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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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Troll Bridgington
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#161 - 2013-10-05 09:51:11 UTC
You really do.
Kate stark
#162 - 2013-10-05 09:51:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
I didn't start a personal crusade against SomerBlink

nor has any one else.


I will give you this, your insistence, wrong but insistence :)

Just for note..

Isn't the post made by Scooter McCabe - directly against Somerblink?

no it isn't.

"But its also crack to CCP because it allows them the lazy way out of distributing ships. Its also the lighting rod for the recent outrage of the secretive EVE mails and blatant favoritism displayed by your favorite band of hapless Vikings."

this is what the poster thinks is the issue; CCP being lazy in distributing special ships. if it wasn't somerblink it would be some one else and the "who" is largely irrelevant. if it wasn't somer it'd be some other group.

So telling people to boycott Somerblink and that Somer Blink needs to go is not against Somerblink?

"But what we can do is punish the player organization invovled. We simply stop using them and let disuse wither away the existence of Somer Blink. Sure its unreasonable because so many people love using Somer Blink and real the villain here is CCP but what are you going to do?"

emphasis very much mine, for very much your benefit.

you're just proving, yet again, that you've yet to actually read the post you keep quoting. he clearly says somer isn't the issue however not using them is the only action the poster thinks that we, as players, have at our disposal.

now, please. go and read the post before you post again.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#163 - 2013-10-05 09:53:06 UTC
Any words CSM? or did the NDA said you can't talk about it too?

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#164 - 2013-10-05 09:55:13 UTC
arabella blood wrote:
Any words CSM? or did the NDA said you can't talk about it too?

Sadly, even without NDA they stated that they would not tell us everything, "for our own good" Roll
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#165 - 2013-10-05 09:57:05 UTC
arabella blood wrote:
Any words CSM? or did the NDA said you can't talk about it too?

Its the weekend. Chances are they want to speak to CCP first.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#166 - 2013-10-05 09:59:03 UTC
dear ccp

i am a regular community contributor with over one thousand five hundred 'like's

you can deposit my ishukone scorpion into my hangar in maut solar system

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#167 - 2013-10-05 09:59:58 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Any words CSM? or did the NDA said you can't talk about it too?

Its the weekend. Chances are they want to speak to CCP first.

what exactly do we then need them for, can't someone from ccp not just tell us the same then?

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#168 - 2013-10-05 10:01:05 UTC
Sigh, I even had to change my 1.5 year old signature for this.
Y u do this ccp.
Helicity Boson
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#169 - 2013-10-05 10:01:43 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Sigh, I even had to change my 1.5 year old signature for this.
Y u do this ccp.

Now if only you could actually spell 'Navigator'
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#170 - 2013-10-05 10:02:56 UTC
well this is depressing.
Shalua Rui
Rui Freelance Mining
#171 - 2013-10-05 10:03:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Shalua Rui
...and again, the community is raging against CCPs arbitrariness when handling THEIR game.

Touching, really. Roll

"ginger forum goddess, space gypsy and stone nibbler extraordinaire!" Shalua Rui - CEO and founder of Rui Freelance Mining (RFLM)

Kaladin Frostfire
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#172 - 2013-10-05 10:03:42 UTC
This all thing is...really low of CCP. In a corrupt way.

Things will, burn...
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#173 - 2013-10-05 10:05:52 UTC
Helicity Boson wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
Sigh, I even had to change my 1.5 year old signature for this.
Y u do this ccp.

Now if only you could actually spell 'Navigator'

you spelled 'navagiator' wrong
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#174 - 2013-10-05 10:12:41 UTC
Helicity Boson wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
Sigh, I even had to change my 1.5 year old signature for this.
Y u do this ccp.

Now if only you could actually spell 'Navigator'

My emotions hindered me from spelling you-know-who's true name.
Express Hauler
#175 - 2013-10-05 10:18:51 UTC
450bil ISK ~ $15.000
Bronco Platz
#176 - 2013-10-05 10:23:15 UTC
Lipbite wrote:
450bil ISK ~ $15.000

And this from thin air with just one ore two mouseclicks. Better than every central bank.

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Kuni Oichi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#177 - 2013-10-05 10:23:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuni Oichi
There's going to be a lot of words here, so those people who just want to say 'grr goons' might want to move on to the next post.

The fundamental issue is with CCP, not with Somerblink. No matter what organisation and individual(s) CCP should not be giving billions to trillions of isk to player-run corporations within the game. Doing so was what saw them given negative press throughout the gaming media (T20 scandal) and while this has a veneer of acceptability over it, the fundamental point is the same. In doing so, CCP removes the equal standing of players within the game and gives direct material advantage to a particular group of players.

This isn't about Somer blink directly, if this had come up now about a.n.other player-owned corporation it would still have the same fundamental issues. However that's twice in recent times that CCP has directly advantaged Somerblink to the tune of hundreds of billion of isk, if not trillions (given what the three unique ships could sell for). Moreover even though Somer chose to give them away (they could have kept them), they still made several hundred billion in increased revenue as a result of that lottery, and will doubtless have expected to see increased traffic and awareness of their site as a result. For somerblink therefore, this had a direct and longterm financial benefit for them, not only in game but in $ as well through their blink credits for game timecards.

It's laudable that Somer Blink gives isk to a number of organisations and events within the game, however that doesn't make it a community site, nor does it make it a content creator. It means that Somer Blink is doing what thousands of real companies do through sponsorship. They increase brand awareness and promote a positive image of their company through association with the organisations they sponsor.

As for rewarding the staff of Somer, while I do think they do an excellent job, surely the right people to reward them are the directors of Somer. They're already very well paid, being able to earn billions a month for their time and already all receiving free timecards from Somer for their account.

What somerblink is, is a lottery, a very well run, highly profitable lottery. There are players who have gone broke in game playing it, players who buy GTCs specifically to feed into somerblink. It has all the pros and cons of any gambling site.

And yet this is the site that CCP has chosen to reward with such unprecedented largesse. Not everadio which, like Somerblink, is largely an out of game activity/endeavour (e.g. the music is not an in game thing). Not The Angel Project which seeks to help new players (though like Somer that did get a community shoutout, which is surely a far more acceptable way of saying thanks). Not Garpa whose tools vastly improve the usability of the game, or EveMon, EveFit etc. etc. Nope, they gave their extraordinary (outside T20) gifts to a gambling site that already makes a vast profit.

Whether through corruption, favouritism or simple stupidity, CCP Navigator has once again demonstrated an inability to 'get' the game of Eve.

As for the Grr Goons, if CCP had given this to us (afterall, the biggest news stories about the game in recent years involve us, we bring hundreds of players to the game, we run community events, charity events and create content and interest on a daily basis) then the outcry would be unprecedented. Obviously for us it would be incredibly funny, but at the same time utterly hypocritical. Whether the ToS changes or this, it should be apparent (for all but those predisposed to hate us) that the line of rhetoric is about holding CCP to account. Obviously that's what the CSM is meant to do, but it now seems to be entirely sidelined by CCP on anything contentious, so it falls to us to raise the hue and cry and point out that ccp's ethical behaviour of late appears to be bankrupt and going down a very dangerous path of bias and favouritism.

Of course, if CCP is set on continuing down that path, then our free T2 titans should be right around the corner.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#178 - 2013-10-05 10:29:25 UTC
I for one support this public private partnership enabling the efficient distribution of resources. Anyone against is probably a trouble making socialist jealous of somer's success, get a job you hippies.
Prince Kobol
#179 - 2013-10-05 10:29:44 UTC
Kuni Oichi wrote:
There's going to be a lot of words here, so those people who just want to say 'grr goons' might want to move on to the next post.

The fundamental issue is with CCP, not with Somerblink. No matter what organisation and individual(s) CCP should not be giving billions to trillions of isk to player-run corporations within the game. Doing so was what saw them given negative press throughout the gaming media (T20 scandal) and while this has a veneer of acceptability over it, the fundamental point is the same. In doing so, CCP removes the equal standing of players within the game and gives direct material advantage to a particular group of players.

This isn't about Somer blink directly, if this had come up now about a.n.other player-owned corporation it would still have the same fundamental issues. However that's twice in recent times that CCP has directly advantaged Somerblink to the tune of hundreds of billion of isk, if not trillions (given what the three unique ships could sell for). Moreover even though Somer chose to give them away (they could have kept them), they still made several hundred billion in increased revenue as a result of that lottery, and will doubtless have expected to see increased traffic and awareness of their site as a result. For somerblink therefore, this had a direct and longterm financial benefit for them, not only in game but in $ as well through their blink credits for game timecards.

It's laudable that Somer Blink gives isk to a number of organisations and events within the game, however that doesn't make it a community site, nor does it make it a content creator. It means that Somer Blink is doing what thousands of real companies do through sponsorship. They increase brand awareness and promote a positive image of their company through association with the organisations they sponsor.

As for rewarding the staff of Somer, while I do think they do an excellent job, surely the right people to reward them are the directors of Somer. They're already very well paid, being able to earn billions a month for their time and already all receiving free timecards from Somer for their account.

What somerblink is, is a lottery, a very well run, highly profitable lottery. There are players who have gone broke in game playing it, players who buy GTCs specifically to feed into somerblink. It has all the pros and cons of any gambling site.

And yet this is the site that CCP has chosen to reward with such unprecedented largesse. Not everadio which, like Somerblink, is largely an out of game activity/endeavour (e.g. the music is not an in game thing). Not The Angel Project which seeks to help new players (though like Somer that did get a community shoutout, which is surely a far more acceptable way of saying thanks). Not Garpa whose tools vastly improve the usability of the game, or EveMon, EveFit etc. etc. Nope, they gave their extraordinaty (outside T20) gifts to a gambling site that already makes a vast profit.

Whether through corruption, favouritism or simple stupidity, CCP Navigator has once again demonstrated an inability to 'get' the game of Eve.

As for the Grr Goons, if CCP had given this to us (afterall, the biggest news stories about the game in recent years involve us, we bring hundreds of players to the game, we run community events, charity events and create content and interest on a daily basis) then the outcry would be unprecedented. Obviously for us it would be incredibly funny, but at the same time utterly hypocritical. Whether the ToS changes or this, it should be apparent (for all but those predisposed to hate us) that the line of rhetoric is about holding CCP to account. Obviously that's what the CSM is meant to do, but it now seems to be entirely sidelined by CCP on anything contentious, so it falls to us to raise the hue and cry and point out that ccp's ethical behaviour of late appears to be bankrupt and going down a very dangerous path of bias and favouritism.

Of course, if CCP is set on continuing down that path, then our free T2 titans should be right around the corner.

Now if this had been posted at the beginning then this thread might of gone different, a very good and well constructed post that gets to the heart of the matter without the grrr we hate somerblink, they are evil, we should boycott them, they are involved in RMT etc .

Nicely done and many thanks :)
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#180 - 2013-10-05 10:31:17 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
"Goons are mad about something, clearly I should take the opposite position even though on principle I'd probably agree otherwise."

You could make a comment about how drinking bleach is bad for you with a Goonswarm Federation tag and you'd get 20 pubbies falling over each other to post the opposite.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.