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[Rubicon] New certifcates review

First post
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2013-10-01 21:25:40 UTC
There should be a greater focus on the value of skills with respect to the time needed to train them in the gunnery tree. I am going to argue this with one small example, Small Energy Turrets IV, but the principal can be applied elsewhere to improve these certificates. The principal of maximizing damage per skill point suggests that the Small Energy Turret Certification should require Small Beam Specialization 3 and Small Pulse Specialization 3, and might only require Gunnery 4.

Small Energy Turret Certificate level 4 requires Gunnery 5, Small Beam Specialization 1, and Small Pulse Specialization 1. A player would be better served to increase their Small Beam Specialization to 3 than increase Gunnery from 4 to 5.

Now for a bunch of numbers dealing with marginal gains for each skill point spent. The benefits of Gunnery 5 are 2% increase in firing rate (between 2% and 2.5% increase in damage). The costs of Gunnery 5 are 210745 more skill points than Gunnery 4. Small Beam Specialization increases damage by 2%. The skill cost of going from Small Beam Specialization of 1 to 2 is 3495 skill points. The skill cost of going from Small Beam Specialization of 2 to 3 is 19755. The skill cost of going from Small Beam Specialization of 3 to 4 is 111765. We have two specializations in this certificate so we will multiply the skill point costs by 2. It costs significantly less skill points to increase the specializations to 3 than to increase Gunnery to 5. Thus a smart player maximizing damage per skill point should train those specializations to 3, and then increase Gunnery to 5. Increasing the specialization skills to 4 would cost slightly more than increasing Gunnery, and rate of fire is better anyway.

We can eyeball the numbers as we find them here. There is actually a bit more detailed math which needs to be done involving the Small Energy Turret skill, but the idea of finding the best gains remains. The principal here is that the percent gain in damage should be divided by the skill points to lead players to more efficient skill training.
Utassi Security
#22 - 2013-10-01 23:37:14 UTC
Most of the level fives seem to be more about bragging rights than actual being good at something. Now this isn't exactly a bad thing but the issue is IIRC you wont be able to make any of these public so there isn't any way to brag.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Arthur Aihaken
#23 - 2013-10-01 23:39:38 UTC
Certificates look great! Kudos!
Now on to the other features...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#24 - 2013-10-02 02:42:48 UTC
Implying certificates matter.
There are far more important things than this.

In the modern age of achievement in every single game...

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#25 - 2013-10-02 08:23:40 UTC
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
Please read this post :)

Oh what the hell, I'll quote myself:
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
If you do not already plan to do so, please include the new Mastery tab on modules whose performance is affected by skills other than those required to operate the module. Example below:

Target Painter II

Required Skills:
  • Target Painting IV

  • Affecting Skills:
  • Frequency Modulation
  • Long Distance Jamming
  • Signature Focussing

  • It might also be an idea to include a list of implants which affect the performance of the module, and a list of ships which have a bonus to that module.

    push this idea. To see which skills affect a module would be a great help not only for new players
    Safety Set To Red
    Train Wreck.
    #26 - 2013-10-02 09:41:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Dorotabo
    I think the sensor compensation skills should be split in to racial groups for e.g. "minmatar sensor compensation", and like the "armour reinforcement" sub group it should come in on the lvl 5 tab of the ship's Mastery.
    Maximus Aerelius
    #27 - 2013-10-02 11:16:28 UTC
    Firstly thanks to CCP Ytterbium for posting this up and for sharing an internal CCP document with us so we can get early eyes on and comment. Fantastic effort there along with the guide of "how to".

    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Confused? Lost in the dark with no ammo left in the shotgun and surrounded by creepy sounds? Just wait until this is released to Singularity to bypass this file and directly look at this from the EVE client.

    Oh how I lol'd in the office!
    Optimo Sebiestor
    The New Eden School of trade
    Organization of Skill Extracting Corporations
    #28 - 2013-10-02 11:34:03 UTC
    How come this is more important than working on the legazy issues you have with your client?
    To mare
    Advanced Technology
    #29 - 2013-10-02 11:49:03 UTC
    thanks for focusing on the important stuff
    Paxte Eriker
    EVE University
    Ivy League
    #30 - 2013-10-02 12:20:32 UTC
    Interesting to see the lack of an 'Advanced Tackling' certificate covering the ability to use all forms of bubbles.
    Jeanne-Luise Argenau
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #31 - 2013-10-02 12:40:19 UTC
    CCP im currently going over the certs, but the elite maybe a tad over the top

    why should i train rigging skills to 5, when its normaly enough at 4.
    Why should i train Weapons Specialization to 5, when the increase from 4 to 5 is only such a small amount.
    Shield Tanking, u normaly dont tank a shield ship completly passive thx to invuls being active so why train it farther than 4.
    Refining, will be confusing new players because for perfect refining you need only the ore processing skills at 4.

    The rest looks ok in the certificates tab.
    Scatim Helicon
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #32 - 2013-10-02 12:49:14 UTC
    I'm sure you guys already know this but stating it once more for the record: The certificate system will always be a marginal and underused niche until we have the ability to create and share our own certificates.

    Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

    Dragoon Industries Limited
    #33 - 2013-10-02 13:15:46 UTC
    Optimo Sebiestor wrote:
    How come this is more important than working on the legazy issues you have with your client?

    Because if they want to make the game more accessable to new pilots they need to fix some of the glaring issues that barred new pilots ease of entry into New Eden.
    Madlof Chev
    Goonswarm Federation
    #34 - 2013-10-02 15:52:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Madlof Chev
    Re: capital navigation, certificate-wise making a jump from JDC 1 / JFC3 on the level 4 cert to both at level 5 is a touch nuts.

    Considering the level 1 cert for capital navigation doesn't even require JDO 1 (wtc?!) you should probably remove level 1, shift levels 2-4 across to 1-3, and insert a new level 4 that sits at a more happy medium.

    JFC 4 is a pretty standard place to leave things unless you have nothing better to do, and JDC 4 is acceptable, I guess - but implying a ~level 4~ competence with JDC1/JFC3 is setting people up for a fall.

    Of course this isn't like some of the whining about "oh why are the highest level certificates so many level 5 skills", but more about making the jump from comparatively useless at a level 4 cert to superuseful at level 5 without anything inbetween.

    edit: a similar thing in the capital remote repair and capital gun certs where you go from TLR/TWR 1 to TLR/TWR 5 on levels 4/5.
    Katherine Raven
    ALTA Industries
    Intergalactic Conservation Movement
    #35 - 2013-10-02 16:52:05 UTC
    Madlof Chev wrote:
    Re: capital navigation, certificate-wise making a jump from JDC 1 / JFC3 on the level 4 cert to both at level 5 is a touch nuts.

    Considering the level 1 cert for capital navigation doesn't even require JDO 1 (wtc?!) you should probably remove level 1, shift levels 2-4 across to 1-3, and insert a new level 4 that sits at a more happy medium.

    JFC 4 is a pretty standard place to leave things unless you have nothing better to do, and JDC 4 is acceptable, I guess - but implying a ~level 4~ competence with JDC1/JFC3 is setting people up for a fall.

    Of course this isn't like some of the whining about "oh why are the highest level certificates so many level 5 skills", but more about making the jump from comparatively useless at a level 4 cert to superuseful at level 5 without anything inbetween.

    edit: a similar thing in the capital remote repair and capital gun certs where you go from TLR/TWR 1 to TLR/TWR 5 on levels 4/5.

    seconded. No one will allow you to fly capitals in fleets with less than JDC 4, and JFC 4. And I'm pretty sure most are going to require JDC 5, JFC 4. Getting JDC 5 is pretty critical for life as a cap pilot, especially in null. I agree that lvl 4 should be adjusted to better reflect the skills that will ACTUALLY make you a competent cap pilot. Lvl 3 can be more like the current lvl 4.
    Iris Bravemount
    Golden Grinding Gears
    #36 - 2013-10-02 19:30:42 UTC
    I'm always for more clarity and some good ol' dickwaving. Nice stuff!

    "I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed

    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #37 - 2013-10-02 20:33:56 UTC
    As a follow up to my post yesterday here are some suggestions for changes to the small turret certificates. I am only focusing on the skills directly related to damage in these specific suggestions. The other skills will be discussed after the suggestions, but they generally remain the same.

    Small Energy Turret
    Level 1 (different)
    Gunnery 2
    Small Energy Turret 3
    Rapid Firing 2

    Level 2 (same)
    Gunnery 4
    Small Energy Turret 3
    Rapid Firing 3
    Surgical Strike 3
    (Rapid Firing 4 is better than Gunnery 4, but Gunnery 4 opens up Surgical Strike whose low levels make Gunnery 4 worthwhile.)

    Level 3 (same)
    Gunnery 4
    Small Energy Turret 4
    Rapid Firing 4
    Surgical Strike 4

    Level 4 (different)
    Gunnery 4
    Small Energy Turret 5
    Rapid Firing 5 (or 4)
    Surgical Strike 4
    Small Beam Specialization 3
    Small Pulse Specialization 3
    (Rapid Firing is better than Gunnery for skill points per damage. Choosing 4 or 5 there should be about the number of skill points you want between certificate levels.)

    Level 5
    Not discussing.

    This template can be copied for the Small Hybrid and Projectile Turrets. A quick look at the Medium Turrets suggests that they are in better shape (Rank 3/5 basic/specialized skill changes things). The initial character skills may modify the skill points for the Level 1 certificate and thus the skill levels.

    The other skills change range, tracking, capacitor, and other options. It is harder to rate them against each other. It may make sense to do a second pass over those skills and look at the skill ranks. A high rank may mean the skill is less worth while to study (benefit/skill point).

    On a more abstract note it may be good to give yourself and us a descriptive guideline for what each level should show. Is Level 2 reasonably competent? or is that Level 3? Level 5 is insane certificate orientation over character development. Is Level 4 full mastery without insanity?
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #38 - 2013-10-02 23:08:28 UTC
    My view of the Navigation Certificate is more subjective. The Navigation Certificate looks like it has some issues in the first 3 levels. Navigation Certificate level 1 is simple, and probably automatically rewarded. Navigation Certificate level 4 is the first time someone would be able to use a MWD (requires High Speed Maneuvering). Navigation Certificate level 3 requires rigging (before you can use an MWD). It seems to me that a better progression would result from the current level 2 becoming the new level 1 (allows afterburners). Level 2 should provide access to MWDs. Level 3 can go into rigging, and Level 4 into refining these skills.

    Navigation Certificate (suggested)
    Level 1
    Navigation 2
    Spaceship Command 2
    Evasive Maneuvering 1
    Warp Drive Operation 1
    Afterburner 1 (allows afterburner module)
    Acceleration Control 1
    ** A number of useful skills are introduced, but allow quick trains. The new player can use the Afterburner module.

    Level 2
    Navigation 3
    Spaceship Command 3
    Evasive Maneuvering 3
    Warp Drive Operation 3
    Afterburner 3
    Acceleration Control 3
    High Speed Maneuvering 1 (allows MWD)
    Fuel Conservation 1
    ** Some improvements with a clear addition of MWD as an option to the player. The skill levels here could be played with to gain a nice progression between the Level 1 -> Level 2 -> Level 3 certificates.

    Level 3
    Navigation 4
    Spaceship Command 4
    Evasive Maneuvering 3
    Warp Drive Operation 3
    Afterburner 3
    Acceleration Control 3
    High Speed Maneuvering 3
    Fuel Conservation 3
    Mechanics 3
    Jury Rigging 3
    Astronautic Rigging 1
    ** Rigging added (just like many other certificates). Improvements in a number of skills.

    The work here is some guesstimation, but it seems like High Speed Maneuvering should come before level 4.
    Amarisen Gream
    #39 - 2013-10-03 03:31:30 UTC
    I was just reading through, an idea for some of the certs. Break them up by Ship class.

    So Frigates would have their own 1-5. etc etc etc. So players who want master on their interceptors don't have to have MJD or w/e it is called. There would be more certs over all. but they would be more specific this way to the class of ship, Maybe not so much the role.

    But roles could be put in to play with other additions.

    "The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

    #NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

    Jeanne-Luise Argenau
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #40 - 2013-10-03 15:01:40 UTC
    Amarisen Gream wrote:
    I was just reading through, an idea for some of the certs. Break them up by Ship class.

    So Frigates would have their own 1-5. etc etc etc. So players who want master on their interceptors don't have to have MJD or w/e it is called. There would be more certs over all. but they would be more specific this way to the class of ship, Maybe not so much the role.

    But roles could be put in to play with other additions.

    maybe i read it wrong but isnt that already implemented with different cert lvls for the ship classes