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Merc Contracts channel. abusive of power

First post
Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#21 - 2013-09-12 14:05:01 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Wow that's a lot of drama.

Basically, channel management hates the guys you let into your alliance, and gave you a hard but obvious choice. Dump 'em or GTFO. I fail to see the high political intrigue.

Well its a bit of a **** move for someone running what is advertised as a public channel to boot an alliance because they dont like a corp in that alliance eve though the alliance has done nothing wrong and that corp has no acsces to said channel.

Personnal hatred should be set aside as long as people are playing by the rules and not exploiting the channel.
Antony E Stark
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-09-12 14:26:50 UTC
It wouldn't surprise me.... Why not simply remove/sideline people who could act as competition anyway? I would simply suggest stepping up your other forms of advertising and leaving the channel to rot.

It's just politics, always has, always will be. Still, that doesn't stop you blowing the **** out of them.
culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-09-12 14:28:46 UTC
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Princess Bride wrote:
Wow that's a lot of drama.

Basically, channel management hates the guys you let into your alliance, and gave you a hard but obvious choice. Dump 'em or GTFO. I fail to see the high political intrigue.

Well its a bit of a **** move for someone running what is advertised as a public channel to boot an alliance because they dont like a corp in that alliance eve though the alliance has done nothing wrong and that corp has no acsces to said channel.

Personnal hatred should be set aside as long as people are playing by the rules and not exploiting the channel.


I've starting blogging 

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#24 - 2013-09-12 14:30:54 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:

Basically, channel management hates the guys you let into your alliance, and gave you a hard but obvious choice. Dump 'em or GTFO. I fail to see the high political intrigue.

I can't teach someone who refuses to learn, but you may want to re-read the original post a few times while imagining you are the CEO of a merc corp or alliance.

Failing that, here's a metaphor even a child should be able to understand...

- A couple of dudes rob houses, they get caught and serve a jail sentence
- Upon release, a local restaurant (one of the finest in the city actually..) hires them, to wash dishes and prepare food
- A power-drunk guy on city council demands the restaurant fire the ex-con's, or the restaurant will be de-listed from the city's 'best restaurants' website
- The restaurant owner rightly gives the city councilor the finger, telling him he has NO business telling him who he can or can't hire. The restaurant is passing its health inspections, serving great food, and no-one is getting sick. No one at the front of the house even sees the dishwashers or cooks in back of the house.
- Power-drunk city councilor delists the (awesome) restaurant from the city website anyway, despite other councilors being neutral or against the move.
- The 'Best Restaraunts' website is now no longer about best restaurants, its about restaurants the power-drunk councillor personally likes. As such, no one can trust the website anymore, on any of its restaurant recommendations.
Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#25 - 2013-09-12 14:31:19 UTC
PreZiDenT1 wrote:
Any day in the merc channel:

(12:31 )Victim 1: "Hey mercs. I have a problem with some people in low sec. Anyone that can help?"


(13.37) Victim 2: "Hey mercs. I have a problem with a small corp in high sec. Anyone that can help?"
(13:37) Merc 1 :"Contact me"
(13:37) Merc 2 : "No, me!"
(13:38) Merc 3 : "If its just high sec, we are available"

Not anymore sunshine.
Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#26 - 2013-09-12 14:37:01 UTC


FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-09-12 14:37:50 UTC
Princess Bride wrote:
Wow that's a lot of drama.

Basically, channel management hates the guys you let into your alliance, and gave you a hard but obvious choice. Dump 'em or GTFO. I fail to see the high political intrigue.

The thing though is that it's not about it being political, it's about removing an entity from the channel which the alliance leader wants to stand in for, and the channel is telling him how to run his alliance. :p

While it did not affect Whores in space, or BAW with Kane.

I've starting blogging 

Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#28 - 2013-09-12 14:46:35 UTC
Sounds like everyone should just vacate this channel and begin anew.

With someone less power Hungry.

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#29 - 2013-09-12 16:12:12 UTC
Alice Saki wrote:
Sounds like everyone should just vacate this channel and begin anew.

With someone less power Hungry.

I can't see the harm in having multiple channels providing those channels do function as advertised and actually promote all mercs providing they follow the rules setting aside personal preference and politics. We are all here to pick up contracts and get paid at the end of the day.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#30 - 2013-09-12 17:23:46 UTC
I think if the existing channel stays the mods need to be cycled every 6 months and need not be biased against corps/alliances for its members.

And further more it should take a mod council to remove an alliance from the list, the power of one mod should be limited to the content of banning a person but not a corp or an alliance. If found that the said mod tries to over step his or her bounds he/she should be removed from modship.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Duncan Norvelle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-09-12 17:40:01 UTC
How wonderfully dramatic.

I'm sure this will all blow over shortly. Oh wait, no, it's highsec. This will last forever and much e-viagra will be consumed in the process.

Chase me!

Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#32 - 2013-09-12 18:49:01 UTC
Duncan Norvelle wrote:
How wonderfully dramatic.

I'm sure this will all blow over shortly. Oh wait, no, it's highsec. This will last forever and much e-viagra will be consumed in the process.

There really isnt an awfull lots of drama, just some people kicking around some ideas. And as for the high sec comment, you realise who you are flying with right?
Lady Ayeipsia
#33 - 2013-09-12 20:53:43 UTC
AndromacheDarkstar wrote:
Duncan Norvelle wrote:
How wonderfully dramatic.

I'm sure this will all blow over shortly. Oh wait, no, it's highsec. This will last forever and much e-viagra will be consumed in the process.

There really isnt an awfull lots of drama, just some people kicking around some ideas. And as for the high sec comment, you realise who you are flying with right?

Fly is a loose term to use.

He's a forum alt and seems to have no kills at all in Red Fed when i searched our killboards.
Knights Of the Ruined Empire
#34 - 2013-09-13 01:23:10 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
(and super nice guy)

A very nice guy....much <3 feyd

Senn Denroth - Highsec PVP is only for the elite of the elite....

Ex-Rebirth....and miner.  Fight me.

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#35 - 2013-09-14 13:15:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tora Bushido
I appreciate all the hard work the mods have put into the channel all these years, but I have to agree with Raz, Saeger and others on this matter (I know....whyyy TORA !! Twisted). I understand why some mod(s) want to keep the old Rebirth out of the channel (I was told they scammed in there. Not sure of they really did), but that shouldn't be an issue right now. RB isn't the one taking contracts here, it's devils. If a RB guy takes a contract and scams, Raz is responsible and he knows what the result could be. So he is taking the 'risk' here, not the mods. I also still believe some RB's have seen the light and I personally would give Kai the benefit of the doubt here. We had some good chats and I think he really changed a lot. In a good way.

Merc channel is there for the mercs. If you make a decision which most mercs do not support, I would expect mod(s) to reverse it and respect the players they are doing it for.

Just my two cents on this matter..... Blink


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#36 - 2013-09-14 17:13:06 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
I appreciate all the hard work the mods have put into the channel all these years, but I have to agree with Raz, Saeger and others on this matter (I know....whyyy TORA !! Twisted). I understand why some mod(s) want to keep the old Rebirth out of the channel (I was told they scammed in there. Not sure of they really did), but that shouldn't be an issue right now. RB isn't the one taking contracts here, it's devils. If a RB guy takes a contract and scams, Raz is responsible and he knows what the result could be. So he is taking the 'risk' here, not the mods. I also still believe some RB's have seen the light and I personally would give Kai the benefit of the doubt here. We had some good chats and I think he really changed a lot. In a good way.

Merc channel is there for the mercs. If you make a decision which most mercs do not support, I would expect mod(s) to reverse it and respect the players they are doing it for.

Just my two cents on this matter..... Blink

For once in a long while I can agree with this

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Alekseyev Karrde
Shadow Cartel
#37 - 2013-09-14 19:34:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Alekseyev Karrde
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
In an abuse of power overstepping expected duties of simple chat channel moderation, the mods of the merc contracts channel have delisted The Devil's Warrior Alliance in a pre-emptive and political move that brings into question the integrity of the channel at whole, its mods, and an attack on all merc alliances mandate to govern their own memberships and destiny.

Evidently the corporation 'Rebirth' caused problems in the past in the chat channel and were kicked.

Here, breathe into this brown bag lol. They have been permanently black listed due to problems over the course of a long period of time and several alliances.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
A month later the moderators of the merc contracts channel then put a gun to Lord Razpataz's head and demanded he kick Rebirth from its alliance.

That's right. Chat-channel mods, demanding a distinguished alliance head (and super nice guy) to kick members from his alliance.

Nothing was, or is, "demanded" of Devils/Raz. He was contacted and reminded about Rebirth's black listing and the litany of reasons why they are so. I explained what that blacklisting would entail. I also explained that due to a recent "give an established alliance recruiting them the benefit of the doubt" exemption that didn't work out well that it would not be an option.

It wasn't an act of hostility; I'm not going to pretend I or any other mod is best friends with Devils but they've never done anything to earn negativity imo. Raz can recruit whoever he wants (i dont understand this choice but I dont judge it either except as it relates to the channel rules), but keeping channel integrity is not just a matter of blindly ignoring obvious problems to support some kind of mercenary old boys club. We have a responsibility to the customers/employers that use the channel as well.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
- There are no listed rules in the channel saying previously banned members entering other alliances will trigger a guilt-by-association ban
- Rebirth was in Whores in Space for a month, yet no ban resulted in that case. Why?
- Marmite had a banned member (Vegas) in their alliance for some time, and no ban resulted in that case either. Why?
- Banned members are today in Break A Wish, yet no ban has occurred in that case. Why?
- No Rebirth member has actually caused disruption in channel under Devil's

1. While it makes sense if you take a second to think about it, you are correct that it is not explicitly stated that recruiting blacklisted units into another unit is a problem. That is why Lord Raz was contacted and the situation explained instead of just delisting them out of the blue (which I agree would have been a **** move)
2. They asked for the benefit of the doubt because their alliance leadership would take responsibility for and control Rebirth. It really worked out poorly all around, which is why we're not going to do it again.
3. As far as I know, while Vegas is kinda nuts and has been banned from the channel for trolling, as far as i know he is not himself a corporation/alliance or blacklisted for contract scamming.
4. I dont see any black listed corps in Break-A-Wish so I'm not sure what you are referring to.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
A choice with a gun to your head is no choice. Punishment for an uncommitted crime is unacceptable. And lets get real, you are chat channel moderators, NOT a group empowered to do overall mercenary alliance governorship. You crossed the line.

A choice is always a choice and getting your name taken out of chat room MOTD is hardly a gun. Devils Warriors did not have a gun to their heads when they recruited a blacklisted corp and kept with them when reminded of their status. You are correct, the merc contracts channel mods are not a group empowered to do governance of the mercenary market and dont want to be. The channel was created to provide a scam-free environment for mercs and clients to find one another, enforced by community moderation to keep it that way. We did our jobs.

Of the three major rules (no scamming contracts, respect mod rulings, and treat other channel mercs with professional courtesy) two apply. Rebirth scammed contracts multiple times so were blacklisted for that. Every time they've been given a chance to come back into the community it's ended poorly so mods were not going to grant them another opportunity to cause trouble. Devils ignored the mod ruling of the blacklist and as you can see from this post could really care less about the rules or integrity of the channel they feel entitled to be listed in if it causes them inconvenience.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
pre-emptive act of guilt by association.

Pre-emptive means before you did something. You actually did recruit a black listed corp.
Guilt by association? No one cares if you're friends with them but THEY ARE PART OF YOUR ALLIANCE lol.

I'm not sure WHY you feel so entitled to stuff Feyd, but the Merc Contracts channel is a free service provided to mercs and clients which can obey its relatively simple, but necessary, rules. You didn't follow those rules and continue to refuse to, so you are no longer listed as a merc unit that does. It's not complicated, it's not an "abuse" or "political," it's not even hostile (it's not like delisting Devils was fun). But it is what it is.

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2013-09-14 20:25:41 UTC
Aleks being an e-honoureable douche in forum non-shocker.

Go home Noir., nobody gives a **** about you.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#39 - 2013-09-14 20:36:47 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Alekseyev Karrde, no matter what reasons you have, you should NOT blacklist a whole alliance with alot of other great corporations in for the crime a single corporation have done a long time ago outside of 'The Devil's Warrior Alliance'. Rebirth is permanently banned and not allowed back into the Merc channel anymore. So what are the problems?

The alliance we are in now haven't done anything wrong at any points, so why are you delisting them as a whole?

Do you think Rebirth is going to do contract scams and that kind of things on others as a seperate corp when the alliance leaders is the part who takes the decisions on what jobs / contracts we are going to take?

That would get us kicked faster than light speed if we would do that here. So, we as a Merc corp will do whatever the alliance wants us to do. And we always have to follow The Devil's Warrior Alliance's rules anyways as long we want to stay here. Delisting the whole alliance with alot of other great Merc coprorations in, in the Merc channel just because Rebirth decided to join this alliance is ******** beyond anything. I also want to hear your reasons on why you think it's fine to do it this way instead of just banning the seperate corporations in the alliances instead in the Merc channel?

Think about this for a second. One corporation in an alliance with 40 corporations in does something wrong that the alliance they are in can't do anything to stop that or fix it. Do you think it's fine to just let the rest of the 39 corporations in that Merc alliance suffer just because one corporations did something that they shouldn't have done and have got banned from the channel for it?

This decision is also there to prevent the way alliances ingame might runs. Also that this rule or whatever CAN be a brake to their ingame business just because someone decided to delist a whole alliance instead of just banning / delisting the corps. This rule is also a way to prevent alliances ingame to let corporations they like to join them, just because of the way someone runs the Merc channel. So this decision or rule might actually punishes the other corporations in those alliances who are affected by this kind of things more than it punishes the banned corps by being permanently banned from the channel. Think about that also.

Yes, this is just some examples to let you see how dumb that decision is.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#40 - 2013-09-14 21:39:43 UTC
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
...rationalizations redacted....

Well to boil it down Aleksyev in my opinion it was simply a d!ck move, when taken against a long standing & good alliance. Its only Raz and Tears who negotiate Devil's contracts, and you can block offending Rebirth toons to your hearts content to work out your PTSD and 'grrrr Rebirth!' issues -- but to delist Devil's at whole was simply excessive and uncalled for.

But its your channel, evidently...

Long live the king.