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Supercaps and their dronebays

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Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#1 - 2011-11-16 15:51:30 UTC
On SiSi all drones in a supercap's drone bay get put in your medclone's station. This is hilariously bad seeing as supercaps cannot dock and a lot of people have their medclones set to hisec stations.

Pre-Crucible launch, if supercap pilots remove all but fighters and bombers from their hold and keep it under the m3 of the new drone bays, will their dronebays still be wiped clean when Crucible goes live?

It is much easier to remove the soon-to-be-useless drones now rather than have everything end up in a station that cannot be docked at.
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#2 - 2011-11-16 16:02:48 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
I honestly couldn't care less about non-fighters and bombers. Delete them for all I care. Just leave the fighters and bombers in place assuming I do not have more than the allotted amount post-Crucible launch.
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Aloe Cloveris
The Greater Goon
#3 - 2011-11-16 16:12:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Aloe Cloveris
Well, it's not like the drones will ever see the inside of your drone bay even if you could dock, so I guess there's gonna be the inconvenience of either having them hauled/JF'd or listing them on the market.

Something's gotta be done with them, really. Med clone station is probably the most streamlined way of doing this for every SC pilot's combat drones. How would you suggest they manage this for the thousand plus of SC pilots who need to have the drones cleared from their bay on the 29th? Honest question.

e: also, by, say, teleporting all those drones to a central location like Jita IV - 4, the repercussions of that are tens of thousands of drones being firesaled in one location, arfiicially wrecking that market. By scattering them about at medbay stations, that softens the blow to the markets I guess? v0v
Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#4 - 2011-11-16 16:18:14 UTC
Honestly, if the super pilot does not clean the bay of all drones besides fighters and bombers pre-Crucible, then everything in a station. If it's medclone station, then so be it.

However, if the super pilot is pro-active and cleans everything except fighters and bombers before launch, I would like to think their dronebays will not be touched. (Assuming the resulting # of fighters/bombers is not over the m3 of the bay.) Why would CCP need to clean a dronebay that has been made "Crucible ready" for any other reason than "Our supercap launch script empties all drone bays from Super caps no matter what's in it." If that is the case, that's pure laziness on CCP's part and completely neuters supercaps until they can restock (which can be difficult to do when a super may be deployed).
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Kiree Chancel
#5 - 2011-11-16 16:19:10 UTC
Aloe Cloveris wrote:
Well, it's not like the drones will ever see the inside of your drone bay even if you could dock, so I guess there's gonna be the inconvenience of either having them hauled/JF'd or listing them on the market.

Something's gotta be done with them, really. Med clone station is probably the most streamlined way of doing this for every SC pilot's combat drones. How would you suggest they manage this for the thousand plus of SC pilots who need to have the drones cleared from their bay on the 29th? Honest question.

Pretty sure he answered that. He wants to know if he jettisons or abandons or otherwise gets rid of all his non-fighter, non-bombers and keeps the total fighter/bomber count in his dronebay to an amount less than the new dronebay size - that CCP will smile upon him and not move his fighters/bombers to his clonestation.

I call it unlikely. But it's a good idea. Lets people deal with the hassle of moving the drones in/out of the super ahead of time.
GM Homonoia
Game Master Retirement Home
#6 - 2011-11-16 16:24:21 UTC  |  Edited by: GM Homonoia
Here is how this will work:

1. If a supercarrier pilot removes all non-fighter and non-fighter bomber drones from his or her dronebay AND reduces the total drone capacity used in the drone bay to levels that can be sustained by post-Crucible statistics, as per this dev blog, then the drones inside the supercarrier will not be touched.

2. If the conditions of point 1 will not be matched, then the contents will be moved to a pilot's home station (the station where they have their medical clone).

Note: We will be contacting each supercarrier pilot individually very soon; warning them of the changes to come and providing a detailed explanation on what will happen and how to avoid nasty consequences. Also, customer support will be alert and available should any issues arise.

Senior GM Homonoia | Info Group | Senior Game Master

Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#7 - 2011-11-16 16:26:03 UTC
GM Homonoia wrote:
Here is how this will work:

1. If a supercarrier pilot removes all non-fighter and non-fighter bomber drones from his or her dronebay AND reduces the total drone capacity used in the drone bay to levels that can be sustained by post-Crucible statistics, as per this dev blog, then the drones inside the supercarrier will not be touched.

2. If the conditions of point 1 will not be matched, then the contents will be moved to a pilot's home station (the station where they have their medical clone).

Note: We will be contacting each individual supercarrier pilot individually very soon; warning them of the changes to come and providing a detailed explanation on what will happen and how to avoid nasty consequences. Also, customer support will be alert and available should any issues arise.

THANK YOU, especially for #1
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#8 - 2011-11-16 16:26:52 UTC
This is stupid.

A fighter (don' tknow about FBs) is 5,000m3. How exactly does CCP expect deep nullsec SC pilots to get their 100,000m3 of Fighters (and whatever of bombers) back to their nullsec sites?

A better solution is to have a script run at first login of the SC and jettison them in space next to the ship.

Two weeks CCP - can you figure out how to do that?

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Kiree Chancel
#9 - 2011-11-16 16:28:22 UTC
Kiree Chancel wrote:

I call it unlikely.

Welp. Guess I was wrong. Thanks CCP!
Tore Vest
#10 - 2011-11-16 16:33:30 UTC
Well.... that was the end of supercariers

No troll.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-11-16 16:39:38 UTC
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
This is stupid.

A fighter (don' tknow about FBs) is 5,000m3. How exactly does CCP expect deep nullsec SC pilots to get their 100,000m3 of Fighters (and whatever of bombers) back to their nullsec sites?

A better solution is to have a script run at first login of the SC and jettison them in space next to the ship.

this is stupid (c)Swearte Widfarend

you do realise that:
1. standard jettisoned container can contain 27500m3
2. Freighter can't take cans from space

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#12 - 2011-11-16 16:45:29 UTC
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
A fighter (don' tknow about FBs) is 5,000m3. How exactly does CCP expect deep nullsec SC pilots to get their 100,000m3 of Fighters (and whatever of bombers) back to their nullsec sites?

If you really have a problem moving that measly amount of m3, even in nullsec, I suggest selling your supercap or self-destructing it since you shouldn't be in one.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#13 - 2011-11-16 16:50:41 UTC
This question (for me at least) was never about the m3 and logistics of getting them moved. I just wanted to know if there was a way I could keep from having a neutered Nyx when I logged in post-Crucible launch.

Moving 100k m3, 200k m3 or 1,000,000 m3 is easy in null and in a lot of ways, much safer than hisec.
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-11-16 17:02:59 UTC
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
This is stupid.

A fighter (don' tknow about FBs) is 5,000m3. How exactly does CCP expect deep nullsec SC pilots to get their 100,000m3 of Fighters (and whatever of bombers) back to their nullsec sites?

A better solution is to have a script run at first login of the SC and jettison them in space next to the ship.

Two weeks CCP - can you figure out how to do that?

If only there was a ship with a sizeable cargohold and corp hangar that had fitting services. I'd design one and call it "Rorqual" because that's a p. sweet name.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-11-16 17:06:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
Sir HappyPants wrote:
This question (for me at least) was never about the m3 and logistics of getting them moved. I just wanted to know if there was a way I could keep from having a neutered Nyx when I logged in post-Crucible launch.

Moving 100k m3, 200k m3 or 1,000,000 m3 is easy in null and in a lot of ways, much safer than hisec.

sell it to us, we don't give a crap about the supercarrier nerf due to the way we use them and the insane numbers we can field and we offer the mittani's discounted third party service

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Crias Taylor
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-11-16 18:24:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Crias Taylor
Look at these super pilots crying over lack of support.
Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#17 - 2011-11-16 18:27:14 UTC
Crias Taylor wrote:
Look at these super pilots crying over lack of support.

Look at this cool guy who complains about supercaps yet is a member of an alliance who owns more than almost anyone else.
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#18 - 2011-11-16 18:32:51 UTC
Sir HappyPants wrote:
Crias Taylor wrote:
Look at these super pilots crying over lack of support.

Look at this cool guy who complains about supercaps yet is a member of an alliance who owns more than almost anyone else.

our supercap pilots are smug as **** because we can drop 200+ subcaps at the drop of a hat if things go south

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#19 - 2011-11-16 18:34:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Swearte Widfarend
Lykouleon wrote:
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
A fighter (don' tknow about FBs) is 5,000m3. How exactly does CCP expect deep nullsec SC pilots to get their 100,000m3 of Fighters (and whatever of bombers) back to their nullsec sites?

If you really have a problem moving that measly amount of m3, even in nullsec, I suggest selling your supercap or self-destructing it since you shouldn't be in one.

First of all, I don't fly a super.

Second of all, as a member of Goonswarm you don't get to speak for "all of nullsec" even though you represent the largest single body in nullsec. And as a former member of the NC, you really don't get to be self-righteous.

Finally, like a poor marksman you keep missing the point.
Why should a super pilot log into EVE and be completely castrated? Because that's what they are suggesting (doing on Sisi).

So what if you can arrange a JF to fly from HiSec to deep Stain with your Fighters and FBs. So what if you can arrange it to happen almost instantaneously because you are a member of the largest alliance in the game?

CCP shouldn't be nerfing and neutering in a single stroke, unless your fearless leader actually has a pair of kitchen shears surrounding the scrotum of someone at the top of the CCP food chain. The nerf is due, but the neutering is reckless and irresponsible.

March rabbit wrote:

this is stupid (c)Swearte Widfarend

you do realise that:
1. standard jettisoned container can contain 27500m3
2. Freighter can't take cans from space

This isn't about a freighter. If (when an SC logged in) fighters, drones, and FBs were simply in space (not in can) next to the SC, the pilot could refill the drone bay with fighters and FBs, and a corp/alliance/fleetmate could scoop the rest into a hauler and move it. Of course, this may be completely impossible for CCP to do, so their only solution is to dump in a hangar in a station, but then they should not be emptying the drone bay completely either...

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#20 - 2011-11-16 19:07:30 UTC
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
Lykouleon wrote:
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
A fighter (don' tknow about FBs) is 5,000m3. How exactly does CCP expect deep nullsec SC pilots to get their 100,000m3 of Fighters (and whatever of bombers) back to their nullsec sites?

If you really have a problem moving that measly amount of m3, even in nullsec, I suggest selling your supercap or self-destructing it since you shouldn't be in one.

First of all, I don't fly a super.

Second of all, as a member of Goonswarm you don't get to speak for "all of nullsec" even though you represent the largest single body in nullsec. And as a former member of the NC, you really don't get to be self-righteous.

Finally, like a poor marksman you keep missing the point.
Why should a super pilot log into EVE and be completely castrated? Because that's what they are suggesting (doing on Sisi).

So what if you can arrange a JF to fly from HiSec to deep Stain with your Fighters and FBs. So what if you can arrange it to happen almost instantaneously because you are a member of the largest alliance in the game?

CCP shouldn't be nerfing and neutering in a single stroke, unless your fearless leader actually has a pair of kitchen shears surrounding the ******* of someone at the top of the CCP food chain. The nerf is due, but the neutering is reckless and irresponsible.

March rabbit wrote:

this is stupid (c)Swearte Widfarend

you do realise that:
1. standard jettisoned container can contain 27500m3
2. Freighter can't take cans from space

This isn't about a freighter. If (when an SC logged in) fighters, drones, and FBs were simply in space (not in can) next to the SC, the pilot could refill the drone bay with fighters and FBs, and a corp/alliance/fleetmate could scoop the rest into a hauler and move it. Of course, this may be completely impossible for CCP to do, so their only solution is to dump in a hangar in a station, but then they should not be emptying the drone bay completely either...

I would say the solution is simply:

1. If a supercarrier pilot removes all non-fighter and non-fighter bomber drones from his or her dronebay AND reduces the total drone capacity used in the drone bay to levels that can be sustained by post-Crucible statistics, as per this dev blog, then the drones inside the supercarrier will not be touched.

I doubt dropping the excess drones in space would be viable. You'd have an oversized amount of drones in your bay from the time you logged in until the time you came out of warp. This would probably cause issues.

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