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Crime & Punishment

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FYI Pilot cklm and alt CAndrey888 is a corp thief

Gary Bell
Brave Collective
#21 - 2013-09-30 12:08:00 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Tyrozan
That no one liked him cuz he was a derp who died nonstop? I was a derp and did nonstop.. But I trolled everyone and was EDIT: Remove ethnic slur, Forum rule 6. Racism and discrimination are prohibited. - ISD Tyrozan so I fit in..

Its all about Trolling I tell you!

No but seriously if he did steal you should just let him have it as he is bad at pvp and needed iskies..
Richouse Gallentry
#22 - 2013-09-30 23:17:13 UTC
Gary Bell wrote:
...No but seriously if he did steal you should just let him have it as he is bad at pvp and needed iskies..

Yes Gary, cklm does need to the ISK. However, everyone in corp wants to PvP all day, every day. And to be able to PvP, PvE (or thievery) must be performed to fund the fun. If you stretch the line of thinking. In life as well as the game of EVE, everyone has a purpose. When we think of purpose, most of us think of "nobility", but I tend to think more realistically.

PURPOSE... Maybe your purpose in life is to be a warning for others.

The purpose for the post in "Crime and Punishment" is to bring cklm fulfillment in his life.

You're welcome cklm.

Gary Bell wrote:
That no one liked him cuz he was a derp who died nonstop? I was a derp and did nonstop.. But I trolled everyone and was da jew masta so I fit in.

For the few days that cklm was in corp, he was well liked by Blue-Fire, specifically because of his enthusiastic pursuit for PvP. He was fitting in well and finding targets. I just want to clarify to those reading this thread that the dislike is coming from "Hard Knocks" corpies not from Blue Fire.

"Blue-Fire" is only reporting cklm because of his actions within our WH. As one dude stated in an earlier post before thinking (looking at you Dietrrich), WH security has some holes in it. The fact that cklm only got away with relatively little is an advertisement for those of you that would like to join Blue-Fire. At the same time, it would be nice for CCP to fix the remaining issues and I'm sure all you WH folk would agree. Having had been a member of Hard Knocks, I'm thinking the liklihood of a cklm theft was pretty likely. I'm also thinking possibility of getting away with it undetected is a bit more likelier since you Hard Knocks guys are all rushing to his defense.

OR maybe... cklm got some advice and encouragement. Come to think of it, cklm was speaking about it in chat just before he was booted from corp. He said something to the effect that "his friends put him up to it"... thread is posted... a bunch of friends instantly respond to the post in the thread?! Are you the friends he was speaking of?

Anyways, if anyone is offended, please don't be. Everyone knows that to be good in this game, guesses need to be made and common sense needs to be applied to less than perfect information.

However, Blue-Fire typically runs in BOSS MODE. Not only was cklm caught "IN THE MIDST" of his theft. We were able to get screenshots, a couple confessions in chat, along with a clumsy explanation what prompted him to act.

We're not making this post to shame cklm, we're posting with PURPOSE. We're warning our friends and those that would like to be. One thing most in EVE know is that Blue-Fire is an active corp. We have many friends in both high and low places. Having been a member of our corp (for even a few days) is like placing an "INSTANT AWESOME" tag on your toon. Other corps would likely give their "left-testie" for a smidgeon of awesome amongst their ranks. So we were thoughtful enough to think about PURPOSE and cklm's place in it.

So just to sum things up... cklm loves to PvP, he's not afraid to loose ships, he scans well, he speaks awesome Canadian French, he's personally good company on coms and loves to bastardize the English language, but in a good way like Chekov. He also has sticky fingers.

You're all welcome :-)
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2013-10-01 03:16:48 UTC
Richouse Gallentry wrote:

... cklm loves to PvP, he's not afraid to loose ships, he scans well, he speaks awesome Canadian French, he's personally good company on coms and loves to bastardize the English language, but in a good way like Chekov. He also has sticky fingers.

That's a pretty good tl;dr except for the part where his English is barely can at least understand what Chekov is saying most of the time.
Waldemar Pawlak
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-10-01 19:35:04 UTC
Richouse Gallentry wrote:
Having had been a member of Hard Knocks, I'm thinking the liklihood of a cklm theft was pretty likely.

I feel personally offended as a recruiter for and a member of Hard Knocks. This allegation is groundless. Wald is upset.

Just to clarify: Hard Knocks does not support stealing and we have and always will oppose actions of that nature. Our corporation values highly the kamaraderie, freedom of speech and actions as well as generally understood democracy.

Please do NOT allege that Hard Knocks as a corporation or its members are supporters of foul play.


For recruitment:

1) Join our public channel: Hard Knocks 2) Follow the steps in MOTD of the channel. 3) Profit!

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2013-10-01 20:31:19 UTC
Forget Myface wrote:
id let you all in on the secret that cklm is my alt but i dont wanna get banned for impersonating myself.

Your avatar looks like that guy that stared in that movie with Cher damn I forgot the name of it but that kid was horrible looking. Someone please give me that name of that movie.

Signatured removed, CCP Phantom

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-10-01 20:40:28 UTC
RomeStar wrote:
Forget Myface wrote:
id let you all in on the secret that cklm is my alt but i dont wanna get banned for impersonating myself.

Your avatar looks like that guy that stared in that movie with Cher damn I forgot the name of it but that kid was horrible looking. Someone please give me that name of that movie.

Baali Tekitsu
Verge of Collapse
#27 - 2013-10-03 12:04:09 UTC
Ive lived with cklm in a wh together for quite some time and allow me to express my disbeliev.
During the time we lived together he had access to multi billion capitals and a ton of faction mods in my hangars and he never took anything.
Also: PIZZA getting awoxed :lol:


Sublime Rage
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2013-10-03 12:19:06 UTC
oh noes
Genco Pura Olive Oil Company.
#29 - 2013-10-03 18:58:35 UTC
Richouse Gallentry wrote:

Your writing makes me want to steal things from you, can I join your corp?

Also, please fix POS.

#30 - 2013-10-03 21:15:58 UTC
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
Ive lived with cklm in a wh together for quite some time and allow me to express my disbeliev.
During the time we lived together he had access to multi billion capitals and a ton of faction mods in my hangars and he never took anything.
Also: PIZZA getting awoxed :lol:

This entire thread makes me laugh. I have no idea why so many people took interest in it... I don't care what any of you think in regard to the this being true or not. This was simply a warning to corporations who may recruit him in the future, which is a courtesy not many get. I also do not care if a recruiting corp chooses to believe this or not. This is simply a warning that someone, somewhere stole something, the what, when, and how do not matter.
Jess Tanner
Bangworks Systems Inc.
#31 - 2013-10-03 22:50:46 UTC
SoulRipper666 wrote:
Baali Tekitsu wrote:
Ive lived with cklm in a wh together for quite some time and allow me to express my disbeliev.
During the time we lived together he had access to multi billion capitals and a ton of faction mods in my hangars and he never took anything.
Also: PIZZA getting awoxed :lol:

This entire thread makes me laugh. I have no idea why so many people took interest in it... I don't care what any of you think in regard to the this being true or not. This was simply a warning to corporations who may recruit him in the future, which is a courtesy not many get. I also do not care if a recruiting corp chooses to believe this or not. This is simply a warning that someone, somewhere stole something, the what, when, and how do not matter.

Welcome to an Offical HK Thread.
Alexsis Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2013-10-04 01:40:16 UTC
Richouse Gallentry wrote:

For the few days that cklm was in corp, he was well liked by Blue-Fire, specifically because of his enthusiastic pursuit for PvP. He was fitting in well and finding targets. I just want to clarify to those reading this thread that the dislike is coming from "Hard Knocks" corpies not from Blue Fire.

Cklm is most definately enthusiastic about pvp. That was never our problem with him, in fact it was the reason he wasn't kicked a lot sooner. Our primary issue was that on no level could he function with other people. Probably one of the best examples of Cklm in a fleet was one time when we went on a roam with about 8-10 people. We get into a fight with another roughly equal sized gang and in the middle of the engagement Cklm says hes tackled something and we should come back him up. Not only was the thing he tackled a group of 5 tech 3s, which he swore he could keep tackled until we got there, BECAUSE HE WAS 6j FROM THE FLEET, while we were already in the midst of a fight that we made no secret about on coms, but he chose to ignore. And guess what happened to his 5 tech 3s? Well Cklm was dead a few seconds later, much less the several minutes it would take us to make 6j.

Richouse Gallentry wrote:

OR maybe... cklm got some advice and encouragement. Come to think of it, cklm was speaking about it in chat just before he was booted from corp. He said something to the effect that "his friends put him up to it"... thread is posted... a bunch of friends instantly respond to the post in the thread?! Are you the friends he was speaking of?

Ya.... pretty sure he doesn't have any friends in HK, his antics may amuse people and his stupidity may make others laugh but thats about the extent of it.

Richouse Gallentry wrote:

One thing most in EVE know is that Blue-Fire is an active corp.

Not gonna lie, can't ever recall having encountered your corp in the two years ive lived in wormholes (although ill be honest the first 6 months was a rather sheltered wh life)

Richouse Gallentry wrote:

[...] he speaks awesome Canadian French, he's personally good company on coms and loves to bastardize the English language, but in a good way like Chekov. He also has sticky fingers.

Not to bash on non-native English speakers (i know my spanish isn't nearly up to par), but Cklm is not even on the same level of Chekov. Chekov makes some funny mistakes but his English is 100% understandable. Cklm when he bother to stop muttering leaves me asking, "uh... what did he just say?"
Meme becomes Full-time job..
I Don't Feel Very Hung Mum
#33 - 2013-10-08 20:45:45 UTC
Another corp thief caught in the act....
Lakshata Chawla
#34 - 2013-11-04 21:50:37 UTC
Dream Kim
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#35 - 2013-11-05 06:06:34 UTC
cklm has been a corp thief ever since he left Dark Fusion Industries (which I, incidentally, also stole form shortly before he left).

Maybe you should research your recruits better.

Here, I found two links that mention cklm being a theif and all I did was type his name into google:

Pizza is bad.
Dream Kim
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#36 - 2013-11-05 06:11:00 UTC
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