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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Worth trying to PvP / FW with my out of game situation?

krystana Andreesen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-10-04 18:24:25 UTC
So I've been dabbling around with this char going through the Amarr starter missions and getting 3/4 of the way through the SoE mission chain (though I'm focused on getting my general skills to all 4's and 5's, so Amarr doesn't have to be my only option)

As my current subscription nears its end, I'm trying to plan out what I might be able to do in EVE with teh requirements of my out of game lifestyle, so decided to come to the forums for advice

(puts on flameproof suit)

Here's my situation - I LOVE the concept of EVE, the graphics, the sandbox openness, the friendly players (at least in the E-Uni channel). However, having three active kids and a demanding workplace, I find that I can at most spare 2 nights a week (maybe 3-4 if I try really hard) just to play, and there are times during those nights where I might be called away unexpectedly to deal with one crisis or another.

I WANT to get into PvP (most likely FW to start), and would love to be part of a gang / organized group (Love being "healer" (repper) and "Crowd Control" (EWAR / Tackler) based on the roles I like to play in other games (sniper could be an option also, sooo many choices!).

My main concern is what I posted above, I don't see how much value i could be to a group if I have to bail with a 5 - 10 minute warning to a group (outside of combat of course). I want to be part of a strong, lively community, I want to be able to enjoy the pulse-pounding experience of PvP, but I don't want to drag anyone else down in the process due to non-game needs.

Thus my questions:

1) With the above preferences and out of game situation effectively rule me out of being abler to participate in any non-solo PvP, or should I just plan on mission running / salvaging / exploring with the understanding that I may not be able to fully complete a given mission if I get called away?

CAVEAT: If I can't PvP, I'd be willing to try group-based PvE if that's a better fit. Just have found if I'm solo in a game I don't last long.

2) Are there any FW corps out there that would be willing to work with someone inexperienced with EVE, yet very willing to learn?

If I won't be able to PvP / group effectively I'll just let my sub lapse until I am able to devote more time to the game.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-10-04 18:44:26 UTC
there are 2 main problems with you maybe having to bail on a fleet early, however i wouldent say that either exludes you from being active in pvp.

1- if the fleet is roaming through dangerous territory and you have to dock up for the night you will likly be stuck geting back to safety on your own upon loging in, this isnt imposible it just requires that you take extra care on your way back.

2- if you are filling a role that is vital to the fleets success and you have to ditch them then this is obviously a problem so make sure the people you are running with understand that you may have to go so they can build the fleet with that in mind.

aside from this you realy have to ask the corps you want to run with as everyone has a slightly different way of running things and not every corp will accomidate you in the same way.
Leafar Nightfall
Silent Owls
#3 - 2013-10-04 19:14:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Leafar Nightfall
Most of the bigger corps have an interview to see if you fit in their playstyle and will understand your situations. I have corp mates that are in a similar situation and I myself am not having the time to play as I'd like lately.

I know how you feel because I feel kind of bad for not being able to join my corp mates in activities due to "unstable game time" sorf of say. I have thinked on going for FW as a backup plan, although I haven't tried it yet I think it supports better a casual playstyle since you can joing your faction channel and ask if anyone need support to hold a spot. The other thing I think that may work is Red vs Blue and the Bombers Bar chat channel, since just like FW there might be people and fleets 24/7 available to form fleets with.

I'd only recommend you don't take a role that is trivial to the gang success such as tackling for instance.
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-10-04 19:15:24 UTC
You'll likely be looking for a "weekend warrior" type of corp that will be able to cater to your schedule as well as have a spot for you when you're available. As Zanzbar mentioned, you'll likely run into problems making these pieces line up. That said, I would think you could find a corp that would help with that alignment.

Good luck to you.
krystana Andreesen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-10-04 21:28:54 UTC
Thanks for the inputs so far, what about the PvE option? Though not my 1st preference, would that make for a better fit to my current time situation?
Leafar Nightfall
Silent Owls
#6 - 2013-10-04 22:05:41 UTC
There are loads of options in PvE for a casual:

Mission running: good money on lvl4, you can use a Noctis to clean up the sites after the missions, and if you do it in high sec the chance that you are troubled by someone else is relatively small. You can run a lvl4 in 20 to 30 minutes I believe

You can go for ratting in null too, in this case you have two choices: bringing an cruiser or bigger to kill all the rats, of a Stealth bomber and bomb only the rats that are battleships, which are the most valuable. You also have the advantage of being able to cloak if someone else shows up in the system. This can get boring after a while but is a relatively good income and you can stop pretty much every 2 minutes: just bomb a BS, warp to a safe and cloak up.

And there are the incursion stuff but I'm not used to that to give and opinion... I just know that it's a pretty advanced kind of PvE
Gallastian Khanid
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-10-05 02:11:04 UTC
For PvP you can dock up anywhere in lowsec or NPC nullsec on low notice. Roams deep into hostile Sov Null or WH space would be more difficult, but you can cloak up in Sov Null and you can scan your way out in WHS.

If you join Eve Uni you can easily join or even lead fleets. Other good 'starter corps' to check out would be Red vs Blue or Brave Newbies. They're very accommodating to a lot of different play styles.

For PVE I would look at passive income sources if you have limited time. Low skillpoint examples are hauling skillbooks, trading, or planetary interaction. Later on you can look at things like moon mining (recently nerfed), reaction towers (IDK anything about this), or various industry. I would suggest looking into market trading.

If you have a high paying job then you may want to just buy plex. A plex is 15-20$ for 500+mil isk and most PvE is far below 500mil/hr.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-10-05 08:43:48 UTC
Another option, though it is not as 'meaning full' as for instance FW...... RvB

2 highsec alliances, 1 community.

They are always at war with each other and do this to give people access to low entry and fun PvP.
They dont care if you have to leave, cause they usually live and fight around the same location. So if you have to log, so be it. On next log in you can join the next fleet to fight the other side.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Call Rollard
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-10-05 11:52:06 UTC
FW is frequently a point where new players start PVPing. You can gain LP and make ISK that way and gain PVP when you are flying in a fleet.

Many corporations take newer players typically +1 months old due to trial accounts etc, and even if you are new you can be put into tackling or support.

RVB is a highsec alliance/corporation/community where you can PVP contently solo or in fleets.

0.0 is completely different, typically much larger gangs and much quieter depending where you are. Some players dislike 0.0 PVP so If you wanted to I'd know more about it before going into 0.0 and hating it.

I'm sure you can find infomation on what each area is like and which corp will be best. GL Big smile
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2013-10-05 12:24:47 UTC
To be able to get back home after having to log out in deep hostile space some ships are better than other.
Maybe if you chose to play something like Interceptor or Recon, having to leave early wouldn't be such a big issue as doing the same in a BS.
krystana Andreesen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-10-05 14:38:30 UTC
Thanks for all the great replies! Sounds like RvB might be a great way to start.
How do I get involved with them? More importantly how do most of them afford it?
The pled selling idea is a good one, but I'd like to see if I can avoid that route at first?

Read somewhere that one advantage of FW was that it was profitable enough that replacings ships and fits
was fairly easy, does RvB work the same way?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#12 - 2013-10-05 15:23:53 UTC  |  Edited by: J'Poll
krystana Andreesen wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies! Sounds like RvB might be a great way to start.
How do I get involved with them? More importantly how do most of them afford it?
The pled selling idea is a good one, but I'd like to see if I can avoid that route at first?

Read somewhere that one advantage of FW was that it was profitable enough that replacings ships and fits
was fairly easy, does RvB work the same way?

To contact RvB:

In game channel: R-V-B

And RvB is about PvP, there is no real money making out of the PvP itself.

But most PvP is centered around a handful of systems and you can run missions / mine far away from them in relative safety.
And if you don't like the risk, you can always leave them to stock up on ISK/Ships and then rejoin them. RvB has an open door policy on leaving/rejoining.

Also, there (the last time I was active in RvB) a ship replacement program for new players. To keep them happy and stocked up with some ships.

And a lot of people that are in RvB actually are alts or have alts so that they can provide their own ISK. A good amount I know have traders or such on the same account that they use to make ISK for RvB related explosions.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Sho Menao
Oblivion Watch
#13 - 2013-10-06 02:55:01 UTC
I know the feeling. I used to be able to play all day every day and led fleets back in the day but now get called away at random times. Solo is one good way to deal with the unpredictability of real life, however small gangs of friends where they know you need to get called away from time to time are the types of people youre looking for I think. Feel free to convo/mail me ingame and I'll try to help where I can.
krystana Andreesen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2013-10-07 22:55:28 UTC
Again, thanks for the help everyone!

If I added the desirce to be able to get enough ISK / month to buy plex (and save my bank account a little dough), would that change the equation one way or another?

I saw someone mention that joining Amarr FW might be helpful, since there are plenty of plexes to take and Amarr can make a decent profit grabbing LP, buying ships at the lower LP rates that being a "small" faction brings, then turn around and sell the ships for decent $$ in Caladri space, is that also correct?
Callie McPherson
NorVor Ltd.
#15 - 2013-10-08 03:17:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Callie McPherson
Trying to finance your playing time with plex and not being able to play a lot - would seem to me to be incompatible.

I'd look at how long it took you earn enough money to buy one and then see how that fits in with your playing schedule.

If you can't afford $15 a month ... you probably can't afford to play this game.

For myself - I quit a year ago - for just the reasons you cite. My RL situation has changed - and I cannot now do anything without being constantly interrupted. Mining works fairly well if I do it in high sec - but with a lot of other things it doesn't.

Here - how much time you've got to secure your ship matters. If you have to just jump up and leave as I sometimes do - even PVE isn't very good as the rats will kill your ship. If you try to PVP that way ... you are going to get a reputation as someone who can't be counted on.

Other games are much more forgiving of going AFK unexpectedly. WoW and Planetside 2 are completely different games - but there is no Real Loss in those games. In EVE - you have Real Loss. That ship took money to buy and that money took time to make. So if you lose it - you have really lost the part of your life you devoted to earning that in game money. Of course - hopefully - you had fun making the money - and that part isn't lost. But the ship is.

Now - losing ships is part of playing EVE - but losing them repeatedly for stupid reasons like having to go AFK ... becomes something else ...

Gotta go ... RL is calling ....

Wrecking Shots
#16 - 2013-10-08 04:01:00 UTC
krystana Andreesen wrote:

Here's my situation - I LOVE the concept of EVE, the graphics, the sandbox openness, the friendly players (at least in the E-Uni channel). However, having three active kids and a demanding workplace, I find that I can at most spare 2 nights a week (maybe 3-4 if I try really hard) just to play, and there are times during those nights where I might be called away unexpectedly to deal with one crisis or another.

I WANT to get into PvP (most likely FW to start), and would love to be part of a gang / organized group (Love being "healer" (repper) and "Crowd Control" (EWAR / Tackler) based on the roles I like to play in other games (sniper could be an option also, sooo many choices!).

My main concern is what I posted above, I don't see how much value i could be to a group if I have to bail with a 5 - 10 minute warning to a group (outside of combat of course). I want to be part of a strong, lively community, I want to be able to enjoy the pulse-pounding experience of PvP, but I don't want to drag anyone else down in the process due to non-game needs.

I would think that FW dudes probably wouldnt have a huge problem with you dropping like that unless they think you might be a spy or something. In FW you would be in low sec and dropping out suddenly wouldnt be necessarily fatal. You could dock up and prob stand a fair chance of getting home later safely. You might also consider a pirate corp. They probably would have few problems with a player docking up on short notice occasionally.

In Null sec it would be much harder to do this and still manage to stay alive later. If you log in enemy space you will probably get probed out and killed. You wouldnt be able to dock. Etc. Getting out of hostile space alone is more difficult.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-10-08 06:05:11 UTC
krystana Andreesen wrote:
Again, thanks for the help everyone!

If I added the desirce to be able to get enough ISK / month to buy plex (and save my bank account a little dough), would that change the equation one way or another?

I saw someone mention that joining Amarr FW might be helpful, since there are plenty of plexes to take and Amarr can make a decent profit grabbing LP, buying ships at the lower LP rates that being a "small" faction brings, then turn around and sell the ships for decent $$ in Caladri space, is that also correct?


you stated you cant play much.

And you want to make 500mil for a PLEX AND have enough income for PvP (which require ISK for replacement of losses).

Good luck with that.

If you cant afford 15 Euro/Dollar, and have very limited gametime. Then EVE as you want it might not be for you.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Thanatos Marathon
#18 - 2013-10-08 14:21:31 UTC
making 500 mil in FW plexing is doable 2 days a week (depending on how many hours you play and how good you are at conversion/etc.). Once you can run level 4 FW missions successfully and repeatedly it should be easy to balance out over time (farm at tier3, sell at Tier1). 5-10 min warning is more than enough to get back to a station or find a dead system to log out in (figure on being in a T1/Faction frigate).

For the people that said that this isn't the game for you, I believe they are wrong.

5-10 min of warning is more than enough in many sections of the game (not nulsec roaming) as long as you aren't filling a critical role in pvp (bridge/ewar/logi).

Isk wise playing 2-4 nights a week is plenty to make a plex every couple weeks with a station trading toon once you are good at it.
Callie McPherson
NorVor Ltd.
#19 - 2013-10-08 17:18:53 UTC
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
making 500 mil in FW plexing is doable 2 days a week (depending on how many hours you play and how good you are at conversion/etc.). Once you can run level 4 FW missions successfully and repeatedly it should be easy to balance out over time (farm at tier3, sell at Tier1). 5-10 min warning is more than enough to get back to a station or find a dead system to log out in (figure on being in a T1/Faction frigate).

For the people that said that this isn't the game for you, I believe they are wrong.

5-10 min of warning is more than enough in many sections of the game (not nulsec roaming) as long as you aren't filling a critical role in pvp (bridge/ewar/logi).

Isk wise playing 2-4 nights a week is plenty to make a plex every couple weeks with a station trading toon once you are good at it.

The guy is a new player. He's not even close to being able to do this.

And - 5-10 minutes warning? Don't you understand - you may not get ANY warning. You get called away from the game immediately to deal with some RL situation - over and over and over again ... that is ... I do. What the OP can do ... I don't know ... *shrug* that's his call ... If he wants - he can give it a try and just see how it goes.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-10-08 17:47:08 UTC
Thanatos Marathon wrote:
making 500 mil in FW plexing is doable 2 days a week (depending on how many hours you play and how good you are at conversion/etc.). Once you can run level 4 FW missions successfully and repeatedly it should be easy to balance out over time (farm at tier3, sell at Tier1). 5-10 min warning is more than enough to get back to a station or find a dead system to log out in (figure on being in a T1/Faction frigate).

For the people that said that this isn't the game for you, I believe they are wrong.

5-10 min of warning is more than enough in many sections of the game (not nulsec roaming) as long as you aren't filling a critical role in pvp (bridge/ewar/logi).

Isk wise playing 2-4 nights a week is plenty to make a plex every couple weeks with a station trading toon once you are good at it.

Couple of things I spot:

1. OP has 2 days a week to play, he wants to PvP. If getting enough ISK takes 2 days / week, that leaves no place for PvP.
2. OP is new player and thus doesn't have lots of skills to help him
3. OP stated that he can be called away from the PC at ANY point (so not with a 5 - 10 min warning)

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

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