. This is not a critical vulnerability to the company and game. It is not something to recall people from their legally guaranteed vacation time spent with their families. It is not a reason for anybody to demand CCP give up time with their wives husband and children so they apply ointment to somebody's sense of entitlement. It is NOT a reason to demand to know when CCP employees will be taking their vacation time.

There is legitimate cause for concern with the way some things were handled in this. Your questions and concerns will be answered in due time, after they have been thoroughly investigated, discussed, and vetted internally within CCP. When CCP is ready to communicate a formal response, you'll get it.

Until then, please stop acting like a petulant customer.

Thank you for writing exactly what I wanted to say. You did it in a better way than i could

If you've never tried PvP in EvE it's quite possible you've missed out on one of the greatest rushes available in modern gaming.

Sugar Von MurdererTits
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#63 - 2013-10-09 06:22:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sugar Von MurdererTits
IDGAD wrote:

Please do clarify, how is that dumb? Or do you honestly have no idea how to interpret what I said besides it being counter to CCP's post? Are you just white knighting here, or do you honestly believe that CCP will provide an answer everyone will be satisfied with, and assume that will make up for this still valid point I made?

The fallout from MMO explosions isn't normally as bad as a nuclear meltdown in terms of lives lost and environmental destruction.

I agree with you though that I doubt CCP will have a satisfactory response to this but I'm looking forward to it, whatever it may be.
Proclus Diadochu
Mar Sarrim
Red Coat Conspiracy
#64 - 2013-10-09 06:23:22 UTC
IDGAD wrote:

Either you are trolling, or seriously don't understand the basic difference between a harsh game and a fair one. EVE is designed to be fair, actually it's one of the most fair games there is, and that's at it's very core. But what I mean by fair is by knowing the mechanics, you can ALWAYS be assured that things will operate the same way, and that the mechanics don't change per side. EVE is fair in that your 1600 plates won't magically increase to 20 K EHP if you are a goon, and your 425mm autocannons won't become peashooters if you are in some random Russian alliance.

This does NOT mean that EVE is not harsh; At it's core EVE is designed to be very unforgiving, very harsh. But harsh and difficult does not mean unfair. If a game is truly unfair, people will quit playing it. An unfair game for example would be one where mechanics are in place to produce ships, but then devs come in and give a particular easier method to a specific group and not the whole game. Another good example is giving out previously limited edition and no longer existing ships to specific group claiming it to be a community gift while many other groups were not given anything at all. For this kind of gifting / recognition system to be fair, it would need to be concrete and achievable by any group if they met the goals. For example, to reach a certain status and receive a gift, a community site must be active for X number of years, and have X popularity, and other attributes that can give a guideline instead of abstract "I like you" reasoning for gifting.

Don't forget to contract me your things on your way out.

Minister of High Society | Twitter: @autoritare


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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2013-10-09 06:23:41 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
IDGAD wrote:

Wait wait wait...... so you take a LARGE portion of the company out on vacation and leave the game understaffed and vulnerable to such issues? Is the very nature of taking so many employees critical to the game out of the picture AT THE SAME TIME not the big issue here? It's like having 10 people staffed 24/7 at a nuclear plant to maintain functionality, and 8 out of the 10 decide to leave for lunch AT THE SAME TIME and you end up with a good 'ol russian time with the reactor going critical. That DOES NOT WORK and was irresponsible.

I'll try and explain it for you as best I can. First of all, you're using a fairly ridiculous metaphor.

CCP is a video game development company. They are not the operational staff of an extremely expensive and dangerous nuclear power plant.

This is a controversy about allegedly unfair gifting of virtual world items to members of a community gambling site. This is not a critical vulnerability to the company and game. It is not something to recall people from their legally guaranteed vacation time spent with their families. It is not a reason for anybody to demand CCP give up time with their wives husband and children so they apply ointment to somebody's sense of entitlement. It is NOT a reason to demand to know when CCP employees will be taking their vacation time.

There is legitimate cause for concern with the way some things were handled in this. Your questions and concerns will be answered in due time, after they have been thoroughly investigated, discussed, and vetted internally within CCP. When CCP is ready to communicate a formal response, you'll get it.

Until then, please stop acting like a petulant customer.

I don't think you fully read my post, but this seems to be a common trend among the delusional sheep-like CCP supporters. Listen, they as individuals are allowed such vacation, but for the company as a whole to allow so many of it's employees to leave at once is NOT the same as individual rights. Take for example a skeleton crew that has to maintain a facility 24/7. The small crew has only a little overlap, and if someone wants to vacation they can, but it requires enough notification ahead of time to get another member of the team to work extra time and cover that person's shift. Now naturally with a 6 member team, you could not have 3, or maybe even just 2 leaving at the same time since that would be stretching your resources far too thin to the point of being impossible. This scales to larger organizations too, you just need to compensate for more overlap. The more employees and more overlap, the more the company can afford to let a larger portion be out at the same time. This is what I was arguing, not the individual rights for vacation but rather the choice for CCP to allow so many of it's employees to take leave AT THE SAME TIME.
Baali Tekitsu
Verge of Collapse
#66 - 2013-10-09 06:33:58 UTC
Im actually waiting for CCP Eterne/an ISD to lock the thread and redirect to the other two threads.


Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#67 - 2013-10-09 06:34:12 UTC
IDGAD wrote:

I don't think you fully read my post, but this seems to be a common trend among the delusional sheep-like CCP supporters. Listen, they as individuals are allowed such vacation, but for the company as a whole to allow so many of it's employees to leave at once is NOT the same as individual rights. Take for example a skeleton crew that has to maintain a facility 24/7. The small crew has only a little overlap, and if someone wants to vacation they can, but it requires enough notification ahead of time to get another member of the team to work extra time and cover that person's shift. Now naturally with a 6 member team, you could not have 3, or maybe even just 2 leaving at the same time since that would be stretching your resources far too thin to the point of being impossible. This scales to larger organizations too, you just need to compensate for more overlap. The more employees and more overlap, the more the company can afford to let a larger portion be out at the same time. This is what I was arguing, not the individual rights for vacation but rather the choice for CCP to allow so many of it's employees to take leave AT THE SAME TIME.

Actually, I did read your post. Both of them. Please don't make the assumption that because I am not agreeing with you, I must not have heard you.

You'll find that many companies see a large portion of their workforce take seasonal vacations, commonly related to seasonal holidays in whatever location they are. For example, in the United States November and December are fairly common months where large portions of the workforce take their yearly vacation time "AT THE SAME TIME" as you so eloquently put it.

To add, CCP was not operating on a skeleton crew. Half is not a skeleton crew. Furthermore, most of the people taking their vacation time have nothing to do with this situation, unless you feel the need to scream and spit at the Art department, or the network engineers, or the ship balancing team, or the guy who's been attempting to program a mystery feature that you might absolutely adore down the road.

What I believe you're trying to get across is that you're upset the community managers were taking their vacation time while there are angry posts being made on the forums. Please excuse me, but I find that idea laughably selfish. When isn't there some sort of scandal or outrage coming from this community and directed at CCP?

CCP Manifest has already apologized for his lack of response in the first post of this thread. He is the one who, if anybody at all, owes you and the rest of the players any form of apology for not stepping up in a timely manner. Nobody else does. Nobody else needs to explain their vacation policies and justify them to you.


I'd like you to take a moment and step into the shoes of a CCP employee, or any employee for that matter. Imagine you've worked very hard for the last year, and you're enjoying the hot springs of a ski resort with your loving wife and two beautiful children. You get a text message on your phone as you crack open a fresh beer, and it says:

"Need you to come back to the office ASAP. Some customers are really pissed off that they didn't get free stuff.


Katrina Oniseki

Deka Ekato
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2013-10-09 06:35:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Deka Ekato
CCP, personaly I would also like to see you address the RMT accusations directed towards Somer, and of couse :

- favouritism
- secrecy
- employee / company integrity.
- ( I don't know how to put this into words ) Positive acknowlegdement of the true community contributers

A big ask, but please do read as many / all of our posts as you can, please.
Josef Djugashvilis
#69 - 2013-10-09 06:45:56 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
As mentioned earlier in a thread by a keenly observant player, a vast majority of CCP employees (and spouses) from all offices were on a trip the end of last week and the beginning of this one--many of us arriving back in the office today.

Timing of that trip could not be worse for us to address things in any sort of timely manner and we certainly would not want to do so without finishing a larger discussion and honing in on specific steps we could take to address things from a tactical level, a policy level and a communication level. That effort had its infancy with the change of the Ishukone Scorpion to a promo item way back when and evolved more dramatically with the more recent Gold Magnate/Guardian-Vexor offer (and lead to its retraction). However, the discussion wasn't considered over.

It has been vastly accelerated now since this weekend's developments and even more so now that the majority of people are back in our various offices. We are working with several departments on it since the issues cover a LOT of ground, especially the big categories of communication and incentivization.

We know you deserve a timely clarification from CCP. We appreciate the patience those in some discussions around the internet have had for us. We also understand the impatience of those that didn't. I hope that a collectively constructed devblog can happen by the end of the week that covers most of the issues that arose out of "SOMER Blink Gate", and have begun work with CCP Guard and several others around the company on it already before consulting the CSM and on to you all.

Special thanks to the online CSM members who helped with a few suggestions to wording here.

This is one of my favourite things about CCP.

Why is nothing much happening right now?

Because the staff are just going on, are on, or are just returning from holiday.

It just brings a smile to my face every time I see it.

This is not a signature.

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#70 - 2013-10-09 06:48:19 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:

This is one of my favourite things about CCP.

Why is nothing much happening right now?

Because the staff are just going on, are on, or are just returning from holiday.

It just brings a smile to my face every time I see it.

On the other hand, you do make me realize these guys sure get a lot of vacation time.

I need to get a job with an Icelandic company, because I'm lucky if I can get a sick day out of my boss for the flu.

Katrina Oniseki

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#71 - 2013-10-09 06:50:05 UTC
*tinfoil hat on*

Is it accidental that some random person who knows a polemic secret decides to unveil it right when the affected party is less able to deal with it in a timely manner? Question

*tinfoil hat off*

This adressed, will be waiting for CCP's response. Upsetting Chribba should be a serious sign of a communitty PR disaster, even if we don't judge about giving money to the wealthiest business in EVE, which happens to be taking lots of money from EVE players, and do it secretly and in a large scale.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2013-10-09 06:55:48 UTC
I would support--assuming it is done openly--people like Chribba being given incentives and rewards for what they do for the game as a whole. Chribba in particular maintains several sites dedicated to ease of use of the game, making it more enjoyable and easier for players to understand the game's intricacies, as well as other things. He may be one of the nicest people in the game, too, and I don't know of anyone else who, when he gets attacked, can bring together age-old rivals to defend him and his property.

People who don't deserve things are people like SOMER Blink, writers of TMDC, EN24, and other sites like that. They don't contribute to bettering the players, only to reporting, or to lining their own pockets.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Jove Death
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-10-09 07:00:35 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
As mentioned earlier in a thread by a keenly observant player, a vast majority of CCP employees (and spouses) from all offices were on a trip the end of last week and the beginning of this one--many of us arriving back in the office today.

On a trip?

CCP Manifest not all staff would have been on holiday and tbh I have sat here watching the forums explode regarding the Somer gate issue and not one CCP rep has even replied.

There was a downtime issue and a CCP Dev posted a note regarding this but they couldnt be bothered to calm the chars down by posting a note regarding SOMER

Jeeze even having mintchip say somthing may have prevented alot of threads exploding into mayhem. (well maybe)

After all these years you still dont seem to have a strategic policy to counter problems like this when this happens.

In the time this started to when you have replied you may have lost a few chars and tbh thats not good for business.

I presume the ISD's could not help in this situation. Even logging in STAR and CCP customer service into the game at key station may have help.

Its not all about money,

Quoting "you will die" in EvE is fail Chars dont die in EvE. Unless you have a heart attack eek.

Josef Djugashvilis
#74 - 2013-10-09 07:14:37 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Captain StringfellowHawk wrote:
Can we stop arguing over Ships that people never undock in and use... and Actually move towards discussing future Expansions of the game... I can see if these were OP ships people were Popping others with left and right.. but this is like a collectors car that no one even uses..... Yes.. It devalues them.. But.. If you aint using it.. It's just wasted pixels.. Lets move the game and this Incident Forward.. and Argue over something useful Like the Oft pushed out Capital Re-balance etc...

your right, lets take this man seriously.

CCP, stop rebalancing, right now, its a waste of time. if people dont use a ship, then just delete it, otherwise its just wasting server space and pixels.

I disagree with you about ship re-balancing.

I would forgo a couple of expansions to see all the ships carefully and quickly re-balanced so that they all have a useful role.

For me, Eve Online is primarily a space ship game, everything else just provides the space ships with a more interesting environment to operate in.

This is not a signature.

Bronco Platz
#75 - 2013-10-09 07:15:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Bronco Platz
Good morning.

I hope you had a good vacation time.

Here are a few points, you could see as an Agenda for the next days:

  • immedatly stop gifting ingame items
  • unfold what and how many items you gave to whom and why
  • introduce new outgame or untradebale reward items for your reward program
  • work on a new policy for your reward program
  • publish this policy which is hopefully clear, fair and understandable for everyone
  • resume your reward program
  • improve your capabillity to react even in such worst cases like this

Thanks a lot for reading.

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#76 - 2013-10-09 07:19:21 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Captain StringfellowHawk wrote:
Can we stop arguing over Ships that people never undock in and use... and Actually move towards discussing future Expansions of the game... I can see if these were OP ships people were Popping others with left and right.. but this is like a collectors car that no one even uses..... Yes.. It devalues them.. But.. If you aint using it.. It's just wasted pixels.. Lets move the game and this Incident Forward.. and Argue over something useful Like the Oft pushed out Capital Re-balance etc...

your right, lets take this man seriously.

CCP, stop rebalancing, right now, its a waste of time. if people dont use a ship, then just delete it, otherwise its just wasting server space and pixels.

I disagree with you about ship re-balancing.

That's the result of having a functional brain.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2013-10-09 07:21:58 UTC
Proclus Diadochu wrote:
a game popular for being unfair, should be fair.

EVE isn't popular for being unfair. That's because it isn't unfair. There's no reason it should be made unfair.

"If you don't like it, leave" presents a false dichotomy.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Josef Djugashvilis
#78 - 2013-10-09 07:33:20 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
IMO CCP should stop getting in those dire situations and learn to be transparent.

I can totally subscribe to the concept of: "XYZ fansite brings CCP NNN advertisment / revenue therefore we reward them". We live in a cold harsh universe - and I am referring to RL here - so I can see companies being money driven or influenced.

But this should be a process subject to something similar to a "fansite EULA".

Because SOMER is not the only case.

I own an official fansite as well, I know sometimes there are rewards for that and I actually feel it's fair to be rewarded for the long commitment and financial effort.

I found out that even "standard fansite rewards" are not published anywhere and when I honestly discussed about them in a trading chat I got people all sorts of reactions, some not distant from SOMER reactions.

At the time some even called me a liar for having said those rewards exist!

It's time CCP discloses their rewards policy.

I find it good to reward the deserving players but please do it in an systematic and open way!

So long as any such rewards are 'Barbie' rewards, i.e. cannot be used, traded, reprocessed, transferred to another player in-game etc, this would be alright.

This is not a signature.

Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#79 - 2013-10-09 07:35:16 UTC
Wait what even happened here :s

Have loads of these scorps been added to the game and everyone is going really mad? Seems I should have sold mine sooner after fanfest!
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2013-10-09 07:44:31 UTC
Mr Floydy wrote:
Wait what even happened here :s

Have loads of these scorps been added to the game and everyone is going really mad? Seems I should have sold mine sooner after fanfest!

Considering how much they've devalued, yeah.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)