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Skills/Ships for WH's

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-09-18 14:14:11 UTC
Hi guys , I'm currently involved in Faction Warfare and enjoying it, but I'm sure I'll get bored of it eventually. I'm thinking of giving WH's a go when I give up on FW.

I'm looking for skills/ships that would make me a desirable addition to a WH corp. I'm guessing scanning skills are probably number one. I mostly fly Caldari ships and only have shield skills.

My only experience's with WH's at this stage is causally poking my head into a couple WH's that appeared in my home system, and doing a couple gas sites.
Fluffi Flaffi
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-09-18 15:24:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Fluffi Flaffi
Which class of wormhole are you looking for to live in?

Class 1/2:
- Scanning Skills
- PI (for better ISK income and especially in this wormhole classes mandatory for ISK income)
- Covert Ops ship (Stealth Bomber / Scanfrig)
- Battlecruiser T2 Fitting
- Gallente Industrial
- Venture with T2 Gas Harvester (guess you may have that already?)

If you go higher with the classes just add skills and ships in this order to fly:
- Battleships
- T3
- T2 (Recons preferably)
- Capitals

The more you can fly of those the better. Of course all of them could be useful in C1 and C2 as well, but become more important the higher you go. Especially T3 are quite often the number 1 choice to be skilled above class 2. Due to there small signature they can tank sleepers very well. They put out some decent damage and fittet for PvP they are more flexible than any other ship class.

Just my impression and opinion. People from higher classes can help you probably better.
Riel Saigo
#3 - 2013-09-18 15:44:53 UTC
Since your in Faction Warfare, I assume you are more PvP-oriented?

If so, I won't dwell much on Gas Harvesting and Salvaging (which are fairly important income-generators in wormholes and easy to train). But you're right - scanning is huge. I'd get Astrometrics to IV and the Astrometric skills to III. You'll also want to start training cloaking ASAP.

Some of your FW experience will be useful to a wormhole corp as well. If you can fly tackling ships (like a Condor, for instance) you'll be useful - since even your more experienced corp-mates will probably appreciate being able to focus more on damage rather than warp scrambling and webbing. If you're training up for Interceptors or Assault Frigs (you know - those beefed up versions of the Condor and Merlin) those can be useful too. Often they'll need a fast cheap ship to go out and point a juicy kill while the other guys with the firepower warp in.

But that aside - you'll really want to look at training up for a Buzzard Covert Ops frigate. And you'll want to be able to fit a Covert Ops cloak on it. The basic cloaks will be OK at first, but you can't travel around cloaked in them - which is a big disadvantage in the stealthy world of wormholes. After scanning, cloaking is the big PvP skill in wormholes.

After the Buzzard, I'd shoot for training a Manticore stealth bomber. Stealth bombers are wonderful ships for sneaking around wormhole chains and attacking targets of your own choosing. And in fleets, they can be scary effective (look up "Bombers Bar" on YouTube if you'd like some examples).

But in the meantime, you can practice wormhole skills in your FW setting. You can scan down signatures and get practiced at it. Fit Combat Probes and you can practice narrowing down estimated ship locations with your D-scan, and then launching combat probes to pinpoint the ship locations and maybe warp to them. This will train you to hunt competently in a wormhole setting.

There's a couple good guides out there about wormholes worth reading too.... Maybe I'll hunt one down later. They're probably in the stickies at the top of this forum.
Robert Morningstar
Morningstar Excavations LTD
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#4 - 2013-09-18 15:45:11 UTC
being caldari if you are doing c1-c2 a well fitted drake will serve you well assuming the environmental effects are not against shield tanking.

As for the gal industrial that is no longer race specific since oddesy the badger will be fine if you already have it.

for c4 and above most groups will do combat sites in bs with carrier or logi support c5 and c6 will add dreadnought.

grav sites can be profitable but dangerous use retrievers and coveters not macanaw or hulk unless you have friends and want bait for a trap but remember that you will only be able to refine at 75% efficiency and hauling the ore to hi sec will not be practical without a hi sec static

once your main has the skills you are looking for train the other 2 character on your account for pi and a hauler that will allow you to triple your income

assault frigates interceptor are both worth training as pvp starting ships but coming out of faction warfare I assume you likely have those already.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-09-18 16:35:50 UTC
Thanks guys, lots of helpful stuff there. I can fly Assault frigs and Crane/Bustard and can use T2 harvesters so that's a good start. Cruiser V and T2 HAMs/Heavies are pretty high on my list as that seems to open up a lot of ships (including T3's).

I've heard there are corps that basically live inside a single C3/4 WH which I think is the sort of thing I would like to do.

Although I haven't read the whole thing yet this is where I got what I currently know about WH's from:
Riel Saigo
#6 - 2013-09-18 18:25:20 UTC
Living in a C4 has advantages and disadvantages.

Every wormhole system has at least one static wormhole - a wormhole that will always respawn after it collapses and always have the same defining characteristics. And C2s have two statics (which makes C2s a popular place for a wormhole corp to live - reliable connections).

In C1, C2, and C3 - the static will ALWAYS be a wormhole to known space - high, low, or null sec.

A C2 will also have a static to unknown wormhole space, but it could end up being any class. I've seen C2 systems with a static C4 - meaning there will always be a C4 system connected to that C2. This kind of C2 is pretty popular because you always have access to a lucrative C4, and are able to go further into the wormhole pipeline if you want.

C4, C5, and C6 all have 1 static leading to another wormhole. C5s are statistically more likely to have a static linking to another C5, or less often a C6. C6s are statistically more likely to have a static linking to a C6 or a C5.

C4s have an equal chance of having a static that links to any of the wormhole classes.

The key to remember is that only 1-3 are guaranteed a wormhole exit into known space. There are also roaming wormholes that are more random, but I won't get into those. If you're in a C4 or higher, you might not have a connection to known space. Since you can't sell your gas and nanoribbons in wormhole space, and since you can't buy anything out there, this is a logistical problem. Likewise for C5 and C6. It's possible to wind up with the following chain trying to get out of WH space:

C6 > C5 > C4 > C3 > K space.

And it doesn't even have to be neatly descending in order like that. I knew some guys who ran a PvE fleet in a C4 and the wormhole collapsed after only half their fleet had jumped back into the home system. Those guys spent the rest of the evening getting out of there. I think they had to go through something like 8 systems before they FINALLY found a K-space exit. And it was in freaking Arridia of all places - deep lowsec. They had to blockade run their battleships out of there to get to safety. It can happen.

Anyway, that's often a lot of scanning and travel to get to market. And if someone in your chain turns out to be hostile, it becomes a whole new ballgame.

People who want to set up a quiet little POS and mind their own business in peace seem to gravitate to either C1 or C3. People looking for trouble or excitement often go for C2s and up.

C5s are popular amongst the largest and most powerful wormhole alliances, and are often a target of evictions. Since C5s tend to have a static connecting to another C5 - C5s are usually part of a big C5 superhighway where the major wormhole players poke at each other in often fairly large PvP fleets you'd usually only see in null sec. They are hotly contested and if your corporation wants to live in one, they usually need to be pretty competent to stay there.

But consider this as well - the major wormhole alliances like Adhocracy or No Holes Barred usually have high barriers to entry for new recruits. Often you need to basically be flying not only stealth bombers, but a fully skilled Tengu and other high-requirement vessels. Some even have Dreadnaughts as a requirement. So you're welcome to try for a C5 corp. Just realize they may have too high a skill requirement for a new player. C4s are probably a mixed bag in the skill requirements, as are anything lesser - and you're likely to have more success there.

Just remember, it's not just the class of wormhole you live in that matters - it's the class their STATIC connects to that matters - that's were the real action is. Some C2 wormhole corps don't do hardly anything in their own C2 system. They spend most of their activity in their static C4 if they have one, or prowling the wormhole chains looking for fresh prey.
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-09-18 20:54:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
The skills you should focus one are:

Primary skills
1) Dscan Actuation to level 5. This is very important.
2) Inter-dimensional Recycling to level 5 preferably but you're functional at level 3.
3) POS Hardener Anchoring at least level 2. Level 1 doesn't seem to work for most people.
4) Defensive MOD Ammo Charging level 4.
5) Strontium Injection level 5....this is key.

Secondary skills
1) Run & Hide level 4.
2) Head in Sand to level 4.
3) Logoffski to level 1 only. Anything more is a waste.

Don't ban me, bro!

Fluffi Flaffi
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2013-09-19 07:14:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Fluffi Flaffi
Robert Morningstar wrote:
As for the gal industrial that is no longer race specific since oddesy the badger will be fine if you already have it.

Gallente Industrial is the ultimate hauler hauler skill for WH, much more than before Odyssey in my opinion! Because you can fit them for max agility / Tank without loosing space for their special cargos, which are most important in wormholes: PI Hangar bay and in some cases ORE Hanbare bay (depending on what you are doing in wormholes).
Especially agility is essential and can make the difference if hunters catch you or not!
As soon as you add agility to a badger you are loosing a lot of cargo space with each module / rig you change!

Edit: @Mr. Kidd: Think you forgot Primary Skill No6: Having as much alts as possible.
Zara Arran
Overload This
Escalation Theory
#9 - 2013-09-19 08:08:40 UTC
What you might also do, is look for a WH corp that you'd like to join and then ask what their prerequisites are. Some corporations also have this posted on a public forum/website, which list you can just add to your skill plan in evemon. Or if you don't know any corporations, form an idea of what you want to do (maybe you already do), and then look at how to get there.

The reason I say this is because if you are wanting to do some light pvp and more interested in production, you will see that a production or indy worp will require other things than a top WH pvp corp. Some live in a pulsar and require you to train shield skills, while others live in a magnetar and want you to have armor compensation skills up to 5.

If you are looking to go deeper into WH space, like a C5 or C6, expect to do a lot more scanning than in a C2 with a hisec static for instance. In a C5 or C6 you'd spend so much time scanning, you do not just have higher requirements from the corporations living there, you'd also want to do it more quickly because it saves time. If you were to join corp living in a HS static WH, you could get away with lower scanning skills.

So, it all depends on what you want, and how far along you already are. If you want to join a C3/C4 pvp WH corp, I'd say indeed train scanning skills to 4, get into a battlecruiser and train for a Tengu, train T2 missile skills, max out shield skills and find groups living in a pulsar. In WHs I always recommend training up alts on separate accounts.

The more people in wormhole space the better. Good luck!
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-09-20 00:27:40 UTC
These are my recommendations:

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

AbsoluteFury The Unscrupulous
Luv Gun
#11 - 2013-09-20 00:49:35 UTC
no body likes your opinion jack
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#12 - 2013-09-20 02:11:53 UTC
I can live with that alt.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

AbsoluteFury The Unscrupulous
Luv Gun
#13 - 2013-09-20 03:16:47 UTC
actually ur my hero.....just read your signature and ............for real? off topic i know