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EVE General Discussion

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First post
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2013-10-07 15:32:19 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Oh I love threads like these. So many wardec targets out of them.

Not only are we extortionists, but we are VERY good at it.

that's why i have never heard of your corp Lol

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Skeln Thargensen
#142 - 2013-10-07 15:51:49 UTC
Gosh, hope I don't get wardecced!

forums.  serious business.

E-2C Hawkeye
#143 - 2013-10-07 16:14:33 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Few things make me more angry than people pulling the bullying card out on things which are nothing like bullying.

Some bullies will get mad when called out Big smile
Bo Dado
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2013-10-07 16:18:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Bo Dado
March rabbit wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Oh I love threads like these. So many wardec targets out of them.

Not only are we extortionists, but we are VERY good at it.

that's why i have never heard of your corp Lol

The only reason I heard of them is because they ganked my mains retriever. Didn't know they were called The New Order until this thread.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#145 - 2013-10-07 22:09:43 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Oh I love threads like these. So many wardec targets out of them.

Not only are we extortionists, but we are VERY good at it.

that's why i have never heard of your corp Lol

Not surprised you haven't heard of this corp, I made it days ago. Was sick of the old name.

New Order Death Dealers, of which I am a supporter but not a member, is much better known. Ditto New Order Logistics.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Danial Boone
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#146 - 2013-10-08 05:47:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Danial Boone
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Danial Boone wrote:
YOUR ignorance ?? James Extortion Scam IS NOT the law....

If they had bothered to talk to me rather than just showing up and bumping/target locking us and then attempting to gank us, things would have turned out differently. I am all for taking out the macro and afk miners, however I do not take kindly to being bullied into doing anything.

Oh well, POS taken down, everyone docked. Starting a long break, since we can no longer mine in peace.

So in a competitive game, instead of finding a way to win against your opponents, you are ceding the game to them. Sounds like mission success. Other miners, hopefully code compliant ones, will make slightly more isk.

I guess after 10 years I have grown weary of the continual grind of one asshat after another doing what ever they can to stop us from mining, researching and building. As to our absence allowing other (code complaint, brown nose) players to make slightly more isk. I am certain of one thing, there will be four less orca's and two less Charon's on the market every month.
Karynn Denton
Lekhantsi Salvage Depot
#147 - 2013-10-08 07:01:10 UTC
Danial Boone wrote:

I guess after 10 years I have grown weary of the continual grind of one asshat after another doing what ever they can to stop us from mining, researching and building. As to our absence allowing other (code complaint, brown nose) players to make slightly more isk. I am certain of one thing, there will be four less orca's and two less Charon's on the market every month.

Curl up in a ball, cry and give up.
That's the spirit! Roll

Karynn Denton

Caravan Master

Imperium Technologies
Sigma Grindset
#148 - 2013-10-08 08:34:29 UTC
I find it hillarious anyone would be ignorant enough to pay these clowns just to mine. Oh well, to the victor goes the spoils.
#149 - 2013-10-09 15:36:42 UTC
On another subject Daniel, whats with your hair? You need a new do.

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"

#150 - 2013-10-09 17:18:27 UTC
Danial Boone wrote:
...bullying and intimidation...

If you stay at least 50cm away from your monitor, they can't actually harm you.

Doctor Nakajima
Long John Silver.
#151 - 2013-10-10 04:06:25 UTC

To start shooting and destroying anyone who wears that shamefull badge. As terrible as it is using miners as a hostages, this meassure will break the idea of 'I need to add it to my bio in order to survive'. No, bending your will and dignity to the tyrants will not save your ship.
Nathalie LaPorte
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#152 - 2013-10-10 04:14:23 UTC
Doctor Nakajima wrote:

To start shooting and destroying anyone who wears that shamefull badge. As terrible as it is using miners as a hostages, this meassure will break the idea of 'I need to add it to my bio in order to survive'. No, bending your will and dignity to the tyrants will not save your ship.

Is this "THE SOLUTION" meaning that you're going to go do this? Or is it "THE SOLUTION" meaning that other people should go do this? If the latter, you're about the two-thousandth person to suggest that someone else go do this--and none of the first two thousand people were successful in their pathetic begging for someone else to solve the problem for them.
Doctor Nakajima
Long John Silver.
#153 - 2013-10-10 04:23:36 UTC
Nothing is done by a single character. Anyway you mix the concept of idea with the concept of performing. you know what others do? Not have the ideas nor help in the second stage (the performing). They only say no. Making EvE was impossible for that sort of people but here we are. Sorry I didn't came with a 'worry not, I'll fix everything' sort of solution if that's what youre expecting, but the meassure I propose dont need an actual group to be done. Just the idea on its own is disuasory enaugh if anyone with a hadfull of chip destroyers decide to undo the safety feelings of the surrendered.
#154 - 2013-10-10 23:05:17 UTC
I joined a sov holding alliance and moved to null sec to avoid minerbumpers. Smile

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#155 - 2013-10-13 08:20:15 UTC
Ryhss wrote:
I joined a sov holding alliance and moved to null sec to avoid minerbumpers. Smile

Sounds like a lot of work when you could have just paid 10 million isk. Can you please evemail me your next forum thread that talks about how some nullsec alliance just kicked you, and you can't get your stuff out of station?

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

No Means No
meh fackit
#156 - 2013-10-13 08:45:06 UTC
Who the fk mines anyway..

Le Judge
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2013-10-13 11:01:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Le Judge
I'd been in-game for less than 7 days.
Had mustered what little wealth I'd diligently accumulated through my solo mining efforts outside of any Corp and had some PLEX purchased for ISK, was moving all items to a new system to begin life with my new Corp. Over 20 jumps completed and only a few to go all in Hi-Sec in a basic cargo hauler I'd purchased just for the task, had warped to next star gate in queue and was almost immediately attacked and destroyed, not only lost my hauler but then to rub salt into the wound had my capsule destroyed too.

D400 .. (will not be forgotten)

I didn't get mad, I didn't lose it .. hell, it's a game after all, but thought I'd ask the question so I'd sent a one line eve-mail asking ... "was that really necessary?" .. response was similarly short "yes" came the reply.

Carrying a **** load of shinnies & PLEX (stupid I know now, but then I was less that 7 days in).
Thought to chalk it down to experience and use it as a positive, but losing the PLEX somehow felt like "theft" to me but ..
thanks for the lesson D400 (will not be forgotten).

I then do little research on my pirate (as one does) .. and New Order is revealed to me for the 1st time.
I visit the minerbumping website, read all of the details and it actually begins to sounds like wisdom !
Saving us from the Bots .. sounds like a plan.. and one that I'd willingly subscribe to for 10Mil, even be tempted to assist.

HOWEVER .. A shiver crept up my spine and I then I also remembered that it doesn't resemble or explain what happened to me and most likely, a lot of others. I'd received no "bump" to see if I was a BOT, no nice polite message declaring to hand over the 10Mil and/or shown a link to explain WHY.
No .. just like a pirate would, and out of no-where everything I had accumulated was now gone..

Some would say "hey dude it's just a game".. I understand it's a game, but I tend to think that if I had possibly been a younger person, or someone less emotionally mature (say, my younger son) could have potentially caused a Log out, quit game, Gone!
So, how does "Eve" and it's gaming community benefit from this? Does it become a better place? How does the wisdom and this sanctioned activity by the Order hold up to being any way justifiable? .. Quite simply, It doesn't.

The more I'd read the more I was reminded of another who had very successfully hood-winked the masses and declared to be performing a public service "Al Capone" and how well that worked out for the communities he had professed to be serving, the USA (in-fact the WORLD) is still reeling today from the aftermath of this initial organised criminality. When put on the spot the Orders members are fast to declare that "it's only pixels and to just get over it" or "if you don't like it, leave". CCP should hide it's head in utter shame for not recognizing and to act upon activity which so obviously DOES cause discomfort and IS causing it's PAYING MEMBERS a degree of unnecessary anxiety. This goes beyond being acceptable behavior in a game IMHO.

We all of us know that in a pixel world there are no emotions, but on the other side of a computer monitor ... life just doesn't work that way, and there are ALWAYS consequences to our actions in cyber space, ask any parent who's lost a child through cyber bullying and they'll tell you. A bit extreme of an example I know, but you get my point, no difference!
Ever been scammed on-line on Ebay perhaps or fallen foul to some other scam? It's not nice to be conned in any shape or form, and intimidating activity being "in-game" is no cloak to hide behind. Shouldn't we stand up to the ones responsible or is the truth that we just look out for ourselves now and laugh at the victims for not being more aware?
Ladies and Gents have we become so morally bankrupt to permit what we abhor in our RL's to now filter in and become the norm and accepted behavior even in the very place we try to escape to, to forget the world outside for a while? Not only is it being unchallenged but the protagonists have the balls to publicly recruit and justify their actions being in accordance with a "Code"!

After thoroughly examining all the information that I could about the Order, and now while I am presently (off-shore) working and cannot get into game, I have spent some time reading through the many Forums for information but seems no mater which forum, which topic, time and time again the Order is coming to the forefront. Warning signs becoming more and more prevalent, and to my mind come and old saying ..
... "All that is required for Evil to prevail is for Good men to do nothing!" ...

Well, I intend to do something .. however insignificant it may prove to be.
This is not a clarion call to others who may feel the same, I'm just airing my opinion which is my right, as is the next persons.
I know there must be HORDES of others who would be more willing but remain anonymous and that is completely understandable.. also many others who most likely never read the forums, but I will not remain so. There is no fear for those who are unwilling to be subdued by it.

I've no wealth of knowledge about Eve as yet .. seriously, I'm still very much only at the infancy of my learning curve but have learned enough that will act as solid foundation for good progression I believe. I plan to continue this and when I am ready .. have the experience and means to bring to bear and counter the Order.. it is going to be for me, my mission in game!

For Good or Evil.. It's unnecessary to advertise.. if the community wills it .. it will happen. Blink

Posted on Alt .. "Wayland Sky" was the victim of D400
Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#158 - 2013-10-13 11:14:25 UTC
Le Judge wrote:

You puot PLEX in your cargo hold and then ask if it was necessary to get blown up? Roll
Skeln Thargensen
#159 - 2013-10-13 11:20:30 UTC
oh a PLEX in cargo anecdote, how credible.

forums.  serious business.

Le Judge
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#160 - 2013-10-13 11:28:32 UTC
Skeln Thargensen wrote:
oh a PLEX in cargo anecdote, how credible.

You doubt the integrity of my post? Smile

Just ask D400 .. i'm sure he'd be willing to confirm this rich payday ;) unless he delete's his in-box the eve-mail
will still be there.. though I'm more confident he'd remember, as has been stated.. "you put PLEX in your cargo hold?"

Why is it your so fixated on some words, but not other? .. in the same sentence I had explained I was less than 7 days in.
Seems you read the words but fail to read the message.