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Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?

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March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2013-10-07 12:43:03 UTC
Cierra Royce wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.

SOMER gives all the players chance to win

Ero1 - to New Order
Goons - to gankers

Yes, i see no difference here Cool

Any one can pick up a cat and do their duty in high sec and James will foot the bill from the donations, they don't have to be members of any specific New Order organisation.

Your perceived difference is besides the point really, in both cases the Isk was given out to good causes as defined by the donors, whether to altruistically promote the rule of law and order in high sec as in the case of Erotica1 or to promote and expand a private gambling empire in the case of Somer.

Both gave something back to the community, not that this entitles them to any special reward other than our thanks for expanding the scope of what's possible.

you missed the point

or you don't but being goon makes you evade it

Anyway everybody who is not brainwashed like goon will see the difference between SOMER and Ero/goons

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

#22 - 2013-10-07 12:45:12 UTC
Chance Harper wrote:
wowyouareacow wrote:
Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?
I thought they were just a "casino" organisation that hosted a gambling game which requires no skill, and due to rake, ultimately loses the players money.

Am I missing something here with SOMER? Is there a skill based element to their game?

I wouldnt call it skill. With some Logic and paying attention, you can figure out pretty fast how to make ISK on SomerBlink!
Every Month i buy a 60Day GTC via the Somer Affiliate system. Which in return gives you 200 Mill. Somer Credits.

First i turn those 200 Mill into 600 Mill. by buying Tickets for smaller prices, like BC or Tech3 Cruisers. Then when i have the 600 Mill. I go for the Carriers or other Cap ships and in no time i can claim a win of 1.5 - 2 Bill. ISK

In the end i didnt even had to invest anything cuz i got those 200 Mill. credits as a gift for buying the GTC. So in the end you get the value of 5 PLEX for the price of 2.

Sssshhh , you gave the secret away , now Somers going to go broke.

Feel free to send me some isk for my foolproof roulette system.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#23 - 2013-10-07 13:05:16 UTC
yes they redistribute wealth from the rich and stupid to better uses
Cierra Royce
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-10-07 13:26:57 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.

SOMER gives all the players chance to win

Ero1 - to New Order
Goons - to gankers

Yes, i see no difference here Cool

Any one can pick up a cat and do their duty in high sec and James will foot the bill from the donations, they don't have to be members of any specific New Order organisation.

Your perceived difference is besides the point really, in both cases the Isk was given out to good causes as defined by the donors, whether to altruistically promote the rule of law and order in high sec as in the case of Erotica1 or to promote and expand a private gambling empire in the case of Somer.

Both gave something back to the community, not that this entitles them to any special reward other than our thanks for expanding the scope of what's possible.

you missed the point

or you don't but being goon makes you evade it

Anyway everybody who is not brainwashed like goon will see the difference between SOMER and Ero/goons

What is the point you are arguing here? The claim I addressed there was that Somer was handing out bags of Isk as sponsorship which was more than most do, and I provided two example counterpoints, that I know of there are more.

The fact I proudly bear the Goonflagge aloft whilst praising his Imperial Majesty Mittens I and singing 'little bees' all the while isn't at issue here. It doesn't colour my judgement at all.
Sensible People
Sigma Grindset
#25 - 2013-10-07 15:18:59 UTC
Sure they do. Look at all the free drama we're getting thanks to them!
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-10-07 16:17:07 UTC
Cierra Royce wrote:

What is the point you are arguing here? The claim I addressed there was that Somer was handing out bags of Isk as sponsorship which was more than most do, and I provided two example counterpoints, that I know of there are more.

point is: SOMER gives chance to each player (you only need to register and you already in the party) while two others only target some part of playerbase (gankers, bumpers, etc). This way i can be called "great donor" because i often send ISK to my alts.

The fact I proudly bear the Goonflagge aloft whilst praising his Imperial Majesty Mittens I and singing 'little bees' all the while isn't at issue here. It doesn't colour my judgement at all.

yes it does. It is very obvious from your own posts Cool

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

YesYes NoNoNo
Karmic Rebalance
#27 - 2013-10-07 16:29:44 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:

What is the point you are arguing here? The claim I addressed there was that Somer was handing out bags of Isk as sponsorship which was more than most do, and I provided two example counterpoints, that I know of there are more.

point is: SOMER gives chance to each player (you only need to register and you already in the party) while two others only target some part of playerbase (gankers, bumpers, etc). This way i can be called "great donor" because i often send ISK to my alts.

The fact I proudly bear the Goonflagge aloft whilst praising his Imperial Majesty Mittens I and singing 'little bees' all the while isn't at issue here. It doesn't colour my judgement at all.

yes it does. It is very obvious from your own posts Cool

Not every player. There are droves of players banned for reasons ranging anywhere from expressing 'the wrong opinion' on the forums or chat, to personal grudges.
Anomaly One
#28 - 2013-10-07 16:33:25 UTC
Prince Kobol
#29 - 2013-10-07 16:34:49 UTC
Cierra Royce wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.

SOMER gives all the players chance to win

Ero1 - to New Order
Goons - to gankers

Yes, i see no difference here Cool

Any one can pick up a cat and do their duty in high sec and James will foot the bill from the donations, they don't have to be members of any specific New Order organisation.

Your perceived difference is besides the point really, in both cases the Isk was given out to good causes as defined by the donors, whether to altruistically promote the rule of law and order in high sec as in the case of Erotica1 or to promote and expand a private gambling empire in the case of Somer.

Both gave something back to the community, not that this entitles them to any special reward other than our thanks for expanding the scope of what's possible.

you missed the point

or you don't but being goon makes you evade it

Anyway everybody who is not brainwashed like goon will see the difference between SOMER and Ero/goons

What is the point you are arguing here? The claim I addressed there was that Somer was handing out bags of Isk as sponsorship which was more than most do, and I provided two example counterpoints, that I know of there are more.

The fact I proudly bear the Goonflagge aloft whilst praising his Imperial Majesty Mittens I and singing 'little bees' all the while isn't at issue here. It doesn't colour my judgement at all.

I agree.

Lets make something clear, I am in no way affiliated with the goons (I'm in FinFleet for gods sake lol) yet I still applaud any group, including the goons that help sponsor player driven events.

Whether it be Somer sponsoring billions of isk or the Goons funding events like Hulkageddon, its all good and the more the better.

My original point is that to discuss whether Somer make a positive contribution is pointless due to everybody having their own personal opinions and most of them valid.

The same argument could be made for the Goons.

Many people have a irrational hatred for the Goons yet I would argue that having the goons in Eve makes Eve a better game.

Alavaria Fera
#30 - 2013-10-07 16:35:57 UTC
YesYes NoNoNo wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:

What is the point you are arguing here? The claim I addressed there was that Somer was handing out bags of Isk as sponsorship which was more than most do, and I provided two example counterpoints, that I know of there are more.

point is: SOMER gives chance to each player (you only need to register and you already in the party) while two others only target some part of playerbase (gankers, bumpers, etc). This way i can be called "great donor" because i often send ISK to my alts.

The fact I proudly bear the Goonflagge aloft whilst praising his Imperial Majesty Mittens I and singing 'little bees' all the while isn't at issue here. It doesn't colour my judgement at all.

yes it does. It is very obvious from your own posts Cool

Not every player. There are droves of players banned for reasons ranging anywhere from expressing 'the wrong opinion' on the forums or chat, to personal grudges.

Well if the group that ccp likes disapproves of you, you must be a Bad Person (tm) like a ganker

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2013-10-07 17:25:31 UTC
Gambling addiction is a real life problem, and it's possible to put real life money into this game, so my opinion (and I recognize it's just that) is that Somer Blink's contribution to the game experience is a net negative. That said, the blame for the recent scandal(s) lays entirely on CCP. I can't really fault Somer Blink for taking free stuff when CCP Navigator is lobbing it at them.
Cierra Royce
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2013-10-07 17:46:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cierra Royce
Johnny Marzetti wrote:
Gambling addiction is a real life problem, and it's possible to put real life money into this game, so my opinion (and I recognize it's just that) is that Somer Blink's contribution to the game experience is a net negative. That said, the blame for the recent scandal(s) lays entirely on CCP. I can't really fault Somer Blink for taking free stuff when CCP Navigator is lobbing it at them.

Hmm it's a very good point, gamblers are bads and it's right to take their In game money off them, but gets all a bit too real and sleazy when you take into account people converting plexes for gambling purposes.

Johnny, don't ever talk to me again, I'm supposed to be an amoral monster, a psychopathic minion of the Mittani with no soul, I can't be having these type of doubts creeping in, worse still when delivered by fellow goons, oh the goonmanity.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-10-07 18:12:39 UTC
Chance Harper wrote:
I wouldnt call it skill. With some Logic and paying attention, you can figure out pretty fast how to make ISK on SomerBlink!
Every Month i buy a 60Day GTC via the Somer Affiliate system. Which in return gives you 200 Mill. Somer Credits.

First i turn those 200 Mill into 600 Mill. by buying Tickets for smaller prices, like BC or Tech3 Cruisers. Then when i have the 600 Mill. I go for the Carriers or other Cap ships and in no time i can claim a win of 1.5 - 2 Bill. ISK

In the end i didnt even had to invest anything cuz i got those 200 Mill. credits as a gift for buying the GTC. So in the end you get the value of 5 PLEX for the price of 2.

i'm sorry to say it but your "system" is nonsense because there is no "system" for winning lotteries the same way there is no system for winning jackpots at slot machines

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#34 - 2013-10-07 18:13:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
in almost every case, people who claim to have "systems" for winning at such things are just trying to justify their gambling problems

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2013-10-07 18:28:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnny Marzetti
Cierra Royce wrote:

Hmm it's a very good point, gamblers are bads and it's right to take their In game money off them, but gets all a bit too real and sleazy when you take into account people converting plexes for gambling purposes.

Johnny, don't ever talk to me again, I'm supposed to be an amoral monster, a psychopathic minion of the Mittani with no soul, I can't be having these type of doubts creeping in, worse still when delivered by fellow goons, oh the goonmanity.

Yeah, I'm pretty bad at being evil. I think I get away with it because grr goons overrides everything else, thank god.
Ghost Phius
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2013-10-07 19:21:21 UTC
I am not ready to bash the SOMER group for CCP's COMPLETE lack of integrity.
ZeeWolf Novus
Saor Alba
#37 - 2013-10-07 19:25:02 UTC
wowyouareacow wrote:

Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2013-10-07 19:33:42 UTC
Grr Goons.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#39 - 2013-10-07 19:34:19 UTC

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2013-10-07 19:39:13 UTC
wowyouareacow wrote:
Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?

IMO no, they do not. They make positive contributions to their own wallets and some other in-game entities. Everyone else loses, cumulatively, in the long run. Sure, one guy might hit a jackpot for 10 or even 50 bil, but show me any group of 10 blink players and I'll show you a group of players that are collectively missing at least 10 billion from their wallets.

Now if somer was a hidden isk sink Twisted and CCP was just paying them to make the isk "disappear" then I might reconsider my opinion of them. Other than that, they're crooks. Nobody who has ever run a casino has been anything but.
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