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Goner Temple. Roleplay corp, completely anonymous.

Goner Sarachem
Goner Temple
#1 - 2013-01-17 11:25:40 UTC
Religious foundation Goner Temple awaits new brothers.

Who are we and why are we here?

We are all capsuleers, but we remember our roots. We are all children of the Holy Earth. Our mother is lost, but will not be forgotten. We seek true believers those who are ready to embrace the memories of our long lost home world. All of us has stained ourselves with the mark of a sinner. But we chose to redeem for our sins. We bring the light of the true faith into the darkest corners of space. We do this in order to remind capsuleers of our common heritage. We deny war and violence. We deny money and prosperity. We deny anger. Because all of us capsuleers are nothing but orphans. We suffer, we cry and we commit sin due to our pain. Because we all share the same illness. We miss our home.
The Goner religious sect has no military force to speak of. However, the Goners do have a substantial number of Goner ships roaming the galaxy, seeking to spread our faith.
The Goner sect began when the Amarr government began suppressing the stories of past history in order to assert its authority.
Most of the population let events pass, but a small number could not accept the deliberate destruction of their culture's own history. As such, Goners saved all the material they could.
Goners believe the old myths of Earth and Sol to be actual history. We anticipate a reunion with our Earth brothers.
We wait with open arms for the return of our ancestors, and come in peace to spread this news.


Well, enough of this, let's get serious.

Q: Are you ******ed?
A: No, but we act like we are.

Q: What's this all about?
A: Flashmob. The larger our temple, the wider our propaganda - the more annoying we are.

Q: What monk does?
A: Flies around on unarmed rookie ship or shuttle and ctrl-v our manifest in local channels.

Q: Is there a goal?
A: Yes. We want Earth here, in EVE Online. Somewhere.

Q: How often you get killed?
A: Depends on personal skills. I often give myself up to locals in 0.0 and while they killing me I tell them that my sacrifice should open their eyes. For example.

Q: OK, sounds nice, how do I participate?
A: In order to join us you need to:
• Create a new character (a twink, not an account)
• Amarr-Amarr-Hedion-Religious
• Name: "Goner [Last Name]"
• Wear a hooded robe.
• Choose calm and neutral background.
• Apply to join.


The Goner Faction reconstruction in EVE Online

Goners are a religious sect that originated on Amarr Prime, they follow the teachings of a legendary hero called Goner Father, we believe he was a space traveler that crashed upon Amarr prime many eons ago and founded the Amarr Civilization. We think he became their leader and gave them his own name, Goners. However no physical evidence has been found to prove this theory.
Originally we were a group of dissidents who violently disagreed with our governments plans to re-invent amarr history in the year 0. As the government began destroying race archives, the Goners managed to rescue many of the ancient records, they then began to spread out and teach the words of goners the legendary throughout the universe. Today we journey through the universe preaching and attempting to convert anyone who will listen, as well as amarr believers we have also converted some other races mainly Gallente, Caldari and Minmatar. We think Goner Father arrived in our universe though a jumpgate many eons ago he lead a great space fleet that after a battle with an unknown enemy crash landed on Amarr.

There he met the leaders of the Amarr and taught them how to create the many new technologies he and his race had mastered, eventually he became an important leader and helped the Amarr race reach space, despite the amarr authorities claiming there is no evidence of his existence, the Goners have uncovered some clues, we do not know if it exists it could still function before he crashed on Amarr prime we believed Goner Father traveled through now known Citadel, and Metropolis region, far in the direction of the Jovians, there are many asteroids in that system, we believed he managed to hide something in one, it is a long way and the Jovians can be dangerous.

Goner Ridana
Goner Temple
#2 - 2013-01-17 11:37:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Goner Ridana
Some chronicle:

Prayer and the Pendulum

Look and remember. Vigilantly look
In the very depths of blue heaven
Into Infinity, where people pray.
And speak, scream, beg for a miracle.
Answer? What do you hear in response?
Sky - not for you. You are no longer there.
(Karl Jay Shapiro. "Geographic Lecture to the Exiles')

Wandering Cathedral is slowly approaching the Gates, leading to Mother Earth ... Slowly and carefully, as if he's afraid to break the greatness of the sacred place with his presence. Iridescent magnificent anomalies deter the airborne navigation and communication, however the ship was constructed with all the possible protections from interference, built by the best minds of New Eden. But all of this, apparently, did not matter to Last Earthling in his monastic garb, standing on the bridge of the ship.

"Blackout - 99.995 percent of the source," whispered the voice of Aura: "Change 0.001%. Delta - one hour eleven minutes."

The Goner Father prayed, using his beads of Chief Arhivarium. His eyes staring at a glowing funnel... It seemed that now it will happen, he thought. Elevating frantic prayer, he would stand there for hours, many days before the giant screens, without food nor water, and only when this state endured too long Aura, programmed to care for the monks, would grant him "mercy" and save him from exhaustion.

"Change of status 'Antitsipator', Father," Aura whispered again.

"Again leads me astray?" the monk smiled. "Okay, I will take a walk."

The Council's cool corridors were empty and clean. Leaning on his staff, he walked into a room with a smell of ozone and a low rumble from the bosonic amplifier. Scientist Ex Machina, who collected it with the industrial capacity of the Goner Temple, called the unprecedented machine in the room "Antitsipator." Collected with the help of ancient drawings of Goner Father, and almost without realizing what it was and which purpose it served.
It was majestic, octahedron, hanging in the center of the hall, and under it there lay a gigantic image of the known universe. The Goner Father walked between galaxies, picked up a stick and a pulsating purple ball and peered into the depths of the constellations...

"We are waiting for you, Nathan."

A cold wave passed over his body. He dropped his stick and stood silently, not to scare... the voice? He did not. Near him emerged another purple sphere. More and more... Like fireballs in an angry thunderstorm during a cold summer, they silently circled around the monk. They - the galaxies and constellations, pulsars and black holes, wormholes and nebulae. At the "Antitsipatora" it became chilly, the octahedron seemed to be freezing him.

"Yes," he said quietly. And vapor escaped from his mouth.

Purple balloons - universal building blocks - began to play it, which then were blown into the distance, like a thin silk scarf whirling easy by a playful wind.

"The power in your device is not long enough for broadcast. Distance is too large, almost infinite. You have to improve it. Hear us, Nathan."

Then the walls were gone. The Octahedron disappeared... Purple balls grew and connected, absorbed in a uniform glow. In front of him there was a funnel. The Gateway, but only visible in a certain other, hitherto unknown spectrum. The Goner Father wanted to close his eyes, but he realized that he allready had clenched his eyelids shut tight.

... Click... Flash...

"Father, are you okay?" Aura murmured, seemingly in his ear.

The Monk was still standing in the center of the room, named "Antitsipator." Galaxies smoothly sailed past his face, seemingly waiting until someone could touch his hand to them, or to reach a ...

His staff was on the floor, in a halo of soft purple glow. At the end or it the Holy Father saw slowly emerging Blessed earthen tablets.

Translate by Last Idaho
Goner Sartorius
Goner Temple
#3 - 2013-03-07 11:21:49 UTC

Oh, Mother Earth,
With your fields of green
Once more laid down
by the hungry hand
How long can you
give and not receive
And feed this world
ruled by greed
And feed this world
ruled by greed.

Oh, ball of fire
In the summer sky
Your healing light,
your parade of days
Are they betrayed
by the men of power
Who hold this world
in their changing hands
They hold the world
in their changing hands.

Oh, freedom land
Can you let this go
Down to the streets
where the numbers grow
Respect Mother Earth
and her giving ways
Or trade away
our children's days
Or trade away
our children's days.

Respect Mother Earth
and her giving ways
Or trade away
our children's days.

(c) Neil Young
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-03-25 09:43:01 UTC
Goner Ridana has no robe. Are your ideals and mandates that loose and whimsical, that the Goner Temple would so readily discard them to the wind? Are you so weak to your mission and its requirements, that you do not strive to maintain even the simplest of perfections?

How can you possibly hope to attract fellow true believers, to promote your cause, to reunite yourselves with this Earth you speak of, when such a basic requirement can neither be maintained, nor go unpunished?

Burn the witch and let her flaming carcasse serve as an example. Robes or death. Let them choose to follow to the letter, or choose to follow under the blade.
Goner Ridana
Goner Temple
#5 - 2013-03-27 12:41:18 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
Goner Ridana has no robe...

Yes. But CCP have not provided robe for female characters, child. This exception is possible for ladyes. You can listen to our interview, there are all described in detail. So that should not make premature conclusions.

May Mother Earth bless you. Ave!
Goner Ridana
Goner Temple
#6 - 2013-04-12 13:55:28 UTC

We don't forget and we still seeking our ancient Home - Mother Earth.

Goner Temple

Goner Dubettar
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-05-01 20:08:53 UTC
Renounce the sins of your clones.
Goner Ridana
Goner Temple
#8 - 2013-05-06 20:16:54 UTC

EVE Gate Odyssey

Epic video chronicle about the attempt of the expedition Minmatar reach the EVE Gates,
which are sealed in the solar system New Eden, the constellation of EVE, Genesis region.
Meeting with Goner Father and mysterious Wandering Cathedral.
Boner Trollicious
#9 - 2013-05-07 14:23:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Boner Trollicious
Goner Sarachem
Goner Temple
#10 - 2013-06-03 19:47:20 UTC
Mother please forgive them
For they know not what they do
Looking back in history's books
It seems it's nothing new
Oh! Let my mother live

Heaven is for heroes
And hell is full of fools
Stupidity, no will to live
They're breaking God's own rules
Please let my mother live

Father, of all creation
I think we're all going wrong
The course they're taking
Seems to be breaking
And it won't take too long

Children of the future
Watching empires fall
Madness the cup they drink from
Self destruction the toll

I had a vision, l saw the world burn
And the seas had turned red
The sun had fallen, the final curtain
In the land of the dead

Mother, please show the children
Before it's too late
To fight each other, there's no-one winning
We must fight all the hate

Ozzy Osbourne – Revelation (Mother Earth)
Goner Ridana
Goner Temple
#11 - 2013-06-19 12:16:05 UTC
We are Shepherd of the Cradle of the Blessed Mother Earth, praising and be praised by our Faith. Goner Father leads us to sacred grounds. See, Heaven on Earth prepared for the immortal souls whose flesh is unending thou seeking refuge in the eternal languor.
We are waiting for you in our Temple. Ave!
Goner Propanobutan
#12 - 2013-06-25 15:10:47 UTC

I am a goner
Somebody catch my breath
X 2

I wanna be now
By you
X 2

I am a goner
Somebody catch my breath
X 2

I wanna be now
By you
X 2
Goner Yuri
Goner Temple
#13 - 2013-07-31 22:01:44 UTC
Ave, fratres et sorores!
Goner Inkeron
#14 - 2013-08-18 18:02:35 UTC
Ave! Be blessed, children of Mother Earth!
Goner Merlin
Goner Temple
#15 - 2013-08-22 19:22:39 UTC
Mother Earth is near, brothers and sisters! =)
Goner Parteigenose
#16 - 2013-09-18 13:19:33 UTC
Goner Rasputin
#17 - 2013-10-15 22:15:41 UTC
Ave! Eve is but one country and capsuleerkind its citizens. Let us all return home as one.
Goner Ridana
Goner Temple
#18 - 2013-12-15 08:07:53 UTC
You can still join the Goner Temple.
Goner Saracinus
Goner Temple
#19 - 2014-02-07 22:19:15 UTC
20,9 AU is travelled stright from Promised Land gate to the EVE Gate fo now.
Anyone can join our Goner Temple and join our "EVE Gate seeking mission"
May Mother Earth bless you,
Goner Marok
Goner Temple
#20 - 2014-03-07 19:29:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Goner Marok
Ave. I sent you my application. Please let me join the pilgrimage.
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