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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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ISD Tyrozan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#421 - 2013-10-05 18:25:23 UTC
A moderation discussion post and a personal attack post have been removed.

Forum rule 11. Discussion of forum moderation is prohibited.
Forum rule 4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

ISD Tyrozan


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

@ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#422 - 2013-10-05 18:32:43 UTC
Posting in another SomerBlink/CCP's bad decisions about 3rd party sites threadnaught.

My problem with this has nothing to do with SomerBlink. I play on the site and could really care less whether its a scam or not.

I do care about the fact that CCP is making some pretty damn bad precedent recently with favoring a third-party site with ludicrously influential power and assets. The argument that can be made is that CCP is pushing customers to SomerBlink to the detriment of other, less-known 3rd Party sites. There's no incentive to make a better site, for example, if CCP is throwing muscle and "officially sanctioned" events behind Somer. Why does Somer's group deserve to be elevated above other 3rd party innovators?

What about other 3rd party groups? Everyone who reads this thread knows of or has been affected by the people of and associated projects involving the API. Has every present and past developer of EveDev Killboard been given a fitting reward to CCP for their contributions to the community? How about Peter Powers, has he gotten anything for his contributions to the API/Dev community? Karbo? Squiz? Wolari? What's been given to the EVE Blog/Vlog/Podcast projects?

How about those of us who put on events outside of the game? Have the people who coordinate player meets been given free stuff? If so, I never received anything for the work I put into VETO Summer Camp a few years ago. How about the people who do stuff around Austin, TX? Ontario, Canada? The Blob BBQ? VETO London? The Russian playermeets?

Finally, I think its very strange that a group that's helping to sponsor portions of EVE Vegas is getting some rather substantial attention recently. What about the other major group that attracts a lot of its members to the event based upon the glorious man-beard of one of the organizer (grr goons)?

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#423 - 2013-10-05 18:36:53 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
if ccp deems it that they want to give players vanity crap then that is thier prerogative...

And if I as a customer of CCPs product, with which they can do however they like according to you, think that the steps taken would distort the game in a way I feel uncomfortable with should just STFU and unsub?

I think the reasonable response to something like this is the thread we see here where customers can show their discomfort with the situation to give CCP the chance to fix it before it becomes even worse and people actually start leaving. Well I wonder what they can possibly do to fix this..

Or we could stay silent and let them drive into the wall. It depends, if you like the game or not.

If all the players where like you and don't give a f*** about things like this, how far would EVE have come, and how would it look like if it had survived? I rather don't know
Cadre Assault Force
#424 - 2013-10-05 18:37:24 UTC
Ccp On top of everything else that has happened this is insane. How is this a remotely fair sandbox when you do this stuff and this is the 4th thing to annoy people in a month.
Telepathic Death Mimes
#425 - 2013-10-05 18:39:40 UTC
Dear CCP,

You have been scammed by Somer Blink. They are taking you for billions, if not trillions of ISK if you count the uniquely special and uniquely effective vouchsafing PR, that you already gave them for free. This is called favoritism. Just like when T20 gave BoB T2 BPOs, except worse, because you do not even realize you got scammed.

Let me reiterate: You already got scammed, and publicly announced that you're going to continue falling for it.

Since apparently half the EVE playerbase including CCP had either never heard of this particular scam, allow me to enlighten you:

I never made a big deal of it before because I simply assumed that most other EVE players realized it was a scam and just liked blowing ISK on it. I have never given them 0.01 ISK and never will because Somer Blink is just another EVE scam!

I, and every other player that knows a penny auction scam when they see it has been denied access to new ships. Yay, favoritism because CCP fell for a scam!

That was a super important paragraph sentence, so please read it again.

Let me reiterate, since CCP is apparently rather thick: CCP fell for an in game scam, and fell so hard that they planned to resurrect a part of in game history and give to them for their exclusive profit.

And since I refuse to become a SomerSucker™ I am effectively denied even the chance to get one of these ships because I am more scam resistant than CCP Navigator and the rest of the devs who are too gullible to figure out that Somer Blink is a just another penny auction scam with a couple of insignificant twists on it to further obscure the scam. To say nothing of the people who have been banned from Somer Blink, the result of which is CCP treating even more of their customers unfairly with respect to Somer Blink.

But it is still a scam.

The only way to fix this is to stop pimping Somer Blink revoke any special privileges that they scammed you out of, publicly admit Somer Blink is just another EVE scam, stop falling for it, and never use them again.

If you're thinking "Xaen cannot possibly be correct!" Read below, then read this post again. Keep reading it until you get it through your thick skulls that Somer Blink is just a penny auction scam, EVE style, that CCP fell for hook, line, and Golden Magnate.

It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

—Mark Twain

I get shouty crackers a lot. Deal with it.

Goonswarm Federation
#426 - 2013-10-05 18:44:10 UTC
I would dearly love an explanation for why, of all the really valuable tools and fan sites that exist because their creators love eve and created something to let players enjoy the game more or play the game better, the one that exists solely to make its creators scads of money got two gigantic handouts while all the ones that are actually nonprofit and promote the game got nothing. Also, why Navigator was involved in both decisions, and if he's seen fit to give any other fan site random gifts.

It's suspicious as all hell that of all the deserving sites, Somer was apparently #1 AND #2 in line.

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#427 - 2013-10-05 18:44:32 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
Oh look!

More Goons upset with CCP Favouritism towards a group that isn't them.


how about you hop down from the "grr goons" bandwagon and actually look at the topic you're posting about?

Problem is, all this is just a goonies, well when I say goonies what I mean is Kittens being pissed that CCP have yet to create a statue in his honor in every system and have yet to rename Eve Online to "The Mittani is God Online"

The only reason they are going after Somer is because they can use the "They make a Profit" line and depict Somer as some Evil Organisation and make unproven accusations that its a cover for RMT.

The fact that Somer has donate hundreds of billions of isk to player sponsored events (more then any other entity in the history of Eve) is irreverent apparently.

The fact that for-profit Somer has marketing campaign to make sure their advertisements show up everywhere has nothing to do with the fact that CCP is playing favorites at the expense of in game players.

You can drop the "goonies are the only ones pissed off here" troll right now. This is impacting everyone.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#428 - 2013-10-05 18:45:02 UTC
Looks like this whole mess CCP has created is starting to filter onto the mainstream gaming sites.

Not the kind of press i'd welcome if i was CCP, claims of favoritism goes against everything they promote this game to be.

Celestial Eyes
#429 - 2013-10-05 18:48:40 UTC
But you ban people for buying ISK from ISK Farmers?

At least ISK farmers really earned the ISK by playing all day


Cadre Assault Force
#430 - 2013-10-05 18:50:00 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Dear Trebor, do try to keep up. It is not the secrecy etc that is the main issue, bad as that is. It is the fact that CCP is favouring a player corp.

Josef, baby, I love your work, but do try to keep up. This is not news. CCP gives free stuff to individuals and groups all the time. The difference here is that it wasn't made public (like fansite support is, or the free accounts CSM members get), it went to a group that runs an explicitly for-profit business, there is an appearance of favoritism, and it is coupled with the ship giveaway furore. Twisted

I may have lived under a rock but no I for one didn't know this stuff has been given away except for a plex here and there until now. I can see stuff being given away for tournies or stuff at fanfest but no nothing else should have been given away. If whoever got these items used them to fund an alliance then that alliance would get an unfair advantage and that's not what eve is about. Give people collectors editions or out of game ship models, Nothing in game with the very rare plex should ever be given to a group of players.
#431 - 2013-10-05 18:50:12 UTC
Karak Terrel wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
if ccp deems it that they want to give players vanity crap then that is thier prerogative...

And if I as a customer of CCPs product, with which they can do however they like according to you, think that the steps taken would distort the game in a way I feel uncomfortable with should just STFU and unsub?

I think the reasonable response to something like this is the thread we see here where customers can show their discomfort with the situation to give CCP the chance to fix it before it becomes even worse and people actually start leaving. Well I wonder what they can possibly do to fix this..

Or we could stay silent and let them drive into the wall. It depends, if you like the game or not.

If all the players where like you and don't give a f*** about things like this, how far would EVE have come, and how would it look like if it had survived? I rather don't know

you know i do not agree with a single thing you said... sound like entitlement issues or you were just not breast fed long enough... but i do like your pashion... so plus one from me.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#432 - 2013-10-05 18:53:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
Weaselior wrote:
I would dearly love an explanation for why, of all the really valuable tools and fan sites that exist because their creators love eve and created something to let players enjoy the game more or play the game better, the one that exists solely to make its creators scads of money got two gigantic handouts while all the ones that are actually nonprofit and promote the game got nothing.

Holly run on batman

But I agree with you. The one "Community Service" they decide to hand trillions worth of assets to is the one designed from the get go to produce huge swathes of isk for it's creators.

The whole thing just stinks and as bitter as it sounds, I hope eve has a significant drop in subs and gets some bad publicity for this. CCP History has shown that this is really the only way they make any significant changes.

But yeah, deleting all hand outs given over the past year as well as posting a long winded public apology would go a long way.
Eram Fidard
#433 - 2013-10-05 18:56:42 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
you know i do not agree with a single thing you said... sound like entitlement issues or you were just not breast fed long enough... but i do like your pashion... so plus one from me.

Gifting unprecedented value of assets to individual organisations goes against the fundamental principal of eve. I don't see the entitlement issues or the need for a mindless insult, but I do see you, spewing sarcastic poorly-spelled garbage.

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Rhatar Khurin
#434 - 2013-10-05 19:00:49 UTC
One way CCP could totally lessen the vitriol would be to announce that the Ishakone Scorpions would be BPC available in game from whatever source.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#435 - 2013-10-05 19:01:03 UTC
Eram Fidard wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
you know i do not agree with a single thing you said... sound like entitlement issues or you were just not breast fed long enough... but i do like your pashion... so plus one from me.

Gifting unprecedented value of assets to individual organisations goes against the fundamental principal of eve. I don't see the entitlement issues or the need for a mindless insult, but I do see you, spewing sarcastic poorly-spelled garbage.

Pretty sure mebiatch is just screaming some words he saw on fox news earlier this week...

I guess players getting pissy over CCP gifting trillions of assets to a particular group in direct conflict of their games "sandbox" buzzword is considered "entitlement issues". The truth is that me biatch lives in a different reality than most of us.
#436 - 2013-10-05 19:01:09 UTC
Eram Fidard wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
you know i do not agree with a single thing you said... sound like entitlement issues or you were just not breast fed long enough... but i do like your pashion... so plus one from me.

Gifting unprecedented value of assets to individual organisations goes against the fundamental principal of eve. I don't see the entitlement issues or the need for a mindless insult, but I do see you, spewing sarcastic poorly-spelled garbage.

you do know the ships have zero value... right? thier value is only eq to what an eve player is willing to pay them for it.

they did not just generate isk out of the air... that 400 billion price tag had to be farmed/mission to get in the game.

so no CCP did not give any play one isk. they game them a vanity item that would have been in game two years ago for RL cash if people did not freak out about the NeX store.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#437 - 2013-10-05 19:03:05 UTC  |  Edited by: KIller Wabbit
Cameron Freerunner wrote:
This is the time for those of you who feel strongly about this to take an action that CCP will understand. Log off.

The Goons are the one group that could organize such a thing and actually have an impact. Next week, beginning at 00:00 Friday, log off every CFC pilot for the entire weekend. With an entire coalition logged out, plus anyone sympathetic to it also logged out, maybe concurrent logon numbers will wake them out of their ******* stupidity. Nothing less will have any effect. As long as you keep logging on and providing content, CCP doesn't give a rat's ass what you think.

No just CFC, everyone.

6 days on accounts.... at least the sub timing is on spot for once.
Kaivar Lancer
#438 - 2013-10-05 19:03:55 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
[quote=Eram Fidard]
so no CCP did not give any play one isk.

Nope. They simply transferred 450b isk from rare ship collectors to SOMER Blink for free.
#439 - 2013-10-05 19:06:21 UTC

14b for a ship
14bb/580m = 24 months of plex.
How nice from CCP giving 2 years free to some players.
Zakarumit CZ
Zakarum Industries
Forgers United
#440 - 2013-10-05 19:10:24 UTC
I think this is very unfortunate and actually sad. Eve is really dying.