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[MERC] Forsaken Asylum - Mercenary Alliance for Hire!

Desivo Delta Visseroff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2013-10-06 20:16:38 UTC
Hi Guys!!!

I really like this Vindi Kill made my one of your corps:

I especially like the part where I swooped in and took all the loot.Twisted

War starts in a few hours so Mind your StargatesPirate


P.S. Thanks for the plexBlink

I was hunting for sick loot, but all I could get my hands on were 50 corpses[:|]..............[:=d]

Battle BV Redux
#82 - 2013-10-06 21:00:34 UTC
There is just nothing that feeds the ego - and a sense of true importance than having the guys who decced you (as well as 115 others) moving into your own station. Hmm, I guess we aren't just an insignificant little wannabe pvp alliance - else they wouldn't even bother. It almost seems like we must be something special!

Welcome to Algogille, guys. I hope you enjoy it as much as the Blackguard Mercenaries did when they did much the same thing.
Battle BV Redux
#83 - 2013-10-07 13:05:21 UTC
Just got a mail with a convo in Algogille local last night.

Jay Bagzie > I'll tell you what we do do... we take fights from other mercs and dont cower in stations.

Yeah, Jay, I looked at your killboard and all I saw from your last 20 (non - pod) kills is only 8 that remotely qualify as pvpers - and 6 of those were in the same battle in Perimeter against 11 of you guys.

You should stick to what your alt Eva Alleile said earlier in this thread when you go saying what your alliance does :

the fact most contracts are against industrial corps is because industry corps generally have problems with other industry corps... for non pvpers they are a vicious lot.

It's more honest.

Also, Jay, I guess you don't count pos guns as being able to fire at you - guess you've never been on a pos bash. So, I've got 80 kills that could shoot back (also, I ignored all the mining ships that use combat drones - maybe you don't count drone dps, but most of us do) and you've got almost half of your kills that couldn't.
Ethan Argoin
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2013-10-07 19:05:32 UTC
Bump - New service added, high sec POCO protection and take down (Coming in the November patch)
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#85 - 2013-10-07 21:19:27 UTC
GemFireStorm wrote:
There is just nothing that feeds the ego - and a sense of true importance...

So, see what we do there?

I don't know the motivation behind FA being hired to impede you operations, but maybe, just maybe, it's from someone who want to help you, for, in fact, your own good?

There's nothing so good as a game that make one feel well with oneself.

Think about it. Smile
Battle BV Redux
#86 - 2013-10-08 01:40:53 UTC
Starrakatt wrote:
GemFireStorm wrote:
There is just nothing that feeds the ego - and a sense of true importance...

So, see what we do there?

I don't know the motivation behind FA being hired to impede you operations, but maybe, just maybe, it's from someone who want to help you, for, in fact, your own good?

There's nothing so good as a game that make one feel well with oneself.

Think about it. Smile

Hmm, I've thought about it and the only thing that this really does is make you guys look dumb. I mean, here we are, barely significant (at least by your standards) and yet you treat us as though we were important or a threat or you got paid an extra amount of money (which makes us important to someone) to harass us (and your "client" doesn't care that you don't get much in the line of kills - which makes that "client" a lot different than the ones we work for.) I'm really kind of surprised you'd do this at all - it certainly isn't the picture you paint in your thread or your alliance info.

Really, it isn't hurting us - we're actually getting a good laugh about how stupid it is for you guys to move into our station - it doesn't provide you any benefit whatsoever, and, in fact, it makes it easy for your targets to avoid you (Algogille may be on the direct route to Dodixie, but it's only a couple jumps further to avoid it - and a lot of pilots do when they're at war with us.)

So, what's your plan here? Massive logonski and undock if we aggress? We know what you've got here and I don't think it's very likely to happen. And while you're sitting in our station waiting for such a chance, the rest of your 129 wars is going unattended by the pilots in Algo - missing out on a lot of kills guys.
Ethan Argoin
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2013-10-08 06:00:55 UTC
We Are To Disrupt! Lol

I think the fact we moved a 100+ man alliance entirely to another system in the space of a few hours is a very impressive thing to do...

Dont flatter yourself too much, one we take quite a disliking to your corporations "trolling" which feeds this move slightly, but the main reason is as a test to prove to me and my leadership that we are capable of upping sticks and getting on a deployment at the drop of a hat, which we can!

So I guess what you can say is this move makes us all happy, glad we could be of assistance Bear
Battle BV Redux
#88 - 2013-10-08 12:27:04 UTC
Ethan Argoin wrote:
We Are To Disrupt! Lol

I think the fact we moved a 100+ man alliance entirely to another system in the space of a few hours is a very impressive thing to do...

Dont flatter yourself too much, one we take quite a disliking to your corporations "trolling" which feeds this move slightly, but the main reason is as a test to prove to me and my leadership that we are capable of upping sticks and getting on a deployment at the drop of a hat, which we can!

So I guess what you can say is this move makes us all happy, glad we could be of assistance Bear

As to the trolling, you guys started it by trying to hijack our thread back when you were only an ally into one of our wars. Therefore, when you decced us shortly afterward (and kept up the dec) I thought to return the favor and hijack yours.

So, your potential clients get to read about how you take a few hours to ignore your 129 other wars (current clients as well - maybe they're wondering why you're not out killing the targets they hired you to chase) in order to disrupt a little 40 member alliance that you recently lost a ship to (and that you aren't actually disrupting) that turns the war report the other direction, countering all the trainee kills you've gotten. Butthurt over the loss?

Also, the next time you want to move, there are these things called freighters in the game that can take your stuff from one station to another. Quicker, easier, and for the few jumps involved, the price is quite reasonable even if you use Red Frog (or have you decced them already and gotten on their blacklist).
Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#89 - 2013-10-08 13:47:52 UTC
GemFireStorm wrote:
Ethan Argoin wrote:
We Are To Disrupt! Lol

I think the fact we moved a 100+ man alliance entirely to another system in the space of a few hours is a very impressive thing to do...

Dont flatter yourself too much, one we take quite a disliking to your corporations "trolling" which feeds this move slightly, but the main reason is as a test to prove to me and my leadership that we are capable of upping sticks and getting on a deployment at the drop of a hat, which we can!

So I guess what you can say is this move makes us all happy, glad we could be of assistance Bear

As to the trolling, you guys started it by trying to hijack our thread back when you were only an ally into one of our wars. Therefore, when you decced us shortly afterward (and kept up the dec) I thought to return the favor and hijack yours.

So, your potential clients get to read about how you take a few hours to ignore your 129 other wars (current clients as well - maybe they're wondering why you're not out killing the targets they hired you to chase) in order to disrupt a little 40 member alliance that you recently lost a ship to (and that you aren't actually disrupting) that turns the war report the other direction, countering all the trainee kills you've gotten. Butthurt over the loss?

Also, the next time you want to move, there are these things called freighters in the game that can take your stuff from one station to another. Quicker, easier, and for the few jumps involved, the price is quite reasonable even if you use Red Frog (or have you decced them already and gotten on their blacklist).

Keep on bumping. Also i dont know how many times i have to say this but please refer to our killboards for information on where and who we are killing before emptying your verbal diarrhea all over our wonderfull and highly endorsed forum thread.

Vixanda Alzae
Hi-Sec Heroes
#90 - 2013-10-08 13:59:17 UTC
GemFireStorm wrote:

So, your potential clients get to read about how you take a few hours to ignore your 129 other wars (current clients as well - maybe they're wondering why you're not out killing the targets they hired you to chase) in order to disrupt a little 40 member alliance

Your clients aren't the only ones who are and should be wondering why a bunch of former Whores in Space take such an interest in Sovereign Infinity (from the outside it looks like an obsession,) enough that you took several hours away from fulfilling real client expectations - I don't think anyone actually believes you guys have a client that wants them perma decced - especially when you guys aren't actually doing much against them.

And that they won't come out and fight? This isn't like you guys against Break-A-Wish Foundation. The alliance you were in were HIRED to shoot at Break-A-Wish and therefore you were carrying out a client's wishes (even if it didn't have a positive result.) Sovereign Infinity has no such motivation to engage you (at least until you threw a lone hyperion onto their undock - but that's just an easy kill and I'm sure you guys wouldn't pass up such a chance either.)

You've got a lot of wars that I'm assuming have clients wanting results, yet you move into a system that is hardly conducive to the pursuit of those targets (Constellation gate on one side, dead end system on another, and several easy routes around.) And you've done this for, so far as I can see, no practical purpose. If you wanted to have a deployment practice, you might have picked Sivala (which is harder to bypass than Hatakani.) Surely a 1 jump practice is of as much use as a 2 jump. If you really want to see how well your alliance does in a massive move - try moving up to Rens. If you can do that in just a few hours (without using freighters - lol) then we'll all be impressed.
Battle BV Redux
#91 - 2013-10-08 14:46:30 UTC
Another BUMP!

Just checked Forsaken's War History and they've been ending wars one after another! Can anyone say "overextended?" LOL

And many of those after only 1 day and a big ZERO kills.

So if you want a merc alliance to back quickly out of a war you paid them to pursue, by all means - hire these guys! I guess they need to concentrate all of that massive firepower on the 58 that are left. Or maybe, they need to concentrate on Sovereign Infinity so that we'll quit posting in their forum thread?

Guess you really aren't Whores in Space 2.0 - they could handle 130 wars.
Eva Alleile
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2013-10-08 15:15:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Eva Alleile
GemFireStorm wrote:
Another BUMP!

Just checked Forsaken's War History and they've been ending wars one after another! Can anyone say "overextended?" LOL

And many of those after only 1 day and a big ZERO kills.

So if you want a merc alliance to back quickly out of a war you paid them to pursue, by all means - hire these guys! I guess they need to concentrate all of that massive firepower on the 58 that are left. Or maybe, they need to concentrate on Sovereign Infinity so that we'll quit posting in their forum thread?

Guess you really aren't Whores in Space 2.0 - they could handle 130 wars.

Guess that's what happens when people send surrender offers with big fat isk amounts attached to them which is usually agreed with the client who then gets the isk.

As for the over extended rubbish we have many billions in the corp wallet I assure you we are not " over extended"
Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#93 - 2013-10-08 15:49:19 UTC
GemFireStorm wrote:
Another BUMP!

Just checked Forsaken's War History and they've been ending wars one after another! Can anyone say "overextended?" LOL

And many of those after only 1 day and a big ZERO kills.

So if you want a merc alliance to back quickly out of a war you paid them to pursue, by all means - hire these guys! I guess they need to concentrate all of that massive firepower on the 58 that are left. Or maybe, they need to concentrate on Sovereign Infinity so that we'll quit posting in their forum thread?

Guess you really aren't Whores in Space 2.0 - they could handle 130 wars.

wow. nice burn. guess what, wars end. We dec many many many people, some for contracts and some for fun. some of those fun decs end with 0 kills but thats not really an issue. Hell some of them are assists which end quickly and some of them offer surrenders. As for over extending we unlike yourselves to leave our new home system of algogille to hunt our targets and complete out contracts as evidenced on out kll boards which you seem very keen on ignoring.

So if you want a merc corp that dosent understand war dec mechanics call Sovereign Infinity, If however you want a merc corp that does get the work done feel free to give us a shout, we have a proven track record and a history of endorsements from other mercs and from happy customers and we are currently taking enquiries for the new poco mechanics coming soon.

If you want to see the complete reverse of a good merc organisation check out sovs forum thread and their killboards, hell why not dec them and see how active they are for yourselves.
Arrillion Hecate
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2013-10-08 18:31:54 UTC
Apparently we are capable enough you're required to move a 100+ man corp into our system in an attempt to keep us tied down.
Ethan Argoin
Amarr Empire
#95 - 2013-10-08 19:17:16 UTC
Open letter to Soverign Infinity:

Quite frankly, I believe some people on both sides of this war have taken the trolling too far now, to the point it isnt healthy for either entity publically. We originally took on this contract with our client specifically stating "troll them and stop their operations".

This started off quite frankly, as quite a laugh. However, as previously stated it is no longer funny and has gone too far.

To this end, I will let the war end on the next bill date (probably this weekend I believe). I have refunded the remainder of the ISK to the contractor and explained the reasons behind why I am morally not going to continue this war anymore, they are happy with this and may well contract someone else.

We are not high sec griefers or trollers, and this isnt funny anymore.

At the end of the day Sov Inf - no hard feelings from my side.

Good luck in your future endevours.

Ethan Argoin
Alliance Executor
Forsaken Asylum
Intelligence Operation NetCorp
#96 - 2013-10-08 20:45:11 UTC
Ethan Argoin wrote:
Open letter to Soverign Infinity:

Quite frankly, I believe some people on both sides of this war have taken the trolling too far now, to the point it isnt healthy for either entity publically. We originally took on this contract with our client specifically stating "troll them and stop their operations".

This started off quite frankly, as quite a laugh. However, as previously stated it is no longer funny and has gone too far.

To this end, I will let the war end on the next bill date (probably this weekend I believe). I have refunded the remainder of the ISK to the contractor and explained the reasons behind why I am morally not going to continue this war anymore, they are happy with this and may well contract someone else.

We are not high sec griefers or trollers, and this isnt funny anymore.

At the end of the day Sov Inf - no hard feelings from my side.

Good luck in your future endevours.

Ethan Argoin
Alliance Executor
Forsaken Asylum

No hard feelings at all, its a game that we all play.

A lot of tough and some bad talk has gone down, that has to stop.

As of now if I see any SOVINF posting in this thread about this 'topic' I will deal with them as harsh as the game allows me too.

Its a real shame it had to come to this, to be honest I like most of you all and would have welcomed a chance to fly with you.

Director - Battle BV
Soverign Infinity

Ethan Argoin
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2013-10-09 05:57:07 UTC
Defcanz - I dont see any reason why we cant after this was has dropped TBH. Water under the bridge n all that!
Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#98 - 2013-10-09 10:15:24 UTC
You know you pay more for happy endings Lol


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2013-10-09 12:52:40 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
You know you pay more for happy endings Lol

I don't.

I've starting blogging http://www.epvpc.blogspot.comĀ 

Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
#100 - 2013-10-09 12:55:34 UTC
Next thing you know Vegas will openly apologize to Tora. Right?

Me thinks Forsaken is dropping their pvp targets so they can take on a bigger war machine without distraction.

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

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