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EFT v2.35 - Citadel

Dasani Waters
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1661 - 2013-09-26 11:33:25 UTC
Diaktoros wrote:
Is there a way to simulate getting cap/shield/armor from a logi within EFT?

Drag the module from the transferring ship's fitting window into the recipient ship's projected effects window.
Oraac Ensor
#1662 - 2013-09-26 12:15:47 UTC
Why is this thread not a sticky?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1663 - 2013-09-26 14:29:33 UTC
Frist congratulations for this excellent tool!
Keep up the nice work!

I'm still learning all features in EFT and by now i miss some stats.
If someone could point me them out i'll apreciate it!
And if they don't exist, they could be nice imporvements in a next release!

- I can't find the "TRACKING" stats for turrents, so i can't see improvements when i plug tracking enhancers.
- I didn't find stats for "SCAN PROBES STRENGHT" or "VIRUS STRENGHTS" when i fit scaning ships.

Thanx for any advice!
#1664 - 2013-09-27 10:25:43 UTC
Corelum C-Type Energized EM Membrane is listed in EFT as using 34 cpu, while it really only uses 28 cpu.

o/ fly crazy

Matthias Thullmann
Dynatron Inc.
#1665 - 2013-09-27 22:28:34 UTC
Sac dronebay is 50m3 not 15m3.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1666 - 2013-09-29 03:48:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Chijvz
First of all, an infinite thank you to you! I wish EFT had an uptime timer so I could accurately tell you how many hundreds of hours I've had fun with it! :D

Serious suggestion though: Enable disabling ammo types from the rightclick-menu of weapons (F.Ex. I only want faction and T2 there, the others are just clutter and I accidentally choose the wrong kind).

Sepe'Tiaraju wrote:
Frist congratulations for this excellent tool!
Keep up the nice work!

I'm still learning all features in EFT and by now i miss some stats.
If someone could point me them out i'll apreciate it!
And if they don't exist, they could be nice imporvements in a next release!

- I can't find the "TRACKING" stats for turrents, so i can't see improvements when i plug tracking enhancers.
- I didn't find stats for "SCAN PROBES STRENGHT" or "VIRUS STRENGHTS" when i fit scaning ships.

Thanx for any advice!

From the View menu enable Selected Item Info, there you can see both of those and much more!
Or you can rightclick a module and Show Module Info but I like to have the selected item info window up at all times for quick reference.
Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#1667 - 2013-10-03 10:50:14 UTC
i see that the specialized industry bays aren't visible in EFT (like hoarders ammo bay but also all the others) i can understand that there is a lot of work involved in this but it would be awesome if it would be added.

keep up the good work gripen Big smile

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Kery Nysell
#1668 - 2013-10-03 12:12:10 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
i see that the specialized industry bays aren't visible in EFT (like hoarders ammo bay but also all the others) i can understand that there is a lot of work involved in this but it would be awesome if it would be added.

keep up the good work gripen Big smile

Open your Hoarder fit in EFT, right-click somewhere empty in the window, select "show ship info", a panel with open with things like mass etc, AND the specialized holds Bear


Hiigaran Kharak Imperium
#1669 - 2013-10-04 09:13:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Shienaran
Any chance at getting the ability to sort ship fits by name? On some ships, many of us are bound to have a long list of ships (particularly T3's with their near infinite flexibility), but some fits which are intentional related get moved around.

I tried editing the setup .cfg files with notepad, but my fits have changed how they appear on the list before. If it happens once, that ship fits will randomly resort on the list once, it will happen again.

As a casual suggestion, just something simple. Numerical, followed by alphabetical order. We can rename eft fits at leisure to move related fits together.

Edit: And using Notepad to edit the order of fits, ended up up causing multiple errors. After re-launching through the errors, I lost a good 600 some fits, and I had to do a hard reset of EFT to get my fits back.
Caldari State
#1670 - 2013-10-04 22:25:32 UTC
I know there is a way to import custom damage profiles from older versions so you dont need to type it all in again but i cant remember how any ideas?

also noticed a but with new haulers bay sizes not changing with skill lvls
Rutger Centemus
Joint Empire Squad
#1671 - 2013-10-05 17:54:09 UTC
LtTrog wrote:
I know there is a way to import custom damage profiles from older versions so you dont need to type it all in again but i cant remember how any ideas?

Add the profiles to the end of config.ini (open it in notepad) and save it.
Old example (not sure if up to date):

DamageProfile=Blood raider,613,570,60,0
DamageProfile=Gallente federation,25,781,1127,0
DamageProfile=Minmatar republic,615,310,815,1633
DamageProfile=Amarr empire,1204,1349,0,0
DamageProfile=Caldari state,0,795,944,0
DamageProfile=Rogue Drones,86,91,281,964
DamageProfile=Hybrid Profile_0_5,75,8,5,0
DamageProfile=Laser Profile_8_05,5,75,0,0
DamageProfile=Phased Plasma,0,10,2,0
Jason13 Anzomi
#1672 - 2013-10-06 18:35:31 UTC
Of the two URL's listed in the first post to this thread, the first URL resulted in the site trying to load 3 different viruses onto my system via their advertising. The second link was clean and gave no viruses (and no advertising).

Futune Circinus
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1673 - 2013-10-07 11:37:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Futune Circinus
I have stumbled upon what might be a strange bug in the dps graph part of EFT. I'm comparing two different Talos fits, one with 2x magstab, 1x tracking enhancer and another with 1x magstab, 2x tracking enhancer. Both are shooting Null L.

The bug appears when adjusting the vertical component of the velocity of the attacker. One of the taloses seem to get a great penalty to dps when the attacker's velocity is set to maximum vertical (or close to this value), while the other fit sees only small changes (more realistic). Paradoxally, the fit which gets the greatest penalty is the one with the best tracking.

Image to illustrate:

Has anybody else encountered obviously unrealistic dps graph comparisons before when adjusting the attacker velocity?
#1674 - 2013-10-08 13:40:04 UTC
New version uploaded. It also includes Rubicon changes preview from SiSi (forgot to mention that in changelog).

Futune Circinus wrote:
The bug appears when adjusting the vertical component of the velocity of the attacker. One of the taloses seem to get a great penalty to dps when the attacker's velocity is set to maximum vertical (or close to this value), while the other fit sees only small changes (more realistic). Paradoxally, the fit which gets the greatest penalty is the one with the best tracking.

One of your Taloses have MWD on so it's burning full speed in perpendicular to target and suffering tracking issues due to high transversal. Second one have MWD off with much less tracking issues.
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1675 - 2013-10-08 13:52:19 UTC
Thanks for the update!
A little bugreport for previous version:
If you have a fit in your clipboard and switch to EFT window while there's a dialogue of new fit creation active, EFT can crash.
Futune Circinus
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1676 - 2013-10-08 14:50:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Futune Circinus
So the bug was between keyboard and chair, then. Thanks for your quick answer, and also for the new Rubicon version!
John Eisenauge
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1677 - 2013-10-10 07:35:45 UTC

Stabber Fleet issue: Turrets and Laucher hardpoints are wrong...

Projected Effekts: would be nice to use scripts (for damps, etc.) and the calculation of more than one effect (3 damps etc.) is right...

but thanks for your work, I can imagine it´s a lot ;-)
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1678 - 2013-10-10 14:49:45 UTC
I've seen newer versions of EFT floating around for test server stuff (rubicon). Could you please post such builds here with a massive disclaimer that they are test builds and possible to change? I'd much rather download from the official EVE source than some site I'm not familiar with.

Also, if anyone deserves 30 ish scorps or guardian vexors, it's the EFT creators hahaha. Have they received ANYTHING at all for their massive contribution to the game?
Erik Kalkoken
The Congregation
#1679 - 2013-10-12 10:58:08 UTC
Gripen, thanks for the great work! This tool is fantastic.
Rules of Acquisition
#1680 - 2013-10-13 01:10:03 UTC  |  Edited by: bongpacks
Love the app, most useful eve related application ever imo. I was wondering if there's a way you could make EFT any more accurate at calculating capacitor usage. I find myself getting all excited for a new build, going out and buying everything and fitting it up only to find EFT overestimated my capacitor by 2%-4%. Not a big problem for the cheaper stuff I fly but when I go out and spend bils on a T3 fit it's pretty disappointing to find out it's not going to work after the isk is spent.

EDIT: also I've noticed that after a few weeks of usage EFT stops saving on exit and the price data will not update