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EVE General Discussion

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First post
Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2013-10-01 17:09:17 UTC
Jake Warbird wrote:
Domanique Altares wrote:
Tell them to get ******, and then stop mining and come to lowsec.

But..but... Mining barges...

Someone posted a battle Skiff fit in militia chat the other day.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#62 - 2013-10-01 17:09:54 UTC
Danial Boone wrote:

Our 3 person corp still mines both Rock and Ice
We build stuff and sell it on the market.

We WORK for our survival, We help new players when we can.
There must be over 100 new players out there who have suddenly found 25-100 million in their wallet with the suggestion that they buy some skills.
There are players who have been given Freighters when they needed them.
There are players who have been given POS research time (free) we research their BPOs and give then back to them – rather than – thanks for the BPO – Bye

Honesty and integrity are what we live by. Guess that is why a large scam bothers us so much.

It's not a scam if you don't get ganked while displaying the bio as proof of paying for the permit.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#63 - 2013-10-01 17:14:18 UTC
John XIII wrote:
They even took a carebear like me.

You still are one. P

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

The Carnifex Corp
#64 - 2013-10-01 17:27:09 UTC
admiral root wrote:
John XIII wrote:
They even took a carebear like me.

You still are one. P

When I typed "they" that included you! hahaha Pirate

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#65 - 2013-10-01 17:50:19 UTC
Nothing to see here, except the same crap we have seen before. OP needs to learn the "Search" feature on this website.

Move along......move along.
Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#66 - 2013-10-01 18:15:02 UTC
Danial Boone wrote:
Because they are a bunch of 97 lb weaklings in RL. With no real strength of character other than that they can impose in a totally anonymous Internet game.

Danial Boone wrote:
Seeing how on line bullying is a major subject of disdain within the entire Internet Community, maybe CCP needs to take a look at this.

I c
Miskatonic Mercantile
#67 - 2013-10-01 18:15:52 UTC
Danial Boone wrote:
I had an encounter this evening with the
I read through their manifesto and beliefs that allow them to do what they are doing. “Ramblings of a madman” What they are doing is nothing short of a Mafia style protection scam. Pay us or -------

Sure 10 million isk is not all that much to pay – yet you must display your New Order ID number in your bio (Badge of Shame) for them to leave you alone.

No matter how eloquent their verbiage and solidly based on what they can get away with, following current game mechanics, it is still bullying and intimidation of the populous of the EVE community.

Seeing how on line bullying is a major subject of disdain within the entire Internet Community, maybe CCP needs to take a look at this.

I am sure that I am not their first “Customer – forced to wear their badge of SHAME in my bio to prevent then from further intimidation.” and strengthen their community influence.

You know, there are literally THOUSANDS of systems in EVE - and while I am sure those chaps in the New Order are very enthusiastic, they can't be in all of them 24/7. Have you considered moving away?

Now, admittedly, moving to another system might just introduce you to another batch of folks who want you to pay protection to not get bumped, to avoid being ganked, to not have them tell 'your mom' jokes, or whatever.

So you are really left with the choices of becoming a rather mobile miner, paying protection, or not paying and handling the attempts at bumping/ganking/your mom jokes. All are valid choices.
Azeroth Uluntil
Last Chance for Redemption
FFEW Associates
#68 - 2013-10-01 18:32:24 UTC
Threads like this are why 14 year old kids shouldn't be allowed to play the game.

All this bullying crap lately on the news and in the papers is a joke.
Danial Boone
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2013-10-01 20:44:09 UTC

Or maybe a 60 year old physically disabled person who has been here too long.
Grown tired of every time you turn around there is someone new being RUDE with a new scam being unpleasant and self centered having no empathy for anyone else. Pushing their crap in your face, forcing you to play the game the way they want you to play it.

But then again that is just a reflection of RL and what the human condition has become on this planet.
Maybe time to get back on the road to the next lunch stop. maybe things will be different there. See you further up the line.
Nick Kumamoto
#70 - 2013-10-01 20:55:31 UTC
I still don't understand why so much time and energy is given to JimBob and his merry band of degenerate misfits.

Don't feed their egos any more than necessary. The free PR they are getting will only attract the bitter vets, wannabes and alike who deem that everybody should play as they see fit and screw anybody who thinks different.

  • Bite the bullet on the gank or whatever might have gone down - tears serve no other purpose but to feed their ego.
  • There is nothing lost but spacepixels and some isk (an in the larger scope of things it is a **** in the wind).
  • HFTU - i.e. learn to balance tank vs yield, don't go afk and go mine somewhere else if need be.
  • EVE is pretty damn big - plenty of space to go to.

And if you haven't learned anything after those few little "lessons" - go to low and null - the environment there tends to be much harsher and unforgiving.

Most of what I write in terms of posts and/or comments is meant as "tongue-in-cheek", i.e. part irony, part sarcasm but meant in good fun.

On a more serious note. I want to marry CCP karkur. Is there a EVE dating service I can call?

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#71 - 2013-10-01 21:12:27 UTC
If I didn't know any better I'd say the OP was a James alt trying to resurrect the idea that James and pals are relevant to the game.

As if they were ever relevant to begin with...

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Kalishka Askulf
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2013-10-01 21:18:47 UTC
Danial Boone wrote:

Or maybe a 60 year old physically disabled person who has been here too long.
Grown tired of every time you turn around there is someone new being RUDE with a new scam being unpleasant and self centered having no empathy for anyone else. Pushing their crap in your face, forcing you to play the game the way they want you to play it.

But then again that is just a reflection of RL and what the human condition has become on this planet.
Maybe time to get back on the road to the next lunch stop. maybe things will be different there. See you further up the line.

Well in fairness to them, it's not a scam. A scam involves deceit, which is not what these people are doing. I think racketeering is the word you're looking for. Show me where they actually lied to you, please.

Secondly, YOU are trying to force your play style onto others by lobbying against their freedom to carry out this protection racket. Now before you say "but they are forcing me into their play style....Blah Blah Blah...." They are not. At what point are you FORCED to play things their way? The answer is, you are not. You just haven't figured out a way around the problem. They are doing EXACTLY what you are doing, excising their freedom in a sandbox environment. By that same token, that is what you are doing when you are mining (plus whatever else you do!), you are simply excising your right of freedom in a sandbox.

Now, do I have to tell you to play sandcastles properly, or are you going to shush and play with your friends? Because that's what they're doing, playing nicely with their friends.
Treo 'Ssard
Hangar 55
#73 - 2013-10-02 02:34:35 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Well no, not really. I never said "miner bumpers are headcases". I simply said that people that tend to cyberbully are more often people that are bullied or abused. It really depends on whether what the individual is doing is at the level of bullying.

See, now we are getting into murkier territory.

I reject the concept of "cyber bullying" in it's entirety. By it's very nature, the internet is an entirely voluntary participatory media. It's not like you HAVE to log on and post on facebook, or play EVE, or whatever else you choose to do.

You have to go to school. In most cases anyway, I personally was homeschooled.

But the internet, and by extension almost any activity undertaken on it, is voluntary. Consent to the medium is given by the very nature of logging in. It's like buying a ticket for a museum devoted to a subject you know you don't like. In such a case, you are offending yourself.

If you have had enough of EVE, you just log off. If you are sick of feeders in League of Legends, you just log off. If people are bugging you on facebook, you block them. On the internet, you have all the power. But that's apparently not enough for some people.


Felicity Love
#74 - 2013-10-02 03:25:37 UTC
Move along... despite yet another thread, everyone knows there's no such thing as "miner bumping" or humping in EVE.

It's more like "Competitive Spaceship Parking"... and everyone always wants the same parking spot the other guy has. Roll

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Bizzaro Stormy MurphDog
B.L.U.E L.A.S.E.R.
#75 - 2013-10-02 03:53:29 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Few things make me more angry than people pulling the bullying card out on things which are nothing like bullying.

More or less angry then getting tricked into falling for a troll thread?

I am not an alt of Chribba.

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#76 - 2013-10-02 04:18:11 UTC
This just in - If you gank, you are a Cyber Bully!

Don't doeet!!!

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

#77 - 2013-10-02 04:31:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tauranon
Danial Boone wrote:

Or maybe a 60 year old physically disabled person who has been here too long.
Grown tired of every time you turn around there is someone new being RUDE with a new scam being unpleasant and self centered having no empathy for anyone else. Pushing their crap in your face, forcing you to play the game the way they want you to play it.

But then again that is just a reflection of RL and what the human condition has become on this planet.
Maybe time to get back on the road to the next lunch stop. maybe things will be different there. See you further up the line.

If I wanted to simulate a retirement village I wouldn't pay CCP for it.

Space pixel submarines are supposed to be exciting, and for exciting there needs to be bad guys.

You'd have to recognise that the relative worth of c-type cruiser modules you yank from a ded 4 in highsec are simply because the dangers of lowsec and null reduce the supply of a-type and b-type cruiser modules, which then increases the demand and tightens the supply of the c-type modules.

Same deal with minerals. ie 23.5x7 safe rorq gangs could utterly ruin the mineral market for you, likewise the mineral market utterly relies on stuff being blown up to function. ie the only reason mining is a remotely worthwhile exercise for the highsec individual is because of stuff exploding. There is no reason the miner should be exempt from that, and there is no reason the highsec player should be exempt from that.

If you personally don't want to be blown up, mine in a dead end with limited traffic, that will _seriously_ improve the worth of local as an intel tool for you. It is much, much easier to monitor local for safety than it is to monitor d-scan. A few months of lowsec living pretty much causes me to notice an entrant to a system with just me in it right away.

Bonus points for mining in a stationless dead end where few other miners go, and where you can solve the logistics with a pos, that you really only need to turn on for mining ops. Given you apparently have access to freighter to manage haul logistics, lack of loss, and ability to forecast available daily minerals all ought to make it an economically worthwhile experience to do.

(honestly you can gank other miners to make sure you minerals forecast remain accessible, its genius I say).
Edwin McAlister
Empire Hooligans
#78 - 2013-10-02 06:56:35 UTC
ive been mineing in those systems, and talked a bit o trash, have not paid crap to them, they have not touched me, what can I say, ignore em, fit proper miner, mine away, zero issues
Braxus Deninard
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#79 - 2013-10-02 07:36:40 UTC
I can't believe there are even still threads on this, it's been done to death millions of times.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#80 - 2013-10-02 08:45:15 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Well no, not really. I never said "miner bumpers are headcases". I simply said that people that tend to cyberbully are more often people that are bullied or abused. It really depends on whether what the individual is doing is at the level of bullying.

See, now we are getting into murkier territory.

I reject the concept of "cyber bullying" in it's entirety. By it's very nature, the internet is an entirely voluntary participatory media. It's not like you HAVE to log on and post on facebook, or play EVE, or whatever else you choose to do.

You have to go to school. In most cases anyway, I personally was homeschooled.

But the internet, and by extension almost any activity undertaken on it, is voluntary. Consent to the medium is given by the very nature of logging in. It's like buying a ticket for a museum devoted to a subject you know you don't like. In such a case, you are offending yourself.

If you have had enough of EVE, you just log off. If you are sick of feeders in League of Legends, you just log off. If people are bugging you on facebook, you block them. On the internet, you have all the power. But that's apparently not enough for some people.

I don't really agree with that. You don't have all the power. if someone wants to bypass your block, it's easy for them to do. If they want to hassle you, they can. Recently there was a case where someone had said something on twitter, others started harassing her and they started making websites accusing her of being a child molester and all sorts of things. If someone really wants to bully you they can.
And sure, you can say "you have the power because you can just stop going on the internet". Well that's the equivalent of saying you can avoid terrorism by not going to public places. Or for that matter if you wanted to go to KFC, but i decided to start spreading fecal matter all over the walls and shrieking at the top of my voice, you should leave, I can stay. You have the power to leave. Why should it fall on the victim to stop doing what they want all because some twerp hiding behind the anonymity of the internet has no concept of social responsibility.

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