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Crime & Punishment

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[WARNING] High Sec Gankers - New Gankers Moved to Metro/Sing!!!

Plastic Psycho
#41 - 2013-09-10 18:09:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Plastic Psycho
March rabbit wrote:
Elizabeth Aideron wrote:
If they fail at EVE but were able to destroy all your ships, what does that make you?

simple virus can kill human

does it make virus super-human? Shocked

Nope. But it does make the virus > human. And, looking at all the various kinds of life forms on just this one dirt ball, that seems to be pretty much true. Virii rock, when it comes to numbers, efficiency, function, and longevity. Humans just don't rate at all on any of those scales in comparison.

Actually, virii also outmass humans by a factor of about 41 (and that's just in the oceans. Land and airborn virii only make the disparity worse)
Idukosan Hito
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2013-09-11 12:57:36 UTC
l know this ganker. He tried to steal my mission Dominix. Send me the eve mail, so you can wardec this person, I will give you Intel you want free. You must promise to have him killed to recieve intel. Thankyou.
Allahu Akbar Abudabie
#43 - 2013-09-11 16:08:50 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
l know this ganker. He tried to steal my mission Dominix. Send me the eve mail, so you can wardec this person, I will give you Intel you want free. You must promise to have him killed to recieve intel. Thankyou.

NOOO! Please don't do that! How will I ever play EVE again.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2013-09-12 04:51:36 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
l know this ganker. He tried to steal my mission Dominix. Send me the eve mail, so you can wardec this person, I will give you Intel you want free. You must promise to have him killed to recieve intel. Thankyou.

Did you leave your keys in it, or how could he be stealing it?Lol
Idukosan Hito
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2013-09-12 06:30:28 UTC
Grunanca wrote:
Idukosan Hito wrote:
l know this ganker. He tried to steal my mission Dominix. Send me the eve mail, so you can wardec this person, I will give you Intel you want free. You must promise to have him killed to recieve intel. Thankyou.

Did you leave your keys in it, or how could he be stealing it?Lol

He come to the mission level 4 using the exploit, he put the scrambler on my Dominix . This person demanded ransom I refused, and also asked me to eject out then, I said no to him because this is my expensive mission ship. Fortune, that day smiled on me, for mission npc started shooting his destroyer and forced a warp away. This does not make the game fun for all the other people. I support the pvp people who can make it happen, and he must die.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2013-09-12 07:29:36 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
Grunanca wrote:
Idukosan Hito wrote:
l know this ganker. He tried to steal my mission Dominix. Send me the eve mail, so you can wardec this person, I will give you Intel you want free. You must promise to have him killed to recieve intel. Thankyou.

Did you leave your keys in it, or how could he be stealing it?Lol

He come to the mission level 4 using the exploit, he put the scrambler on my Dominix . This person demanded ransom I refused, and also asked me to eject out then, I said no to him because this is my expensive mission ship. Fortune, that day smiled on me, for mission npc started shooting his destroyer and forced a warp away. This does not make the game fun for all the other people. I support the pvp people who can make it happen, and he must die.

Which exploit exactely? Did he use probes to scan you down? And how did he get to scramble you? Even more important, how could you in a battleship need the npcs to save you from a destroyer!?
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#47 - 2013-09-12 08:31:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
I, too, would like to know about this exploit, and how the pilot of the destroyer didn't run foul of Concord when he used an offensive module that prevented you warping away.

Unless of course you were a bit of a fucknut and allowed him to get aggro on you, which is your own fault for being ignorant of game mechanics.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Allahu Akbar Abudabie
#48 - 2013-09-12 12:28:04 UTC
Jacking carebears for their dommies in high sec since 2013.
Idukosan Hito
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2013-09-12 13:57:37 UTC
He came to my private mission without an invitation to fleet. This is exploit.Then he steal my loot so I ordered my federation navy sentry drones to kill him because this CONCORD allows. He used destroyer to kill my drones and somehow hardly was damaged at all. I suspect this is also exploit.
If any good hearted people play this game and can do good pvp please war declare this man and his corp. send me mail if you do this and I will pay the 50 millions the war declare cost. I will also pay 5 millions for the death of his corp and 10 Millions for the ganker death for long as war runs. I just bought faction repair module for my Dominix so all this is what I can offer at this time. Thank you in advance.
Plastic Psycho
#50 - 2013-09-12 16:31:39 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
He came to my private mission without an invitation to fleet. This is exploit.

You need to learn how the game works.
NO mission is entirely private - EVE Online does not use instances. It's all one big sandbox, and if he can scan you, he can (and will) show up in your mission space.

Then he steal my loot so I ordered my federation navy sentry drones to kill him because this CONCORD allows. He used destroyer to kill my drones and somehow hardly was damaged at all. I suspect this is also exploit.

He went Suspect, you engaged, now he gets to legally fire back on you.
Killing drones isn't hard if you fit for it - A SnipeRail-fit dessy has a LOT of weapons aimed at a relatively small number of drones. No exploit. Learn how the game works.

If any good hearted people play this game and can do good pvp please war declare this man and his corp. send me mail if you do this and I will pay the 50 millions the war declare cost. I will also pay 5 millions for the death of his corp and 10 Millions for the ganker death for long as war runs. I just bought faction repair module for my Dominix so all this is what I can offer at this time. Thank you in advance.

Good luck with this. Carry on!
Quator Finance
#51 - 2013-09-12 16:56:41 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
He came to my private mission without an invitation to fleet. This is exploit.Then he steal my loot so I ordered my federation navy sentry drones to kill him because this CONCORD allows. He used destroyer to kill my drones and somehow hardly was damaged at all. I suspect this is also exploit.
If any good hearted people play this game and can do good pvp please war declare this man and his corp. send me mail if you do this and I will pay the 50 millions the war declare cost. I will also pay 5 millions for the death of his corp and 10 Millions for the ganker death for long as war runs. I just bought faction repair module for my Dominix so all this is what I can offer at this time. Thank you in advance.

He sounds like a real bad person. Send me 50 mil and ill be on it!
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#52 - 2013-09-12 17:04:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Idukosan Hito wrote:
He came to my private mission without an invitation to fleet. This is exploit.
No it's not, your mission area is open to everybody, there is no such thing as a private instance in Eve.
Then he steal my loot so I ordered my federation navy sentry drones to kill him because this CONCORD allows. He used destroyer to kill my drones and somehow hardly was damaged at all. I suspect this is also exploit.
You're woefully ignorant of game mechanics, he stole from you to bait you into shooting at him so that he could shoot back without reprisal from Concord. Sentry drones are absolutely crap for hitting small fast moving targets like a destroyer, in essence you were trying to use a sledgehammer to kill a fly. As I suspected, you were foolish.
If any good hearted people play this game and can do good pvp please war declare this man and his corp. send me mail if you do this and I will pay the 50 millions the war declare cost. I will also pay 5 millions for the death of his corp and 10 Millions for the ganker death for long as war runs. I just bought faction repair module for my Dominix so all this is what I can offer at this time. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for telling us about the faction modules, you can be sure somebody will be along to relieve you of them shortly.

Your character has been around for 4 years, did you buy it from someone else? If you didn't buy it then I would love to know how you've remained so ignorant of game mechanics while having the time to train into a Domi.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Plastic Psycho
#53 - 2013-09-12 19:33:15 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Thanks for telling us about the faction modules, you can be sure somebody will be along to relieve you of them shortly.

I now wonder if we're not being carefully trolled and lured into an ambush? 4 year old Domi-flying alt coming accross like a brain-dead carebear. Is possible sneaky bastard lying underneath, rubbing hands and chuckling?
Idukosan Hito
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2013-09-12 20:39:28 UTC
Yes my character is a 4 year old. I tried game before, doing the industry and mining, then short time in faction war. I found people here to be most rude in both cases so I stoped playing. I only have 15 millions skill points at this time. I came back to the game when I got email offering free time back, then payed PLEX to keep going. I enjoy the missions and not being in a player corp telling me what to do. Now this evil man is taking the game fun away from me again.
I do not post or read forums much because it is all hard for me to understand, but when Allahu Akbar Abudabie did this evil to me, I started to look to see if he had done it to others so I may assist them in bringing his bad days to an end. I finally see Alice Keeira post and realize what a bad person he is. This is the reason I will pay cost of war declaration and offer the bounty on the head of their dead players. Please do not enjoy being rude to me, rather find kindness in your hearts to help stop this person from keep destroying fun of the game for other players.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#55 - 2013-09-12 20:46:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Idukosan Hito wrote:
Yes my character is a 4 year old. I tried game before, doing the industry and mining, then short time in faction war. I found people here to be most rude in both cases so I stoped playing. I only have 15 millions skill points at this time. I came back to the game when I got email offering free time back, then payed PLEX to keep going. I enjoy the missions and not being in a player corp telling me what to do. Now this evil man is taking the game fun away from me again.
I do not post or read forums much because it is all hard for me to understand, but when Allahu Akbar Abudabie did this evil to me, I started to look to see if he had done it to others so I may assist them in bringing his bad days to an end. I finally see Alice Keeira post and realize what a bad person he is. This is the reason I will pay cost of war declaration and offer the bounty on the head of their dead players. Please do not enjoy being rude to me, rather find kindness in your hearts to help stop this person from keep destroying fun of the game for other players.
I wasn't being intentionally rude, I was merely pointing out that you were foolish enough to fall for a perfectly legal, well established, and well publicised method of killing people without Concord intervening. This mechanic has changed very little in the last 4 years, in fact the the only change is to his detriment, instead of him only being flagged for combat to you, and your corp if you're in a player corp, he's now flagged to everybody, including yourself, for 15 minutes.

For future reference, when someone steals your loot, while you can shoot at them without Concord intervening, it's rarely a good idea to do so. He wasn't being evil, he was playing the game in a way which he finds fun and is sanctioned by CCP. He wasn't exploiting game mechanics, he was exploiting your ignorance.

This is a multiplayer game, it is not a single player game. It's also a sandbox, which means that you are free to try and play the game as you want, and that other people are free to try and stop you from doing so, because that's the way they want to play.

If you find that unacceptable then I'm afraid Eve is not the game you are looking for, I suggest you wait for Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous and X-Rebirth.

Can I preemptively have your stuff?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Gallente Federation
#56 - 2013-09-12 21:26:18 UTC
Alice Keeira wrote:
They are crap PVPERS!! they have to gank miners to get kills.

If you're mining in highsec then obviously you're a crap miner.
Allahu Akbar Abudabie
#57 - 2013-09-12 21:32:46 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
l know this ganker. He tried to steal my mission Dominix. Send me the eve mail, so you can wardec this person, I will give you Intel you want free. You must promise to have him killed to recieve intel. Thankyou.

I have spent the last 3 months tracking you down and infiltrating your corp with a legion on strategically placed and highly trained spies. I will make you an offer and I will make it only once. If you pay me 50mil a week, at the end of the week, every week until the new year I will not kill you, I will not seek you out, and I will not destroy you. Choose wisely..
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#58 - 2013-09-13 00:36:36 UTC
Idukosan Hito wrote:
He came to my private mission without an invitation to fleet. This is exploit.Then he steal my loot so I ordered my federation navy sentry drones to kill him because this CONCORD allows. He used destroyer to kill my drones and somehow hardly was damaged at all. I suspect this is also exploit.
If any good hearted people play this game and can do good pvp please war declare this man and his corp. send me mail if you do this and I will pay the 50 millions the war declare cost. I will also pay 5 millions for the death of his corp and 10 Millions for the ganker death for long as war runs. I just bought faction repair module for my Dominix so all this is what I can offer at this time. Thank you in advance.

If you want revenge, you could join my corp and pay me to wardec them.

I'm usually pro-ganker, but for the right payment - upfront - I could help defend you and show you how it is done.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#59 - 2013-09-13 01:05:05 UTC
So many facepalms. Let's start with this.

He came to my private mission without an invitation to fleet. This is exploit


So, in a single paragraph, he:

  • Described being found at all as an exploit.

  • Admitted to using bling drones.

  • Described being able to fire at those bling drones as an exploit.

  • Puts up a pathetically low bounty-esque reward for the death of his aggressor.

  • Explains reason bounty is so low, is because just bought a new faction mod... thereby making him a more obvious target.

So, does anyone else infer from his grammar structure that he is ESL?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Yi-Ming Gren
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2013-09-13 01:34:10 UTC
Plastic Psycho wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Thanks for telling us about the faction modules, you can be sure somebody will be along to relieve you of them shortly.

I now wonder if we're not being carefully trolled and lured into an ambush? 4 year old Domi-flying alt coming accross like a brain-dead carebear. Is possible sneaky bastard lying underneath, rubbing hands and chuckling?

Would still be fun, and we would only be out a few ganking ships, I'll go. The possible fun alone is worth the ships. Big smile