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EFT v2.35 - Citadel

Kery Nysell
#1621 - 2013-09-07 18:02:57 UTC
Gripen wrote:
Kery Nysell wrote:
All skills are maxed, except Logistics at 4 and Sensor Linking at 4 ... you can check my skills by following the links in my signature

It would be easier if you localize source of discrepancy by comparing show info in EVE and EFT on every capacitor-consuming module and ship itself for capacitor-related values (capacitor capacity and capacitor recharge time for ship and activation cost and cycle duration for modules).

I did some more checking, everything is the same (cap use of modules, delta of -0.7 GJs/sec, etc), the only difference that I found was that EFT gives me a total capacitor capacity of 1723 GJs while EvE has 1722 GJs ... Rig effects check out too ...

Implants looks like they apply correctly both in EFT and EvE, but I haven't installed the test server version of EvE yet to try without implants and without thrashing my current setup.

And I still have a 2 mins 25 secs difference for cap life between EFT and EvE ... tried reinstalling EFT and updating my character's API too (yesterday, borked today).

I don't know what I can do ...

Here's a screenshot of the EFT window : [IMG][/IMG]

And one of my fitting window in EvE : [IMG][/IMG]


Domanique Altares
#1622 - 2013-09-07 21:36:28 UTC
Kery Nysell wrote:

Try this. Right click on a packaged Scythe hull in-game (or click the little blue info bubble on-market) and see how many seconds it lists for base cap regen. Then open a new bare Scythe hull fitting in EFT, leave it at no skills, and hover your mouse over the little cap battery icon, and see what it lists as base cap regen in seconds. I'm betting they disagree, same as my problem with the Celestis.
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#1623 - 2013-09-08 02:40:00 UTC
why is it on every ******* update I loose all my ship fittings it's ******* ridiculous.
Job Valador
Professional Amateurs
#1624 - 2013-09-08 14:38:34 UTC
Feffri wrote:
why is it on every ******* update I loose all my ship fittings it's ******* ridiculous.

Be happy you have this wonderful tool in the first place

"The stone exhibited a profound lack of movement."

Kery Nysell
#1625 - 2013-09-08 15:29:19 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Kery Nysell wrote:

Try this. Right click on a packaged Scythe hull in-game (or click the little blue info bubble on-market) and see how many seconds it lists for base cap regen. Then open a new bare Scythe hull fitting in EFT, leave it at no skills, and hover your mouse over the little cap battery icon, and see what it lists as base cap regen in seconds. I'm betting they disagree, same as my problem with the Celestis.

I just did that, both EFT and EvE show a base capacitor of 1250 GJs, the recharge time in EvE is 278,75 secs, and EFT rounds up the recharge time to 278.8 secs ...

That's not it I'm afraid.


Qumar Nuom
Clandestine Services
#1626 - 2013-09-08 17:56:19 UTC
Feffri wrote:
why is it on every ******* update I loose all my ship fittings it's ******* ridiculous.

Just extract the zip to a new folder and copy the setups folder from the old EFT for me
Relee Gaterau
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1627 - 2013-09-09 14:21:19 UTC
I've tried re-installing several times using both download options but no dice; the current version of EFT is missing most of the Iteron ships. I only see Iteron V. I was updating to see if I could handle my corp's crazy Battle Iteron, but I can't test it. I don't know what's going on, since their Battle Iteron was displayed in an EFT window.
Kery Nysell
#1628 - 2013-09-09 17:48:40 UTC
Relee Gaterau wrote:
I've tried re-installing several times using both download options but no dice; the current version of EFT is missing most of the Iteron ships. I only see Iteron V. I was updating to see if I could handle my corp's crazy Battle Iteron, but I can't test it. I don't know what's going on, since their Battle Iteron was displayed in an EFT window.

That's strange, I have the Nereus, Kryos, Epithal, Miasmos and Iteron Mark V showing without problems in the ship browser, under Industrials ... have you checked your faction filters ?


Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#1629 - 2013-09-09 17:51:17 UTC
Feffri wrote:
why is it on every ******* update I loose all my ship fittings it's ******* ridiculous.

You're clearly doing it wrong. How are you installing new updates?
Leon WinniTer
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1630 - 2013-09-09 20:48:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Leon WinniTer
Hi, all
Is there a way to see the size of the ore, PI, mineral bays in new industrial ships depending on character skills in EFT?
#1631 - 2013-09-09 21:19:27 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
triage module is perfectly changing max locked targets with T1/T2 triage on or off but siege modules don't

Yes, it's a known issue. To fix it I need to implement new type of effect as it does not used anywhere except triage module in EFT and I can't convince myself that it's worth it as it looks quite minor issue to me.

Car Pe Diem wrote:
EFT creates the file, the file is visible in the import window "File name" but when I click it, nothing shows on the right part "Please select".

I've tried exporting more of my fittings, it seems that only Prophecy is unwilling to make it into the game.

Can you upload xml file somewhere or post your Prophecy fit here for me to try to replicate this behavior?

Kery Nysell wrote:
I did some more checking, everything is the same (cap use of modules, delta of -0.7 GJs/sec, etc), the only difference that I found was that EFT gives me a total capacitor capacity of 1723 GJs while EvE has 1722 GJs ...

So everything matches except predicted capacitor time? Then it's probably because EFT averages module capacitor consumption while fitting screen ingame seems to use capacitor in bursts.

You can confirm this by undocking and checking actual running time by pumping station shields for example. If you enable all the modules at once you should get what EVE says while if you stagger module activations you'll probably get EFT predicted time.

Relee Gaterau wrote:
I've tried re-installing several times using both download options but no dice; the current version of EFT is missing most of the Iteron ships. I only see Iteron V. I was updating to see if I could handle my corp's crazy Battle Iteron, but I can't test it. I don't know what's going on, since their Battle Iteron was displayed in an EFT window.

You know that all Iterons except Mark V got new names recently, right?

Leon WinniTer wrote:
Is there a way to see the size of the ore, PI, mineral bays in new industrial ships depending on character skills in EFT?

Create setup for the ship and right-click somewhere in the list of setup modules/slots but outside of list items themselves, choose Show Info.
Jonn Smyth
#1632 - 2013-09-10 14:49:19 UTC
It looks like some of the changes to warfare link modifiers didn't make it to 2.20.1. Specifically, from the Odyssey 1.1 patch notes:

-Mindlink warfare link strength bonus reduced from +50% to +25%.
-The four Warfare Specialist skill bonus have been changed from the current 100% bonus per level (after the first level) to 20% bonus per level.

I'm still seeing the old values in the relevant Leadership skills and mindlink stats. Haven't checked anything else boosting-related.
Yabba Addict
Caldari State
#1633 - 2013-09-10 21:19:38 UTC
The genolution implants need to be updated, the second one is only a 40% bonus now
Drakken Lowenhertz
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1634 - 2013-09-10 23:53:05 UTC
I'm currently seeing EHP in EFT being higher than it's in game equivalent. Using the latest version of EFT and my char import is fully up to date. Is anyone else seeing this? if not can you think of anything i've done to cause this?
Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#1635 - 2013-09-11 05:49:31 UTC
Drakken Lowenhertz wrote:
I'm currently seeing EHP in EFT being higher than it's in game equivalent. Using the latest version of EFT and my char import is fully up to date. Is anyone else seeing this? if not can you think of anything i've done to cause this?

EFT uses the set up damage profile (normally just omni 25%/25%/25%/25 damage) while the EVE fitting screen uses your least resistance with 100% damage.

You should get the same values, when you switch to singe type damage in EFT using the least of your resitances
Drakken Lowenhertz
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1636 - 2013-09-11 11:37:44 UTC
Rhianna Ghost wrote:
Drakken Lowenhertz wrote:
I'm currently seeing EHP in EFT being higher than it's in game equivalent. Using the latest version of EFT and my char import is fully up to date. Is anyone else seeing this? if not can you think of anything i've done to cause this?

EFT uses the set up damage profile (normally just omni 25%/25%/25%/25 damage) while the EVE fitting screen uses your least resistance with 100% damage.

You should get the same values, when you switch to singe type damage in EFT using the least of your resitances

Thanks for that info, I should have seen that one in the FAQ. Does that mean with an unfitted ship the in game fitting would use EM for the shield then explosive for the armor or does it use the average lowest across the two?

Also seeing that at base hull resist reads as 100% and the effects of a DCU is subracted from this although EHP for hull seems to be working fine.
Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#1637 - 2013-09-11 13:26:19 UTC
Drakken Lowenhertz wrote:

Thanks for that info, I should have seen that one in the FAQ. Does that mean with an unfitted ship the in game fitting would use EM for the shield then explosive for the armor or does it use the average lowest across the two?

Also seeing that at base hull resist reads as 100% and the effects of a DCU is subracted from this although EHP for hull seems to be working fine.

Weighted Average, so the one damage type that gives you the least EHP over all.

bnk slo
#1638 - 2013-09-12 06:19:40 UTC
Hi, first of all thx for the tool Gripen.

Then a question.
Is anybody else missing Jump Fuel Conservation in the Navigation tree ?

Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#1639 - 2013-09-12 09:07:07 UTC
I'm trying to get the download for the EFT program atm. Second attempt atm to get the email to accept my details so I can actually download the program but I haven't received an email in my inbox yet. Cry
Hiigaran Kharak Imperium
#1640 - 2013-09-12 18:50:49 UTC
Took 3 months off the game, came back and love that EFT still works great. One minor request that I believe I've mentioned, and is still occasionally asked for.

Could we get Navy & Pirate ships moved into faction tab?

Battleships, Cruisers, Frigates and Limited Issue ships all have particularly long lists. It's not a major thing, but since all modules have been split into standard, faction (which includes both navy & pirate), deadspace and officer. Possibly get ships to follow the same?

So in the case of battleships, the 2 navy ships for each + the pirate battleships, that moves a total of 13 ships over to faction. Leaving the 12 standard ships in the standard list.

And for the people who will undoubtedly mention "just drag the list up to see more at once" yes I have done that. This request is more for efficiency, and speed fitting purposes than for any real need. By getting a rough 30-50% reduction in how many ships are in the ship list, you can have a reasonable size window for top (menu) and bottom (actual modules/ships). If one window, or the other has to be over sized, it lowers how fast you can flip through the menus and speed fit a ship. Right now my module window is more than large enough, I never ever have to scroll up/down to find any module of nearly any type. But when I go to pick a ship, particularly one of the above 4 classes, I do have to scroll if I want a pirate faction ship. By sorting them over to faction tab, it's much faster to click Battleship/Faction/Bhaalgorn. Minimize ship type list, and then start on modules.

That aside, still +1 from me Gripen. If you take this into account, sweet sh*t. If you dont, still awesome we've lived with it since you first made EFT, we can continue to do so.