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More immunity for Incursion Runners Required.

First post
Dunbar Hulan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#101 - 2011-11-14 20:09:28 UTC
I think CCP should stop running incursions in Toys r Us and start to hold them in a particular section of EVE- Doril - Jorund - Hemin - RMOC-W - KQ-WHE - CL-85V - 8G-MQV.

That way, the rest of us can come along and say "hello" to all the brave capsuleers that are keeping us safe from Sansha.

 ** Manchester United - Paul Scholes= Genius**

Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#102 - 2011-11-14 20:58:29 UTC
I'd be a lot happier about SkunkWorks's griefing if they'd put more of it up on YouTube...

When I lost my Fleet Tempest to The Russian Squirrel I almost pissed myself laughing, if only it wasn't for those jackasses in the background getting giddy and ruining it.
Soi Mala
Whacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubemen
#103 - 2011-11-14 21:00:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Soi Mala
Dunbar Hulan wrote:
I think CCP should stop running incursions in Toys r Us and start to hold them in a particular section of EVE- Doril - Jorund - Hemin - RMOC-W - KQ-WHE - CL-85V - 8G-MQV.

That way, the rest of us can come along and say "hello" to all the brave capsuleers that are keeping us safe from Sansha.

Kinda this - Income from highsec incursions needs some serious tweaking. I can earn a days worth of missioning isk in an hour or two in an incursion. I can earn a plex in a leisurely evening running them. Thats one months sub covered in one evening, easily. No wonder the economy is ******.

The lowsec/nullsec ones never get done other than "for the lulz" by the locals. There is no point in risking it, you can earn big in highsec anyway. Bring them down to level 4 isk earning - that way you have the choice, run missions alone or join a group and be social either way, you'l earn the same. The level of earning people enjoy in highsec at the moment should only be available in lowsec/nullsec, the risk/reward balance is WAY off.
The Black Shell
#104 - 2011-11-14 21:43:47 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:
The issue, is that despite it NOT being ever declared an exploit AND it being "working as intended" there have been reimbursements for losses to ships in Incursions that were ganked using the can flip aggro trick.

Or rather, I have heard a LOT of people say they have been reimbursed (including an IRL friend) who I have no reason to believe were lying.

Which is ****** up. Reimbursing losses to people who were the victim of an exploit is one thing, but this was NOT declared an exploit. It was declared a "game mechanics change" which semantically suggests the (valid) game mechanics were one way, and are now another.
I request a proof.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#105 - 2011-11-14 21:45:46 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
I request a proof.

I was reimbursed for my Fleet Tempest, destroyed modules and had the insurance payout taken back.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2011-11-14 21:48:05 UTC
I demand more popcorn! This thread has made me run out!

Bounties for all!

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#107 - 2011-11-14 21:57:55 UTC
*laughs at all the hurt nullbears*

God ... CCP has truly managed to turn EVE all around.
Gotta love 'em!

I don't care what anyone says. If this isn't nullbear tears then I for sure am the queen of England.
*takes out the dusty old tear jar and let's it fill up with delicious golden nullbear tears*
Captain Nathaniel Butler
The White Company
#108 - 2011-11-14 22:16:25 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
*laughs at all the hurt nullbears*

God ... CCP has truly managed to turn EVE all around.
Gotta love 'em!

I don't care what anyone says. If this isn't nullbear tears then I for sure am the queen of England.
*takes out the dusty old tear jar and let's it fill up with delicious golden nullbear tears*

Your Majesty.....

Lady Spank for C&P moderator.

Lead Farmers
#109 - 2011-11-14 22:53:53 UTC
Lyubov Petrovskaya wrote:
Zackgar wrote:
AFAIK, creating alt to suicide gank, getting to -5 then biomassing them to create a new alt to take to -5 to then biomass them is not ok. Creating an alt to do this on is ok.

Do you even read? Learn how to take someone agreeing with you without getting all defensive. Roll

Also, on your second point:

Originally by: GM GrimmiHi everybody,
Our stance towards recycling "disposable alts" for purposes such as suicide ganking or summoning CONCORD for bodyguard duty is that it is an exploit, clear and simple.

You're totally correct that starting a buddy account and suicide ganking on it isn't grief play. However, if you PLEX it for one month of training, suicide to -5 and then throw away the account, then create a new one for the same purpose it is.

@Zackgar: Nice ninja edit. Seems we're in complete agreement, so why don't you quit whining about someone bringing up a legitimate concerns regarding an exploit?

You were expecting a well thought out and objective response? You must be new here. Thank goodness you let me know you were agreeing with me though. I was going to have real difficulty sleeping tonight, tossing and turning in my bed wondering if there really was someone out there who had a different opinion to me...

If this is such a "legitimate concern" for you I suggest you head over to the CSM pages and petition for them to remove the buddy account system as well as the biomass button.

Also, please feel free to petition LFARM leadership, we love ganking people and seeing as we started playing at the same time, and have moved to the same corps at the same time, we must be using exploits Roll
Oneida Inc.
#110 - 2011-11-14 22:58:23 UTC
Discussions a bit lopsided cause your not supposed to talk about exploits. There's a bug in the agression mechanics. People are exploiting the bug to make using Logis unplayable.

Using a bug to make game unplayable equals exploit. Doesn't look like any intended game mechanic from the past or present or anything I've heard planned for in the future.

CCP is on the ball. If they want to tighten up the faucet there's better ways.

Too bad all you welfare plex buyers are feeling the squeeze btw; :) Somehow I don't think you are all the starving college students and other deserving cases. More cash, less trash boys, when plexes hit 500 I might even buy some of those 200 dollar packages with free shirts and monocles..

Here's hopin.:)
E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#111 - 2011-11-14 23:03:26 UTC  |  Edited by: E man Industries
I find it intresting that trakling links, remote ECM, target painters, remote repairs, remote sensor boosting, and even sensor damping all stop working when the ship performing the action warps out or is destroyed.

Only jamming persists after the ship has warped off or is destroyed.

Even as a null bear that seams a bit odd.


other than changing jamming lasting after the ship is gone I do not believe this is up to CCP to solve...let the incursion fleets fit some eccm
Planetary Interactors
#112 - 2011-11-14 23:36:14 UTC
Andy Kusoni wrote:

You can train up a griffin in half the time, tho I'm sure you've already thought of this.
I'm guessing the 4 meds vs. 6 meds hurts the math, only about 70% chance by my calculations

Still, roving griffin party can a fun sight to see.
Lyubov Petrovskaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#113 - 2011-11-15 00:46:41 UTC
Zackgar wrote:

If this is such a "legitimate concern" for you I suggest you head over to the CSM pages and petition for them to remove the buddy account system as well as the biomass button.

Also, please feel free to petition LFARM leadership, we love ganking people and seeing as we started playing at the same time, and have moved to the same corps at the same time, we must be using exploits Roll

In the words of a wiser man than myself:

Hai Zackgar

You be Trollin'
I be respondin'

[x] - U mad?
[ ] - Can I haz your stuffz?
[x] - Troll, 2/10
[ ] - Who would _____ someone with a name like _____
[ ] - WOW is that way ====>
[x] - Haters gonna hate
Jovan Geldon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2011-11-15 01:18:54 UTC
Lyubov Petrovskaya wrote:

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#115 - 2011-11-15 02:21:07 UTC
Feilamya wrote:

Therefore, CCP, make highsec SAFER!

I see what you did there. Big smile
Lyubov Petrovskaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2011-11-15 02:39:16 UTC
Jovan Geldon wrote:
Lyubov Petrovskaya wrote:

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I don't think "keep" means what you think it means, given I've only used the word "trolling" once.
Jovan Geldon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2011-11-15 02:54:17 UTC
Lyubov Petrovskaya wrote:
Jovan Geldon wrote:
Lyubov Petrovskaya wrote:

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I don't think "keep" means what you think it means, given I've only used the word "trolling" once.

Someone doesn't watch movies
Daedalus Arcova
The Scope
#118 - 2011-11-15 02:58:23 UTC
Soi Mala wrote:
Dunbar Hulan wrote:
I think CCP should stop running incursions in Toys r Us and start to hold them in a particular section of EVE- Doril - Jorund - Hemin - RMOC-W - KQ-WHE - CL-85V - 8G-MQV.

That way, the rest of us can come along and say "hello" to all the brave capsuleers that are keeping us safe from Sansha.

Kinda this - Income from highsec incursions needs some serious tweaking. I can earn a days worth of missioning isk in an hour or two in an incursion. I can earn a plex in a leisurely evening running them. Thats one months sub covered in one evening, easily. No wonder the economy is ******.

The lowsec/nullsec ones never get done other than "for the lulz" by the locals. There is no point in risking it, you can earn big in highsec anyway. Bring them down to level 4 isk earning - that way you have the choice, run missions alone or join a group and be social either way, you'l earn the same. The level of earning people enjoy in highsec at the moment should only be available in lowsec/nullsec, the risk/reward balance is WAY off.

Good Time Family Band Solution
#119 - 2011-11-15 04:05:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Teamosil
IMO every activity in eve should pay out in a good of some sort that people need, not straight ISK. That way the market automatically sets the profitability correctly. If it becomes too profitable, more people flood in to do it, the market gets over supplied with that good, and profitability drops. If profitability gets too low, people go do other things and it automatically comes back up. Bounties and ISK rewards break that mechanic. If CCP just sets the bounty amount too low or too high, the market can't correct it. Or at least, the only way the market can correct it is through inflation, but that just messes everything else up.

Generic LP rewards are better than ISK in that regard, but not a lot better. It artificially ties the profitability of missions and incursions together, which isn't optimal. Different values for LP might be optimal for each.

IMO CCP should remove bounties for NPCs entirely, remove all ISK mission rewards, and replace them with something else that can be converted into something tradeable that people need. Maybe you get a particular faction's LP for killing specific kinds of rats and you get concorde LP only for incursions, but new cool rewards are added to the concorde lp store. Every profession should have a free floating, market driven, profitability level. CCP would still be vaguely setting the profitability level by determining whether it pays out in a good that is in high demand or low demand and whatnot, but within those parameters it will self correct. Hard coded profitability levels are bound to go wrong every time.
Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#120 - 2011-11-15 04:33:41 UTC
Teamosil wrote:
IMO every activity in eve should pay out in a good of some sort that people need, not straight ISK. That way the market automatically sets the profitability correctly. If it becomes too profitable, more people flood in to do it, the market gets over supplied with that good, and profitability drops. If profitability gets too low, people go do other things and it automatically comes back up. Bounties and ISK rewards break that mechanic. If CCP just sets the bounty amount too low or too high, the market can't correct it. Or at least, the only way the market can correct it is through inflation, but that just messes everything else up.

Generic LP rewards are better than ISK in that regard, but not a lot better. It artificially ties the profitability of missions and incursions together, which isn't optimal. Different values for LP might be optimal for each.

IMO CCP should remove bounties for NPCs entirely, remove all ISK mission rewards, and replace them with something else that can be converted into something tradeable that people need. Maybe you get a particular faction's LP for killing specific kinds of rats and you get concorde LP only for incursions, but new cool rewards are added to the concorde lp store. Every profession should have a free floating, market driven, profitability level. CCP would still be vaguely setting the profitability level by determining whether it pays out in a good that is in high demand or low demand and whatnot, but within those parameters it will self correct. Hard coded profitability levels are bound to go wrong every time.


I do wish however that we could find pirate treasure while doing explo!
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!